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06/02/2014 09:57 PM (UTC)
Here is my reason for not wanting Sheeva in this game..

What has she done? What has she contributed? What difference or significance has she played? The answers are nothing, nothing, and none... She is just hired help to beat up... NRS refuses to make her interesting or change her story... So I would much rather see them invest in new characters...

You might say well Baraka and Reptile are the same... you are right, they are hired goons and that's pretty much it... The difference with Sheeva is that there are 2 more Shokans out there... Baraka and Reptile are unique in that there aren't other major Tarkatans or Zaterrans in the games...

I don't dislike her as a character... but the novelty of having a female shokan has worn off, so what we are left with is a character with a boring, un-updated story who's moves are all borrowed from other characters...

I'm not saying get rid of her forever, but in the scheme of things she isn't really important and I'd rather see new characters than to have her thrown in again just for the sake of including her...
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/02/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
zerosebaz Wrote:

Hsu Hao
Did i say Jax? tongue

Those are the ones I wish to never see again, ever. Then you have the boring characters like Li Mei, Moloch, Dairou, that I find boring but i'm ok with, and the ones like Mavado ro Drahmin that are interesting but need a lot of work for them to work.

PD: What's with all the Sheeva hate? :( She is a much more interesting character than Goro or Kintaro, at least for me.

Exactly. I think Sheeva could become an excellent character if given a chance to develop. She was only included in Armageddon because that was a game that required everyone in the series and she seemed to only be included in MK9 because that was a game that had everyone else from the first 3 games. I'd fall out of my seat if she's announced to be in MKX lol

I know, I used Sheeva a lot in MK9 even when she was probably the worst character in the game. She was the second char I "mastered" :p

It was so sad to see so little of her in the storymode, even a few little line of dialog could have worked to see more of her motives and personality. She really does have a sense of honor that the other Shokans fail to transmit.

I have a strong feeling the MK team aren't interested in her. As I said, her inclusions in games past MK3 have merely been out of necessity. Oh, so Armageddon will have every character in the series? Ok that means Sheeva too. Oh, MK9 will include every character from the first 3 games? Well that means Sheeva. She has never appeared in a game where it wasn't necessary to have everyone from a certain period and that's sad. Hell, even if she IS in MKX (lolYeahright) it will only be a case of "We decided to bring every single character from MK9 back, so that of course means Sheeva" lol.

The devs just aren't interested in our favorite four armed girl. :(
06/02/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
It's insulting to mention Kitana, Ermac and Kung Lao in the same sentence with Mokap, Meat, and Hsu Hao. Just my opinion.
06/02/2014 10:00 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
To describe Sheeva in one picture

But that's my opinion.

Lol that's not nice whopper.

I'm already 100% sure Sheeva isn't returning. If she does I'll be surprised as hell. It's sad when the likelihood of Batman or Superman appearing is higher than the likes of Sheeva.

I'm sorry ????
I have hated her since I was 3 lol. Just looking at her makes me mad for some odd reason lol. XD
Now that's just sad ???? Rather have her than Supes and Bats.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/02/2014 10:02 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:

I'm not saying get rid of her forever, but in the scheme of things she isn't really important and I'd rather see new characters than to have her thrown in again just for the sake of including her...

Ok, now that I agree with. I don't want her being brought back just to stand around and do nothing like in Armageddon and MK9. I'd rather she just never comes back than be wasted like that again.
06/02/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Here is my reason for not wanting Sheeva in this game..

What has she done? What has she contributed? What difference or significance has she played? The answers are nothing, nothing, and none... She is just hired help to beat up... NRS refuses to make her interesting or change her story... So I would much rather see them invest in new characters...

You might say well Baraka and Reptile are the same... you are right, they are hired goons and that's pretty much it... The difference with Sheeva is that there are 2 more Shokans out there... Baraka and Reptile are unique in that there aren't other major Tarkatans or Zaterrans in the games...

I don't dislike her as a character... but the novelty of having a female shokan has worn off, so what we are left with is a character with a boring, un-updated story who's moves are all borrowed from other characters...

I'm not saying get rid of her forever, but in the scheme of things she isn't really important and I'd rather see new characters than to have her thrown in again just for the sake of including her...

