04/17/2013 04:46 PM (UTC)
I've been calling it MK2011 because I refuse to call it nine. I'm sorry, as much as everyone has been saying that MK vs DC is considered the eighth game, I can't come to in calling it that. Hell, look at the section on this site called "timeline" count the games... it does not add up. I will call the next one based on the year it comes out, and not call it ten.

And before anyone makes a fuss out of this, learn to not let a pointless thing bother you... Because I know how much this bothers people.
04/17/2013 11:30 PM (UTC)
I never noticed before that MKvsDCU isn't on the site's timeline bar.

Looking at it now though, I think the reason that is, is because they've run out of room. To add any more links to that bar, someone would have to redo the art design of the whole website's menu and it'll be a cold day in hell before anyone fixes all the things that are wrong with the format of MKO, like for example the fact that the world moved on to 1024x768 and bigger monitor resolutions YEARS ago, yet this board is STILL way too skinny as though we're living in the god damned 800x600 dark ages.
I can't wait to see how Mick manages to shove a link to an MK10 page up there when it comes out.
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04/19/2013 11:02 PM (UTC)
But is the title cool? I think it's cool.
But Mortal Kombat X!!!
Just think, X!!!
X means 10, so it makes sense, but so does Uprising. But at least I can count to 10...
04/20/2013 04:10 AM (UTC)
GamerGirl Wrote:
But is the title cool?.

In my opinion, no.

GamerGirl Wrote:
I think it's cool.


GamerGirl Wrote:
But Mortal Kombat X!!!

What about it?

GamerGirl Wrote:
Just think


GamerGirl Wrote:


GamerGirl Wrote:
X means 10,


GamerGirl Wrote:
so it makes sense

Go on.

GamerGirl Wrote:
but so does Uprising.

Still not cool.

GamerGirl Wrote:
But at least I can count to 10...

I would laugh at you if you couldn't, hard, and falling off my chair at the same time.
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04/20/2013 06:11 AM (UTC)
See Razor, that's what is so weird about how they've named the games. We have no real indication from NRS as to whether MKvsDC is the 8th game.

Did NRS staff call MK2011 MK9? I don't recall them doing that, though it's certainly possible that some did at some point.

I'm sure that if they really felt so inclined, they could get away with it, or just make the next one MK9 and the one after that MK10 or MKX or whatever.

Seasrmar, as for what you're talking about with uprising being more of an internal word than external, I think that it could be applied to Shinnok and the Netherealm. Rising up from the depths of Hell or the bowels of the Netherealm?

Even in the more literal sense, an uprising tends to be more akin to a revolution. Again, having a fallen elder god revolting against Earth and the heavens and the other elder gods... Seems like an uprising to me.

Small aside... Love how I said MK4 was the last numbered game unless you include the 5 in the Deadly Alliance logo and then people basically said the same exact thing two or three posts later. I know I'm usually long winded but dang lol! grin
04/20/2013 07:04 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
See Razor, that's what is so weird about how they've named the games. We have no real indication from NRS as to whether MKvsDC is the 8th game.

Did NRS staff call MK2011 MK9? I don't recall them doing that, though it's certainly possible that some did at some point.

I'm sure that if they really felt so inclined, they could get away with it, or just make the next one MK9 and the one after that MK10 or MKX or whatever.

Seasrmar, as for what you're talking about with uprising being more of an internal word than external, I think that it could be applied to Shinnok and the Netherealm. Rising up from the depths of Hell or the bowels of the Netherealm?

Even in the more literal sense, an uprising tends to be more akin to a revolution. Again, having a fallen elder god revolting against Earth and the heavens and the other elder gods... Seems like an uprising to me.

Small aside... Love how I said MK4 was the last numbered game unless you include the 5 in the Deadly Alliance logo and then people basically said the same exact thing two or three posts later. I know I'm usually long winded but dang lol! grin

After posting what I did over whether MK2011 should be consider 8 or 9, I personally consider it to be 8. It kinda fit what I posted a few message back, about the numbering is actually is subtly hidden in the game. What I meant was the Story Mode had 16 chapters, and in many way, the game was a take 2 of the MK1-3 games. 16 by way of 2 is 8. See how I got that?
smile Again maybe just pure coincidence, but I thought it was interesting.

Well, Baraka407, let take at your definitions of uprising. The first, depends. Will we play through Shinnok rising in the Netherealm? Because if the game just start off with him already defeated Lucifer and already bound to try to conquer Outworld and Earthrealm, there's no really uprising element.

