11/16/2006 09:55 AM (UTC)
Reason Wrote:

Yes, he's a joke character. But I think he fits the MK theme perfectly... a walking sac of bloody flesh that can be twisted and beaten and will still come back again (just like the MK storyline!).

But seriously. A lot of joke characters have become official, and a few of them have actually been good (take Ermac, Rain and Noob Saibot for example). I like the idea of Meat, because even though he's ridiculous, he can be made into something better.

As for Mokap... there's no hope for him.

And I thought I was the only one who always thought this.....I completely agree with you. I think Meat and Chameleon can be turned into amazing, unique characters. They have the potential.....

Anyways, some more of my ideas:

Reptile - I would want him and Khameleon to make plans to rebuild their empire/race into a good or neutral force. But before they can do this, they must stop major threats that seek to rule Outworld since the realm is in great Chaos. Havik, Baraka, and maybe the Shokans are some characters that could cause trouble.....not to mention Shao Kahn. A realm rivalry with the Vampires would be sweet too, and IMO, Reptile should have some story involving Chameleon.

Rain - Rain is yet another favourite with massive potential. If he returns, I hope they keep the whole prince thing since it suits him well; they can develop on it. Rain should also remain slightly twisted and corrupted, while being very cocky and arrogant. I always visualized Rain as being an anti-hero type as well, not to mention an attitude and personality very similar to Vegeta from DBZ. Throw in some self-intelligence like Piccolo, and you'd have Rain (but mainly being like Vegeta). It all blends in perfectly IMO, especially along with Rain feeling kind of shameful/cowardly for betraying his race. He's too proud with his pride and ego at the top of the hill.....I've always wanted Rain to be developed like this.

Ermac - He should become guardian/protector of Outworld. Havik would be his main target for all the Chaos going around, but I would also like to see Ermac try and hunt down Shang Tsung in hopes to free and purifty all the stolen souls.

Sub-Zero - While his powers become more and more godly, Sub-Zero's attitude should change slightly; I think the Elder Gods going after him is not a bad idea, just as long as you make him continue his rivalry with Sektor and Noob Saibot.

Scorpion - He should help Sub-Zero defeat Noob Saibot and his Cyber Demons. Depending on how that goes, I think Scorpion should be a character that tries to make sure no other evil beings can escape from the Netherealm. Scorpion should try to take down forces like Drahmin, whom would be rising with power. Even if Scorpion does have his family and clan back, he can dedicate himself to stoping powerful threats from growing. Such possibilities could be Belokk, Baphomet, or even Lucifer.....

Noob Saibot - With his Cyber Demon army completed, Noob Saibot should make plans to rule the entire Netherealm. But just to make sure past allies don't become a conflict, Noob decides to take out Shinnok and Quan Chi; maybe other warriors posing a threat by knowing information. Maybe Noob can even want Sektor destroyed so he can have his advanced Japanese-Tekunin technology to upgrade his Cyber Demons, thus making them even more powerful.

Smoke - IMO Smoke should either be helping out Sub-Zero with problems, or try to set himself free from his insanity, which means he's always chaotic with a neutral status. He cannot be trusted, making him a possible threat to everyone. Smoke shoud slowly start to transform like this right after he escapes Noob Saibot's curse.

Chameleon - Yet another character with unlimited potential. My idea for Chameleon is for him to take out Reptile and Khameleon (maybe spare Khameleon to make her his queen); then revive his race as a force of evil and terror. His race would be a new breed of demon saurians, but not only would Chameleon want Reptile dead, but his old master Shao Kahn as well. Besides that idea, Chameleon could also be a character of evil that wants to become the perect, ultimate warrior, by slaying very powerful beings. In other words, he wants to become the most powerful being by mastering the arts of various opponents (he would transfer their brain atoms/cells into his, making him more intilligent and knowing of their fighting abilities). Don't get it twisted....he wouldn't become the ultimate copy cat that has everyone's moves.....he would just mimic their fighting style in an advanced form, teasing and taunting his victims with his higher intelligence. Only on 1 on 1 fights can be copy a characters special ability, only for that match.

