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06/09/2005 06:38 PM (UTC)
oh ok but the other thing was cool right?
06/09/2005 10:13 PM (UTC)
I think they should make Jax like Sgt. Johnson in Halo 2. A combination of a major or whatever he is, and a hip hop guy. He has the military look but has the black one-liners. But NO DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT LIKE MALCOM IN UC2!!!!!

PS :Since when did this topic become about Jax

PPS: Enough with the racist stuff

PPPS: I like Jax's lines

PPPPS: Jax should keep the arms

PPPPPS: Add some mexican people

PPPPPPS: Add some European people, maybe a british guy

PPPPPPPS: No Hip Hop please... Keep Jax like he is but without the tight but gay alternate

PPPPPPPPS: .....Uhh.... I'm done...
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06/10/2005 07:14 PM (UTC)
Well it bacame about Jax cuz he has a hip hop look.

I agree the metal arms are cool. His costume in mkda (not the alt.) was really cool half military half metal arms style.

What do you mean Jax should keep mexican and egyptian people?
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PSN: Eazail70x7

06/10/2005 08:26 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
hip hop sux ass

ur idea is terrible

hip hop sux

MK - rules

hip hop + MK = MK SHIT

Why does it say, in your profile that one of your interests is Hip-Hop if you think is sux so much?
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06/10/2005 10:11 PM (UTC)
Probably schizoid. No wonder this thread has worked out on us as well..
06/11/2005 11:46 AM (UTC)
I think this new hip hop character need a name? how about Scott! Jax's Smaller Brother he has a red head band Jax's Robotic Arms Purple Tights
and he has a bazooka and his weapon can be Jax's old weapons in DA
His story is about Shao kahn and his minions kidnapped Jax for force to tell where the others hide so its up to Scott to save his older Brother Cool Huh Give
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06/11/2005 01:22 PM (UTC)
MK is about a fairly even hand to hand fight. Someone with a bazooka wouldn't fit there. And no, no hip-hop elements. No thug acting, no wannabe though guys. Please.
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06/11/2005 02:18 PM (UTC)
Chrome is right. a bazooka would SO not fit in MK.
06/11/2005 04:58 PM (UTC)
totaly agree hip hop is just killng ur society burn in hell and it will soon times its almost out not as big as it use to be i miss the dance days in the early 90's was much funner anyway long like alternative and trance
Grimm Wrote:
Vomit Wrote:
Hip Hop is taking over too much. Hip Hop is just about in everything now. I think MK should stay far away from Hip Hop and stick with the serious bloody violent fighting games they're used to making.

I agree, and I fucking hate it. We need metal to fucking come back. Fuck hip-hop and fuck everyone who is a hip-hop artist. My best friend since 1st grade listens to that shit now, and I can't stand him cause of it.
Just cause you suggested that hip-hop is in MK, you are immediately on my "I hate you" list.

To all the black people: I'm not racist, I just can't stand your music.

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06/11/2005 05:31 PM (UTC)
(C)Rap and Hip Hop is NOT black music. Black music is JAZZ!
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06/11/2005 07:14 PM (UTC)
lol true i never seen white guy playing jazz. Im not really a HUGE fan of jazz but i am one of hip hop. I think they should have at least 1 hip hop guy in mk 7.

Sorry IF i offended ANYONE.
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

06/12/2005 10:32 PM (UTC)
what if Jarek came back as a thuggish character? no "fa' shizzles" in his bio or anything, but have him dress a little ghetto. anything is worth it if it means diversifying him fom Kano.
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06/13/2005 12:18 AM (UTC)
Are we talking about the less-developed ghetto of americas overurbani-sed cities, or about the real slums and ghettos in Warsawa during the war? I would prefer the latter.
06/13/2005 12:43 AM (UTC)
No. This is not Def Jam, and let's not make it that way either.
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06/14/2005 06:49 AM (UTC)
Does he have to be from the ghetto? He doesnt HAVE TO be from the ghetto. But ghetto is prolly better than some rich guys family, lol.

Legacy: Im not Def Jaming MK! I just want 1 hip hopper. Not a whole bunch.
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06/14/2005 09:07 AM (UTC)
And BTW all i want is a guy with hip hop clothes thats ALL!
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

06/15/2005 01:32 AM (UTC)
or some rap music for city arenas. doesn't really make sense for the armory's theme song to be blaring in the middle of LA.
06/15/2005 02:11 AM (UTC)
Why though? Why do we need such a character that is totally out of place in MK? I know that some character's costume don't look like they could be foughten in, but how they hell are you gonna fight with your pants do to your knees? He would probably have a worse storyline than Johnny Cage and Kobra put together. Johnny Cage is an out of place character in MK to me. And rap music and MK defenitely do not mix well. Jax is as hip-hop as we need to go. That costume in MK:DA was defenitely crap.

