Death mattering in MKX, will it? Does it?
posted02/18/2015 03:11 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/13/2015 01:35 PM (UTC)
So I was just wondering, why should death matter in mkx?

Why should we care kotals father died, and why should we care if anyone dies in MKX?

The reason I say this is because of every one who died coming back...It really destroys the purpose of having them die to further the story and inject new blood...

I mean if they are just going to resurrect everyone why kill anyone?

It really bugs me the dead are returning as I took NRS word that they killed them off to clean the slate and and allow the next gen...Now with so many slots going to dead weight the 90s trilogy freaks cant let go of, I fear we have less chances for many fresh faces an returning 3d era people.

So why now, after shitting on the mk9 story, an brining back the dead with a shitty cop out rez plot, is anyone to care if any one dies in mkx, when we know at any point they can come back through being rezed?

I feel this stupid gimmick about death not mattering needs to end... its not the 90s any more story matters.
02/16/2015 12:05 PM (UTC)
I agree, the dead should have stayed dead for good.
02/16/2015 12:16 PM (UTC)
akuaaron Wrote:
So I was just wondering, why should death matter in mkx?

Why should we care kotals father died, and why should we care if anyone dies in MKX?

The reason I say this is because of every one who died coming back...It really destroys the purpose of having them die to further the story and inject new blood...

I mean if they are just going to resurrect everyone why kill anyone?

It really bugs me the dead are returning as I took NRS word that they killed them off to clean the slate and and allow the next gen...Now with so many slots going to dead weight the 90s trilogy freaks cant let go of, I fear we have less chances for many fresh faces an returning 3d era people.

So why now, after shitting on the mk9 story, an brining back the dead with a shitty cop out rez plot, is anyone to care if any one dies in mkx, when we know at any point they can come back through being rezed?

I feel this stupid gimmick about death not mattering needs to end... its not the 90s any more story matters.

I agree with you but I don't agree with you.

For me death doesn't really matter in MKX, they made it cheap as hell.

So I agree with you about that, doesn't matter who I see die in the story I will be like "Yeah whatever they'll comeback in the next game"

Should it matter?

Yes it should but NRS shitty writers made it not matter.

And I know some people will be like, Ohhh MK was always about resurrections and shit, Characters can comeback from death.

I strongly disagree, first back then there wasn't a lot of deaths going on in the story like now and back then when a character died he turned into a different character, they evolved.

Now it's just a shitty move that nobody will care about, MKX Story will end up being a story that nobody will care about because there is no sense of danger...

Ohhh look the warriors are going to die.

Ohhh look the earth is at risk again and almost everybody will die.

Ohhh look Raiden is going to screw things up again.

and everybody will be like Ohhhhh look a story that nobody cares about.

Blockbuster movie within a game my ass. Story for me at least doesn't have a sense of threat,danger or risk.

I'm not saying let the dead characters stay dead forever.

But at least let them stay dead for a while so we can miss them.

Now with Jax and Sonya coming back this shit will suck ass(Storywise).

Why bring Sonya when you already have her daughter?

and before somebody says I'm not a fan of Sonya or I hate Sonya that's why I'm saying this.

Sonya is one of my favorite characters and one of my mains in MK9.

But this "Next gen" Game seems to be infested with a lot of "Old gen" faces.
02/16/2015 12:50 PM (UTC)
In short. Nope.


Fighting game. People come back all the time. Narrative driven game, the narrative matters and so does death.
02/16/2015 01:07 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
In short. Nope.


Fighting game. People come back all the time. Narrative driven game, the narrative matters and so does death.

Yeah but that's the point.

NRS said they are a game that focus on the story just as much as they focus on gameplay.

even Shuan Himmreck or however you say his name, said.

"It's like a blockbuster movie within a game"

Well let me tell you something, it's a shitty blockbuster movie.
02/16/2015 01:15 PM (UTC)
1) Death matters for certain minor characters. Agent Beran died in the mk2 comic book, and never came back. Other examples are Sheeva and Motaro after mk3. They came back in mk:armageddon only because Midway promised to bring back all the previous characters. Motaro wasn't even included in the original project, but was putted in just for fan request.
Which brngs me to point number 2.

2) Classic characters are more cash cows to milk than 3d era ones. It is not even debatable. The success that games like the original Three games, Trilogy, mk vs dcu and mk9 it's the proof.
MK mythologies introduced a lot of interesting characters, Shinnok and Sareena being two of my favourites ever, but the game sold way less than expected. Rain wasn't supposed to make the cut in mk9 and Tanya and Fujin were the first choices as Dlc. Due to fan request Rain was in instead of them.
It's impossible to write a good story when the key factor for choosing a character over another it's the fanbase rather than functionality to the plot itself.
That 's why certain characters will die and come back
All the time.

