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posted10/17/2008 12:11 AM (UTC)by
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09/15/2003 03:46 AM (UTC)
Before you get your panties all rolled up in a bunch, I would like to say that MK VS DC is not for most fans. Most MK fans anyways. Now I really expect the usual nonsense people to come in here an make this thread a mess, but for better or for worse, hear me out.

It has become indisputable that some members of MKO would like to see the mortal kombat franchise fail. Perhaps that is the incorrect statement. I will rephrase: They would like to see mortal kombat extinct. Yes I am going that far.
But without further ado, I would like to discuss mortal kombat 9 with you, as stated in the subject line.

1) Will there be all new characters? (Besides the obvious iteration of characters such as Scorpion and Sub-Zero and possibly Raiden?)

We have had many discussions before Mortal kombat 8 was announced, that there were going to be brand new characters, before it was revealed by Ed Boon that the project was going to be onhold. Myself and many other members have had disagreements about this subject matter. However, they tend to be real erroneous because they sure as hell were dead wrong about MK VS DC.

2) When will fight night going to be held? This is the earliest we can get information about MK9 and I feel that Mortal Kombat itslef is in jeopardy. Why? Unless you have been lying under a rock, Midway is in severe financial crisis, and in today's uncertain economy, it is only probably not insignificant a statement when I say that MK might be put on hold. *Sigh*

3) Thirdly, what about the fighting engine? I must say I am underwhelmed and unimpressed about the fighting engine, along with every other facet of the game. For more about what I think, you may want to read Maverick4381's thread.

4) I am speechless and dumbfounded right now, after taking a long pause. I really feel like.............this is too much. You may respond now. Thank you.
09/30/2008 10:37 PM (UTC)
I was hoping someone would do something like this I was thinking of but lets just say I couldnt think of the right words.

So here it go's

Over time I found out one thing MORTAL KOMBAT is the name of a tornoment yet over the corse of mortal kombat there has only ever been one. On all the others it was some kind of disruption so that would be good to bring back as well as the abblity to bet things like the mk champion belt (the one Liu-Kang has). Also get back the old fighting system the one where you realy need to think. Dont put the hidden moves on the pause page or in a manual let them find it out or even put it in koncept art like you did with the fataltys on number one. Mortal kombat should also get more dark then ever before with more blood guts. I mean cmon its 2008 and the best most realistic mk game yet is mk 3.

As for the fighting sythem well they should have the Mksm because I loved that my highst combo right now is 211.
You could really rack up numbers

As for the KaF thing what would be cool is if every piece of stuff to equip adds status like

KaF was rubbish I mean it what would be cool is if when you made a new player you could make a fatalty for him just like the way Smack down vs raw 2008 used there make an entrence system

One last thing none of us want to see it die or fade away we just want it to go back to how it was at the start coz people are just saying "Its just another remake of the last one" Thats why the team have gotton so despret to keep it going that they got the DC nerds to play. I mean cmon people like mk coz its bloody and violent and they like to see that coz there brutal people but The Dc fans like it coz it has men in tiets and underpants ontop of there clothes coz there nerds Im gonna buy the game anyway coz thats the kind of fan I am but if Im online playing as sub-zero beating up loseing trying to work my way up to the top being a mk fan and then being cached out a dc nerd saying "I'll fight you with my might strong buff cripton warrior coz he's way better than your weak mk ice ninja" Im gonna go mad Ed if your here reading this run into the office and disroy that game!!!
09/30/2008 10:58 PM (UTC)
MK needs to bring back his origins and roots,with dark atmosphere.
with dark i mean...stop using destroyed towns with skycrapers and streets,stop using virbant colors,stop using unrealistical clothes for characters...
we want a survival horror atmosphere(or better atmosfear) ,when every fight shoud be for your life.
we need a really competitive IA,brutal death traps(hidden possibly without a red line on the stage) spectacular level switches(like Deception ones,a bit more realistical).
To be honest i would not bring back neither scorpy or subby.
we need a totally new cast of characters bringing back only kenshi because he is the only decent character.
we need a chinese and mythological setting,like Enter the dragon and any 70's martial movie.
we need a more accurate motion capture..not using only Crlos pesina but hiring a martial artist for every single charcater.
we need different kind o kicks,punches,throws,grapples...
we need ground kombat,a better counter attack system,something based more on timing and less on button bashing.
of course wee nedd a M Mature violent and controversy game a la GTA or manhunt.
i'd love to see Rockstar buy MK franchise.
09/30/2008 11:29 PM (UTC)
i couldnt say it better aprart from the Scorpy and subby big and the rockstar buying mk coz they would change it into a gangster game not a mythical thing

Plus midway wouldnt coz scorpion is there icon
10/07/2008 07:51 PM (UTC)

I think it would be quite risky to start with an all-new cast. That said, I do think it would be an excellent time to backseat all the main ones that appear in nearly every single game. Characters introduced after MK2 (and even some in MK2) could definitely use more development and taken in new directions. Even if the team clogs the roster with Liu Kang, Scorpion, least alter their plots. Give us something fresh and exciting.

