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only the fallen have won,because the fallen can't run my vision is not obscure for war there is no cure.

02/23/2015 04:56 AM (UTC)
yesss, i bought every issues and it's really great! Im a big fan of it.
02/23/2015 05:36 AM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
The roster was set in stone 18 months ago, NRS had everything mapped out way ahead of schedule,whos in, whos out,guest characters and dlc its all planned well ahead of time same with the comics aswell the artists have probably finished about 5 or 6 issues ahead of release schedule.

This. Idk why people don't get this in general. The video game business, is STILL a business. They have meetings to lay all these things out well in advance. These aren't things they freestyle. If it takes a million sketches to even collectively decide on a single primary Kitana costume, I'm pretty sure the story and the roster are the very first things they finalize so they can move on with everything else lol.
02/23/2015 05:48 AM (UTC)
ToastyMK Wrote:
cyberdog Wrote:
The roster was set in stone 18 months ago, NRS had everything mapped out way ahead of schedule,whos in, whos out,guest characters and dlc its all planned well ahead of time same with the comics aswell the artists have probably finished about 5 or 6 issues ahead of release schedule.

This. Idk why people don't get this in general. The video game business, is STILL a business. They have meetings to lay all these things out well in advance. These aren't things they freestyle. If it takes a million sketches to even collectively decide on a single primary Kitana costume, I'm pretty sure the story and the roster are the very first things they finalize so they can move on with everything else lol.

I've always wondered how much of the game was actually complete when NRS first announced it to the world last June.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/23/2015 06:05 AM (UTC)
Nardy15 Wrote:
While the comics are awesome and add so much to the lore and backstory of the universe and build anticipation , does anyone else feel that they kinda spoil the game?

Considering so many people are adamant that we do indeed know the roster, because those in the comics are a shoe in.....that means when those characters are indeed revealed, they are essentially already spoiled and aren't really a surprise. To me it kind of takes away from all the stalling and holding out. Like yeah it's great that those characters they we have grown to know have now made the game....but it lessens the effect of them being 'new characters' or a surprise.

I'd love for the story to have nothing to do with the comics, and the remaining new characters....are actually new, but i don't have a lot of faith in NRS with that regard.

Rain is shown in the comic...and dies a comic or so later.

"But...but...everyone shown in the comic is a shoe in...".


Seriously, I can go into deep detail on why you should NOT have that mindset of yours.
But what I just said alone should pretty much cover it.

And revealing them by comic is almost no different than revealing them in a video trailer. Shit, is revealing them by a video trailer spoil it for you? Because that's not going to stop. And also take into account that we don't even know how they play yet, which IS the bigger surprise.
02/23/2015 01:48 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Nardy15 Wrote:
While the comics are awesome and add so much to the lore and backstory of the universe and build anticipation , does anyone else feel that they kinda spoil the game?

Considering so many people are adamant that we do indeed know the roster, because those in the comics are a shoe in.....that means when those characters are indeed revealed, they are essentially already spoiled and aren't really a surprise. To me it kind of takes away from all the stalling and holding out. Like yeah it's great that those characters they we have grown to know have now made the game....but it lessens the effect of them being 'new characters' or a surprise.

I'd love for the story to have nothing to do with the comics, and the remaining new characters....are actually new, but i don't have a lot of faith in NRS with that regard.

Rain is shown in the comic...and dies a comic or so later.

"But...but...everyone shown in the comic is a shoe in...".


Seriously, I can go into deep detail on why you should NOT have that mindset of yours.
But what I just said alone should pretty much cover it.

And revealing them by comic is almost no different than revealing them in a video trailer. Shit, is revealing them by a video trailer spoil it for you? Because that's not going to stop. And also take into account that we don't even know how they play yet, which IS the bigger surprise.

So much fail....i guess you didn't read my add on post that said those in the comics that don't DIE, smh. Plus i didn't say EVERYONE, i said if the remaining 10 are those that are speculated, then everyone( meaning those 10) were shown first in the comic, again smh.