3)mk online, test your might, inside mk, Total mortal kombat, mk secrets, the kombat tether and so on are like the 1% of the whole fanbase. Maybe 2% but no bigger than that.
The average Joe Doe will get the game only if sub - zero, Scorpion and Johnny Cage are in the game. The reason is simple : those characters appeared in movies, gadgets, merchandising, comic books. Who the fuck knows who' s Hotaru outside the mk die hard fans?

4)The remaining 98% is equally divided into arcade nostalgics that basically played only the first Three games and firmly believe that anything post mk3 is pure shit (even if they never saw a gameplay video of them) and the new born, growing competitive community which, usually, doesn't give a shit about story, deaths and resurrections. To be honest they expect their "main"
To be playable in every game. After all, the remaining fighting games franchises follow this route. Have you ever seen a Street Fighter game without Sagat, Chun Li and Guile? Yes, It was SF3 and despite being the greatest 2d fighter ever it sold like shit and Capcom released an improved version. Have you seen a DoA game without Jan Lee and Bayman? Yes, Death beach Volley or whatever was named that mess.
Have you ever seen a Virtua Fighter without Jacky?
A soul calibur without Voldo? A King of Fighters without Iori?

It's hard creating a storyline where you are FORCED to use the same characters over and over.
Kudos to John Vogel which made a great job despite the limits and all the shit he swallowed since Armageddon.
02/16/2015 01:41 PM (UTC)
It's basic comic book logic. If Superman dies he likely wont stay that way. Its been like that for decades and is far from exclusive to MK.

People have this exact argument about characters like Professor X and Wolverine dying. I hate bitching about shit, so I'm of the mentality that a character isn't killed to get rid of that character. A character is killed to create new stories.

If you don't like that perpective, that's cool. But expect to be unhappy with comics/MK a LOT.
02/16/2015 01:44 PM (UTC)
yeah, sonya and jax being it drive me insane, jax needs to go, I mean do they really need a jive as black guy that badly, that they have to continuously force this heap of shit into the game for the sake of political correctness? I mean is there no way they could of used forest fox? He was far more interesting then jax....

the only ones returning should have been he survivors.....the rest all new and mk4 and beyond who are relevant, no shit like bo rai cho, darrrius, etc etc...

We really need some good red dragon people for a start...
02/16/2015 01:53 PM (UTC)
akuaaron Wrote:
yeah, sonya and jax being it drive me insane, jax needs to go, I mean do they really need a jive as black guy that badly, that they have to continuously force this heap of shit into the game for the sake of political correctness? I mean is there no way they could of used forest fox? He was far more interesting then jax....

the only ones returning should have been he survivors.....the rest all new and mk4 and beyond who are relevant, no shit like bo rai cho, darrrius, etc etc...

We really need some good red dragon people for a start...
I wish they'd use Kai instead of Jax *sigh* , but anyway yea it doesn't matter , it doesn't matter so much the world ended because no one stayed dead .
02/16/2015 01:54 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
It's basic comic book logic. If Superman dies he likely wont stay that way. Its been like that for decades and is far from exclusive to MK.

People have this exact argument about characters like Professor X and Wolverine dying. I hate bitching about shit, so I'm of the mentality that a character isn't killed to get rid of that character. A character is killed to create new stories.

If you don't like that perpective, that's cool. But expect to be unhappy with comics/MK a LOT.

We know or should I say I know that it isn't exclusive to MK. That's pretty obvious to be honest.

that's not my problem, my problem is them saying the story is just as important as the gameplay and yet the story has not sense of danger.

It's obvious that characters will comeback sooner or later we all know that, but we are saying at least let these characters sit one game out.

I stopped reading superhero comics a long long time ago. when I grew two brain cells.

meaning I stopped reading them at the age of 5.

Even then I knew there was no sense of danger, the story became stale because I knew the ending.

I don't want this to happen to MK even though it probably will/already happened.

Also just because they keep bringing superman back doesn't mean this should be a rule for comic books/TV Shows.

I have watched a couple of movies where death does matter and there is no way back from it.

So it's no excuse, it's called bad writing to bring dead characters back in my opinion.

It's actually very sad that a writer has to resort to shock value that doesn't have any value.

Either way, MK has lost any sense of danger. It doesn't matter what happens next in the story, you'll never feel there are any stakes.
02/16/2015 01:59 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
It's basic comic book logic. If Superman dies he likely wont stay that way. Its been like that for decades and is far from exclusive to MK.

People have this exact argument about characters like Professor X and Wolverine dying. I hate bitching about shit, so I'm of the mentality that a character isn't killed to get rid of that character. A character is killed to create new stories.

If you don't like that perpective, that's cool. But expect to be unhappy with comics/MK a LOT.