Raiden - Keep him dark, possibly going even darker, slowly transforming like Shao Kahn. Fujin, Sub-Zero, and others would try to stop him from going any darker. It would be quite the showdown to see them fight a angered and frustrated Raiden, however, they have a certain amount of time before Raiden goes completely evil.

Meat - An idea I had for Meat was for him to be sort of similar to Havik in terms of causing chaos and trouble, but with more of a deep story. He could be a total cannibal that tries to turn people evil by eating pieces of them. The person slowly starts to change, especially by having an intense craving for flesh....then becomes violent, and by time....unstoppable. Meat could do this with certain characters to cause twists in stories.....some characters would try and fight off the craving; it would be a fight for alignment/survival. Meat could even be the reason behind Liu Kangs risin corpse.....but anyways.....if Meat returns, he needs to look more fleshy with rotten bits hanging off. Make him look more bigger and menacing.....

Tell me what you think. Feedback is always great.
gocheese Wrote:
i'm feelin a little slow right now,so i can only think of one

Scorpion:alright,give the guy his freakin family back.........i know a lot of people will complain,but hear me out;after that he could go insane and slaughter em' or somethin' along those lines.........then,well like i said,i'm feeling a little slow,so i'm sure those of you that are a bit more creative can come up with somethin from their!

No offense, but... that's a terrible idea.

Scorpion needs to move on from the whole "revenge for my family" thing as XiahouDun84 said. It's gotten old and tiring.
12/09/2006 07:45 PM (UTC)
Kung Lao
First and foremost, they need to cease and desist the whole "jealous of Liu Kang" nonsense that they introduced in Shaolin Monks. Wrong. That's not Kung Lao and they need to stop presenting him like Liu Kang's Vegeta. He's a reluctant hero who wanted nothing to do with becoming Champion of Mortal Kombat. That's what made him interesting.
What they should do is pick up where they left off in MK:DA with Liu Kang gone and Kung Lao finding himself forced to be the new leader. Even though they all-but cut his nuts off in Deception (replacing him with Shujinko; getting killed by Shang Tsung; bitched out by Ermac), they can salvage this by having Kung Lao determined to regain his honor and accepting that, whether he likes it or not, it may be up to him to be the Champion of Mortal Kombat now that Liu Kang is gone (even if Kang comes back, he should not be Champion anymore).
This can maybe actually work because of the humiliation they subject Kung Lao to in Deception. We see he's not a perfect, flawless hero. That and that he never wanted to be Champion, will make him a potentially more interesting hero.

I'm all for Raiden going nuts, but what they had him do in Armageddon didn't work. Raiden losing his patience and taking an any means necessary approach to protecting Earth is a good direction. But having him forget everything he knows about Shao Kahn was a bad move and they need to never do something like that again.
Aside from that, I say keep Raiden going on the psycho path. Only have his anger go from just mortals to the Elder Gods...which would lead to his wanting to tear them down. And it go on from there.
Whatever the case, Raiden's act as the benevolent Thunder God and pleasent Gandalf-like leader of the heroes has gotten old. Fortunately,. they've started to move him away from that....they just need to make sure they do it right.
12/09/2006 10:26 PM (UTC)

XiahouDun84 Wrote:

Only have his anger go from just mortals to the Elder Gods.

I agree.

His maddening continues, he grows a newfound disgust with the elder gods and it intensifies.

Raiden has always been a little peeved at the elder gods for not doing anything. At the beginning of deadly alliance, it mentions Raiden leaves the crew and takes matters into his own hands. Now the realms are on the brink of destruction and still, the elder gods do nothing.

It would’ve made sense to have the elder god’s “chosen warrior” Scorpion face Raiden. But, now since Scorpion is angry with the elder gods, which I see as unfeasible, I don’t see that feud having much of a chance. Perhaps a new representative of the elder god’s could face Raiden.

Where to go from here?

One of the most interesting posts I’ve read that could happen to Scorpion was from the user Godzilla.

Godzilla Wrote:

“He's always been the aggressor, looking to seek vengeance on someone. I think it would be a good Idea if for once, he was being hunted down.