I would also like more violent fatalities, at least 2 please. Not just geysers of blood. In fact, I'd like for the blood quantity and texture to be more realistic. I mean I want to see PAINFUL fatalities. Like something really over-the-top. I think it's a fair assumption to say many of us MK fans have become at least somewhat desensitized to violence. I want something that will make us shudder and cringe. Like slowly cutting of pieces of skin like strips of bacon. Something REALLY nasty.

Finally. Better stages. The last three games had a LOT of stages with lava/melted metal in them. The Foundry, Hell, The Armory, Kuatan Palace, Netherrealm Cliffs (not as a stage fatality), Kahn's Arena, and I'm probably forgetting a few. It was like "What is this stage missing?....NEEDZ MOAR LAVA!" Not to say that all the stages were bad (In fact, I thought House of Pekara and Golden Desert were kickass, CRUSHED BY A STATUE FTW!), but I would like more thought-out stages. Gimme something fresh! Keep a few classics, but spice it up a bit.

That's all I ask be included in MK9. I'm not really knowledgeable about technical stuff like game engines and whatnot, but suffice it to say that I think that the smoothest one possible should be used.
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10/08/2008 05:31 AM (UTC)
"It has become indisputable that some members of MKO would like to see the mortal kombat franchise fail. Perhaps that is the incorrect statement. I will rephrase: They would like to see mortal kombat extinct. Yes I am going that far."

Well yeah, I've seen that too. I think that's just because everyone has such great memories of MK's past, coupled with the fact that I think alot of hardcore MK fans have lost faith in the MK team to put out a more modern MK game, or what they perceive to be a "better" MK than what's come out recently.

Some people have the attitude that if they can't get it "right" then don't do it at all. I can understand that point of view, but if something in your life doesn't live up to expectations to the point where you wish that it didn't exist (I mean in general), then maybe you should reconsider why you're so invested in it to begin with if all that object does is bring you anger and frustration.

"1) Will there be all new characters? (Besides the obvious iteration of characters such as Scorpion and Sub-Zero and possibly Raiden?)

We have had many discussions before Mortal kombat 8 was announced, that there were going to be brand new characters, before it was revealed by Ed Boon that the project was going to be onhold. Myself and many other members have had disagreements about this subject matter. However, they tend to be real erroneous because they sure as hell were dead wrong about MK VS DC."

Okay man, you really could've stopped bragging about this MONTHS ago. I get it, you were right and the 99% of the other posters on this board were wrong. We all learned a valuable lesson. When some faceless message board person says something on the internet, from now on we'll all take it as gospel.

I'm not really sure what you're talking about here. Are you asking people who they want to see back in MK9? Because, taking your question literally: "Will there be all new characters?" My guess would be yes, there will be brand new characters in MK9.

Of course, if your'e asking whether we think the MK team will completely turn over the roster and start fresh, then I'd say that I hope so. I'd like to see Scorpion and Sub-Zero's move sets and looks changed drastically. For example... Make Scoprion human again. Change his name to Hanzo, his human name (or his non-ninja code name or however you want to look at it). Again, just a thought.

"2) When will fight night going to be held? This is the earliest we can get information about MK9 and I feel that Mortal Kombat itslef is in jeopardy. Why? Unless you have been lying under a rock, Midway is in severe financial crisis, and in today's uncertain economy, it is only probably not insignificant a statement when I say that MK might be put on hold. *Sigh*"

I personally don't take this to mean that MK would die even if Midway went out of business. I'd be SHOCKED if another developer/publisher didn't come along and snatch it up. Hey, for those fans that want the series to die, that might actually be a good thing. Maybe they'll get that renewed hope that they'll finally get the MK game that they want. Naaaaah, there's no pleasing those people lol.

"3) Thirdly, what about the fighting engine? I must say I am underwhelmed and unimpressed about the fighting engine, along with every other facet of the game. For more about what I think, you may want to read Maverick4381's thread."

Just to clear things up in my mind here. You're talking about MK vs DC's fighting engine... That's the one you're unimpressed by, right? If you're asking what people would like to see as far as that goes in MK9, well, I'll definitely choose to expand on that later. Good question though.

"4) I am speechless and dumbfounded right now, after taking a long pause. I really feel like.............this is too much. You may respond now. Thank you."