This man...FUCKING THIS, this guy knows what the fuck he is talking about...preach it my brother preach it!

02/16/2015 02:07 PM (UTC)
In the MK lore, after you die your soul transcends. Whether it goes to Heaven, Nethrrealm, absorbed by someone, or just wandering around all depends on the story. It would be bad writing to say "Whelp, _____ died so he shouldn't ever be involved again." We know what happens to people who die in the MK world, and the characters journey continues after it. It's not "____ is gone forever" because what happens to their soul? Souls are pivotal to MK. It's "_____ died and their soul has gone to _____." In MK9 we saw people die and their souls were gathered by Quan Chi. Then what? Apparently, Kitana and Kung Lao had their souls put back into a body somehow. Stryker's soul might have gone to the Heavens. Does death mean the same in MK as it does in reality? No. Does death matter? Yes. It is a story point just the same as the tournament and realms.
02/16/2015 02:16 PM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
In the MK lore, after you die your soul transcends. Whether it goes to Heaven, Nethrrealm, absorbed by someone, or just wandering around all depends on the story. It would be bad writing to say "Whelp, _____ died so he shouldn't ever be involved again." We know what happens to people who die in the MK world, and the characters journey continues after it. It's not "____ is gone forever" because what happens to their soul? Souls are pivotal to MK. It's "_____ died and their soul has gone to _____." In MK9 we saw people die and their souls were gathered by Quan Chi. Then what? Apparently, Kitana and Kung Lao had their souls put back into a body somehow. Stryker's soul might have gone to the Heavens. Does death mean the same in MK as it does in reality? No. Does death matter? Yes. It is a story point just the same as the tournament and realms.

Explain to me how it mattered?

Jax is back
Kung Lao is back
Kitana is back

I'm also 100% sure they are not the only characters that came back.

and they look exactly the same as before they died(Not talking about design, talking about them being human with no new powers or anything)

When Bi-Han died it mattered because he turned into noob-saibot, he changed and evolved.

But I would love to hear from you how it mattered that those characters died?
02/16/2015 02:21 PM (UTC)
even Shuan Himmreck or however you say his name, said.

"It's like a blockbuster movie within a game"

Well let me tell you something, it's a shitty blockbuster movie.

That was Steve Beran not Shaun Himmerick.

Sorry just had to correct you, anyways continue whining about a game you haven't played yet.
02/16/2015 02:26 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
even Shuan Himmreck or however you say his name, said.

"It's like a blockbuster movie within a game"

Well let me tell you something, it's a shitty blockbuster movie.

That was Steve Beran not Shaun Himmerick.

Sorry just had to correct you, anyways continue whining about a game you haven't played yet.

like it matters what his name is.

You are right, I have not played the game yet or seen the full story.

therefore I can't really say everything I said.

but let me ask you a simple question.

Would you really feel a sense of danger while playing the story?

If someone dies, would it matter?
02/16/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
Let's ask Jade fans
02/16/2015 02:40 PM (UTC)
Well I think its just stupid, why have story mode, and call it as being an epic block buster, I mean imagine if no death in game of thrones mattered?

Its the same thing...Its fucking dumb NRS need to grow up.

We already have the classics, when they announced everyone upto that OP piece of shit kung lao, I thought they were stickin to the guns an leaving the mk9 dead, then KL an kitana came

an the way things are shapping up with mileena, baraka would have been far more interesting than fucking jax, sonya, kung lao or kitana....ANd dont even get me started on bringing that worthlessly bland sack of shit liu kang back...why? Just why? hahaha

02/16/2015 02:49 PM (UTC)
akuaaron Wrote:
Well I think its just stupid, why have story mode, and call it as being an epic block buster, I mean imagine if no death in game of thrones mattered?

Its the same thing...Its fucking dumb NRS need to grow up.

We already have the classics, when they announced everyone upto that OP piece of shit kung lao, I thought they were stickin to the guns an leaving the mk9 dead, then KL an kitana came

an the way things are shapping up with mileena, baraka would have been far more interesting than fucking jax, sonya, kung lao or kitana....ANd dont even get me started on bringing that worthlessly bland sack of shit liu kang back...why? Just why? hahaha

Calm down.

You're that guy who hates Reptiles fatality right?
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

02/16/2015 02:55 PM (UTC)
Its all fun and games until your favorite character goes bye-bye and bites the dust forever and then you'll be whining about how they're not in games anymore.

I remember when Scorpion wasn't in MK3 the outrage was large. Why lose your community over a death of a character?
02/16/2015 02:55 PM (UTC)
It's a fighting game, that's always going to be first.

in my opinion NRS puts more into the story than any other fight game out there.

But they are always going to bring back the popular fighters, because it's a fight game first.

