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02/16/2015 11:12 PM (UTC)
class="forumQuote">WeaponTheory Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

Denizen Wrote:
Indeed, the story will always be not taken seriously, as I have said before, characters coming back to life and death becoming meaningless don't necessarily have to be the same thing, it's all about the stakes.

Could you please tell me those stakes?

I mean what can netherrealm studios tell us next that will make us feel a sense of threat?

Death at this point is like a roller coaster ride, Enter here, Exist here and enjoy your day.

I don't know man... you might be right. there can be stakes I guess but I just can't think of any to be honest.

I agree with you, it's not always easy, but there are ways to make it work. I believe the main focus should be that "death" brings something significant to the table, like changes in a character that consequently have some impact in the overall story. I say this because they have done it before. For example:

Raiden "died" in MK Deception's intro, only to resurrect almost immediately, but he got corrupted in the process, his death had meaning in the sense that it allowed Dark Raiden to be born, this transformation had impact in the story and other characters, like Lui Kang, whose character got completely changed by death, he didn't return unscathed, he was a murderous rotting corpse, a very drastic change that makes you remember he died. Other example is Noob, and how his death was a catalyst for Kuai Liang participating on the next tournament, and even if this new Sub-Zero is a redeemed Bi Han, his death still wasn't meaningless because it is what eventually caused Kuai Liang transformation and ultimately his demise.

So the potential alterations in a character personality, allegiance and appearance brought up by death can be considered stakes. That, coupled with the possibility of the character not returning in the next title, can make death a relevant plot device, not devoid of any meaning.

Which is why I hope Kitana and Kung Lao's resurrection can involve some kind of price or cause some impact to the story, otherwise is just bad writing, imo. It only shows lack foresight from NRS, after they decided to kill them in MK9.
02/16/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
class="forumQuote">WeaponTheory Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

Denizen Wrote:
Indeed, the story will always be not taken seriously, as I have said before, characters coming back to life and death becoming meaningless don't necessarily have to be the same thing, it's all about the stakes.

Could you please tell me those stakes?

I mean what can netherrealm studios tell us next that will make us feel a sense of threat?

Death at this point is like a roller coaster ride, Enter here, Exist here and enjoy your day.

I don't know man... you might be right. there can be stakes I guess but I just can't think of any to be honest.

I agree with you, it's not always easy, but there are ways to make it work. I believe the main focus should be that "death" brings something significant to the table, like changes in a character that consequently have some impact in the overall story. I say this because they have done it before. For example:

Raiden "died" in MK Deception's intro, only to resurrect almost immediately, but he got corrupted in the process, his death had meaning in the sense that it allowed Dark Raiden to be born, this transformation had impact in the story and other characters, like Lui Kang, whose character got completely changed by death, he didn't return unscathed, he was a murderous rotting corpse, a very drastic change that makes you remember he died. Other example is Noob, and how his death was a catalyst for Kuai Liang participating on the next tournament, and even if this new Sub-Zero is a redeemed Bi Han, his death still wasn't meaningless because it is what eventually caused Kuai Liang transformation and ultimately his demise.

So the potential alterations in a character personality, allegiance and appearance brought up by death can be considered stakes. That, coupled with the possibility of the character not returning in the next title, can make death a relevant plot device, not devoid of any meaning.

Which is why I hope Kitana and Kung Lao's resurrection can involve some kind of price or cause some impact to the story, otherwise is just bad writing, imo. It only shows lack foresight from NRS, after they decided to kill them in MK9.

Lol dude I feel like you are the only person who understood me on this situation.

Of course death will always be there and since it's a work of fiction, they'll most likely bring famous character who die back.

But why not bring them back with good writing?

Give consequence to their death like the examples you gave.

Raiden = Dark Raiden.

Bi-Han = Noob-Saibot.

Liu Kang = Zombie Liu Kang.

I agree with all the points you made and I think they should show a price that gets paid for the dead characters to come back.

Or an aftermath that matters and shows that Death does have consequence.

Which brings me back to what I said before.

Bringing dead characters back without consequence or reason = Bad writing.

Bringing dead characters back with consequence or reason = Good writing.

That's what I was talking about this whole time and finally someone understood exactly what I meant.

Not like that kid who took what I said as "Wah Wah I Don't want dead characters back Wah Wah"

02/17/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
the whole fantasy of the MK universe is that it's governed by dark magic where death is merely taken as an embarrassing punishment on the weakened and defeated character.

Death should not be taken in the literal sense of the word, it's not our "reality". It's the magic that surrounds this whole story that allows a twisted way of the fighters establishing their "battle mark" on those they have defeated.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/17/2015 12:43 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Why are you not a writer at NRS?