For example, after Armageddon, I'd have Scorpion kill Quan Chi. Then, since pretty much everybody that could pose a threat to the realms is dead, the Elder God's would no longer need a champion. So Scorpion's just a spectre again.

However, this time, nobody in Hell's letting him out to kill somebody. He's free, but he shouldn't. He was an assassin during his life, and has earned a place in Hell.

So, I'd have it so that a force (an archangel or maybe the Grim Reaper), would be set loose to return Scorpion to where he belongs. Obviously, Scorpion wouldn't want to return to burning in Hell, even if he has no vengeance to wreak.

That would lead to Scorpion trying to do something to redeem himself. In MK1, he killed Sub-Zero purely for vengeance. He chased after Quan Chi, for vengeance. He was sent to kill Onaga, mainly because he was the most convenient choice for the Elder Gods. So, all the good things he's done were either with malicious intent, or because he was told to.

In MK7, I'd have him realize that he has done evil, and that in order to not go back to hell, he'd need redemption. It could be fighting the big boss just because they're evil, it could be helping Sub-Zero. Just no more vengeance.

So there we have it. Scorpion gets a new purpose (redemption), and a new nemesis (Grim Reaper).”

I'm all for the redemption ideas, I've never seen Scorpion as intentionally evil, basically everything he has done has been for the benefit of his wife and son.
12/09/2006 11:10 PM (UTC)
Baraka- i think he needs to quit being a messenger, and in the next game, if he's in it, he should be a king or have a lot of power. He should have many associates do his every whim, as pretty much every other evil guy has done to him.

Reptile-same problem as Baraka, and i think it should have the same solution as Baraka.

Shao Kahn- i'm tired of him being king of Outworld. He needs to be Reptile or Baraka's associate.

that's who i can think of for now.
12/10/2006 06:54 PM (UTC)
I'll have a go at this:

Chameleon: Blank sheet of paper this guy. Move away from the saurian race. His codename is Chameleon because he is able to blend in to the background. He is able to watch techniques from Martial Artists and is able to pick them up easily.

This would explain the stolen ninja moves. Think of it as a non interfering Shujinko.

Maybe even reveal him to be a Tarkata. There are a fuck load of them so it wouldn't be impossible. Yes, they tend to be barbarians rather than ninjas but I think it could be possible to find a ninja Tarkata.

Rain: Promote the royalty side of Rain a bit more. When Edenia was part of Outworld, he could have been considered to be an advisor to Shao Kahn and eventually become ruler of Outworld when the inevitable betrayal happens. But since Kitana took Edenia away from Outworld his power in his province is waning and he wants revenge on the ones responsible for his loss of power.

That's all I can think of really.
12/11/2006 12:08 AM (UTC)
I think Scorpion SHOULD have the Shirai Ryu and become a warlord of sorts...
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Go to Hell (no rly)

12/11/2006 12:21 AM (UTC)
Scorpion:Give him the flaming head like in DA!
12/11/2006 01:04 AM (UTC)
Good as usual Xiahoudun84.

K, here is my shot at this:


*sighs* As we all know it, Scorpion's story sucked from MK4 and up. He seriously needs a new purpose. Resurrecting his clan and family in MKA was an incredibly stupid move. Let's add more to the idiocy platter- Quan Chi kidnaps his son. Fuck that.

Let him kill Quan Chi and move on as the Champion of the Elder Gods.

Kobra and Mokap- no hope for them.

Ktiana- either let her retire happily as Queen of Edenia or come back with Edenia destroyed into her mysterious roots again.

Jade- She really needs to stay out of Kitana's shadow, esp. if she is coming back for next-gen.