+ Reptile, Kano and >Baraka are popular and huge among the casuals, whereas Sheeva is still a non factor and placed dead last on the MK9 site.
06/02/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
zerosebaz Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
zerosebaz Wrote:

Hsu Hao
Did i say Jax? tongue

Those are the ones I wish to never see again, ever. Then you have the boring characters like Li Mei, Moloch, Dairou, that I find boring but i'm ok with, and the ones like Mavado ro Drahmin that are interesting but need a lot of work for them to work.

PD: What's with all the Sheeva hate? :( She is a much more interesting character than Goro or Kintaro, at least for me.

Exactly. I think Sheeva could become an excellent character if given a chance to develop. She was only included in Armageddon because that was a game that required everyone in the series and she seemed to only be included in MK9 because that was a game that had everyone else from the first 3 games. I'd fall out of my seat if she's announced to be in MKX lol

I know, I used Sheeva a lot in MK9 even when she was probably the worst character in the game. She was the second char I "mastered" :p

It was so sad to see so little of her in the storymode, even a few little line of dialog could have worked to see more of her motives and personality. She really does have a sense of honor that the other Shokans fail to transmit.

I have a strong feeling the MK team aren't interested in her. As I said, her inclusions in games past MK3 have merely been out of necessity. Oh, so Armageddon will have every character in the series? Ok that means Sheeva too. Oh, MK9 will include every character from the first 3 games? Well that means Sheeva. She has never appeared in a game where it wasn't necessary to have everyone from a certain period and that's sad. Hell, even if she IS in MKX (lolYeahright) it will only be a case of "We decided to bring every single character from MK9 back, so that of course means Sheeva" lol.

The devs just aren't interested in our favorite four armed girl. :(

Yeah, I feel exactly the same. Even though they failed (at least for my point of view), they did try to make Stryker cool, and while I don't want him in the next game and know he has fewer chances than most of the cast, I would be a lot less surprised if he was in MKX than I would be if I saw Sheeva in it. They just do care about him, while they clearly don't about her.

06/02/2014 10:07 PM (UTC)
All Sheeva really did in the Story Mode was be Sonya's jailer and that's about it. Nothing relevant.

Hell, even Baraka and his hordes did a raid on the Shaolin Temple.
06/02/2014 10:12 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
All Sheeva really did in the Story Mode was be Sonya's jailer and that's about it. Nothing relevant.

Hell, even Baraka and his hordes did a raid on the Shaolin Temple.

It;s true, but in the original storyline she did kill Motaro and try to assassinate Shao Khan, which could actually have worked had Kano not warn him about it. I know it's not much, but is still more than Reptile has ever done.
06/02/2014 10:17 PM (UTC)
- Tanya
- Bo Rai Cho
- Kai
- Jarek
- Frost
- Kobra
- Kira
- Hotaru
- Dairou
- Taven
- Daegon
- Nitara
06/02/2014 10:42 PM (UTC)
I want Scorpion and Sub Zero gone, but that's up there with an apology from Rush Limbaugh (i.e., not gonna happen).

Sonya, Jax and Kano, for starters. Twenty years of the same old shit between the three of them that needs to end once and for all.
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06/02/2014 10:49 PM (UTC)
I agree. Sonya, Kano, Jax... they need an updated story!
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/02/2014 10:56 PM (UTC)
Sonya just needs to appear in a game where Jax and Kano both aren't present. And maybe the same for the other two. But I definitely want Sonya back for MKX, Jax and Kano however can miss out for all I care. I like Jax, but he is absolutely useless. He does nothing but follow Sonya around.

Only interesting thing about Jax is his designs. He gets pretty good looks in most games.
06/02/2014 10:59 PM (UTC)
Everyone from MK9 that died for me has to stay dead in order for this to feel like a true sequel IMO. Yes they have Sub-Zero but I made a thread stating that what if the twist was that Hydro had become the New Sub-Zero so you can read that there. But yes all dead MK9 chars just stay dead & let the MK4-MKD & New created characters shine for a bit.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/02/2014 11:18 PM (UTC)
Jarek- I think we all know why.

Jade- I've just never seen her as necessary. Her claim to fame is being Kitana's bff. Either do something interesting with her or hack off the dead limb and move on.

Blaze- eh.

C(K)hameleon- I only need one lizard thank you.

Hsu Hao- mistake form jump street. Uninspired, boring, and barely used any wrestling moves!