I can't write. sad

Gillbob316 Wrote:
The second one is essentially just a new twist on the clone BS...

Shao Khan died, oops it was a clone.
Shinnok died, oops it was a clone.
Shang Tsung died, they put his ghost into a clone body.

But this time the idea is to actually make the clone the MAIN Kitana!? And like, pretend she's the same? And you think that's GOOD idea!?

Better to me than what's most likely going to happen in the story of MKX.

Raiden strikes deal with Quan Chi
Team NetherRealm loses
"Oh noes, muh souls!".
Quan Chi gives Raiden the finger before snagging a few and running away with it while the rest of the cast is revived, because y'know, some characters have to stay dead for "REASONS".
And that's the End of Chapter 2.

This Kitana, to me, seems different than the Kitana we knew. Perhaps it's the whole "I was dead, now I'm back, and I want vengeance" (Hi Scorpion).
But not to me, her tone of voice doesn't give that vibe to me.
Or maybe they just want to give Kitana a tone of voice to fit her what we should had already been got, Assassin persona.
So a Kitana clone with a serious personality (due to a cloning mishap?) is a....hold on, let me repeat what you said.

Gillbob316 Wrote:
a new twist

We could have a whole game or two with this possible and more serious Kitana. Which could lead to more history for this character at that, now that the franchise is rebooted.

Gillbob316 Wrote:
Meanwhile, Kitana prime is in the afterlife (which is well established as existing in MK) going dafuq?

C'mon, man.

#Kitana&JadeAfterLife4eva yo.


It's a fail-safe idea.

At any time, the writers can just bullshit and have Raiden zap her soul to the clone's body...of course with reason.

Like, I dunno...new Kitana eventually goes SindelQueenBitch status and gets power hungry, Edenia is in the shitter.
Soul Kitana is like "okay, fug this, be me and kill bad guys, fine. But now you're becoming them! I gotta go Jade waifu, muh ppl needs me".
Soul Kitana fights clone.
Clone is defeated.
"Give me this body back. Zap me in, Raiden!".

Bam. Kitana back now.

I dunno, I think it would add an interesting quick chapter to the rebooted Kitana history.

She dies. A clone with a serious personality takes her place. Gives her death a more impact?


She dies, gets resurrected, she's pissed. We Scorpion now. (sorta)

Gillbob316 Wrote:<
You're acting like the act of sidestepping an actual death and resurrection automatically makes it a better story. In a canon where death and resurrection have already proven to be possible.

We do not need extra Kung Laos and Kitanas running around. That is not a better solution.

Just a thought man, just a thought.

All I'm saying is have the characters return with style.
Sure, kill the characters off for story sake. But if they go for a simple ass resurrection cop-out, after the reaction of the revealing of Kung Lao and Kitana, we're probably never gonna hear the end of it.
02/17/2015 02:27 PM (UTC)
NRS only seem to listen to the same neck bearded nostalgia freaks who dont want the game to progress and constantly want mk trilogy re-skinned though, NRS dont have the balls or imagination to progress with the series, and it will die just like it did under midway...
02/17/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
akuaaron Wrote:
NRS only seem to listen to the same neck bearded nostalgia freaks who dont want the game to progress and constantly want mk trilogy re-skinned though, NRS dont have the balls or imagination to progress with the series, and it will die just like it did under midway...

I am sick to freaking death of people saying MKX is going to be, "Another trilogy re-skin"

For the purposes of simplicity, when I did these totals, Sub-Zero (whether Bi-Han or Kuan Liang) was counted as an MK1 character, wheras Noob was counted as an MK2 character. Noob-Smoke was counted as 2 seperate returning characters in MKD, Thus Ferra and Torr were also counted seperately in MKX (seems only fair). Guests were not counted. Same character variants (such as Classic or Cyber Sub) were not counted.

(If my numbers are off by 1 or 2 I apologize, but I'm doing this at work. They should be mostly correct. :P)

- MK4: 8 New characters, 8 MK1 characters, 2 MK2 characters and 0 MK3 characters (MKG added 4 MK2 and 2 MK3)
- MKDA: 11 New characters, 8 MK1 characters, 3 MK2 characters, 1 MK3 character and 1 MK4 character (MKTE Added 1 MK2, 1 Mk3 and 1 more New)
- MKD: 9 New characters, 4 MK1 characters, 5 MK2 characters, 4 MK3 characters, 1 MK4 character and 3 MKDA characters (Updates added 1 MK1, 3 MK2 and 2 MKDA)
- MKA: Had everyone. YES that includes the 32 Original MKT characters, but also includes 31 post MKT characters (Almost even. Shocking!)
- MK9: Is thus far the only game that comes close to a "Reskinned Trilogy" ... which you'd think wouldn't be a problem since it's a remake of the trilogy (duh). From MKT, it lost Chameleon, Khameleon & Motaro and gained Quan Chi, Kenshi and Skarlet.
- MKX: Thus far 5 New characters, 5 MK1 characters, 3 MK2 characters, 1 MK3 character and 1 MK4 character with plenty yet to be announced.