Reptile and Baraka- give them something huge rather then the messanger shit. If Baraka was to return, I would like to see more of the love/hate rivalry between him and Mileena. If not, Reptile should retire happily with Khameleon. As to Baraka's case- Let him die in Mileena's hands.
12/11/2006 02:18 AM (UTC)
pretty much everyone needs new changes, wether its how they look or just their storyline something has to change.
12/13/2006 11:31 AM (UTC)
Everyone is more on the lines of changing the story and personally...I think the story is least important....Come on now....If you want a good story read a book or whatever...Its supposed to be a fighting game not a comic book.
All of the characters costumes and weapons need changes,some new special moves for the classic characters, maybe some classic moves resserected for newer characters....that would be a big enough change and it would solve the issues about who wants classic and new...have both...So in my opinion...I could care less of the story...Especially if Kreate a Kharacter returns...I will be using kaks more than the mains anyway...I understand the story is messed up and yes some of it is getting old...but its already been written and cant be changed.Therefore whatever the new game brings toward the story should be an improvement...because even the team was a bit unhappy with the story...so aslong as the next game doesnt get rushed,stop worrying about the story so much peeps and start thinking about the gameplay,graphics,sound,presentation and controls of the future. wink
12/13/2006 04:25 PM (UTC)
If you don't care about the story....that's fine, people like different things....then don't post in this thread.

I'm getting sick of people telling me not to discuss the storyline and how it should be improved giving bullshit reasons like "if you want story, watch a movie."
Story has as much place in this game as anything else. Is it the most important thing? No. But personally, I find it a lot more important than fucking mini-games and unlockables and half the other shit they force into the game. If you want a racing game, or a puzzle game, or any of that garbage....buy a fucking racing or puzzle game.

OBVIOUSLY gameplay and graphics and sound and all that shit has to be good. That should go without saying. OBVIOUSLY they shouldn't rush the game and take their time to make it good.

A lot of people care about the storyline and will discuss it. Deal with it.

Not meant to be a flame, apologies if it sounds harsh....but I'm getting tired of people telling me what to care about and what to post about.
12/13/2006 09:50 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
If you don't care about the story....that's fine, people like different things....then don't post in this thread.

I'm getting sick of people telling me not to discuss the storyline and how it should be improved giving bullshit reasons like "if you want story, watch a movie."
Story has as much place in this game as anything else. Is it the most important thing? No. But personally, I find it a lot more important than fucking mini-games and unlockables and half the other shit they force into the game. If you want a racing game, or a puzzle game, or any of that garbage....buy a fucking racing or puzzle game.

OBVIOUSLY gameplay and graphics and sound and all that shit has to be good. That should go without saying. OBVIOUSLY they shouldn't rush the game and take their time to make it good.

A lot of people care about the storyline and will discuss it. Deal with it.

Not meant to be a flame, apologies if it sounds harsh....but I'm getting tired of people telling me what to care about and what to post about.

Thank you.
12/14/2006 02:04 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
If you don't care about the story....that's fine, people like different things....then don't post in this thread.

I'm getting sick of people telling me not to discuss the storyline and how it should be improved giving bullshit reasons like "if you want story, watch a movie."
Story has as much place in this game as anything else. Is it the most important thing? No. But personally, I find it a lot more important than fucking mini-games and unlockables and half the other shit they force into the game. If you want a racing game, or a puzzle game, or any of that garbage....buy a fucking racing or puzzle game.

OBVIOUSLY gameplay and graphics and sound and all that shit has to be good. That should go without saying. OBVIOUSLY they shouldn't rush the game and take their time to make it good.

A lot of people care about the storyline and will discuss it. Deal with it.

Not meant to be a flame, apologies if it sounds harsh....but I'm getting tired of people telling me what to care about and what to post about.

Yeah, I know. I'm pretty fucking sick and tired of it too. If MK didn't have a storyline or one we didn't care about, we wouldn't be talking about it in the first place.
12/14/2006 04:19 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
If you don't care about the story....that's fine, people like different things....then don't post in this thread.

I'm getting sick of people telling me not to discuss the storyline and how it should be improved giving bullshit reasons like "if you want story, watch a movie."
Story has as much place in this game as anything else. Is it the most important thing? No. But personally, I find it a lot more important than fucking mini-games and unlockables and half the other shit they force into the game. If you want a racing game, or a puzzle game, or any of that garbage....buy a fucking racing or puzzle game.

OBVIOUSLY gameplay and graphics and sound and all that shit has to be good. That should go without saying. OBVIOUSLY they shouldn't rush the game and take their time to make it good.

