Cool Hip-Hop Character in MK7
posted06/20/2005 12:43 AM (UTC)by
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06/15/2004 08:05 AM (UTC)
Stryker and Jax was the only "hiphop"-like characters and neither of them was in MK:D So I think they should put a new Hip hopper in Mk7 cuz I really used to like Stryker and Jax used to be my Favorite.
ne 1 else think so?wink
The Hip Hop look didn't get high marks from me.

Like Jax or Stryker, I'd like to see them in a swat or army like uniform instead of a Hip Hop look. I'm thinking something like how Carl Weathers and Arnold Swarzenager looked in the Predator movie.

They are fighting for their lives, It just seems more fitting if they were dressed for it. MK isn't a party or a Joke, it's life and death.

At least that's how I see the game.

something like Jax's costume in MKDA just seems out of place IMO.

Maybe if he was in all black, like a black denim jacket ( no shirt under), black Jeans, and army boots, or brown leather boots, bald head and a goatee. Maybe some sun glasses.

I think it would look more fitting in MK.
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05/30/2005 09:25 PM (UTC)
Hip Hop is taking over too much. Hip Hop is just about in everything now. I think MK should stay far away from Hip Hop and stick with the serious bloody violent fighting games they're used to making.
05/30/2005 11:36 PM (UTC)
Having a hip-hop character in an MK game would be a terrible idea. It's bad enough we have to deal with crap characters like Tanya and Kobra. Throwing in a hip-hop character would make things even worse!

I see where you're coming from with Jax, but Stryker?? confused He was just more of the fat cop with the stupid-looking grin on his face. tongue I don't like either character anyway, but if at least Jax is going to return, he needs to not only look military-like, but act that way. I hated his ghetto-ish attitude and one-liners in MK: DA. Oh, and he needs a storyline that's actually GOOD.
05/30/2005 11:58 PM (UTC)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Stryker and Jax was the only "hiphop"-like characters and neither of them was in MK:D So I think they should put a new Hip hopper in Mk7 cuz I really used to like Stryker and Jax used to be my Favorite.
ne 1 else think so?wink

well stryker sucks but jax is my second fave but his alt costume looked like a bootlegg hockey player so if they would do like a hip hop thing on jax it should just be acid washed jeans with his mk3 arms and a black sleeve cut shirt with black timberlands lol but really it shouldnt be all hip hop it should just show his roots of his street life if he did live in the streets anywaygrinsad
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05/31/2005 04:37 PM (UTC)
hip hop sux ass

ur idea is terrible

hip hop sux

MK - rules

hip hop + MK = MK SHIT

05/31/2005 05:02 PM (UTC)
It al depends on the approuch to the character.glassesglasses
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05/31/2005 11:00 PM (UTC)
well then ok u dont like hip hop then just return Jax!! He should be in MK D instead of some other stupid unknown char. with dumbass story!
06/01/2005 01:02 AM (UTC)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
well then ok u dont like hip hop then just return Jax!! He should be in MK D instead of some other stupid unknown char. with dumbass story!

To be honest, I feel that Jax isn't worthy of returning. He hasn't really had a strong storyline. There never really was that much to him. If he's going to return, he needs more of a storyline. Also, he needs to lose the attitude as I've said before. He's a Major and I think he should act like one, namely military-like and such like in the MK2 comic.
06/01/2005 02:21 AM (UTC)
having a hip-hop character would ruin the dark theme of mortal kombat
that type of cahracter would be cool any other fighting game such as tekken or DOA but in MK he look like a dork
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06/01/2005 07:15 PM (UTC)
I think Hip hop characters can have cool fatalitys and moves. And Jax had a good story line in MKDA, that whole Hsu Hao thing. They could put Jax instead of that Darrius FBI-guy or whatever he is.
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Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