Speechless and dumbfounded? Over what? Too many questions? I dunno, they all seem like good questions to me. I just wish that people would stop using the royal "we" when talking about what THEY would like to see in the next MK game. Not to sound snide, but maybe I don't want to see a Nitara based first person perspective fighting game for MK9. Okay, extreme example, but personally, I'd rather just speak for myself.

Oh, and again, not trying to be a tool here, but how many different ways, times etc can I read the words "I want MK to be darker." I like that alot of people include specifics but some seem to forget about that. Again, not picking on anyone in this thread in particular, but I really like alot of the ideas that I'm hearing and I'd personally like to hear more detail.

I'll post again in this thread soon with more specific stuff about what I'd like to see, but I'm really curious to see what other fans want out MK9.

PS: Good thread Outworld!
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Original Battle will Return... Mortal Kombat 9! Wishes: Bring Back Konquest Mode (Just like MKA) or Story Mode (Just like MKvsDC) Bring Back Cinematic or Picture Endings Bring Back Kreate A Fighter Bring Back Krypt Bring Back Past Characters If They Don't Return For MK9, My Hope For MK10 Begins!

10/08/2008 11:52 PM (UTC)
Read my signature, I hope they bring back Cinematic Story Mode, and of course KAF. Also I would like to see many popular past characters from the series to return. If not then surely for MK10.
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10/09/2008 03:32 AM (UTC)
Alright, my wishlist for MK9:

1) A full on story mode: Bring the story back to the MK "tournament." But reveal characters motives, plot twists etc through a series of cinemas. I'm talking about 3 cinemas per character.

Also, be creative with it, do things a little differently. Maybe in a characters story, they die during a fight. Well, surprise people with that. You pick that character in story mode, then have a fight turn into a cinema and have the character get stabbed in the back by an unknown assailant or the simply lose or whatever.

Oh yeah, and write a good, coherent story. Not to talk trash about previous games, but no loose ends, no events that don't make sense, no 2 dollar voice actors etc. Make me feel like the next coming of Enter the Dragon is unfolding on my TV screen, only I have control of one of the characters in the movie. Give me drama, suspense, action, romance etc.

NO MORE "if character A wins the tournament...then this would happen" scenarios. If each character got three 2 minute (or less) cinemas, well, that's about a 2 hour movie. Maybe make it so it all fits together like a puzzle? Maybe players could even play it as a movie once all of the cinemas are unlocked? Just a thought...

2) The ambiance of MK1: Return the look of the game to a sort of "Forbidden City" or Asian style Island Fortress look from the first MK game. I wouldn't have any fights taking place before sunset to keep the mood of the game, but there should be battles in unique places throughout this old style city that carve out a distinct look for the game. A theme.

Not a disjointed look where one level is fought in hell, then you move on and you're on a large slab of stone and parts of the stone are falling away, then you're fighting ouside a temple, then you're at a portal etc. I'm thinking something that's close to Dead or Alive 3 in terms of their Asian themed backgrounds, only more sinister. Shadows moving around, sounds coming from various places, an overall grittier look as well. Perhaps this is an old city that's in a state of decay.

Whatever the look, I'd like to see it be consistent, where you actually feel like there is one solid location with several things are happening at once and alof of it is hidden from the player, only to be revealed later when you use/unlock other characters. To me, it would make that old syle city more interesting.

3) Evolve the fighting engine: Instead of adding gimmicks, really try to rethink the way that fighting games have evolved over the years and try to make something new and fresh, while still alot of fun to play. Something that is easy to pick up but has tons of depth and options for hardcore fans.

I'm not going to get into all of the technical aspects of what makes a good fighting engine (counters, animation frames, etc etc) but I'd like to see a fighting game that actually evokes images of watching a martial arts movie. From that idea, I'd say remove the block button entirely.

No one should be able to crouch and hold their forearms in front of their head indefinitely and become invulnerable to attacks. It looks rediculous, yet most "modern" fighting games allow this to a certain degree. I say, make it so every character has a button to escape from attacks and throws, a button to counter attacks and throws, and a button that, IF TIMED CORRECTLY, deflects attacks and throws.

To me, this would open up a huge layer of strategy provided...

4) The Character moves: are done correctly. This has to happen in the next MK game. No more swapping entire move sets between characters or weapons for that matter. Fighting styles should be just as much a part of a character's identity as their special moves are. You wouldn't just give Sub Zero's ice ball to Reiko for no reason, would you?

Either way, the moves should all be CHARACTER SPECIFIC. No more standard move lists that are spread out through the entire cast. A boxer should feel and play like a boxer. A Tae Kwon Do master should excel at certain things and be difficient in others etc.

5) Weapons: More unique weapons please. As well as unique ways to use them. Ever seen Brotherhood of the Wolf? The final fight scene where the main character is battling the villain... Well, the villain is using a whip sword kinda like Ivy from Soul Calibur. That would be cool, but I'd just as easily be cool with having a character that can spin their blades the way the main character does.