I think if we get any uprising and if it must use a tag title, I think InsureXtion would be better. Emphasis on the IX, 9. I know it's not how one would spell insurrection, but with combat spell as Kombat, are we gonna really get nitpicky on spelling? I know elsewhere have used to the title InsureXtion but so have the title Uprising.

For the second definition, it's not really a revolution per se. To me a revolution must be for first time around conflict, not subsequent. What I meant is Earthrealm and the Elder Gods eyes, they already know Shinnok is evil from his past wars with them, and if given the chance/escape, he will wage war again. So while they may be surprise that Shinnok manage to escape this time and wage the war again at this time. They won't be taken as a surprise that Shinnok is capable of being declaring war overall. I'll give you couple real life examples. I'm a History guy, so I'll use History.

First, the American Revolution was a revolution because up until last couple years leading to the War, the colonists was pretty much living in harmony against the British. There were no rebellion that require the British to fought a war (maybe a few small skirmish) against the Colonists prior to those years that lead to the War. Second, the Soviet Revolution in Russia, while there were small skirmish of serfs and other rebellion that require soldiers to put down, but nothing major like when the Bolsheviks decided to completely completely change such as killing of the Tsar family. Third, and I think this example would be similar to Shinnok. Napoleon after caught the first time was exile to Elba. He escape for 100 days and rise again. This is consider as the Hundred Days Revolution, nobody expected him to be evil enough to escape and wage war again. Some generals would just be happy to retired in exile or return in peace. Anyway, this was until he was capture again, this time exile to St. Helena, this way further away, so he won't able to escape and come on mainland to wage war. So they know well what he's capable of, so if he did escape again, it's not really a revolution, just a manic on the lose again. So Shinnok escaping waging war, isn't a revolution, just him finally lose and waging war again. The Elder Gods and Earthrealm know he isn't there to make peace. So it's not a revolution. He tried to escape once before as we saw in the events of MKSZ.

04/20/2013 01:26 PM (UTC)
Ed called MK2011 "MK9" a few times early on in the development cycle. The whole time they were making the game, he had that twitter avatar of a dog with "MK9" on it as a pun on the word "canine". He also called MKvsDCU "MK8" several times during production. Because they don't count them by continuity, they count them by "how many MK fighting games have we made?"

You can't count them by "which ones are canon" once a series reboots, because MKvsDCU isn't the only non-canon game. Now they're ALL non-canon. MK2011 would be a new "MK1", but it can't be because there already is an MK1 and the whole point of numbering things is to tell what order they came in. It's like...Batman Begins is still technically "Batman 5" even though it has nothing to do with the Burton and Schumacher films. It's the fifth movie about Batman. And MKvsDCU is the eighth fighting game about Mortal Kombat.
04/20/2013 02:32 PM (UTC)
I still consider naming it Mortal Kombat 2.

Makes sense.

I also still consider the title Mortal Kombat Xrossroads.

04/22/2013 05:38 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
I still consider naming it Mortal Kombat 2.

Makes sense.

Oh it does, does it?

Then every time someone wants to talk about "Mortal Kombat 2", how the hell will you know which one they mean? It's just going to make conversations more needlessly complicated when you have to specify every single time because two games exist with the same name that have completely different rosters, gameplay, and storyline. Notice how NOBODY ever calls the game that just came out "Mortal Kombat" in conversation, they always add a number to the end, either 9 or the year or the word reboot.
And suppose they want to re-release the arcade kollection again or finally do that HD versions project...better hope it doesn't come out the same year as this "new MK2" does, people's heads would just plain explode.
04/22/2013 02:50 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
I still consider naming it Mortal Kombat 2.

Makes sense.

Oh it does, does it?

Then every time someone wants to talk about "Mortal Kombat 2", how the hell will you know which one they mean? It's just going to make conversations more needlessly complicated when you have to specify every single time because two games exist with the same name that have completely different rosters, gameplay, and storyline. Notice how NOBODY ever calls the game that just came out "Mortal Kombat" in conversation, they always add a number to the end, either 9 or the year or the word reboot.

And suppose they want to re-release the arcade kollection again or finally do that HD versions project...better hope it doesn't come out the same year as this "new MK2" does, people's heads would just plain explode.

