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05/14/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
No offense to Ermac but was there ever any deep character development with him? He was just part of the ninja palette swap craze. so just be grateful that he's still around after all this time.

Also, MK developers got so much flack in the 90's for abusing ninja palette swaps, so it's no surprise that after all this time they give some of them off-the-wall designs to individuate them.

That being said, does Ermac look horrible in MKX? Yes.........yes, he does.

He was Shao Khan's servent. Then when Shao Khan died. he was lost and then he met Kenshi. who freed him from Khan's control and taught Kenshi how to use Telekinesis for his gratitude. So after that He became a force of good to try to repent for what he has done in the past with Liu Kang. This was before the retcon by the way.

SO yeah. pretty significant character development there.
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05/14/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
Since where talking looks and what not. I do like that the ninja became thier own characters. And to the person saying that it's bad that scorpion and sub zero are the only ones to remain looking lime ninjas. That's because they are the only ninjas. Noob Smoke Cyrax and Sektor are too sure but have been cyborgs. Smoke returned to human in the reboot so there is that. But Ermac rain reptile are less ninjas since being fleashed out
05/14/2015 04:47 AM (UTC)
Like said before some fans been saying that they are sick and tired of all the ninjas looking like rainbow ninja clones, and said that Midway back than didn't have no design development and was running out of ideas. I mean at least they all have a unique look to them, same color what they always had but different looks lol. I'm kind of surprised to see Ermac fully unmasked, I know part of his face would show in the clothing damage the character would receive during the fights in MK 9
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05/14/2015 01:06 PM (UTC)
Ermac looks and plays amazing. Idk wtf is wrong with his gameplay to some people on here he is one of the better characters in the game.
05/14/2015 01:10 PM (UTC)
SpellcraftQuill Wrote:
It's like only Sub-Zero and Scorpion are the only ones allowed to remain ninjas. They're not even wearing their default attire according to the canon. Noob Saibot is possibly destroyed, I think Smoke/Enenra might be something similar to MKD if he returns, Reptile has long been a lizardman, and now Ermac is a mummy. I'm guessing Rain might be losing that mask next. Tremor looks like he's going to become The Thing as well. All the lady ninjas save Mileena have had at least one maskless default and even then the latter isn't so shy about hiding her face anymore.

I know it sucks right. Imagine all the street fighter fans cry about the shotos lol. Besides the ninjas, mk took a very different direction. Outworld turned in to fairy world. Male and female characters share the same animations. The characters turned into injustice dc heroes now.... Meeeeh

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05/14/2015 01:40 PM (UTC)
MindStrikes Wrote:
SpellcraftQuill Wrote:
It's like only Sub-Zero and Scorpion are the only ones allowed to remain ninjas. They're not even wearing their default attire according to the canon. Noob Saibot is possibly destroyed, I think Smoke/Enenra might be something similar to MKD if he returns, Reptile has long been a lizardman, and now Ermac is a mummy. I'm guessing Rain might be losing that mask next. Tremor looks like he's going to become The Thing as well. All the lady ninjas save Mileena have had at least one maskless default and even then the latter isn't so shy about hiding her face anymore.

I know it sucks right. Imagine all the street fighter fans cry about the shotos lol. Besides the ninjas, mk took a very different direction. Outworld turned in to fairy world. Male and female characters share the same animations. The characters turned into injustice dc heroes now.... Meeeeh

R.I.P Mortal Kombat

How is outworld a "fairy world" now but wasn't before lol? Idk how the characters turned into dc heroes but ur right R.I.P Mortal Kombat!!
05/14/2015 02:54 PM (UTC)
Let me start by saying MK1-MKT are my favorites in the series, along with MK9 and MKX but lets not pretend the characters had unique animations back then lol most characters in those games (male and female) had the same exact normal moves, with a few who had almost unnoticeable reach advantages.

I do agree that Outworld seems a little different than it once did, but I think that mainly has to do with my own imagination of what I thought it was like. Back in the day the only thing we saw of Outworld was some stages, what the rest of it was like was pretty much left for us to imagine/figure out on our own.