Or how about a ball and chain like Go Go from Kill Bill? There are a ton of ideas out there just waiting to be implented as far as cool and unique weapons and moves for characters that could distinguish them from one another.

6) Game Modes: I like online, I like versus, I like arcade mode. The training mode could be a little improved but it's okay. In MK:A however, those were the ONLY fighting options. Yes, you could play mario kart MK and you could slog through a decent but not overly exciting action game mode, but where were the FIGHTING GAME MODES???

Like I said, a dedicated story mode, online, versus and arcade for starters. How about adding a tournament mode? Kreate a Fighter returns perhaps? I didn't include it with the fighting options considering the fact that you're not actually fighting. How about a tag team mode? Three on three? Four on four? Four fighters fighting at the same time? SURVIVAL MODE?? Sorry to put that in caps, but it seems painfully obvious to have that mode in a fighting game.

Either way, I really hope the MK team focuses more on the in game content delivery and less on the extraneous stuff like characters slamming each other through repeating walls or silly meters, or nonfighting game modes etc. Yes, KAF would be great, but not if its at the expense of the fighting engine. I know the two aren't really related but if one or the other has to suffer, the engine should be the A #1 priority.

Anyways, that's all I have off the top of my head. Sorry this was so long (I ramble). Is this the type of feedback you want for MK9 Outworld?
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"There is no knowledge that is not power."

10/09/2008 11:29 PM (UTC)
They should totally hook up with AKI and use the engine from Def Jam:Fight for New York. Those guys do an awesome job making good fighting games. Hell, they made WWF No Mercy for the N64 10 years ago and I still have more fun playing it than any new wrestling games.

With that kind of engine, we could have matches involving more than 2 kombatants at once, full 3D movement, much more environmental interaction and you could use the same engine for the Konquest mode. Now, you can go through Konquest with any character because the team doesn't need to create another Konquest version of the character like they did in MKD and MKA. You could also use your created character in Konquest, a promised feature that was sorely missed by me in MKA.

We could also have multiple match types just like in a wrestling game, for example, a match in which one or more players must fend off multiple attackers, like hordes of skeletons or ninjas or whatever. You could even do co-op Konquest like MKSM, except you would have access to a much bigger roster, including your created characters.

Hell, we could even have a Kreate-a-Konquest course mode in which you design your own adventure game level just like you would design your own skate park in Tony Hawk Pro Skater. And while we're at it, why not have Kreate-an-Arena as well?

Of course, by playing through the game, we should be able to unlock more weapons and abilities for our characters, created or otherwise. There's no worries about number of characters, look how many wrestlers AKI managed to pack into No Mercy using this same engine about 10 years ago on the N64. Like 60, I think, not including created characters.

It also had the most in depth fighter creator I've ever seen, letting you pick everything from taunts to walking animations to strikes and grapples, even deciding how your character interacts with the environment.

MK team, please read this post. This needs to be heard. You want to be different? You want to stand out? Use this system. Hire some good developers. Take your franchise seriously. You're sitting on a gold mine with Mortal Kombat, take advantage of it. If you don't make this game, I will. I want MK to prosper, I'm sick of being disappointed. I want a good, quality, in-depth MK game that kicks the crap out of all other fighters on the market. I can see the potential in this idea, and I don't even work in the game industry. Yet, anyway. I am open, though. Hell, hire me, I'll help. You can consult me for free. I'm serious.grin
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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10/10/2008 08:04 PM (UTC)
I'll have to come back in here....
10/10/2008 11:38 PM (UTC)
I have to the days grow longer my appetite for MK gets weaker.

ThePredator151 Wrote:
I'll have to come back in here....

I hope you show up to this thread Predator. Your talents are needed.grin
About Me

Original Battle will Return... Mortal Kombat 9! Wishes: Bring Back Konquest Mode (Just like MKA) or Story Mode (Just like MKvsDC) Bring Back Cinematic or Picture Endings Bring Back Kreate A Fighter Bring Back Krypt Bring Back Past Characters If They Don't Return For MK9, My Hope For MK10 Begins!

10/11/2008 11:58 PM (UTC)
You serious?
I just want more MK now!
I`m eagar to get MKvsDC, and I`m REALLY EAGAR to hear news on MK9!
10/12/2008 12:06 AM (UTC)
TheTenthKombat Wrote:
You serious?
I just want more MK now!
I`m eagar to get MKvsDC, and I`m REALLY EAGAR to hear news on MK9!

