Characters that you hate and want to FRICKIN die and never come back!
posted04/20/2009 09:10 PM (UTC)by
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Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

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09/03/2005 05:22 PM (UTC)
I'll start off the list with probably the number one most hated character

LIU KANG: He is just FRICKIN' annoying!!!!! Why won't that bastard stay dead? Let someone else take the FRICKIN' spotlight! OKAY!?! that stupid monk won't even change his FRICKIN' attire! It's always the same pants, headband, and those shoes!furiousfuriousfurious
09/05/2005 08:44 PM (UTC)
Liu is my favorite.....

New Characters from MK3-Deception(Besides Sindel and Kenshi)
Jax(I liked him in MK2)
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

09/05/2005 08:55 PM (UTC)
scorpion is my favorite......
sorry about liu, but some people have different oppinions, he can be cool in some ways though....
09/05/2005 09:02 PM (UTC)
mexicanoslasher Wrote:
scorpion is my favorite......
sorry about liu, but some people have different oppinions, he can be cool in some ways though....

I wasn't taking that as an offense.Everyone has their own opinions.
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

09/05/2005 09:16 PM (UTC)
i know, ahhh, lets get this post going! i wanna see some character names that people want to frickin die, and never come back!!!!!!!
About Me

09/05/2005 09:36 PM (UTC)
How can you hate a stupid video game character? Ah, forget it..
I don't hate anyone from theese, but they either are unnecessary now, or would have served a better purpose if they would remain dead. And a selected few, that are absolutely misplaced in MK are:

Liu Kang: couldn't have Shang Tsung got his revenge in peace? Now, of course with a tiny interesting twist, everytghing starts anew. Liu is back without any change. Boring. It would have been quite good and catartistic if he would have died at the hands of his archnemesis. It wouldn't have ma-de him any lesser (not that he was something much in the first place).

Rain: absolutely stupid storyline. People who are slaves to their own fate don't fight. (the "Hound Assassin" effect) And theese people just take away one slot from the roster.

Sindel: very bad design. Ugly in MK3, uglier in MK:D. No innovation or gain, Sindel has no obvious long-term goal, what makes her a episodic charac-ter. And a bad one too.

Sektor: pointless. If he invades Japan with an army so soon I would be dumber than assuming he was something in the first place. NOW if he would be alegitimate armed force in Japan, now that would be a twist.
Boring and unispired as of late.

Shinnok: look at MKM:SZ Shinnok and MK4 Shinnok. You get the picture. (at least the MKM:SZShinnok tried to be something fearfull, nowhere as near of Shang Tsungs or Kahns or Onagas level)

Kintaro: aside from being more powerfull than Goro what stands for him as an actual literal character? Nothing.

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09/05/2005 10:33 PM (UTC)
rain had a storyline that you could expand on and i loved him as a character and so did sector and stryker
Liu i love him because he is the ultimate and no one can argue with that he is the main character for a reason and thats because he is the best. he is not my favorite but he is sweet.
but i absolutly hate scorpion always have and always will
09/05/2005 10:35 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot

Also, I could live without:

09/05/2005 10:54 PM (UTC)
Sorry but I'm gonna have to say...


He needs to take a seat and let someone else be the star.
09/05/2005 11:17 PM (UTC)
characters who need to die:
-Jarek (kano rip off)
-Movado (boring)
-Hsu Hao (boring)
-Sonya Blade (i hate her and she has overstayed her welcome)
-Sindel (ugly and boring)
-Nitira (stupid idea)
-Tanya (enuf female ninja wannabees)
-Mileena (baraka killed her, thank god)
-darrius (kill darius bring back kai)

characters who need to return:
-Rain (he needs a chance, this guy has never been in an official mk tounment)
-Kai (he needs to join up with the shaolin monks
-Fujin (take raidens place)
-Shang Tsung
-Quan chi
- kung lao
09/06/2005 12:03 AM (UTC)
Characters that need to die:

- Mavado (All he did was try and kill 3 characters off. Thank God Kabal killed him.)
- Kobra (Boring)
- Darrius (Pointless, looks like he's from the space age)
- Dairou (See Darrius. Also has he only been created just to kill Hotaru off?)
- Kenshi (Awkward to play and has a stale storyline. Thank Mavado for putting Kenshi in this situation. And I'll hate him even more if Kenshi's ending comes true.furious)
- Sindel (Terrible in MK: D. She's served her purpose.)
- Mileena (See Sindel. Hope Baraka's ending comes true)
- Liu Kang (He's served his purpose and was annoying to beat in MK3. Now he's gonna be the hero AGAIN!)
- Li Mei (Pointless. Always seems to be a victim or a slave)
- Shujinko (A copycat and is 100 years old. Will die very soon.)
- Kai (Extremely boring.)
- Jarek (Pointless)
- Sheeva (Pointless, except to kill Motaro off. Stay dead)
- Motaro (Pointless and Boring. Stay dead.)
- Stryker (Most boring character ever)
- Mokap (See Stryker. Whoever gave him that storyline is on dope.)
- Onaga (I think he's a crap boss.)
- Shinnok (See Onaga)