Look at it like a horror movie, at the end of Friday the 13th jason dies in the next movie guess who's back, same for Michael Myers in Halloween, Freddy in Nightmare on Elm Street, ect...

You're in titled to your opinion and you don't have to like it, but that's just how it's going to be.
02/16/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)

By your own condecending logic, you must still have only two brain cells because death has been treated the same in MK since the 90's. You stopped reading comics because of a certain reason that you have ignored for decades in MK? Kay.

You really just admitted to being either an illogical fanboy or a hypocrite. It's fine that you are those things, as long as you're aware of it.
I wonder who confirmed Jax?
02/16/2015 03:03 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
In the MK lore, after you die your soul transcends. Whether it goes to Heaven, Nethrrealm, absorbed by someone, or just wandering around all depends on the story. It would be bad writing to say "Whelp, _____ died so he shouldn't ever be involved again." We know what happens to people who die in the MK world, and the characters journey continues after it. It's not "____ is gone forever" because what happens to their soul? Souls are pivotal to MK. It's "_____ died and their soul has gone to _____." In MK9 we saw people die and their souls were gathered by Quan Chi. Then what? Apparently, Kitana and Kung Lao had their souls put back into a body somehow. Stryker's soul might have gone to the Heavens. Does death mean the same in MK as it does in reality? No. Does death matter? Yes. It is a story point just the same as the tournament and realms.

Explain to me how it mattered?

Jax is back
Kung Lao is back
Kitana is back

I'm also 100% sure they are not the only characters that came back.

and they look exactly the same as before they died(Not talking about design, talking about them being human with no new powers or anything)

When Bi-Han died it mattered because he turned into noob-saibot, he changed and evolved.

But I would love to hear from you how it mattered that those characters died?

Because Quan Chi used their souls against the heroes in the Netherrealm war would be my guess. It gives the heroes like Johnny and Sonya a lot more motivation and emotional attachment than they had in MK4. All them coming back proves is that somehow Quan Chi loses their souls and they get put back into bodies. Death is a plot point.

Do the different realms matter? You can just move from one to another. So what's the point of merging the realms? They, like death, are means to continue the story and cause the certain events the writers want to happen. The MK afterlife lore is to well established to just say "he died. The end." Dying in MK means your soul transcends to somewhere. That somewhere and what happens to it are apart of a character's story. We know what happened to the souls of who died in MK9, and we get to find out what happened to them afterwards in MKX. They didn't magically disappear or get destroyed in some way. Bi-Han died and turned into Noob because of what happened to his soul. What happens to the dead of MK9's souls hasn't been shown. We only know they come back.

Was it meaningless for Andy Dufresne to go to Shawshank? He is free in the end.

MK doesn't use death as a permanent end. They use it to continue a character's story, and the lore they have created allows them to do that logically. So as an event for them and others is how their deaths mattered. Johnny and Sonya (others too I would imagine) had a journey and developments to their character because of the deaths, so did the characters who died.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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02/16/2015 03:06 PM (UTC)
No it doesn't matter.

But I wish it would be used as a tool to give spotlight characters a break between games, leaving room for the underused faces to get a chance at some more development/spotlight, while making for more opportunities and a more impactful return once they decide to pick up their story again.

02/16/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:

By your own condecending logic, you must still have only two brain cells because death has been treated the same in MK since the 90's. You stopped reading comics because of a certain reason that you have ignored for decades in MK? Kay.

You really just admitted to being either an illogical fanboy or a hypocrite. It's fine that you are those things, as long as you're aware of it.

First I hate it when forums are filled with 3 year old kids like you who can't type right.

It's condescending, not condecending.

second of all, no need to get all hostile, I specifically said "In my opinion" because I know there are a lot of kids like you out there who start crying when someone disagrees with them.

I'm a fan of mortal kombat but not a fanboy because that requires someone like you, someone who doesn't have two brain cells to rub together.

I'm sorry because I don't just accept the shit that's handed to me, if I see something wrong I point it out.

Unlike you, I even have a strange feeling that you'd eat shit as long as it's given to you by someone you love.

I didn't want to take this argument in an aggressive manner but since you seem to be hostile towards me for some reason, I'm not going to stand down and just let you talk trash like that.

Playing MK and being Invested in the story are two different things.

there is gameplay and there is story.

I was interested in MK1-MK4 story but then when Mileena was brought back I was a little worried. I still wanted to know what happens next but I wasn't really that interested.

I love MK it's a great fighting game.

doesn't mean I have to like the story or ignore things that are obviously wrong in it.

I just pointed it out that I think the story could be a lot better if they had those character sit at least one game out or maybe change something in their appearance or gameplay.

Dunno why you got mad about that though... It seems you are truly a person who doesn't have two brain cells to rub together...
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