A lot of people care about the storyline and will discuss it. Deal with it.

Not meant to be a flame, apologies if it sounds harsh....but I'm getting tired of people telling me what to care about and what to post about.

And I was just about to say the same thing...
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12/14/2006 04:23 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
If you don't care about the story....that's fine, people like different things....then don't post in this thread.

I'm getting sick of people telling me not to discuss the storyline and how it should be improved giving bullshit reasons like "if you want story, watch a movie."
Story has as much place in this game as anything else. Is it the most important thing? No. But personally, I find it a lot more important than fucking mini-games and unlockables and half the other shit they force into the game. If you want a racing game, or a puzzle game, or any of that garbage....buy a fucking racing or puzzle game.

OBVIOUSLY gameplay and graphics and sound and all that shit has to be good. That should go without saying. OBVIOUSLY they shouldn't rush the game and take their time to make it good.

A lot of people care about the storyline and will discuss it. Deal with it.

Not meant to be a flame, apologies if it sounds harsh....but I'm getting tired of people telling me what to care about and what to post about.

Yeah, I know. I'm pretty fucking sick and tired of it too. If MK didn't have a storyline or one we didn't care about, we wouldn't be talking about it in the first place.

And then what should I say?
12/16/2006 11:50 AM (UTC)
I understand your points...i was just stating my opinion....sorry if i hit a raw nerve geez lol... am just saying that people are buggin over the story when there is alot more in mk that needs changes or additions...i dunno dude...peeps are takin things seriously and its just a game.
12/16/2006 10:00 PM (UTC)
One of my favorite characters in recent years, Jax, needs an overhaul.

In MK2, 3, and 4, he was great. Reportedly the strongest man on Earth, he was an all-American hero.

However, in DA, he became a stereotype. his primary looked like a Black Panther, his alternate a rapper; and he spouted blaxplotation phrases.

At least his story took some interesting turns with Deception and Armageddon (although I'm not sure if I'm entirely fond of the idea of a
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
cyborg Jax running the Tekunin)....

In my opinion, Jax needs to go back to the basics. Give him a new look (and a damn shirt for Chrissakes! There was at least a reason he didn't wear one in MK2, but no self-respecting government agent would run around topless!), but keep him as an American hero trying to stop the evils of other realms. Show his anger, but not as extreme as when he
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
was under Sektor's control.
More like when he attacked Hsu Hao in his DA ending.
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12/18/2006 10:00 PM (UTC)
How about this... for Kitana, Mileena's magic powers have finally won with the destruction of blaze. Mileena is free to do as she wishes, including replace Kitana, because Mileena will transform Kitana into a massive half woman half Spider, much like Motaro is half of a horse. Her lower half arachned her top half is still humanoid. Her hair has shriveled and turned grey like her mother's.

Kitana is left to roam the wastelands of outworld and becomes the queen of the Tarkatans, taking Baraka as her alpha of the tribe. Better???

He has saught out the killer of his family and clan, with enough story line twists and turns he seeks a purpose. He has even found the duty of champion of the Elder Gods. When Quan Chi RE KIDNAPPED Scorpion's wife and family, Scorpion plunged back into the neatherealm where he encountered Lord Shinnok. Shinnok seeks to regain control of his turbulant realm. Scorpion seeks to kill Quan Chi.

Shinnok gives Scorpion even greater powers and then disappears, before Scorpion can kill Shinnok. Shinnok increased the powers of Scorpion, so that way Scorpion can kill the greater demons that get in his way to finding Quan Chi while the weaker ones already obey Shinnok.

However these new powers consume and burn the flesh off of Scorpion, leaving him a true spectre. Scorpion is now, hollow, vaporous and an even more elusive ninja.
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12/18/2006 10:27 PM (UTC)
Let's say she does replace Kitana once and for all, no question, no more feuding, she has won, period. She convinces Sindel to step down, and Mileena is the new ruler of Edenia. That was a public show, so they would not question Mileena's rise to power. She then has her mineons kill allies of Princess Kitana. Jade, Sindel and even the traitor Tanya are killed.