No single game thus far has had more returning characters from any one previous chapter than it has new characters. New characters have always exceeded or matched returning characters from any given previous chapter.

Yes, they've had more COMBINED returning characters than new ones, but in that scenario you're stacking between 3 and 7 games worth up against one. How is that fair?

If anything, the MK1 roster is favored NOT the MKT roster. MK3 characters are actually almost as overlooked as later sequels, with the exception of Cyrax and Ermac.

The 3D games introduced EXACTLY the same number of characters as the 2D era. 32 each. (31 in MK4-MKA + Skarlet)

Deadly Alliance had the most new characters with 11 (12 with Sareena), yet people constantly tear that game (and those characters) down. Why would NRS be eager to try that again considering how well it went over?

Conversely, MK9 had the least new characters with 1, and was a raving success. Yet people act like that's something they should just ignore.

In any event, can we please stop pretending that every damn sequel is a "Re-skinned Trilogy" ... each one (barring MKA and MK9, which are obvious exceptions by design) has roughly a dozen returning characters. 12 of the 32 Trilogy characters does not amount to every game being a friggin' Trilogy remake. That just means the developers aren't stupid enough to completely abandon the familiar stars of their franchise, as some would claim they should.

MKX hasn't even reached a dozen MKT characters yet. I'm sure it will, but it hasn't, yet people have their panties in a wad already. Still, we already know some of the yet-to-be announced characters will be 3D Era or New characters also.

Can we all please calm the hell down and stop pretending this game is an MK9 or MKT remake just because it has a healthy amount of returning characters. This is nothing new, nor is it reason to dismiss the game before it's even released.

If you want a game that's just Scorpion and a couple dozen new faces, perhaps you should play Injustice. tongue
02/17/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 thank you for saying that. I never understood why people thought NRS cared more for MKTrilogy characters because that game had a remake. MK3 had characters who didn't make later games (ex.Styker and Sheeva), and every game after it had characters who didn't make later games. Similarly, there were new MK3 characters who made returns, and every game after it had characters who returned in a later game (ex.Tanya and Li Mei).
02/17/2015 05:43 PM (UTC)
well according to previous MK games, NO death doesn't matter. If the MKX series makes the deaths matter and is going to introduce new characters for the next generation then I hope deaths do count, even if I lose my favorite character; Kano! But i for one would like not all veterans to die, so can come back and be mentors to the Next generation
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02/17/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
It's not that NRS wants to make Trilogy re-skin Games, they clearly don't want that, they want change and progression, is just a very vocal group of fans that wants to buy the same thing everytime a new tittle gets announced, fortunately, their cries get largely ignored half the time, so it's ok.
02/18/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
akuaaron Wrote:
NRS only seem to listen to the same neck bearded nostalgia freaks who dont want the game to progress and constantly want mk trilogy re-skinned though, NRS dont have the balls or imagination to progress with the series, and it will die just like it did under midway...

You're so fucking wrong.
Historical Favorite
02/18/2015 11:27 AM (UTC)
akuaaron Wrote:
NRS only seem to listen to the same neck bearded nostalgia freaks who dont want the game to progress and constantly want mk trilogy re-skinned though, NRS dont have the balls or imagination to progress with the series, and it will die just like it did under midway...

Yeah, about that. MK didn't die under Midway. Quite the opposite, MK was the only thing keeping Midway afloat toward the end. Shockingly, people weren't breaking down Gamestop's doors to buy Dr. Muto
02/18/2015 11:34 AM (UTC)
really? People gave a fuck about MKA?

Look I'm just tired of the same shit, the same roster, we got the trilogy era re-skinned with mk9....if you want that, play that, it don't have to be done again.....
02/18/2015 12:38 PM (UTC)
It won't.
It doesn't.
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'Your soul is MINE!'

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02/18/2015 03:11 PM (UTC)
Gillbobs story on page 2 really made me laugh :)

The Neatherrealm almost seems like an unemployment agency haha
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