And revealing them by comic IS completely different. Introduction to comic leads to speculation , whereas as revealing them by trailer is OFFICIALLY announcing them for....drum roll....the game.

I'm going to make a movie about Marvel, featuring 10 characters. But i'm going to slowly reveal those 10 characters over a 12 month period. In the meantime i decide to put out monthly short stories that one by one announce certain characters.....that eventually comprise the 10 characters in my movie, that i've been trying to keep secret for a year. It's hardly a true surprise when they get revealed, and there's certainly nothing new or exciting about them by the time i reveal them for the movie.

Again, maybe people are missing the point.....it's that manner of the reveals/ reveal method that doesn't fit. They announce announcements!!! The roster is like their biggest secret, if all those characters make it in, yet it's essentially not a secret.
02/23/2015 01:54 PM (UTC)
If it wasn't for the comic we wouldn't know shit lol. It's cool they are giving folks like kotal a fleshed out backstory after saying zero about him since the game was announced. I'm practically begging for spoilers and information at this point.
02/23/2015 02:12 PM (UTC)
Yay to the comic! I wouldn't find Kotal all that interesting, if it wasn't for the comic. Yet alone, he is cool in the game, but the comic adds that much more to him.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/23/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
Nardy15 Wrote:
So much fail....i guess you didn't read my add on post that said those in the comics that don't DIE, smh. Plus i didn't say EVERYONE, i said if the remaining 10 are those that are speculated, then everyone( meaning those 10) were shown first in the comic, again smh.

No I didn't, because all you are simply fucking saying in every post is "if they're in the comic, then they're in the game", smd.

Nardy15 Wrote:
And revealing them by comic IS completely different. Introduction to comic leads to speculation

Stop. Stop right fucking there. You said it.
It's just all speculation.
There's no need to hold on to such a feeling when things can change.
Besides Sonya, which is painfully obvious. Not one person here has proof that any of those characters are in the game.
And if we was to have that mindset since day one that every character shown in each comic was guaranteed to be in the game, there would be a lot of wrong people by now.

Everyone got their dicks pumped when Fox went fucking crazy....then came the next comic. Whoops!

There's an interesting theory that so far isn't broken yet.
But anyone please feel free to correct me if it has.

"omg it's Fujin, he's in the game!!!!1111".
Shown wearing his MKA attire.
Months later in a magazine article, we are told that he's dead, hinted from an in-game mode.

Now think about that "if they're shown, they're in" logic.


"omg its Rain, NRS be praised i knew they will listen11!!".
Shown in a few comics, donning his MK9 attire.
Recent comic, he is killed.
Also to mention that the same said magazine article mentions Rain.
And Ed Boon weeks before or after the article, told us in a tweet that he's not in the game.


Everyone and their mother is claiming that Reiko will make it in the game.
Reiko is wearing his MKA outfit.
The sad part, people are still going to be surprised IF the pattern keeps up.

Also, Kenshi is wearing his MK9 attire.
"B-but but that mocap picture?"

I doubt anything said in this thread is going to change the way you feel about the revealings, because it sounds like a personal matter and also not something you're trying to understand. But it's not a big deal, things could change before the game releases.
And to mention again, actually seeing these characters in action in a video when they are officially revealed should be the big treat for you and anyone.
You get to see what the fuck they can do, and not being salty of the fact that they were already aware of.
02/23/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Nardy15 Wrote:
So much fail....i guess you didn't read my add on post that said those in the comics that don't DIE, smh. Plus i didn't say EVERYONE, i said if the remaining 10 are those that are speculated, then everyone( meaning those 10) were shown first in the comic, again smh.

No I didn't, because all you are simply fucking saying in every post is "if they're in the comic, then they're in the game", smd.

Nardy15 Wrote:
And revealing them by comic IS completely different. Introduction to comic leads to speculation

Stop. Stop right fucking there. You said it.
It's just all speculation.
There's no need to hold on to such a feeling when things can change.
Besides Sonya, which is painfully obvious. Not one person here has proof that any of those characters are in the game.
And if we was to have that mindset since day one that every character shown in each comic was guaranteed to be in the game, there would be a lot of wrong people by now.