Darrius- needs

Dairou- to

Kobra- be

Kira- forgotten

Shujinko- this one was tough. I don't like him for his ridiculous amount of naivety, but feel like he could be redeemed.

Daegon- any character/story element introduced in Armageddon should never be used again.

Taven- see Daegon.
06/02/2014 11:21 PM (UTC)
- Taven
- Shujinko
- Blaze
- Meat
- Kobra
- Jarek
- Chameleon
- Mokap
- Hsu Hao
- Darrius
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/02/2014 11:25 PM (UTC)
I'd be perfectly fine with Chameleon, Mokap, Kira, Kobra, Li Mei, Darrius, Mavado, Onaga, Taven and Daegon never showing up again.

Also: Quan Chi.

Yes, I know he'll be present. Yes, I know he's an integral part of MK. He's a mastermind figure. But he's been that way for too goddamned long now. Ever since he showed up in MK4 there's been nary a game where he hasn't backstabbed or connived his way to some kind of victory or survived in some way shape or form and you know what?

It's about time somebody took down ol' tennis ball head. Make it Shinnok so I can look at that ugly blue mug and see a powerful Elder God who won't be played.

Or better yet, make it Shang, for over a decade of abuse. :D

After X, I just want Quan Chi to take a long dirt nap.

EDIT:Hsu Hao, you suck so bad I forgot you existed, you wacky bastard
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/02/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:

Or better yet, make it Shang, for over a decade of abuse. :D

After X, I just want Quan Chi to take a long dirt nap.

As much as I do love Quan Chi...I love Shang Tsung that much more, so I can get on board with this. If for no other reason, to redeem the shitty way they wrote him off in mk9. Complain about all the deaths in that game if you want, nobody got shit on like Shang Tsung.
06/02/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'd be perfectly fine with Chameleon, Mokap, Kira, Kobra, Li Mei, Darrius, Mavado, Onaga, Taven and Daegon never showing up again.

Also: Quan Chi.

Yes, I know he'll be present. Yes, I know he's an integral part of MK. He's a mastermind figure. But he's been that way for too goddamned long now. Ever since he showed up in MK4 there's been nary a game where he hasn't backstabbed or connived his way to some kind of victory or survived in some way shape or form and you know what?

It's about time somebody took down ol' tennis ball head. Make it Shinnok so I can look at that ugly blue mug and see a powerful Elder God who won't be played.

Or better yet, make it Shang, for over a decade of abuse. :D

After X, I just want Quan Chi to take a long dirt nap.

Don't you dare threaten my precious Quan Chi.

Quan Chi is a weaver of the epic proportions. Never before in MK has there been a mastermind such as he. Yes, I think a defeat is long overdue, but I most certainly do not think he needs to be knocked out from the series.

What I would prefer is for Quan Chi to get shit handed to him so hard he hits rock bottom, and has to work his way from the bottom all over again. This almost happened with Scorpion's MK4 ending. Maybe this time Raiden can claim vengeance against Quan Chi for possessing all those warriors.

A beat down, yes. Being put out of the game, you push me buttons.
06/02/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
So much Sheeva hate.sad
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

06/02/2014 11:45 PM (UTC)
My "under no circumstances do I want to see them return" would be:

Hsu Hao

But if I'm really being honest... The group "I'd rather see a new character than see this character return" would be those 7 as well as:

Li Mei
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06/02/2014 11:50 PM (UTC)
Shao Kahn
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06/02/2014 11:56 PM (UTC)
Mokap's pretty much the only one I don't want to see back ever. I don't even hate Mokap. It was a joke and a nice homage and everything, but I don't think he should have been included in Armageddon.
06/03/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
Honestly... none of them.

As I just said in another thread, I'm a big fan of complete rosters.

I want them ALL back...

Yes Even Drahmin
Yes Even Kobra
Yes Even Meat
Yes Even Chameleon
Yes Even Hsu Hao
Yes Even Mokap

BUT... I know that's not gonna happen.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/03/2014 12:13 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:

What I would prefer is for Quan Chi to get shit handed to him so hard he hits rock bottom, and has to work his way from the bottom all over again. This almost happened with Scorpion's MK4 ending. Maybe this time Raiden can claim vengeance against Quan Chi for possessing all those warriors.

Haha, I think that game was called Deadly Alliance.wink
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