Baraka challenges the power of Mileena, but she does not have him killed. She has him mutated with an Oni. When the figure emerges from the chamber, it is not Oni, nor Tarkatan, it is a freakishly huge mixture of them both.

With the help of the Shokan army and the Tarkatans, she takes over Outworld. She promises the Shokan army that Edenia and the Tarkatans will aide them in the extinction of the Centurians.

She is the creation of magic, she orders her army to bring Kahn to her where she eats off his face or something. Mileena I mean Princess Kitana is in supreme rule and merges the two realms again and into a joyous paradise. It is perfect, as it was the will of Mileena.

Wow what a dull ever changing, plot holed story! As time progresses, Jade slowly grows a tail and reveals her Saurian self. She then seeks out Reptile as her mate to repopulate the Saurian race, however she finds Knameleon with him. The two fight to the death, but Jade is victorious. A single Saurian female can repopulate the race with clutches of massive eggs. They hatch as humans, but when they mature they become reptilian just as nature intended.

Kahn has been defeated and overthrown by Onaga. He is stripped of his helmet and armor and left to rot in chains in the public eye at Outworld. With Onaga's power, he curses Kahn to rapidly age. Kahn becomes a living trophy chained in a town hall so those in the Outworld can see him rapidly age. Kahn is forced to die from old age instead of in the field of battle.

What Onaga did not anticipate is Kahn's greatest general and BROTHER, Reiko. One night he bravely rescues a heavily aged Kahn from his chains. Rapidly aged, Kahn must use his intelligence instead of his might and brutal wrathhammer! Without Kahn's power and with his age, Kahn has been humbled as the man he once was before he had conquered Outworld and thirsted for more power.
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Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty: http://sitebender.deviantart.com/art/Mortal-Kombat-Trivia-Generator-75305107

12/18/2006 11:27 PM (UTC)
Drunk on his own power, he becomes the overlord of Earthrealm. He smites the world's leaders and proclaims himself the supreme overlord of Eathrealm. No one can stop him and his power of lightning. He grants Liu Kang life once more, but in ghoul form, Liu Kang is a meager servant.

Raiden turns Earthrealm into an efficent world bent on defending itself. To those not up to the task of joining his billion man army, they are destroyed. The Shaolin Monks chose not to fight on his behalf, so Raiden destroys them and their temples. However Kung Lao manages to escape to Outworld where there is an uprising of those sympathetic to overthrowing Raiden or at least giving him the clear sight to see that he is a dictator.

Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Kung Lao, General Reiko, the army of Ermac and the Shokan army form an alliance with even Shang Tsung and Kano behind them. They fight for their own reasons, and once overlord Raiden is overthrown, everyone will reveal their true reason to overthrow Raiden. How can one stop a god? With Fujin and Shinnok perhaps? If Raiden is defeated, Earthrealm would be in chaos and easily prone to attack.

With his own race dead, he has now accepted that. Now it is time for his great revenge! He learned much from his friend Nitara, such as how she could steal the escence of a victim by tearing into them and drinking their blood as they lived instead of devouring them whole! Nitara also told him that his race was obliterated by a soulnado that ripped the soul from each member of the Saurian race, Reptile had an idea.

Tsung's temple still had a limitless supply of souls. In a false display of alliegence, Reptile killed his new master Shang Tsung. He drank the blood from Tsung's body as it was still helpless and alive. The essence of Shang Tsung's demon power coursed through Reptile and he could now absorb souls.

He intends to guide enough souls into the soulnado to make it larger with the ability to tear souls from the bodies of everyone in Outworld. To extinct the race of Outworldians, Tarkatans, Shokans and Centurians. Reptile knows his soul might be pulled from his body, but he does not care at this point. Why conquer a realm and have more problems, when you can destroy a realm?

The empress of every realm. The wife of Onaga, she rules at his side, bored with her life of being by her husband's side. She tried to kill him, however in the physical sense, Onaga is unstoppable, but there is one thing that can stop him.