Yeah I was a young MK lover like you until Ed Boon broke my will to love MK in half with MKA and MK VS DC.
About Me

Original Battle will Return... Mortal Kombat 9! Wishes: Bring Back Konquest Mode (Just like MKA) or Story Mode (Just like MKvsDC) Bring Back Cinematic or Picture Endings Bring Back Kreate A Fighter Bring Back Krypt Bring Back Past Characters If They Don't Return For MK9, My Hope For MK10 Begins!

10/12/2008 06:22 AM (UTC)
I gotta agree with MKA, but MKvsDC is amazing, and if your not into right now, then just wait until MK9!
10/12/2008 07:03 AM (UTC)
TheTenthKombat Wrote:
I gotta agree with MKA, but MKvsDC is amazing, and if your not into right now, then just wait until MK9!

That's what I'm doing. I am waiting for MK9. Nothing else.
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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10/12/2008 07:35 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
1) Will there be all new characters? (Besides the obvious iteration of characters such as Scorpion and Sub-Zero and possibly Raiden?)

No. But we need a good handful of them.

More importantly, we need new characters that are more substantial. If they're not going to have great substance, great depth, and fully (at least the possibility of) exploitable pasts, present and future.....leave them out.

If they're gonna be one dimensional, kill them within the parameters of that game, or the following game. Save for maybe bringing them back in a "trilogy" type game somewhere in the future. Leave them dead if you're gonna kill them...or just don't even include them in the game.

outworld222 Wrote:
2) When will fight night going to be held? This is the earliest we can get information about MK9 and I feel that Mortal Kombat itslef is in jeopardy. Why? Unless you have been lying under a rock, Midway is in severe financial crisis, and in today's uncertain economy, it is only probably not insignificant a statement when I say that MK might be put on hold. *Sigh*

Dunno. Economics later...

outworld222 Wrote:
3) Thirdly, what about the fighting engine? I must say I am underwhelmed and unimpressed about the fighting engine, along with every other facet of the game. For more about what I think, you may want to read Maverick4381's thread.

Movie Choregraphy. Mortal Kombat is not a technical fighter...this fits.

Give us control of what we like to see in the movies. Personalize it as well. Characters should not necessarily inherit a real martial arts style. Depending on the character, they should have styles that resemble realistic martial arts styles.

That said, some characters would have styles that are modeled after real, actual martial arts styles. Like Liu Kang or Kung Lao.....but even those guys should have their own take on the style that they're using.

Explicit Individuality. Don't share anything.

===========Other stuff=======

For story, a contest is in order again. You can have a fighting contest for any reason under the sun...Shokan and Tarkatans love to fight for no reason whatsoever....You could also have a contest that stems from some sort of tradition, like real life Shaolin Monks do. At that point, have someone from the MK universe, violate that tradition or whatever, which attracts MK good guys, and there you go...

Contests happen for money, land, "passing the torch", or for any other thing you can think of.....

This also makes the "Boss" a toss up all over again. And as such, he//she could be a bad guy, good guy, or any other mix. For instance, a really old Shaolin Monk who is passing the torch, and upon fighting, or beating him, he turns into some ungodly creature thing.

You beat him//her and get something.....good or bad....ect.


Another thing I wanna see is a dojo. Simple word but has virtually endless purpose. Training area with a sensei, Khreate a Fighter, Equipment and armor, Practice Mode, Stats, back story and character development, ect ect ect....use the "dojo".


Accomplish Photo Realism in MK9. It is not there in MKvsDC. Graphics look good in game, but do not slouch on anything from renders to in-game graphics next time.


No little...things in MK9 (MK8, the real mk if that's how you look at it). No little Close Kombat, Free Fall, none of these little crappy interruptions in gameplay.

No Mini games UNLESS they are substantial. Like reinvented Puzzle games you play through that help you improve or learn more about the character you take through the thing. I almost wanna say that these should//could be downloadable content. Because if they are personalized at all, you could have say...Sub-Zero challenged to enure hell-like standards. Giving a contrast to the characters powers, and boosting his resistence to heat...healing, agility, aggression ect ect..for other characters.

If you generalize these "maps", it could hurt a character like say Raiden more, to go through a hell map more, because he's a "god of light" and good. Whereas Scorpion or Quan Chi wouldn't be bothered much. See the contrast there?

But, if it isn't substantive mini games like that...fuck it. Don't even put them in the game. It's a waste of time and space.


Character biographies, profiles, and overall descriptions need to improve dramatically. No matter what. We don't even know some of the oldest characters very well.

Circumstances that these characters have been in that brought them to the point that they're at need to be experienced well, or explained//written far better than what they have been.

For instance, "Raiden is a very powerful god" is an inadequate description of the character. Gimme who, what, when, where, how, and why...then we're talkin'. Give me a power grid or scale in order to judge where he's at.