06/01/2005 09:40 PM (UTC)
I don't think that type of character would work in MK. It would be kind of weird seeing a ninja spectre fighting a guy wearing a jersey, ball cap, baggy jeans, and a large piece of bling like Jax's medallion from MKDA.tongue
But I do think that MK should have a few "street" characters, like really rugged looking people that would beat you in the face with a pipe. That would give the fight a little more realism, without going full-blown mainstream fashion.
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06/01/2005 10:29 PM (UTC)
DrKorn Wrote:
I don't think that type of character would work in MK. It would be kind of weird seeing a ninja spectre fighting a guy wearing a jersey, ball cap, baggy jeans, and a large piece of bling like Jax's medallion from MKDA.tongue
But I do think that MK should have a few "street" characters, like really rugged looking people that would beat you in the face with a pipe. That would give the fight a little more realism, without going full-blown mainstream fashion.

Well it isnt really strange to se a ninja versus a hip hopper. Imagine a NINJA versus a FAT BEER DRINKING master, It isnt much of a difference so at least ONE hip hop guy would be enough.
06/02/2005 07:23 PM (UTC)
Ok.... um no. Lets keep the hip hop and rap away from volience like it is already...... (HAHA) but seriously bad idea Eddie Gordo stay away from MK
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06/02/2005 08:25 PM (UTC)
MK+Rap/Hip-hop equals in me pushing my fingers into my eyes.

Since when did Stryker look like a hip hopper? Egad, fashion blinds so many people to the truth. Let's not "faggotize" Mortal kombat to it's limit.
06/03/2005 01:09 AM (UTC)
I actually thought about this a lot and even made up a whole cast of characters like that. But I figured it wouldn't be good to have it as a direct MK game. It could be a kind of spin-off that takes place in the MK storyline but without any of the MK characters...

My idea for this "Hip-Hop" kind of character is...

A 22 year old black man born in Outworld but later escaped to Earthrealm (in a "gangster" town) at the age of 8. He had a fascination with ninja's and tried to be one when he was young and in outworld. He trained every day and was renowned for his skills. Eventually, Shao Kahn destroyed the village but the guy was able to escape to earthrealm. While there, he picked up on the culture and became a mix of "kick ass ninja" with "tough street gangster". He later returned to Outworld to seek revenge on Shao Kahn...

I thought a lot about his looks too...

His main color scheme would be black and red. He'd have a hooded black sweatshirt and a black face mask that covers his nose and mouth, like any other ninja. He'd have some black gloves that have cut off fingers and a square hole on the back side of his hand. He'd also have black baggy pants and black boots. His main weapons would be two big pistol-like guns, but he'd also have ninja stars and retractable metal claw things coming out of his sleeves and pant legs that the old ninjas use to use for climbing up walls/trees. He'd also have a dagger hidden under his right pant leg...

He'd have an "anti-hero" attitude but still be a good guy that helps out people when he can...

It might look like shit in a regular MK game, but I think this would be a kick ass character in a little MK spin-off thing I mentioned...
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06/03/2005 01:21 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MK+Rap/Hip-hop equals in me pushing my fingers into my eyes.

Since when did Stryker look like a hip hopper? Egad, fashion blinds so many people to the truth. Let's not "faggotize" Mortal kombat to it's limit.

Um, too late....
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06/03/2005 01:47 AM (UTC)
Vomit Wrote:
Hip Hop is taking over too much. Hip Hop is just about in everything now. I think MK should stay far away from Hip Hop and stick with the serious bloody violent fighting games they're used to making.

I agree, and I fucking hate it. We need metal to fucking come back. Fuck hip-hop and fuck everyone who is a hip-hop artist. My best friend since 1st grade listens to that shit now, and I can't stand him cause of it. Just cause you suggested that hip-hop is in MK, you are immediately on my "I hate you" list.

To all the black people: I'm not racist, I just can't stand your music.
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06/03/2005 02:22 AM (UTC)
I agree I can't stand rap.

Metal should definetly come back and become huge again, I wouldn't mind some metal music in Mortal Kombat as well.