Give these guys one more chance:

- Hotaru (Can somebody please tell me why everybody hates him? All he needs is a fresh storyline away from the Law and Order and give him longer combos, a new weapon and about three new special moves.)
- Reptile (He has to return as a ninja. I hate his lizard form.)
- Nitara (What's this big thing about her? Maybe one more game for her)
- Tanya (So far she's had two strikes. They need to change her storyline big time)
- Johnny Cage (His storyline needs to change. He can't just be comedy relief.)
- Sektor (I think he has potential. He was meant to be in MK: D but he got scrapped last second. And for which moron? Answer: Darrius)
- Rain (He has potential as well. But his storyline will need to be revamped big time. What I mean by that is that everyone wants Rain to either fall in love with either Kitana or Jade. Fuck that. If you want something like that then let him sleep around. Make him trash. Then It'll be funny.)
09/06/2005 12:43 AM (UTC)
The only characters that I would not mind see a game without are Ashrah, Kobra, Kira, Darrius, Dariou, and Nitara.
About Me
09/06/2005 01:34 PM (UTC)
defenetly in the first place KITANA and the yellow guy Kang (yeah he is yello,its true) i hate them i want them never to be in future mks.everybody else is kool.I prefer Mokap than those 2 piece of garbage.
09/06/2005 06:19 PM (UTC)
Characters who need to die or disappear forever.

Kobra- Worst character ever. A Ken ripoff who serves no purpose.
Shujinko- Failed attempt at a new hero.
Reiko- Adds nothing, and not even Midway like him.
Cyrax- Never liked cyborgs, and he's the worst imo.
Dairou- A nobody with MK's dumbest movelist ever.
Tanya- Was OK as a one hit wonder, now MK's worst comeback.
Shinnok- Pathetic excuse for a final boss, watered down Shang Tsung.

There are other characters I dislike or am indifferent to, but I think they could be given another shot in MK and hopefully improved.
Shujinko: Please no making him the main hero, please.

Guys you can't wish Scorpion would die.... he's already dead. :P

Few others, but he's the main one.
09/06/2005 08:43 PM (UTC)
most charactersin mk re creative while some are to an mk game what tofu is to dinner: pure filler

kai: lame and totally uninspired

kobra: he is a ken ripoff and is so cheap.

mokap: lame joke character he was made as if it were to teach us how the game is made

Hso hso: he is shirtless and has a police hat, on i guess boon wants girls to like MK too grin
09/06/2005 08:43 PM (UTC)
most charactersin mk re creative while some are to an mk game what tofu is to dinner: pure filler

kai: lame and totally uninspired

kobra: he is a ken ripoff and is so cheap.

mokap: lame joke character he was made as if it were to teach us how the game is made

Hso hso: he is shirtless and has a police hat, on i guess boon wants girls to like MK too grin
09/06/2005 08:43 PM (UTC)
most charactersin mk re creative while some are to an mk game what tofu is to dinner: pure filler

kai: lame and totally uninspired

kobra: he is a ken ripoff and is so cheap.

mokap: lame joke character he was made as if it were to teach us how the game is made

Hso hso: he is shirtless and has a police hat, on i guess boon wants girls to like MK too grin
09/06/2005 10:24 PM (UTC)
This may defeat the purpose of this thread but because I like all MK characters I'm just going to state the ones that cannot be permanently killed.

Sonya- No way is she leaving MK. She's one of the strongest, best looking, interesting characters and that's really saying something for an Earthrealm character as most of them can be a bit boring.

Mileena-Deepest character in Mortal Kombat, hands down. Such a unique story and such bold interesting character.

Tanya-Hehe...she's a bitch....I think people really don't like her coz she took Kitana's place in MK4 (yayyyyy!!!! ha take that!) But she's a real interesting character and the traitor/bitch character is always fun to have.

Sindel-Love her design, love her moves (one of my strongest fighters in MKD) Love her story and probably the only character resurrection works for.

Reptile-Reptile is so cool. I love his look and his moves and the fact that he may be able to recreate his race again provided Khameleon is still alive is so cool.

Kahn-Big, taunting and dressed like a stripper. WTF?!? But ya still gotta love him. He was the backbone of the 2d Mortal Kombat era.

About Me

"The fate of the world is in your hands. Ha ha ha...sorry" -Raiden

09/06/2005 11:24 PM (UTC)
This list below explains everyone who should be in the mortal kombat games to come...anyone who isnt on this list should be dead and forgotten:

Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Sub-Zero (original assasin)
Shang Tsung
Reptile (original MK2 Reptile, not the reptile in MK4 and up)
Kung Lao
Shao Kahn
Noob Saibot
Quan Chi
Bo rai cho

I hope you enjoy that list. again, this is who i think should be the only ones in any mortal kombat game, and those who arent on the list should die and be forgotten. furious
09/07/2005 12:13 AM (UTC)
MotaroRules Wrote:
Hso hso: he is shirtless and has a police hat, on i guess boon wants girls to like MK too grin

LOL why would he attract girls. He's ugly, boring, pointless and his origin is from the Y.M.C.A.grin
09/07/2005 12:23 AM (UTC)
PBJ have you seen full monte
09/07/2005 01:04 AM (UTC)
Sub_Saibot Wrote:
Sub-Zero (original assasin)

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Actually, you listed this dude twice: Once as Sub-Zero (original assassin) and again as Noob Saibot.
09/07/2005 01:59 AM (UTC)
I'm starting to really hate these "Hate" topics...

