Characters I love, just dont feel the same.
posted05/16/2015 12:58 PM (UTC)by
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05/30/2014 02:41 PM (UTC)
Ever since I was a youngin and played UMK3. I was fascinated by all the ninjas. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, even Rain. But one caught my eye. a ninja with a red mask and a mysterious green energy surrounding him: Ermac.

When I played with him and learned all his combos and special moves. I felt like the shit. Him lifting his opponents up and slamming them down was enough to make him my main for life.

There wasn't anything i didn't like about Ermac. He was my favorite character ever. The MK:D came out and I felt like I fell in love again. All though I wasn't really into MK:D as I wanted to be. Ermac was there and that's all that mattered for me. He was still mysterious and his design was better than ever. His story about him meeting Kenshi was also awesome.

Fast forward to 2011 and I bought MK9. I already knew who my main was. Without hesitation I went to training mode and began mastering my main. To the point where I still remember all his combos and moves to this day. His design was staying true to the MK:D. And since MK9 was a retcon I didn't mind him remaining evil. He was still remaining the badass red ninja guy i fell in love with since UMK3...

Now we're in 2015 and MKX is out and to be honest - Its the best MK Ever made. The gameplay is fluid, Finishers are as gory and bloody as ever. Everything about this game is fucking awesome and I love every inch of it.
Except one thing: Ermac. His mummified look is horrendus, Him floating is appropriate but I'm just not a fan of it. and his gameplay just doesn't feel the same (Gameplay is still fluid.) But his design just looks dumb and I hate it. And his story.... Before this retcon, Shao Khan died and he became free to choose his own path and ended up choosing a path of good and was a badass, He even took on Earthrealms toughest warriors when they were being controlled and took them all out with ease. BUT NOW!!!!???? He's just another lackey for the next ruler of Outworld. There is no more depth to his character that makes me want to play with him anymore. He is no longer the badass I fell in love with UMK3 or MK:D.

Now my question to you guys is. Do you have a favorite character that MKX doesn't do justice for you?

Lets discuss.
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05/13/2015 03:50 AM (UTC)
Basically, you took the words right out of my mouth in regards to Ermac. I've been saying how much they have messed up Ermac's look since day one of his reveal. No one agreed with me, everyone liked this new Ermac look for some odd reason. Not me. It truly is horrendous from top to down, and it turns me off from using a once favorite character of mine.

Glad someone else finally shares the same sentiments as me.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

05/13/2015 04:14 AM (UTC)
The outfit was kool, but I didn't like his dead mummy look. And I agree they could do so much more with him.

My dissapointment was Shinnok. I still really like him, but his kharacter was unforgivably misused.
05/13/2015 04:25 AM (UTC)
I think Subby's new primary is much much worse than Ermac's. Love it or hate it, at least Ermac is going in a new direction that makes sense with his character. Sub-Zero is pretty much the same design as before, but for some reason looks like a homeless version of it. The puffy padding in his top, the brown leather straps going across his head, the bulky and bland mask, and the random chains under his arm pit are just nonsensical choices I just don't understand. He does have a nice variety of alternates, where as Ermac's all look similar, and I do like the belt with the knives.

I understand why people dislike Ermac's new design, but I do appreciate them attempting another direction. The mystical mummy unraveling is much closer to he is supposed to be (now at least) over the ninja or the buff/baggy super wrapped up guy.

I think we all can agree that scarecrow Ermac design is the best Ermac look.
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05/13/2015 04:32 AM (UTC)
To me this is the best Ermac has looked. From what I've seen though his look in this is pretty polarizing.
05/13/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)
I feel the EXACT same way. Ermac was always my favorite character, his Deception outfits still are his best looks in my own opinion. Especially his sleeveless alternate with his hair showing. It just looked cool, and still maintained his mysteriousness.

His story about redemption from being under Kahn's control was interesting to me, what I don't understand is even with the reboot, why is his path different here? What exactly caused Ermac to mentally and physically fuck up, why wasn't he this way in the previous timeline?

Well, story and looks aside, his gameplay also seemed a bit downgraded to me. Just like MK9 I play best with him even in MKX, but it just doesn't quite 'feel' like Ermac (for lack of a better of term).

