Comics, yay or nay?
posted02/27/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)by
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01/29/2015 03:03 PM (UTC)
While the comics are awesome and add so much to the lore and backstory of the universe and build anticipation , does anyone else feel that they kinda spoil the game?

Considering so many people are adamant that we do indeed know the roster, because those in the comics are a shoe in.....that means when those characters are indeed revealed, they are essentially already spoiled and aren't really a surprise. To me it kind of takes away from all the stalling and holding out. Like yeah it's great that those characters they we have grown to know have now made the game....but it lessens the effect of them being 'new characters' or a surprise.

I'd love for the story to have nothing to do with the comics, and the remaining new characters....are actually new, but i don't have a lot of faith in NRS with that regard.
02/23/2015 03:11 AM (UTC)

Yay all the way.

It doesn't spoil anything, The comics are meant to set up the story of MKX and I hope the comics will keep going just like the Injustice comics.

It kind of revealed a few characters true. but it didn't spoil them.

Pretty much everybody guessed Mileena was going to be in before the comics.

Erron Black is the only character the comics revealed other than the obvious which is Mileena.

Sonya also has a new costume but please dear god, I hope they leave her out of the game at least not playable, because that spot could go to a much more unique character.

So I don't get, what you mean by the comics spoiled characters.
02/23/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)

They haven't spoiled anything for me and I have been enjoying them quite a bit.
02/23/2015 03:15 AM (UTC)
I don't think the comics and the game itself intersect as much as you'd think. Kittelsen recently said in an interview recently:

"Our narratives are intertwined but not overlapping. I’ve always said that you can enjoy the comics series and the story mode as separate adventures, but if you put them together, they form one massive epic."

They seem like parallel stories or like he is filling in the gaps that that game probably won't cover. For a long time people were speculating Erron Black would die despite the likelihood of him being a new character. To me the comics just add to the fun and speculation of the release. There's nothing for certain revealed in the comic that I think is taking away from the game, especially because, frankly, we have very little idea what the story in the game will be like. Yay for sure, I'm excited to be reading them throughout the release and it makes the wait a tad easier and gives us something to talk about.
02/23/2015 03:18 AM (UTC)
Yay. This comic is fucking amazing. It'll help alot when I play the actual story mode
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02/23/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
The comic is the best thing to happen to MK's lore ever. I challenge someone to prove me wrong.

So yay, if you couldn't tell.
02/23/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

Yay all the way.

It doesn't spoil anything, The comics are meant to set up the story of MKX and I hope the comics will keep going just like the Injustice comics.

It kind of revealed a few characters true. but it didn't spoil them.

Pretty much everybody guessed Mileena was going to be in before the comics.

Erron Black is the only character the comics revealed other than the obvious which is Mileena.

Sonya also has a new costume but please dear god, I hope they leave her out of the game at least not playable, because that spot could go to a much more unique character.

So I don't get, what you mean by the comics spoiled characters.

In the sense that the comics introduced the return of Mileena, Sonya, Erron, Jacqui, Takeda, Kenshi (plus Jax and Johnny) this point all characters the are supposedly in ( according to those fervent posters who claim that half the roster is actually not still a mystery, in defense of lacking information).

If there are actually 10 spots left and those 7/9 characters are in....then they all appeared in the comics first ( thus spoiling the surprise of them). Seems pretty basic to me. Again I'm on the boat that those characters are NOT in the game, but popular belief has those guys are the remaining spots.
Hell yay I WANT this to continue as long as it's able to because this stuff is great.
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02/23/2015 03:49 AM (UTC)
They aren't meant to spoil the game, there are made to promote it.
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02/23/2015 03:56 AM (UTC)
If spoilers are a concern, just wait for the collection.
02/23/2015 04:01 AM (UTC)
Again, it's not about spoiling the game or's about spoiling the roster( which, if you all read, was stated in the OP)

If the remaining 10 spots go to:

Erron Black
Kung Jin....then literally all of them were seen in the pre story comic.

So much for saving the rest for surprises, or having 'new' characters. And they can't say they are holding them off for the story, because they are already in the comics. Might as well have just revealed them as they are introduced in the comic(unless they are trying to build suspense over whether they survive or die....which we know means nothing in the MK universe anyways).

Maybe it's more so because of the way they are doing the reveals.....the secrecy and teasers and announcements for reveals, all for characters that we already know, just seems a bittttttt redundant, anti climactic and silly.
02/23/2015 04:01 AM (UTC)
People who will be in IMO:

Erron Black
Sonya Blade

Not In:


I'm of the opinion that the roster will be ~30 characters.