Everyone got their dicks pumped when Fox went fucking crazy....then came the next comic. Whoops!

There's an interesting theory that so far isn't broken yet.
But anyone please feel free to correct me if it has.

"omg it's Fujin, he's in the game!!!!1111".
Shown wearing his MKA attire.
Months later in a magazine article, we are told that he's dead, hinted from an in-game mode.

Now think about that "if they're shown, they're in" logic.


"omg its Rain, NRS be praised i knew they will listen11!!".
Shown in a few comics, donning his MK9 attire.
Recent comic, he is killed.
Also to mention that the same said magazine article mentions Rain.
And Ed Boon weeks before or after the article, told us in a tweet that he's not in the game.


Everyone and their mother is claiming that Reiko will make it in the game.
Reiko is wearing his MKA outfit.
The sad part, people are still going to be surprised IF the pattern keeps up.

Also, Kenshi is wearing his MK9 attire.
"B-but but that mocap picture?"

I doubt anything said in this thread is going to change the way you feel about the revealings, because it sounds like a personal matter and also not something you're trying to understand. But it's not a big deal, things could change before the game releases.
And to mention again, actually seeing these characters in action in a video when they are officially revealed should be the big treat for you and anyone.
You get to see what the fuck they can do, and not being salty of the fact that they were already aware of.

All that ranting and nothing was said....it's you that isn't understanding!!

I DON'T KNOW THE ROSTER, I DON'T KNOW WHO IS IN THE GAME! But every time one of those "information holdout" threads comes up, everyone in defense of NRS is quick to say that the rest of is practically know and we need to chill out.

This thread is SUBJECTIVE, as we DON'T KNOW, and if you could take time to actually read the posts, you would see that i'm clearly saying just that.....IF they are in the game, IF this holds true, i hope it's NOT the case etc etc.

Seeing what they can do versus being salty about be aware of them.....that's the issue of this subjective post. If NRS didn't make a big deal about being secretive and revealing them, then seeing how they play would be a surprise. But because they are acting as if these reveals are white house secrets, then it lessens the surprise and anticipation. Again you fail to see that POINT.

I have a surprise for you....but you know what it is, however you don't know how it works IS NOT the same as: i have a surprise for you, and you don't know a thing about it( because it's a...surprise). I'm going to make you wait 12 months to reveal a 24 person roster, but i'm going to create a comic that unofficially reveals the remaining spots...but wait, even though you now know the characters, they are still unknown because you don't know how they play!! Yep that's it...they are still safe, and i can still tease and reveal them as if they are brand new .
02/23/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
Rain is indeed in his MK9 attire, but he is not dead just yet as Kittelsen tweeted. So this can make for new attire. Rain probably doused the heat with his water.
About Me

As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

02/23/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

Yay all the way.

It doesn't spoil anything, The comics are meant to set up the story of MKX and I hope the comics will keep going just like the Injustice comics.

It kind of revealed a few characters true. but it didn't spoil them.

Pretty much everybody guessed Mileena was going to be in before the comics.

Erron Black is the only character the comics revealed other than the obvious which is Mileena.

Sonya also has a new costume but please dear god, I hope they leave her out of the game at least not playable, because that spot could go to a much more unique character.

So I don't get, what you mean by the comics spoiled characters.
02/24/2015 12:35 AM (UTC)
Hell yes to the comics,hope they continue as well.I Dislike Rain,but I don't think being sunburnt is a big deal for him.
02/24/2015 12:37 AM (UTC)
They're pretty good in my opinion, surprisingly well done story for something like Mortal Kombat.
02/27/2015 03:19 PM (UTC)
02/27/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)
I disagree, TC. For me, the comics give me the opportunity to really connect with a character, and so when they are finally revealed, it is much more satisfying to me to see them make the roster.

I think that was a big problem I had with the 3D era characters. At first, I had nothing to judge them by except their design. With the comics, we get a back story for the new characters and that helps me welcome them into the MK universe.

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