Actually, it makes sense to me. People who I talk to about this game doesn't call it Mortal Kombat "9" or Mortal Kombat 2011, they simply call it "Mortal Kombat." Why? Probably because in the title, there's no number indicating where we are in the series, or maybe they just don't bother calling it "Mortal Kombat 9/Mortal Kombat 2011" due to "laziness" and not announcing the full title. Doesn't matter if Boon has called it the ninth game or whatever, not all people count it as the ninth. I still don't, and never will.

Because then I'll get real technical and consider counting the adventure games as a part of the counting. But, that's a different issue for another day.

04/22/2013 07:09 PM (UTC)
These people you talk to don't spend a whole lot of time talking about old arcade games, and thus have reason to get confused, do they? Besides, people usually say "MK1" when they mean the old arcade game. But if there's two "MK2"s, what do you call them to tell them apart? Especially considering people around here talk about MK2 a lot.

It's more of a sequel problem anyway. Reboots always do the straight "reuse the title with no number" thing, people's brains can handle that well enough because they can easily just say "The reboot" or put a "one" at the end of the original's name when they're having a conversation about two different movies or games with the same name...but you're not going to see them call the next ones "Evil Dead 2" or "Tomb Raider 2" or "DmC Devil May Cry 2", you're going to see them use subtitles every time they get to the second one instead, like how it's not "Star Trek 2: Into Darkness", it's just "Star Trek: Into Darkness", because they don't want to get the audience confused, even though there's clearly a difference between "Into Darkness" and "The Wrath of Khan".
04/22/2013 08:47 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
These people you talk to don't spend a whole lot of time talking about old arcade games, and thus have reason to get confused, do they? Besides, people usually say "MK1" when they mean the old arcade game. But if there's two "MK2"s, what do you call them to tell them apart? Especially considering people around here talk about MK2 a lot.

Pff, like you know who I talk to and how long they've been around video games. Don't judge people you don't know, bud, might spare you a little.

People could usually say "Mortal Kombat 1" but from my parts of the city, we call that there game "the original Mortal Kombat." And if there happens to be a game where there's now two Mortal Kombat 2's, well, we just might have to call it the "original Mortal Kombat 2." Ain't nothing wrong with that, now is it?

And this is why, of course this always happens to piss you off more than anything, we people think more outside the box than you do and do things slightly different than what's meant to be thought of.
04/22/2013 09:47 PM (UTC)
title ; mk 10 armageddon 2,,quan chi joined forces with shinnock and ruled over al including shao kahn,,moloch became shinnocks pet,,while shinnock betrayed quan chi and left quan chi in the hands of shang tsung who took revenge on quan chi,,by throwing him down to the sekleton and barakas and molock,,blaze had already left the compound
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04/26/2013 07:24 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung is dead, just like everybody else...
04/26/2013 11:53 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
I still consider naming it Mortal Kombat 2.

Makes sense.

Oh it does, does it?

Then every time someone wants to talk about "Mortal Kombat 2", how the hell will you know which one they mean? It's just going to make conversations more needlessly complicated when you have to specify every single time because two games exist with the same name that have completely different rosters, gameplay, and storyline. Notice how NOBODY ever calls the game that just came out "Mortal Kombat" in conversation, they always add a number to the end, either 9 or the year or the word reboot.

And suppose they want to re-release the arcade kollection again or finally do that HD versions project...better hope it doesn't come out the same year as this "new MK2" does, people's heads would just plain explode.

Mortal Kombat - MK1
Mortal Kombat II - MK2
Mortal Kombat 3 - MK3
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - UMK3
Mortal Kombat Trilogy - MKT; Trilogy
Mortal Kombat 4 - MK4
Mortal Kombat Gold - MKG; MKGold
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance - MKDA; Deadly Alliance
Mortal Kombat Deception - MKD: Deception
Mortal Kombat Armageddon - MKA; Armageddon
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe - MKvsDC; MKvsDCU; DC Universe
Mortal Kombat (2011) - MK2011
Mortal Kombat 2 (2015) - MK2015

You act as if MK games aren't addressed by differen't names.

04/27/2013 02:35 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:

I'm well aware MK games can have multiple acronyms. I just find this particular assumption unlikely.

Granted the whole thing is an exercise in assumptions and theoreticals because there's no way the studio would actually name the game "Mortal Kombat 2" for all the reasons I've already stated.
04/27/2013 02:39 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:

I'm well aware MK games can have multiple acronyms. I just find this particular assumption unlikely.