See, it's acceptable that while in the vs, fighting arena he could take damage...doesn't have to make so much sense then. The simplicity of "Raiden sacrifices his god-rites to be a contestant" is sufficient. BUT, what the extent of his powers are, can be, could be, how old he is...ect, has yet to be identified.

I think that if our MK characters were better explained, this ridiculous "magic" ploy in MKvsDC wouldn't even be necessary. For instance, Raiden should out class someone like Superman. Which I think would feed into the whole "Super-man" thing in the first place. Since that's what Superman is about. Superman normally meets the challenge...he's not technically a god so, Class them Right. Superman is underneath Raiden on a hierarchy. As it should be, per their title and character descriptions.

Anyway, bottom line here is we don't know enough about the MK characters, and we ought to.


Turn MK into (back into) the "scary" fighting game. Get serious, all these gimmicks, and jok-ey joke instances and premises need to get-out of MK.

MK IS the "Jason, Michael Myers, or Freddy Krueger" to the rest if these fighting games.

That's what I believe MK veered away from growing in-to anyway.

The tone is messed up right now, and they keep reinforcing a negative by trying to "make a positive" out of the game.

Mortal Kombats integrity and tone, IS relatively negative. It IS the "threat" to the "nicer-toned" fighting games out here.

The movie Silent Hill is a good tone for Mortal Kombat....Stephen Kings movie The Mist would be a great tone too....


The fantasy element is also jacked up right now. Like those movies, Mortal Kombat needs to feel like a terrifying nightmare by now.

This is not a "Harry Potter" fantasy element that I'm talking about. Interview with the Vampire is more about right. But, it doesn't need the "Once upon a time" theme to can be more modern than that.

Point is, it needs a Dark Arts fantasy element to it. An almost Haunting fantasy element to it so that, when things like magic are used, you can take them a little more seriously.

Couple that with the fact that this is a fighting game, and there you go. That's the right track, and that would do it well.



Give it back.

that is all I would "request" at this point. Though I'm sure there is more that I did not type here (like obviously keeping the story mode, and certain returning characters).
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10/13/2008 05:06 PM (UTC)
Wow Predator, GREAT IDEAS!!

Especially the dojo idea. I couldn't agree more.

In my vision of MK9, I'd like to see something like a small, dark/haunted, asian themed shanty town. Sort of a poor little village that's right outside the gates of where the tournament is being held. By dark, I mean it's always night, it's always raining, the small, old style buildings and shops are dilapidated, the people are frail, sullen, and somewhat defeated. They are being oppressed, but you're not sure by whom.

You could walk around town and talk to people, learning more about the tournament and the characters themselves. You could even get hints about hidden characters. These people would be dynamic though, they wouldn't simply say the same thing over and over again.

Depending on the character you're using and what you're asking them (yes, I'm talking about branching conversations) they could run away from you, attack you, offer you items like clothing pieces for the kreate a kharacter mode or give you hints on how to defeat characters, who they trust/don't trust, who they're cheering for etc. As I said before, they could give you info on hidden characters, or perhaps some history on the tournament, the possibilities are endless.

Of course, the main point of this village would be to travel to the different shops. Sure, you could travel into houses to find kurrency, talk with other fighters, talk to people, find kreate a kharacter items, weaponry, special moves etc, but the shops are where it's at.

There would be a shop for hair cuts, a shop for tattoos, a specialty shop for "monster" type characters, a back alley plastic surgery place, a dojo for learning regular moves, a dojo for learning (ie purchasing) special moves, a shop for clothing, a shop for weapons etc. Now, I'm not saying you'll want to travel to these shops 15 times over to finish creating one character. Of course you wouldn't.

Basically, once you enter one of these shops, you could bring up a small menu that allows you to choose the shops as categories for your character. Once you select a category that's a different shop, you'd get a 4 or 5 second video of you approaching that shop in the first person and opening the door, and then you see the shop owner, they ask you what you want and then the menu comes up to edit what that shop allows you to edit on your character.

Of course, as you play through the games other modes, you'd gain more kurrency, and you'd also unlock previously locked items in these stores, so you'd want to keep going back. As you accomplish things in the game (say you beat the story mode with Sub Zero), you get a notification, something like:

"The Master of Special Moves has learned:

Sub Zero Freeze
Sub Zero Slide
Sub Zero Storm
Sub Zero Teleport"

Followed by:

"The Weapons Merchant has a new item in stock:

Sub Zero Kori Blade"

When you walk into their stores, they will also tell you what they recently got in case you turn the game off and haven't played for a while.


I also like your ideas on the story Predator. No more one dimentional characters. I also want to know the who, what, when, where, why and how of each character. I want to care about characters. I want to hate the bad guys and like the good guys. I want *gasp* shades of gray in my characters as well.

