character progression disscusion for mk9 and future games.
posted06/01/2010 04:33 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
i know that there is already a few character threads so i decided to make 1 more but i think this one might be a tad bit different from the others that are on here. so here we go. this character thread is about how you want characters to be in mk9 and future installments. in terms of moves, looks, storys, bios and etc. also this is not who do you think will be in mk9 or who do you want in mk9 topic. this topic is only to enhance characters that may or may not appear in mk9.

scorpion story i'd like the mk team to explore more of mkda-mkd story for scorpion instead of seaching for quan chi. what would scorpion do for the eldar gods since he last destroyed onaga. what was his experince like when he was in the soulnado. how he survived. did his experience give him more moves and skill. that's the stuff i'd like to see for my fav character. maybe the soulnado changed his mentality or his fighting stance. is he going to become good,bad, or neutral.

scorpions look i'd have his mask broken only a tad bit showing the fiery skull he hides behind the mask. his eyes could be lime green from his experience from the soulnado.pants torn, armor cracked spiked bands longer than ever before. almost seems like he was rejuvinated from his encounter.

scorpions moves could be a teleport kick/punch, spear, hellfire, air spear,spear throw, spear choke, spear slash,flipkick, his slide from mkvsdc and a regular teleport.

every couple days i'll post another character if i can use the computer.
05/24/2010 12:06 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
i know that there is already a few character threads so i decided to make 1 more but i think this one might be a tad bit different from the others that are on here. so here we go. this character thread is about how you want characters to be in mk9 and future installments. in terms of moves, looks, storys, bios and etc. also this is not who do you think will be in mk9 or who do you want in mk9 topic. this topic is only to enhance characters that may or may not appear in mk9.
scorpion story i'd like the mk team to explore more of mkda-mkd story for scorpion instead of seaching for quan chi. what would scorpion do for the eldar gods since he last destroyed onaga. what was his experince like when he was in the soulnado. how he survived. did his experience give him more moves and skill. that's the stuff i'd like to see for my fav character. maybe the soulnado changed his mentality or his fighting stance. is he going to become good,bad, or neutral.
scorpions look i'd have his mask broken only a tad bit showing the fiery skull he hides behind the mask. his eyes could be lime green from his experience from the soulnado.pants torn, armor cracked spiked bands longer than ever before. almost seems like he was rejuvinated from his encounter.
scorpions moves could be a teleport kick/punch, spear, hellfire, air spear,spear throw, spear choke, spear slash,flipkick, his slide from mkvsdc and a regular teleport.

If the MK Team was going to explain his experience in the Soulnado, they should have done it in Deception when the mentioned it in his bio. By now, nobody cares about his feelings in something that happened so long ago.

Maybe you'd feel better if they wrote you a comic book or did a mythologies game based on Scorpion???

Scorpion was a tool for the Elder gods... and a failure at that. I suppose he was "Monster" or whatever in Konquest Mode. If I had to guess, since Scorpion failed, the Elders don't give two shits about him anymore or his quest to get back with his clan and family. That would probably only make Scropion hate the Elders more.

Lime green eyes? sleep sleepsleep

acidslayer Wrote:
every couple days i'll post another character if i can use the computer.

Well I honestly hope you put more thought and originality into your next threads... I don't want MK9 to be focused on occurences during MKDA and MKD. Hell, probably not even MKA! MK9 needs to be FRESH. Sure their bios and reasons for being in MK9 might stem off of the old games, but that should NOT be the main focus AT ALL.
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05/24/2010 03:43 PM (UTC)
Scorpion IS monster. But in MKD, if somebody hit up arcade with scorpiona nd got his ending before playing konquest, it woulda been pieced together that there was a big lie going on with shujinkos quest.

It was clearly just a cover to prevent people from figuring out that damashi was not honest. nothing more.

Monster IS scorpion. he was even given that costume at a pre-E3 view as his alternate costume.

05/24/2010 04:27 PM (UTC)
I would like to have Johnny Cage included in future instalments of Mortal Kombat given that he plays the comic relief in the series. If they decide to feature cutscenes for a possible storymode in a new game I would like Johnny Cage and his witty and sarcastic remarks to be included.