I still love him, he's still cool to me. But not as cool as he COULD be.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

05/13/2015 05:05 AM (UTC)
Well, I use to love SZ but now I despise that character; quite a dramatic change as he hits rock bottom on my preferential list. I remember when he was one of the first npcs I fought in the arcade who made a big impression on me. His lore, move-sets and contributions to the story were immense until MKX. MKX did irreparable damage to the look and feel of the classic original timeline SZ. He is alien to me now, I could rant on and on about how he has become too defensive; he should not be conducting boring training exercises in the safety of Earthrealm. I dislike the introduction of ice shields during gameplay. SZ being nestled away contributes to unnecessary off-screen events. SZ has a personality in the MKX comics and that is praiseworthy but unfortunately in the actual game I can only describe him as drab.

Kano is still a punching bag and that is disappointing because I expected development from him. I miss bald Kano and his MK2011 look.

A non-ninja looking Ermac is fine by me; mummification however is a disappointing new era for Ermac.
05/13/2015 05:12 AM (UTC)
Damn if his face was going to get this much hate, than NRS should of just covered his face up just like his MK 9 alternate costume, since his primary in this game is similar to that. Atleast some of us got to see how he look like lol. But anyway, Kitana has been my favorite since MK 2. She is still my favorite character, but I'm starting to favor other characters over her now. Cassie, Mileena. I hate the fact that she is evil now and is a evil ruler just like Sindel was with Shao Kahn. But hopefully, she will go back to normal one day
05/13/2015 07:04 AM (UTC)
I'm kind of bummed about Sonya. I absolutely loved the way she played in mk9. Her dive kick was awesome, but it feels so different now. I like that you can combo from it now, but it's just not the same.

I had a very different idea of what her variations would be. I thought one would incorporate different versions of her energy rings. I thought it would be could to be able to shoot them low, medium, and high. I even liked that the ex version in 9 shot two, with one being low and one being mid. I was upset to see that there is just the mid version across all variations, and the ex version is just a bigger shot.

I definitely miss the cartwheel as it extremely useful, defensive, and the ex version with armor was awesome. It was great to combo from.

I miss her old combos. One of my favorites was I believe called mess hall. It was a great starter, and it was fun to use her military stance as a finisher.

I find her combos, especially starters, to not be as effective (especially easy) as she played in mk9. I would also like her military stance to be more similar to what it was in 9. I used it frequently and it made her fun to play.

As far as looks, I think she looks great. Love her costumes, though I saw some really interesting ones in the concept art. Would be awesome to see some of those come into fruition.

I haven't been able to play as much lately, or learn for that matter. I need to YouTube some combos and learn them.

Overall, I miss the Sonya from mk9. The only variation I use is covert ops. I need the military stance. Oh - one thing I absolutely despise is the awful face paint in that variation. I wish they would have implemented something different, or used it for another variation.

Sonya has always been my main, since mk1. She just doesn't feel the same to me. I'm kinda leaning towards mileena more as my main because she feels more fun to play.


05/13/2015 10:28 AM (UTC)
oao94 Wrote:
Now my question to you guys is. Do you have a favorite character that MKX doesn't do justice for you?

Motherfucking Reptile.
05/13/2015 10:36 AM (UTC)
Kung Lao. He looks great. On paper, his Buzzsaw variation is very similar to his MK9 gameplay. Yet, he doesn't fell right for me. I found new mains in MKX.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

05/13/2015 02:20 PM (UTC)
Ermac redesigned to look more like a mummified sorcerer rather than just another ninja is the best thing they've ever done with him, period. One less tired design to worry about.

Don't worry, you'll get your ninja outfit. Classic Costumes are coming.
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05/13/2015 02:37 PM (UTC)
Ermac looks fkn amazing this game. Coming from one of the OG ermac fans here his evolution is perfect. And lmbh I fkn adore the mummy wrap look infact it's probably the best design for a ninja-esque character there is. Hands down. I love tremors look in mkx don't get me wrong that's my boy. But the mummy wrap is untouchable.

The messed up face makes sense. Look at reptile for example. The longer he's away from his race the more primate he becomes. Well same can be said with ermac. The more souls he consumes not only that the ones he does consume has to have some affect on his body. The power & energy of the warriors soul whatever it may be. It's freaking cool and it's a way to evolutionize the character.

Look at what smoking and alcohol does to the human body makes you look old worn down. I'm sure the mystified energies inside ermac and the souls he inhales metaphorically speaking do the same for him. It's common sense.
05/13/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)
I dig his primary look, it still has some sense of mystery. I don't like his alternate at all though and I wish they had something more ninja esque. If it aint broke, don't fix it sort of thing. Reptile has it worse.
05/13/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
Ermac is pretty much that character that I was really excited for but didn't like what they did with him. I love the hooded look, I actually wanted his MK9 alt to be his primary once I first saw it , and they kind of did that with him in X, but they made his face showing which I am not a fan of, its all wrinkly and old looking which im not a fan of, and they made him so damn skinny which im not a fan of either lol. or at least not on Ermac.