What if the next Champion of Mortal Kombat is a good guy at heart who has done terrible things?

As I said in my post, I'd love to see a full fledged story mode that's separate from the Arcade Mode. In Arcade, sure, you go up the ladder, you win kurrency by winning fights etc.

But in story mode, you get three cut scenes ala Twisted Metal Black per character. One in the beginning to set up why they are at the tournament and who they are. You get another that shows what's happening to them in the tournament, who their enemy is or what their motivation for winning is which sets up a Vendetta Match with that opponent, and one ending cinema.

Now my thing is that I think the ENTIRE story should be consistent and cohesive. If they don't give the option of turning all of the cinemas into one movie once you've unlocked them all, they sould still have enough consistency so that you know what happened to every character and how each characters story impacts other characters.

In other words... MK's fan base has grown up. It's time for MK to do the same.

This might date me a little bit, but I played the first MK game in arcades when I was 11 years old. What entertained me and what came off as depth and good storytelling at 11 sure as hell doesn't do the same for me now. If the MK team can't write a storyline that's both enterntaining and engrossing for MK, then they need to find someone that's capable of pulling off this feat.
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10/13/2008 07:13 PM (UTC)
Oh yeah, and I might've said it before, but whatever...


Sorry to shout that, but geez, have a story where some characters die in their story, maybe as soon as the 4th or 5th match in the story mode. Maybe a character gets kidnapped, or transported away from the tournament or they're severely injured etc. But there should be a flow to the story so that going into the MK10, you don't have to try and piece together what ACTUALLY happened in MK9. The ENTIRE story would be what actaully happened.

If you're not going to have a cohesive story that makes sense throughout, doesn't contradict itself, or doesn't have engaging characters then don't bother.
10/13/2008 07:19 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
1) Will there be all new characters? (Besides the obvious iteration of characters such as Scorpion and Sub-Zero and possibly Raiden?)

No. But we need a good handful of them.

More importantly, we need new characters that are more substantial. If they're not going to have great substance, great depth, and fully (at least the possibility of) exploitable pasts, present and future.....leave them out.

If they're gonna be one dimensional, kill them within the parameters of that game, or the following game. Save for maybe bringing them back in a "trilogy" type game somewhere in the future. Leave them dead if you're gonna kill them...or just don't even include them in the game.

outworld222 Wrote:
2) When will fight night going to be held? This is the earliest we can get information about MK9 and I feel that Mortal Kombat itslef is in jeopardy. Why? Unless you have been lying under a rock, Midway is in severe financial crisis, and in today's uncertain economy, it is only probably not insignificant a statement when I say that MK might be put on hold. *Sigh*

Dunno. Economics later...

outworld222 Wrote:
3) Thirdly, what about the fighting engine? I must say I am underwhelmed and unimpressed about the fighting engine, along with every other facet of the game. For more about what I think, you may want to read Maverick4381's thread.

Movie Choregraphy. Mortal Kombat is not a technical fighter...this fits.

Give us control of what we like to see in the movies. Personalize it as well. Characters should not necessarily inherit a real martial arts style. Depending on the character, they should have styles that resemble realistic martial arts styles.

That said, some characters would have styles that are modeled after real, actual martial arts styles. Like Liu Kang or Kung Lao.....but even those guys should have their own take on the style that they're using.

Explicit Individuality. Don't share anything.

===========Other stuff=======

For story, a contest is in order again. You can have a fighting contest for any reason under the sun...Shokan and Tarkatans love to fight for no reason whatsoever....You could also have a contest that stems from some sort of tradition, like real life Shaolin Monks do. At that point, have someone from the MK universe, violate that tradition or whatever, which attracts MK good guys, and there you go...

Contests happen for money, land, "passing the torch", or for any other thing you can think of.....

This also makes the "Boss" a toss up all over again. And as such, he//she could be a bad guy, good guy, or any other mix. For instance, a really old Shaolin Monk who is passing the torch, and upon fighting, or beating him, he turns into some ungodly creature thing.

You beat him//her and get something.....good or bad....ect.


Another thing I wanna see is a dojo. Simple word but has virtually endless purpose. Training area with a sensei, Khreate a Fighter, Equipment and armor, Practice Mode, Stats, back story and character development, ect ect ect....use the "dojo".


Accomplish Photo Realism in MK9. It is not there in MKvsDC. Graphics look good in game, but do not slouch on anything from renders to in-game graphics next time.


No little...things in MK9 (MK8, the real mk if that's how you look at it). No little Close Kombat, Free Fall, none of these little crappy interruptions in gameplay.