I'll say...

Bo' Rai Cho
Hsu Hao
Jax Briggs
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung
Sonya Blade
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09/07/2005 03:42 AM (UTC)
Wow, my list is actually pretty close to PB&J's list. I don't really "hate" any character, but I can say that I'll probably give a disappointed sigh if I see:

Kobra: Who is this? Johnny Cage lite? This Ken ripoff should never have made it off of the concept drawings.

Dairou: I thought he had potential when I saw the drawings in MK:DA's krypt, but I was wrong. Stupid moves and storyline plus horrible look.

Havik: Talk about a waste of a character. An awesome look put to waste with a terrible storyline and some of the silliest special moves I've ever seen in a fighting game. Probably my biggest disappointment in MK:D.

Sindel: The Bride of Frankenstein is, as someone else said, an "episodic character." She has no motivation and no plot. Let her go MK team.

Liu Kang: I liked Liu Kang. I hate killing him and bringing him back from the dead. Pass the torch to Kung Lao. You took a really cool plot twist at the beginning of MK:DA and ruined it by bringing him back.

Shujinko: Yikes. Bad idea that was poorly executed. Was this supposed to be the Wang, or Shun Di of MK? No way.

Jarek: As others have said, he's a Kano rip-off. Unless he's drastically repackaged, I honestly doubt we'll ever see him again.

Sheeva: She was a cool idea at the time, but her appeal was more or less of a novelty. She's served her purpose and doesn't need to be brought back.

Motaro: Worst sub-boss ever. He looked silly and I was almost embarassed to fight him back in the arcades. No more centaurs please.

Moloch: Not a big fan of big blue. He looked like some ogre from the Lord of the Rings movies. Or at least a bad ripoff of one. A rather lame sub-boss.

Stryker: A riot cop was a good idea. Making him look like an angry Joey from "Full House" was not. Silly moves, bad look, and no plot.

Bo Rai Cho: I've never enjoyed playing as him, and aside from training Kung Lao (if giving him some awkward spinning kick consitutes training), he doesn't have much of a plot. A waste of the drunken Kung Fu style.

Hsu Hao: I thought his clap move was kinda cool, but his look was silly and his story was nonexistent. They'd need to drastically change him as well. But I'd rather have a new character than him.

Mokap: Don't waste your time on characters like this. Give us real hidden characters that we can actually enjoy opening up in MK.

Blaze: Wow, the guy from the Pit II. See Mokap.

Meat: See Mokap.

Chameleon: See Mokap.

Nearly made my list:

Darrius: I absolutely hate his look, and his moves are kinda lame. So is his story line. I hated the order versus chaos plotline. It's arguably the worst storyline in the history of MK.

Frost: Her look is pretty cool I guess, but her moves and storyline were extremely lacking in originality.

Needs a 2nd chance:

Shinnok: I think that they can do ALOT better with an Elder God than the evil bellhop that we got in MK4. I'd like to see them try.

Tanya: I liked her look and her moves in MK:D, but where is the story? Give her a new and unique plot for once. Evil and scheming by themselves do not constitute a plot.

Sektor: I've always liked him more than Cyrax. I like his moves, and I'm hoping they do something new and unique with him if he's in MK7. Maybe a pact with Noob? Either way, he's still got some potential.

Kano: I'd like to see him return and challange Kabal for leadership of the Black Dragon. I'd also like to see the MK team finally put the Special Forces VS Black Dragon plot in the past where it belongs.

Sareena: I'd say she needs a first chance. She has a big fan base in the MK community. I'd also like to see her put with Noob, the guy she used to know as Sub-Zero and loved (if I remember correctly). Can she love what he has become?

Kira: She had a pretty cool look in MK:D, but what the hell was up with her moves? You don't introduce a brand new character, but give them all old, recycled moves! It's beyond lazy, it's

Drahmin: I thought his look was pretty cool, with the mask and what not. Give him some more moves, better moves and he could really stand out. Oh, and a plot would help too. Again I say...put him with Noob?

Kai: I think that, as a character, he has a lot of potential. He'd need new moves that worked with capoiera perhaps (since that was close to his "style" in MK4) and a cooler look, but I could see him as a potential Earth realm warrior mainstay. He'd need a new plot also.

Please bear in mind that if I dissed your favorite character, it's just my opinion, and that it wasn't anything personal. I know that some on this board get a little miffed when someone dogs their fav character.
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