Tanya joined alliance after alliance, first the Deadly Alliance could not stop Onaga. Shinnok could not stop Onaga from merging the Neatherealm into the collossis realm that Onaga forged.

When Onaga was busy annihilating realms, the new friend of Tanya had the oppertunity to magicly imprison Onaga. The scorceress then separated Onaga from Timut / Reptile's body. With Onaga's essence split in two as was the collossis realm. Everything evil and unholy in one realm, and everything good and pure in the other realm.

The Kamidogu was shattered in two pieces. Tanya and her friend clamored for the pieces. They each recieved a single half. In Tanya's hands was one half. In posession of the other was Mileena, the scorceress that split Onaga and the realms. The power of the Kamidogu transformed one of the two women into everything that realm represented. Each woman would become the supreme ruler of that half of the collossis realm. Who was holding which half of the kamidogu?
12/19/2006 12:11 AM (UTC)
sitebender, to be honest, they were terrible.

Why would Kitana be shifted into a horse-spider woman and become the Queen of the Tarkatas?

Jade as a Saurian the whole time= WTF x 10 It doesn't make sense at all.

Why would Mileena transform Baraka into a half Oni-Tarkata creature?

The idea of Kahn and Reiko as brothers are horrible too.

The others are horrible, too.
12/19/2006 12:18 AM (UTC)
Hikari715 Wrote:
sitebender, to be honest, they were terrible.

Why would Kitana be shifted into a horse-spider woman and become the Queen of the Tarkatas?

Jade as a Saurian the whole time= WTF x 10 It doesn't make sense at all.

Why would Mileena transform Baraka into a half Oni-Tarkata creature?

The idea of Kahn and Reiko as brothers are horrible too.

The others are horrible, too.

I concurwink
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Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty: http://sitebender.deviantart.com/art/Mortal-Kombat-Trivia-Generator-75305107

12/19/2006 05:08 PM (UTC)
I was just going for off the wall ideas to be DIFFERENT instead of rehashing what people know and are familiar with. Kitana was half spider similar to how Motoro was half horse. She would be queen simply because she is a princess and now an outcast smile It was a pun.

Back with MK2 I thought that Jade was a female reptile. I would insert something into the Saurian mythology that when they hatch they are humanoid, but as they age they become reptilian, like a catapillar / butterfly thing or ugly duckling / beautiful swan thing.

Mileena is quite evil, and if Quan Chi could be turned into a half Oni half outworlder like one of the endings in MK DA Why not Baraka? I guess logicly she would do it to make bigger and better soldiers for Edenia's army. It would also be the tie in to how you would get half homanoid half horse or half dragon. I would think the Red Dragon clan was trying to do the same thing when they were making Reptiles.

Reiko doesn't have to be Kahn's brother, just a loyal supporter of Kahn. That is merely a detail. Golly what about the idea that Reiko was really Kahn? Anyone remember that one? The brother idea could be the connection.

See, its closed mindedness that will keep MK along the same narrow stereotypical, cliche'd storylines. Why would Kahn stick his wife in Earthrealm and be able to seek her out and conquer Earthrealm just because he is allowed to find her. MK has bigger plot holes than my ideas.
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12/19/2006 07:35 PM (UTC)
Here are more realisticly palletable ideas instead of off the wall ideas.

She and Liu Kang wed; Kitana fades into the backdrop when she becomes pregnant. She can be kidnapped by Kahn, Onaga, Blaze, Shang Tsung or someone. Typical Princess stolen by an evil person and of course Liu Kang must fight to get her back. This would go against Kitana always fighting against Mileena or fighting against Kahn.

Being that she is pregnant she could bring about the greatest warrior children.

With an eternal mother that just does not seem to go away. Princess Kitana has patiently waited her turn to rule Edenia. She joins forces with Taven to overthrow and kill her mother from power. Once that is done, they take their seats as King Taven and Queen Kitana.

Instead of being the hunter, he becomes the hunted. Shinnok places a bounty on his head, Noob, Sareena, Smoke, and everyone else native to the Neatherealm hunts Scorpion as he hunts Quan Chi.