In Mortal Kombat 2 he was one of my favorites to play with and his special moves could be linked together to create some powerful combinations. I would like to see that returned.

Johnny Cage has the shadow kick which is considered his special move but other characters such as Jade, Nightwolf, and others sort of copied that move and put it in their arsenal. I would like to see Johnny Cage's shadow abilities back but done so with the same animations as his MK1 moves.

The nut punch is by far my favorite move to pull off and if that isn't included with Cage that would be a real let down.

As for possible moves I would like to see Cage have a dodge move related to his shadow abilities. It would be neat if he could move real fast to have a decoy of him like his shadow aura and he would appear behind you for a free hit.

As for his look I would love it if they base his look stronger on Jean Claude Van Damne, like his facial expresions while he fights could resemble Frank Dux's from Blood Sport.

Oh, and keep the shades they're cool.
05/24/2010 04:49 PM (UTC)

Scorpion is screwed, unless they retcon about half of the games he's been in...let's look at Scorpion's story:

MK1: Chases down his rival/ murderer Sub-Zero, kills him.

MK2: Chases down the new Sub-Zero, realizes he's a good guy, vows to protect him.

MK3: Sides with Shao Kahn, then realizes he was trying to kill Sub-Zero.

MK4: Does a 180 and is hunting Sub-Zero again until he finds out Quan Chi killed his family.

MK5: Chases Quan Chi down is thrown into the soulnado

MK6: Becomes Champion of the elder Gods, but fails to do anything worthwhile.

Mk7: Elder Gods punish him by turning his family/ clan into zombies. He vows to destroy the realms in vengeance.


Bad then Good
Bad then Good

and don't tell me Scorpion's always neutral...when you're working for Kahn or Shinnok, I don't care your motivations, you're evil; you're trying to destroy the realms. and in MKD, he was trying to protect the realms, making him good.

ummm...yeah Scorpion's a clusterfuck. If MK9 is a sequel and not a reboot, they should do long revised character histories, retconning some of the things that don't make sense (for example Scorpion's constant hopscotch, Johnny Cage's 3 deaths, maybe shoehorn in evidence of Raiden going dark in the MK4-5 story.)

I'd be satisfied with that. That'd be enough of a reboot for me, if they threw out the garbage storylines with a comic book, or a plot summary of some sort.
05/24/2010 05:29 PM (UTC)
ErmacMk5 Wrote:

Scorpion is screwed, unless they retcon about half of the games he's been in...let's look at Scorpion's story:

MK1: Chases down his rival/ murderer Sub-Zero, kills him.

MK2: Chases down the new Sub-Zero, realizes he's a good guy, vows to protect him.

MK3: Sides with Shao Kahn, then realizes he was trying to kill Sub-Zero.

MK4: Does a 180 and is hunting Sub-Zero again until he finds out Quan Chi killed his family.

MK5: Chases Quan Chi down is thrown into the soulnado

MK6: Becomes Champion of the elder Gods, but fails to do anything worthwhile.

Mk7: Elder Gods punish him by turning his family/ clan into zombies. He vows to destroy the realms in vengeance.


Bad then Good
Bad then Good

and don't tell me Scorpion's always neutral...when you're working for Kahn or Shinnok, I don't care your motivations, you're evil; you're trying to destroy the realms. and in MKD, he was trying to protect the realms, making him good.

ummm...yeah Scorpion's a clusterfuck. If MK9 is a sequel and not a reboot, they should do long revised character histories, retconning some of the things that don't make sense (for example Scorpion's constant hopscotch, Johnny Cage's 3 deaths, maybe shoehorn in evidence of Raiden going dark in the MK4-5 story.)

I'd be satisfied with that. That'd be enough of a reboot for me, if they threw out the garbage storylines with a comic book, or a plot summary of some sort.

Well, he was only chasing Sub-Zero in MK4 again because the younger brother put on the costume that his brother had worn. (I mean look at how different he is compared ot MK3). That combined with Sub-Zero knew secrest passed down to him from his older brother to defeat Quan Chi and Shinnok (MKM Mythologies)
So if I were Scorpion, I'd be confused too...

