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02/09/2015 05:25 AM (UTC)
I hope both will be in. But I have the feeling only Cyrax will make it. They need some popular characters for the DLC to sell well so I think Sektor will be a good candidate.
02/09/2015 05:30 AM (UTC)
Nah no more cyborgs they were only ever introduced to try and move away from the human ninjas and we all know what a great success that was MK3 was terrible and was rapidly followed up by UMK3 and MKT (both great games) which had more ninjas then ever!!! Hopefully subzero and smoke (human) wipe out the cyborg initiative and rebuild the Lin kuei with all human ninjas again cyborgs have had their time and they failed to replace the iconic human ninjas of mortal kombat so I say no more human sub zero and human smoke are all the playable Lin kuei members we need in this game!
02/09/2015 05:35 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Nah no more cyborgs they were only ever introduced to try and move away from the human ninjas and we all know what a great success that was MK3 was terrible and was rapidly followed up by UMK3 and MKT (both great games) which had more ninjas then ever!!! Hopefully subzero and smoke (human) wipe out the cyborg initiative and rebuild the Lin kuei with all human ninjas again cyborgs have had their time and they failed to replace the iconic human ninjas of mortal kombat so I say no more human sub zero and human smoke are all the playable Lin kuei members we need in this game!

Just because the Cyber-Initiative failed doesn't mean that Sektor and Cyrax should just be forgotten about.

02/09/2015 05:41 AM (UTC)
I like them both equally to be quite honest.

Personally though i'd like to see Cyber-Smoke return but that is incredibly unlikely, due to his MK9 ending but his popularity in the Tourney scene gives me a bit of hope to see him return wether it's as a Cyborg, Human or Enera? i don't care any of the incarnations is fine with me.

between Cyrax and Sektor?

Sektor is far more interesting to me than Cyrax to me personally.

His dynamic with Subby is lightyears ahead of the whole Robocop aspect Cyrax has going on. Again this is all just imo.

But i totally want a Cyborg in MKX it's almost expected at this point.
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02/09/2015 05:42 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Nah no more cyborgs they were only ever introduced to try and move away from the human ninjas and we all know what a great success that was MK3 was terrible and was rapidly followed up by UMK3 and MKT (both great games) which had more ninjas then ever!!! Hopefully subzero and smoke (human) wipe out the cyborg initiative and rebuild the Lin kuei with all human ninjas again cyborgs have had their time and they failed to replace the iconic human ninjas of mortal kombat so I say no more human sub zero and human smoke are all the playable Lin kuei members we need in this game!

Cyrax has very unique gameplay and was quite popular in MK9. Mostly because he was broken and could deal massive damage with his combos ;)
I used to watch a lot of streams from MK9 tournaments and for me matches with Cyrax were the most exciting ones.

I love this match, soooooo good:

02/09/2015 06:00 AM (UTC)
andy88 Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Nah no more cyborgs they were only ever introduced to try and move away from the human ninjas and we all know what a great success that was MK3 was terrible and was rapidly followed up by UMK3 and MKT (both great games) which had more ninjas then ever!!! Hopefully subzero and smoke (human) wipe out the cyborg initiative and rebuild the Lin kuei with all human ninjas again cyborgs have had their time and they failed to replace the iconic human ninjas of mortal kombat so I say no more human sub zero and human smoke are all the playable Lin kuei members we need in this game!

Cyrax has very unique gameplay and was quite popular in MK9. Mostly because he was broken and could deal massive damage with his combos ;)
I used to watch a lot of streams from MK9 tournaments and for me matches with Cyrax were the most exciting ones.

I love this match, soooooo good:

^ This

At this point i'm incredibly convinced that all the characters that were considered Top Tier from MK9 will make a return perfect example is Kung Lao.

Does this bode well for Cyrax or Smoke? possibly as we all know death in MK means nothing.

MKX has already been confirmed to be at EVO 2015

Top level MK9 players were brought into NRS to play test MKX and provide tips in the dev process to make the game more Tourney viable.

at the end of the day expect some High tier returnees regardless of death or MK9 endings.

If NRS plays their cards right MK could be in the Tourney limelight for ages to come watch out Street Fighter here comes competition! inb4 Daigo4MKX.
02/09/2015 03:11 PM (UTC)
On a sidenote, does anyone think both cyborgs' human selves in MK9 would have benefitted from being variants rather than just alts? Their gameplay could have differed a little more from their "original" cyborg selves', like them lacking their teleport moves. I just think like their cybernetic forms should feel enhanced in some ways, like extra moves and greater durability because of their armor.

For Sektor, I could see a variant where he's bulkier as a result of further enhancements, and for Cyrax, a variant where his circular saw is on his wrist at all time like the giant robot from MKM (and he should have an alt resembling that robot, imo), and it replaces his fist.
02/09/2015 06:18 PM (UTC)
Given how Kitana has the "Mournful" variation, I could see Sektor going nuts and getting and "Assimilation" variation after he kills Cyrax if he sees his doubts are going against his programming, taking the useful cybernetics from him and absorbing his powers for a variation.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/09/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
Another two of my favorites!

I want both of them to be in, but I don't need both. The nostalgic characters that I was mainly rooting for are back, so I'd take Sektor and leave Cyrax for cameo or DLC. Just so the 3D era characters would have a greater chance for his position.
02/09/2015 07:07 PM (UTC)
I am not really that big on cyborgs nor any ninjas that much, but if I had to choose, it will be Sektor.
02/09/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
No, just no. The idea of a robot amongst all these great warriors and freaks would just be off. Their looks were okay for mk3 but since we got more detail, all the robots have looked terrible. I only liked them due to their Predator like appearance.
02/09/2015 11:58 PM (UTC)
I've always played Sektor more frequently, but I truly enjoy both characters and the dichotomy they represent. Sektor the blind leader of the Lin Kuei and Cyrax the conflicted follower. I'd be content with either or both.

Story wise, I'd love to see Johnny be the one to go after Cyrax and try to return his humanity. I dig the idea of Cyrax going against the Lin Kuei and joining the Forces of Light. The casting leak, if true, claims Johnny is now a member of an off shoot of the Special Forces, this gives him the chance to recruit Cyrax and I'd hope he would initiate that because Cyrax spared his life in the first tournament. It'd be a great way to refer back to MK9 and show Cage's gratitude to Cyrax.
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We share blood, we are not brothers

02/10/2015 12:33 AM (UTC)
I'll pick Sektor, but I'm sure that if there's only one cyborg in the game it'll be Cyrax.

Whichever the case, the one that doesn't appear should be DLC.
02/22/2015 04:09 PM (UTC)
Bumping this thread for people who want to talk about the Cyborgs.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

02/22/2015 05:21 PM (UTC)
Well would you look at that. Had no idea that there was already a thread like this. My bad OP. No use having two of these. I'll have mine closed.
02/28/2015 01:00 AM (UTC)
Do Jacqui apparently having Sektor's flamethrower move, and Cassie having an overhead missile one, seriously lessens Sektor's chance of returning? His moveset's never really been versatile, and the only move of his we haven't seen anyone use yet is his teleport punch. At this rate, Sektor might need a lot of new unique moves.

Cyrax's chances seem greater, but imo, it's mostly because no one seems to have his moves yet.
02/28/2015 01:08 AM (UTC)
PfrChaos Wrote:
I know this probably wouldn't work because of x rays and fatalities being the same across all 3 variations, but I think it would be cool to have the cyborgs back as 1 character slot, and each variation being a different cyborg.
cyborg smoke

I like this idea. I like it a LOT.
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