He avenges the death of his family and clan, but now he finds new purpose. Much like Ashrah he roams the Neatherealm and begins the cleansing of the realm by destroying demons like Sareena, Noob and working his way up to Shinnok.

When her Tarkatan features are removed and she is bestowed a pleasant mouth, she can walk amongst the populous without a veil. Her entire outlook on the world changes, because she is accepted and loved. In one of the many frequent trips to Edenia and Outworld with Liu Kang, Johnny Cage takes notice of the new beautiful Mileena. She is happy and content in her life and vows to do well, to aide Earthrealm and Edenia in their struggle against Kahn.

She forms a deadly alliance with Tanya. Jade overhears the alliance and Jade is the first to die. Mileena and Tanya challenge mother and daughter, Sindel and Kitana to a dual. Sindel and Kitana agree to the duel to do away with two threats once and for all. However, Sindel’s neck is broken from Tanya’s head scissors and Kitana is eaten alive by Mileena.

The soul purpose of Mileena is to become Kitana, to replace her, however as a magical being, Mileena can create the illusion that Tanya is now Queen Sindel. However like Mileena and Kitana, there is one thing that is the difference between Tanya and Sindel. Sindel has aged grey hair, so Tanya must always now wear a hood to hide her hair.

Sometimes best friends of a princess are the most that anyone can achieve. Jade stays loyal to Kitana and Sindel, however she finds the intense love of Rain falling down upon her. Jade has always loved the sound of thunderstorms; many say she is so elusive that she can walk between rain drops. As the partner of Rain, they have a storybook romance, however Jade remains in the dark that Rain is just using her to assassinate Sindel.

Jade is really a shape shifter, which has aided Edenia for years as a spy and a messenger. This also explains how she has been black, Asian and white. She is sent by Sindel to dispose of Tanya and then replace Tanya at the side of Onaga. When the time is right, Jade will strike at the heart of Onaga to kill him, however she finds that the role of an evil queen suits her much better than the role of the best friend of a princess.

It’s a long hard road of Hell. When he was defeated and killed by the Deadly Alliance, he was sent to the Neatherealm. In the Neatherealm he is not only a nobody to Lord Shinnok, he also must deal with every single soul that he demanded the death of as Overlord of Outworld.

He is hunted day and night, by not only ghoulish bodies of those he sent to their death, but also the Dark Brotherhood seeks to torture him, simply because they can. Kahn’s only idea at saving himself from the realm is finding the Kriss that was dropped as Ashrah ascended into the sky above!

The original Kung Lao never achieved greatness being second banana to anyone and neither will Kung Lao. He turned his back on the Shaolin Monks and goes his own path. They laughed when he said he was going on his own, so he killed many of them to show his power.

Kahn kills every member of the Shaolin Monks. Including Kung Lao. However, much like Scorpion, Kung Lao has a vendetta. He rises from the ashes of the burning monk temple. A phantom with his hat always tilted down so no one can see his face in the shadow. He strikes at night and will not rest until Kahn is dead.

Corrupted by his absolute power, the elder gods have taken the status away from Raiden. He is a mere mortal now, condemned like Shinnok and perhaps Kahn to live in Outworld. Fujin makes sure that Kahn knows Raiden is now a mortal walking among his realm. Naturally Kahn dispenses his minions to destroy Raiden, but he finds aide from Li Mei and others in Outworld. With their help, he leads and uprising against Kahn.

Weary from protecting Earthrealms for thousands of years, Raiden no longer has the patience to deal with the idiocy that the people bring about themselves. He wishes to relinquish his status, by passing it to another. He passes his status to woman with a fierce yellow mane who has always gone above the call of duty to protect Eathrealm. She accepts her new duty and Sonya becomes Thundra.

Reptile has done everything; he has been humanoid and reptile. He has been a bodyguard, and convicted of genocide. He mated with Knameleon and spit acid. So what hasn’t he done? Instead of seeking out his race of Saurian, he discovers that the Red Dragon have created him. He seeks the technology and finds it in an abandon cave lab once used by the Red Dragons. Using their technology he turns helpless test subjects into creatures as he is. He creates a new race similar to the Saurian.
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