The character designs not being the same I can live with, or most of them anyway lol but if anything that I love doesn't feel the same, its the environments/world. If we compare the stages from MK1,2 and 3 to the ones in MKX, there is a huge difference for the most part imo, I feel like a lot of the stages lost some of that Asian influence besides a few, and then that whole mystical vibe a lot of the old stages gave off just isn't as strong in MKX.

Some stages kind of give me that old school vibe, like The Dead Woods (Maybe it subconsciously reminds me of the Living Forest?) but for the most part its not the same, especially Outworld Market, The Emperor Courtyard and the Refugee Camp :/

Still love the game though, just kind of wish we had some stages give me a vibe similar to the ones from back in the day lol
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05/14/2015 11:52 PM (UTC)
Not sure why anyone would care which characters are, and are not ninjas in the story. There are characters who do not die in the story, but in the game I can rip them in half. Yet, nobody is complaining about fatalities.
Kinda feels like Trekkies arguing over small details of the starship enterprise.
05/15/2015 01:22 AM (UTC)
Well Sub-Zero is still a "ninja" , but with the story he is older, and became the Grandmaster, so he took on a more leaderish look with his MK3 outfit. personally His maskless look is the best Sub-Zero has ever looked, and i hope its here to stay.
05/15/2015 07:13 AM (UTC)
MKX Ermac ranks somewhere in the middle of stupid character designs. 1st is unfortunately all Reptiles post ninja clone era, with the exception of MKSM Reptile, then come Pussy cat Kintaro, then troll hair smoke (at least his alt was cool).
Ninja's are Ninja's, people like them for some reason, so don't try and make them something else.
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05/15/2015 09:12 PM (UTC)
Everyone here really needs to get rid of their nostalgia bias, and realize that this has been the best the characters have ever been. Why the hell would anyone want a bunch of generic palette swapped ninjas ever again?
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05/15/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
T0asty Wrote:
Everyone here really needs to get rid of their nostalgia bias, and realize that this has been the best the characters have ever been. Why the hell would anyone want a bunch of generic palette swapped ninjas ever again?

Because people are shit?
05/15/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
T0asty Wrote:
Everyone here really needs to get rid of their nostalgia bias, and realize that this has been the best the characters have ever been. Why the hell would anyone want a bunch of generic palette swapped ninjas ever again?

It has nothing to do with nostalgia my friend. You dont need to be a genius to see that NRS took MK and its characters to a very different direction.
Nobody wants pallete swaps, that was because the limited memory. Now days they can make big differences in the costumes even if they make them all ninja, not saying they should tho. The problem is, its not just the costumes.

I like the idea that ermac is more of a sorcerer than just ninja now days. Its just executed very lame. He moves like superman from injustice, thats just wrong. There can only be one superman, besides that, you dont give MK characters DC heroe animations lol. There are reasons why those characters have those animations, they are based on the characters from the cartoon etc. Why would i want to see my favorite character behave like a character that belongs in a DC cartoon?! Its not only ermac, its the whole cast of MK in mkx. Seems like many ppl Havent noticed this.

But thats just 1 thing. its a bunch of things that are different now days. You happen to like it or dislike it, easy as that. Nothing to do with nostalgia bs.

05/16/2015 02:09 AM (UTC)
T0asty Wrote:
Everyone here really needs to get rid of their nostalgia bias, and realize that this has been the best the characters have ever been. Why the hell would anyone want a bunch of generic palette swapped ninjas ever again?

I wish I knew...
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05/16/2015 02:48 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
T0asty Wrote:
Everyone here really needs to get rid of their nostalgia bias, and realize that this has been the best the characters have ever been. Why the hell would anyone want a bunch of generic palette swapped ninjas ever again?

Because people are shit?

Just because we prefer our favorite characters not to look a certain way doesn't mean you have to be a dick Chrome. This is all opinion. No need for the insults.
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05/16/2015 08:26 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Y'all keep saying Ermac is a mummy but he's wearing less bandages than he was in the last game.

Mummy doesn't = bandages. Mummy = body that has been mummified, i.e preserved over time so it lacks all the gooey goodness.
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05/16/2015 12:58 PM (UTC)
I have to agree about Ermac. I barely use him because of that mummified look. He's always looked best as mysterious.
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