Let's look at this lineup:

Scorpion: Badass ninja come back from the dead for revenge.
Baraka: Outworld mutant with blades coming out of his arms.
Sub-Zero: Can freeze things.
Reptile: Evil, lizard thing. tongue
Kung Lao: Dude with a metal hat that cuts people in half.
Hip-Hop Guy: Guy with XXXXL shirt, pants down to his knees, chains and rings everywhere.

Seems a little out of place, doesn't he? confused I just don't think we need someone like this in MK. It's just my opinion - you don't have to listen to me.
06/15/2005 02:41 AM (UTC)
The next MK has to be extremely dark as in realistic looking fatalities, demented looking arenas, and badass characters. Not a hip hop guy. The next MK should be something that has a good fighting system and is a lot more shocking than the previous ones. Sorry but like many others no.
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06/16/2005 11:49 AM (UTC)
Hmmm.... Legacy you have a point there. But i just think it would be cool to see someone with hip hop alt.

As for Johhny Cage, your right he has a totally dumb story its just about a movie. And a suit wasnt nice didnt fit in the MK world.
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

06/16/2005 12:51 PM (UTC)
Scorpion: was alive in 1990; thus probably did some computer hacking
Sub-Zero: dresses like Neo and rides around in his own personal jet
hip hop guy: will probably be put into another Earthrealm invasion story (if he appears at all) so you don't have to worry about him solving Orderrealm's water problem or throwin up gang signs in Edenia. foo.
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06/16/2005 01:14 PM (UTC)
Wanting to have hip hoppish alts or characters understates that we care more about fashion than the integrity of the MK storyline, not to mention gameplay.

Not to mention that with hip hop attitude, lifestyle, you can't get a character that could be taken seriously. Lol, I can see it before me: the hip hoppr that travels the world to becoome a warrior. Sorry, but I think thats utter nonsen-se. Anyone living or wanting to live by the current promoted rapper lifestyle would fall and fail instantly at the start. Thats an axiome, a fact.

Have you tried to fight while your baggy pants are almost off? Fuighting in that kind of attire is countereeffective, and in a tournament full of assas-sins who kill without backthought, or sorcerers hos projectiles can merely rip the soul out of you,..no it's just wrong even to support such an idea.

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06/16/2005 01:19 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Wanting to have hip hoppish alts or characters understates that we care more about fashion than the integrity of the MK storyline, not to mention gameplay.

Not to mention that with hip hop attitude, lifestyle, you can't get a character that could be taken seriously. Lol, I can see it before me: the hip hoppr that travels the world to becoome a warrior. Sorry, but I think thats utter nonsen-se. Anyone living or wanting to live by the current promoted rapper lifestyle would fall and fail instantly at the start. Thats an axiome, a fact.

Have you tried to fight while your baggy pants are almost off? Fuighting in that kind of attire is countereeffective, and in a tournament full of assas-sins who kill without backthought, or sorcerers hos projectiles can merely rip the soul out of you,..no it's just wrong even to support such an idea.

Yea but, look at Cartmansp his idea was cool about a rapper training to be a ninja so he would be half hiphop half ninja that was nice right?
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06/16/2005 02:25 PM (UTC)
There are no half breeds. No masterwould train you if you focus on other things beside your training in the particular style. Geez, why do you think were theose intensive rivalries between various fighting schools?

Look, I give you a fine example. In train in baranta, a hungarian martial art of wrestling and hand to hand / weapon combat. It is a form of living. let's say i would want to learn kung fu besides baranta. I would seek out the master of a particular style.

He would say to me that (if he deems me worthy) it is good that you train in baranta, but it is not kung fu, and kung fu is not meant for me, if I truly like baranta. A martial art is a reflection of yourself. I would had more chances if I would have been trained in another kung fu form, then perhaps the teacher would train me, becouse all gong fu styles share something what is equally common in them, yet, all styls differ (a good example is when you train She Quan snake style, they often teach you Crane style too, becouse the two go well with each other, share elements of philospohy). It is not the martal art what matters but the philosophy behind it.

And thats why one must choose it's lifepath carefully. And the rapper life is completely different (and IMO completely below to a martial artists) than a monks or an aprentices.

Half rapper, half ninja. What an abomination. A street kid would rather learn those less-noble and finesse-filled styles like boxing, kickboxing, and those what are not so different from the every day men. Styles that require complete focus and devotion, are beyond a hip hoppers reach.

No. A hip hopper canot have styles that could possibly save him from more elevated and proficient styles and warriors.
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

06/16/2005 07:15 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Have you tried to fight while your baggy pants are almost off? Fuighting in that kind of attire is countereeffective, and in a tournament full of assas-sins who kill without backthought, or sorcerers hos projectiles can merely rip the soul out of you,..no it's just wrong even to support such an idea.
fighting with baggy pants supports air flow to the legs and while wearing them low may restrict movement, it may also help direct stronger force into mid-kicks. as for the fighting style thing, who needs a sensei with street fighting? who says you need a mystical, philosophical, piece of mind, yoga, hippy, fighting style to fight good? whatever happened to straight up beating a motha' senseless?
PS- there was a street gangster in the 90's who trained in ninjitsu and killed at least 7 people
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