I dunno about Metal characters, I guess it depends on how you look at metal people.
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06/03/2005 10:19 AM (UTC)
Hip Hop is not even true black music. True black music is everything jazz related. Rap is a byproduct of marketing and conglomerate omnipotence.
06/03/2005 02:58 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MK+Rap/Hip-hop equals in me pushing my fingers into my eyes.

Because you listen to music with your eyes?
Or maybe all that metal has just made you so hard motherfucking core to the motherfucking extreme motherfucking maximum that you just randomly hurt yourself for fun.
\m/ SATAN! \m/

Chrome Wrote:

Egad, fashion blinds so many people to the truth.

What truth? First this, then later educating us all with the truth about what hip-hop really is. Sir, I do believe you're a wise man. Please, share your infinite wisdom with us.

Chrome Wrote:
Let's not "faggotize" Mortal kombat to it's limit.

Who knew wise men could also be homophobic? I personally thought that wasn't possible, but who am I to question you.

Chrome Wrote:
Hip Hop is not even true black music. True black music is everything jazz related.

Oh it is? Well if you say so.

Hey everybody! Yeah you guys - all you black folk over there! It turns out you've been listening to the wrong music all along! Oops. Don't worry though, i've got some jazz records you can borrow. At least, I think they're jazz, i'm not entirely sure, but the music sounds really black, so you're probably safe to borrow them.

Chrome Wrote:
Rap is a byproduct of marketing and conglomerate omnipotence.

Wow! Is there anything you don't know?!

Say, I heard this rumour, and seeing as how you have all the answers maybe you could clear it up for me. I heard metal was just some guys that got tired of their accounting jobs and decided to become rich and famous from exploiting angsty teens (white teens - only the white ones) by yelling aggressively about how stupid humans are, how messed up society is, how they have hurt feelings, and raping corpses. Any truth to that?

Sorry I got a little off topic - I didn't mean to faggotize the thread.

Anyway, I say just have a "hip-hop" alternate outfit for Jax without dumbing down his whole character like they did in MKDA. More like MK4 Jax, street style.
06/03/2005 04:01 PM (UTC)
Quite frankly, it does not matter. Mk needs a good mix of Characters, and if ONE Character is a HipHop styler, then I couldn't care less... Let's not go overboard, though; as long as it's only one of them...

As well, to all you HipHop haters; If a new HipHop Mutha' appears in Mortal Kombat, then you can enjoy ripping his head off with Scorpion!

Someone on this thread mentioned that when his friend got into HipHop, he started hating him... That is extremely prejudice! You shouldn't hate someone for what they like, if you're going to hate someone, hate them for a good reason, for example; if they call your sister a pig, or if they throw rocks at your house...
No offence meant to anyone, but people these days, espescially young children, have been downcast, because of peer pressure and the old; "If you aren't into roundhouse acid techno, then I hate you and you're not my friend!" .....I say let people like what they want, without judging them unduely. Remember, this is a disscussion, not a HipHop Vs Metal Super Intergalactic Mega War!

My opinion, and this is just my opinion, is that Mortal Kombat doesn't suit HipHop. *prepares to be on people's hate lists, and cowers in the corner as a huge battle commences.....FIGHT!* tongue
06/03/2005 04:44 PM (UTC)
Okay guys, enough going at each other's throats. Please stay on topic.
Omega Supreme
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There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

06/03/2005 06:05 PM (UTC)
I don't think there should be a hip-hop character either. If there was one, why not put in a raver, or a goth, etc etc :p. I think they would make for less clichéd characters than a hip-hopper with twenty pounds of bling and a "style" you see every two minutes on MTV.

Darrius was supposed to have some sort of "don't shit with me" attitude, but I feel he is one of the most misplaced characters in the MK universe. He looks like a watered down version of Jax From The Future or something.

And Jax is one of my favourite characters. I think these punch lines of his were meant to be over the top and funny... and I loved them, hehe.

06/03/2005 07:04 PM (UTC)
Hip-Hop Character + MK = PISSED OFF MK FANS...

If you wanna play as Hip-Hop characters play Def Jam. Leave them out of MK. I love rap but it has no place in MK.
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