13 + 5 from the comic = 18, leaving about 12 unknowns. I think the remaining characters announced will be the ones that are considered a given (Sonya, Erron Black, etc) So about a third of the roster will be unknown until very close to release.
02/23/2015 04:05 AM (UTC)
There's no point in roster speculation, because NRS has stated several times that the roster size is not set in stone.

I LOVE the comic series, and I hope it continues even after the release.
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02/23/2015 04:07 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
There's no point in roster speculation, because NRS has stated several times that the roster size is not set in stone.

Wait. If the size of the roster isn't set in stone, that's actually more reason to speculate.
02/23/2015 04:10 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
There's no point in roster speculation, because NRS has stated several times that the roster size is not set in stone.

Wait. If the size of the roster isn't set in stone, that's actually more reason to speculate.

Maybe I should have reworded a bit better. I was mainly referencing that everyone seems to have a set number of how many spots are left.
02/23/2015 04:10 AM (UTC)
Did I miss something here, because I don't recall Kung Jin being in the comic (as of yet)
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02/23/2015 04:15 AM (UTC)
The roster was set in stone 18 months ago, NRS had everything mapped out way ahead of schedule,whos in, whos out,guest characters and dlc its all planned well ahead of time same with the comics aswell the artists have probably finished about 5 or 6 issues ahead of release schedule.
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02/23/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:

Maybe I should have reworded a bit better. I was mainly referencing that everyone seems to have a set number of how many spots are left.

Fair enough. In that context, I wholeheartedly agree.
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Props to MINION
02/23/2015 04:18 AM (UTC)
The comics are a way to introduce us to the characters and backstories of the lore.
Kittelsen said himself the comic and games story mode don't overlap, so there wont be any spoilage.

This is the only comics I've ever bought and I love them. Gets me super excited for the game.
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02/23/2015 04:19 AM (UTC)
I love the comics, personally. My biggest problem with them is that they are too damn short. Every time after I finish reading it on Sunday morning, I just can't wait until the next Sunday to read the next one.

And as previously stated, I feel like the comics showing people just adds to the speculation.

I like the fact that they spend a few comics for one story arch and developing the next one.

My only problem with them, honestly, is that I feel like they have some "pacing" issues, if you will. For example, what was the point of showing Sub-Zero in the first comic and not even touch on that topic by now? I know that they will eventually get back to it, but I don't see a point of showing it that early on. It was such a quick "scene" that by the 3rd comic, I stopped caring what happened.
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02/23/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
For example, what was the point of showing Sub-Zero in the first comic and not even touch on that topic by now?

You answered your own question. The point was to show Sub-Zero.
02/23/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
Love the comic keep it coming as for it ruining the roster I think that is bull shit and people really are jumping to conclusions confirming the likes of Sonya, Jax and johnny and even Mileena at this point! Their inclusion in the comic does not automatically include them in the game look at kitana, Kung Lao and Ermac no comic appearance yet and definitely confirmed for the game!

So I will keep reading the comics keep waiting for the reveals and try not laugh to hard when boring characters like Jax, Sonya and cage aren't revealed!!! Don't count your chickens before they hatch!
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Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

02/23/2015 04:27 AM (UTC)
A definite 100% YAY.

Kittlesen has done an AMAZING job just with the research about the mk lore. Even little tiny tidbits such as the star on Hsu Haos eye from an unused concept art is EPIC. Dare I say it? I wish he would write Tue narrative for the MK games.

I really enjoy his passion and all the research. I'm sure he'll do the less popular characters justice. At least he gives them a chance. *looking at you NRS*furious
02/23/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Love the comic keep it coming as for it ruining the roster I think that is bull shit and people really are jumping to conclusions confirming the likes of Sonya, Jax and johnny and even Mileena at this point! Their inclusion in the comic does not automatically include them in the game look at kitana, Kung Lao and Ermac no comic appearance yet and definitely confirmed for the game!

So I will keep reading the comics keep waiting for the reveals and try not laugh to hard when boring characters like Jax, Sonya and cage aren't revealed!!! Don't count your chickens before they hatch!

That's because they've confirmed not every playable character will be in the comic
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02/23/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)
The comic is essentially brand awareness to build hype and excitement for the game, warner brothers definitely got some decent PR firm behind this,comics,figures,branded controllers. I can see the ad campaigns kicking in big time start of april.
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