No Mini games UNLESS they are substantial. Like reinvented Puzzle games you play through that help you improve or learn more about the character you take through the thing. I almost wanna say that these should//could be downloadable content. Because if they are personalized at all, you could have say...Sub-Zero challenged to enure hell-like standards. Giving a contrast to the characters powers, and boosting his resistence to heat...healing, agility, aggression ect ect..for other characters.

If you generalize these "maps", it could hurt a character like say Raiden more, to go through a hell map more, because he's a "god of light" and good. Whereas Scorpion or Quan Chi wouldn't be bothered much. See the contrast there?

But, if it isn't substantive mini games like that...fuck it. Don't even put them in the game. It's a waste of time and space.


Character biographies, profiles, and overall descriptions need to improve dramatically. No matter what. We don't even know some of the oldest characters very well.

Circumstances that these characters have been in that brought them to the point that they're at need to be experienced well, or explained//written far better than what they have been.

For instance, "Raiden is a very powerful god" is an inadequate description of the character. Gimme who, what, when, where, how, and why...then we're talkin'. Give me a power grid or scale in order to judge where he's at.

See, it's acceptable that while in the vs, fighting arena he could take damage...doesn't have to make so much sense then. The simplicity of "Raiden sacrifices his god-rites to be a contestant" is sufficient. BUT, what the extent of his powers are, can be, could be, how old he is...ect, has yet to be identified.

I think that if our MK characters were better explained, this ridiculous "magic" ploy in MKvsDC wouldn't even be necessary. For instance, Raiden should out class someone like Superman. Which I think would feed into the whole "Super-man" thing in the first place. Since that's what Superman is about. Superman normally meets the challenge...he's not technically a god so, Class them Right. Superman is underneath Raiden on a hierarchy. As it should be, per their title and character descriptions.

Anyway, bottom line here is we don't know enough about the MK characters, and we ought to.


Turn MK into (back into) the "scary" fighting game. Get serious, all these gimmicks, and jok-ey joke instances and premises need to get-out of MK.

MK IS the "Jason, Michael Myers, or Freddy Krueger" to the rest if these fighting games.

That's what I believe MK veered away from growing in-to anyway.

The tone is messed up right now, and they keep reinforcing a negative by trying to "make a positive" out of the game.

Mortal Kombats integrity and tone, IS relatively negative. It IS the "threat" to the "nicer-toned" fighting games out here.

The movie Silent Hill is a good tone for Mortal Kombat....Stephen Kings movie The Mist would be a great tone too....


The fantasy element is also jacked up right now. Like those movies, Mortal Kombat needs to feel like a terrifying nightmare by now.

This is not a "Harry Potter" fantasy element that I'm talking about. Interview with the Vampire is more about right. But, it doesn't need the "Once upon a time" theme to can be more modern than that.

Point is, it needs a Dark Arts fantasy element to it. An almost Haunting fantasy element to it so that, when things like magic are used, you can take them a little more seriously.

Couple that with the fact that this is a fighting game, and there you go. That's the right track, and that would do it well.



Give it back.

that is all I would "request" at this point. Though I'm sure there is more that I did not type here (like obviously keeping the story mode, and certain returning characters).

can i marry you?
totally agree on your post.
I really love Mortal Kombat but its lately been lackin on story and on some gameplay. They have to take a high risk and start off from scratch literally. A new fighting engine, not an "improved" engine from previous games. They tried but its not working. The story has gone so farfetched that there is no tournament anymore, just pointless fighting. They have to incorporate the tournament as it was used in the first MK. Have a whole new roster. They can bring some ppl back but not the whole roster. Have a new Boss that is a real challenge. Make the Story for each fighter unique as they are. They dont need 60+ fighters... just a handful is more than enough. They should bring back KaF and use some of the features that Soul Caliber used but at the same time have more creativity on it. N they should have creat a move/finisher like in SvR 2009. Downloadable content is a must. I really wish while there's a team making MKvsDC there's another thats working on MK9 and is going all out. New fighters should have unique styles, like a MMA fighter and a brawler. Stuff like that will impact the gaming world for the better.
About Me

Original Battle will Return... Mortal Kombat 9! Wishes: Bring Back Konquest Mode (Just like MKA) or Story Mode (Just like MKvsDC) Bring Back Cinematic or Picture Endings Bring Back Kreate A Fighter Bring Back Krypt Bring Back Past Characters If They Don't Return For MK9, My Hope For MK10 Begins!

10/14/2008 10:28 PM (UTC)
Yeah, totally agreed!
I hope they add The One Being into the story for if not MK9 then for sure MK10.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/16/2008 09:30 PM (UTC)
Predator me and you have fault over this time and time again but i'll try to be more open minded.....what the heck does renders have to do with the GAME itself?
10/16/2008 11:05 PM (UTC)
Someone close this thread.
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
10/17/2008 12:11 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Someone close this thread.

Closed at author's request.
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