So yeah, Ermac, one of my favorite MK characters is actually one of my least played characters in MKX, which is disappointing but I just don't feel compelled to play him in this game, I almost forget he is there sometimes : / I could grow on me though, like right now it bothers me a lot less than it did a little while ago. Still love Ermac though lol
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Remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

05/13/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
I used to like Johnny Cage, but I just can't stand his old man look now. I understand the time lapse in the story,but it kinda ruins the character for me. Not sure I like where the story is leading some of the core characters.
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PSN: manu_erizo
05/13/2015 04:39 PM (UTC)
Ermac fan here. Absolutely love all of his looks in MKX. His main costume is probably his best look ever. So yeah, not much to complain here, at least not in that sense. I'm a bit bummed that his damage output is much lower than on MK9, where he was a slow but hard hitter, but that's a discussion for another time. I still main him in MKX and love it.
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05/13/2015 08:37 PM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:

I think we all can agree that scarecrow Ermac design is the best Ermac look.
Absolutely not.>
05/13/2015 10:05 PM (UTC)
I've always liked Mileena since MK2 and it mostly has to do with the fact I like monster characters. For me my dislike for her started with MK9, I absolutely hate her characterization. I don't mind her psychotic side, I just can't take her forced sexualization seriously. It's so corny to me. You can tell how serious some of her horndog fans take her with the bj jokes; it gets annoying after reading it over and over again. Even though she's yet to have any sort of personality, I feel like Skarlet has replaced Mileena as my favorite vicious psychotic mysterious assassin.

With MKX, I found Mileena to be better than her MK9 self. I actually like the direction they went with her here. The problem now is that her gameplay for some reason hasn't hooked me in. It's frustrating because regardless of her characterization, her playstyle has always been a shoe-in for me. Maybe I need to practice some more, but I'm just not feeling her in MKX.

Second character is Reptile. Just like Mileena, the mysterious monster behind the mask is what I loved about him in MK2. Also between him, Sub, and Scorpion, I've always felt he was the most 'ninja' due to his invincibility special and faster gameplay. The whole loyal bodyguard to Shang Tsung was also something I found badass about him. His initial concept design was just amazing.

After UMK3, I stopped caring about his story. It's actually quite funny that while his story hasn't progressed and his look has always received mixed reception, his gameplay has greatly improved. With MKX, I can't tell yet if I like it more than MK9 Reptile. Overall I feel that he is more balanced this time around. So really I mainly stick to Reptile for his fun gameplay unlike in the MK2-UMK3 days where it was mostly his concept design.
05/13/2015 10:36 PM (UTC)
I still dont own the game. I will get it once it comes on the ps3. So i dont know about the gameplay but i can image it feels like a mix of mk9 and injustice. I was not a big fan of injustice so i have my fingeres crossed its more like mk9. As i really loved mk9. It had some issues but overall it was amazing.

But i agree some classic characters dont feel the same. All i can judge them on is "Visual wise" and than i m talking about the "outfit" and his or her "animations"
Like i dont like ermac floating or liu kangs stance. But than again i feel the same for the overal tone in mkx.
05/13/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
100% agree. I pretty much feel like this with all the ninjas now. Very little is left to the imagination with modern MK. The series has been gradually losing its sense of mystery and intrigue with each new iteration. You want to know what I miss? Take a look:

05/13/2015 10:59 PM (UTC)
Ah that nostalgia lol hits me right in the feels every time
05/14/2015 02:40 AM (UTC)
It's like only Sub-Zero and Scorpion are the only ones allowed to remain ninjas. They're not even wearing their default attire according to the canon. Noob Saibot is possibly destroyed, I think Smoke/Enenra might be something similar to MKD if he returns, Reptile has long been a lizardman, and now Ermac is a mummy. I'm guessing Rain might be losing that mask next. Tremor looks like he's going to become The Thing as well. All the lady ninjas save Mileena have had at least one maskless default and even then the latter isn't so shy about hiding her face anymore.
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05/14/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
Y'all keep saying Ermac is a mummy but he's wearing less bandages than he was in the last game.
05/14/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
No offense to Ermac but was there ever any deep character development with him? He was just part of the ninja palette swap craze. so just be grateful that he's still around after all this time.

Also, MK developers got so much flack in the 90's for abusing ninja palette swaps, so it's no surprise that after all this time they give some of them off-the-wall designs to individuate them.

That being said, does Ermac look horrible in MKX? Yes.........yes, he does.
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