Granted the whole thing is an exercise in assumptions and theoreticals because there's no way the studio would actually name the game "Mortal Kombat 2" for all the reasons I've already stated.

They named Mortal Kombat (2011) Mortal Kombat.

It seems pretty likely.
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04/27/2013 04:02 PM (UTC)
It might not come out in 2015 you know, Netherrealm Studios most likely has other games to work on.
04/27/2013 04:48 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:

I'm well aware MK games can have multiple acronyms. I just find this particular assumption unlikely.

Granted the whole thing is an exercise in assumptions and theoreticals because there's no way the studio would actually name the game "Mortal Kombat 2" for all the reasons I've already stated.

They named Mortal Kombat (2011) Mortal Kombat.

It seems pretty likely.

Same with Tomb Raider. The latest one is just called Tomb Raider.
04/27/2013 05:13 PM (UTC)
I already pointed out that movies and games often do that for the first because it's easy to say "such and such 1" and "the reboot" instead of getting lost in two titles with the same name, but never really do it with the second one because it gets harder when you start throwing numbers at the end and studios realize that.
04/27/2013 06:46 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I already pointed out that movies and games often do that for the first because it's easy to say "such and such 1" and "the reboot" instead of getting lost in two titles with the same name, but never really do it with the second one because it gets harder when you start throwing numbers at the end and studios realize that.

Apparently it isn't that hard, if these titles have yet to be retracted.

Of this discusiion, you seem to be the only one who's bothered by it.

Like Icebaby stated, I don't understand why it is so difficult to say "the first MK2" and "the second MK2." In fact, this set of titles would be great for introducing discussion on comparisions between the games, considering MK2011 is truly the start of a reboot series.

This reminds me much of the Pokemon franchise, which contains two separate principle game series: the main series and the remake series.
04/27/2013 10:15 PM (UTC)
There's nothing wrong in saying, "the original Mortal Kombat," versus, "the latest Mortal Kombat." If anyone is going to be bothered by that, then stop following, because there's a heck of a lot of series that are getting reboots and remakes as of lately. Don't believe me? They're remaking the first Leisure Suit Larry game with Al Lowe working behind it too. (So excited, I freaking get a kick out of that game)
04/28/2013 07:16 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
This reminds me much of the Pokemon franchise, which contains two separate principle game series: the main series and the remake series.

A remake isn't the same thing as a reboot. A remake is the same game with the graphics and gameplay slightly upgraded for a new console. Reboots have different plots and rosters and stuff.

And again, lots of studios use the original title with no number or subtitle for the FIRST in a reboot series, but when have you ever seen them call the SECOND game or movie in a rebooted series "such and such 2" without any subtitle? The only time I've EVER seen it done was Rob Zombie's Halloween 2.

I'm not "bothered" by this, I'm telling you what the movie and game industries have always done in the past and the reason why.
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04/30/2013 10:38 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
There's nothing wrong in saying, "the original Mortal Kombat," versus, "the latest Mortal Kombat." If anyone is going to be bothered by that, then stop following, because there's a heck of a lot of series that are getting reboots and remakes as of lately. Don't believe me? They're remaking the first Leisure Suit Larry game with Al Lowe working behind it too. (So excited, I freaking get a kick out of that game)

That takes to much time, they should add subtitles. "The latest Mortal Kombat" or "Mortal Kombat Uprising".

But I don't think they can use THAT name because Call Of Duty used it already.
05/01/2013 12:58 AM (UTC)
GamerGirl Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
There's nothing wrong in saying, "the original Mortal Kombat," versus, "the latest Mortal Kombat." If anyone is going to be bothered by that, then stop following, because there's a heck of a lot of series that are getting reboots and remakes as of lately. Don't believe me? They're remaking the first Leisure Suit Larry game with Al Lowe working behind it too. (So excited, I freaking get a kick out of that game)

That takes to much time, they should add subtitles. "The latest Mortal Kombat" or "Mortal Kombat Uprising".

But I don't think they can use THAT name because Call Of Duty used it already.

Takes too much time for what exactly? To say "the original Mortal Kombat?" Oh I forgot, we live in a society today where we're abbreviating the crap out of everything. Laughing out loud simply can't be said, it's (and I can't believe I'm typing this shit out) "LOL." And if that's not what you meant, I really have no idea why you quoted me.

And you can reuse names in other titles, whether or not they've been used recently.. Look at how many titles, games and movies, have the word "resurrection" in their title.
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