It's just that Scorpion has been a major tool for everyone else.
In MK9 Scorpion needs to be his own man with his own motive. But that's kind of hard to do considering he was KILLED and the only reason he is in the tournaments is because he seeks revenge. There is no other reason for Scorpion being here. Either he's a spectre ninja running around looking for revenge, or his soul rests in peace and he's no longer in any Mortal Kombat.

Perhaps he can appease the elder gods some way and they grant him resurrection. Then he can re-establish his clan and do whatever he needs to do.
05/24/2010 11:05 PM (UTC)
I'm tempted to say have Scorpion go fully evil. Have his years of revenge seeking and anger completely corrupt him.

I mean let's be honest; Scorpion is not a nice man. He was an assassin, damned to hell. Did he have admirable qualities in life? Sure. He loved his family. But even hitler loved his dog, as the saying goes. Either fully redeem him, or make him fully evil. But I'm tired of the vagueness.

05/26/2010 12:21 AM (UTC)
sub - zero's look - i'd have him where a mask that has iceacles dripping from it. his arms can stay frozen. also give him a chestplate made entirely out of ice. keep the scar. have his pants torn. have his dragon madallion cracked. make it look like he was already in a fierce battle.

sub - zero moves could be his freeze, ice beam, ice slide, ice clone, cold shoulder, ice shards projectile, ice puddle, and etc.

story - i'd like to see him become evil making an entire army out of ice clones by using the dragon medallion. almost like what quan chi and shang tsung did with the dragon kings army but instead have walking, fighting, ice clones. or whatever.

hope you enjoyed. i'll post another character in a few days.
05/26/2010 12:26 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
sub - zero's look - i'd have him where a mask that has iceacles dripping from it. his arms can stay frozen. also give him a chestplate made entirely out of ice. keep the scar. have his pants torn. have his dragon madallion cracked. make it look like he was already in a fierce battle.

sub - zero moves could be his freeze, ice beam, ice slide, ice clone, cold shoulder, ice shards projectile, ice puddle, and etc.

story - i'd like to see him become evil making an entire army out of ice clones by using the dragon medallion. almost like what quan chi and shang tsung did with the dragon kings army but instead have walking, fighting, ice clones. or whatever.

hope you enjoyed. i'll post another character in a few days.

How and why would Sub-Zero suddenly turn evil?
05/26/2010 12:44 AM (UTC)
i never really cared for sub - zero helping earthrealm and what not. i think he would become more important somehow becoming evil. i don't know why or how. i just would like him to become bad.

i know that he will most likely stay good or neutal or whatever. plus this is just how i would make sub - zero if i was in charge and what not. change is not always bad but it is not always good eather.

to ask you a question icebaby. how would you make sub - zero look, and also in terms of his story. just curious.
05/26/2010 01:41 AM (UTC)
I would like to see him take role of a leader. The only time he did was during Deadly Alliance, and they messed that up by making Frost a character that turns against him.

It would be interesting if they made his Armageddon ending come true and he's an Elder God, wouldn't mind seeing that as his ending is the only ending that I thought kind of interesting.

That's all I can think of, I'm really tired and can't think thoroughly.
05/26/2010 01:48 AM (UTC)
i would like to see Sub-Zero take a teacher/leader type role. the elder god ending would allow such...i would rather him take that type of role rather than be like Raiden.
05/26/2010 02:29 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
i never really cared for sub - zero helping earthrealm and what not. i think he would become more important somehow becoming evil. i don't know why or how. i just would like him to become bad.

i know that he will most likely stay good or neutal or whatever. plus this is just how i would make sub - zero if i was in charge and what not. change is not always bad but it is not always good eather.

to ask you a question icebaby. how would you make sub - zero look, and also in terms of his story. just curious.

Again, why do you people always want Sub-Zero to go evil?

They spent 6 games turning him into a hero...why the hell would they dash all of that? Sub-Zero's story arc is maybe the best in Mortal Kombat. period. a story of redemption, of a young 20 something assassin stepping out from the legacy of crime his forefathers had passed down to him and becoming his own man.

Sub-Zero is like Mortal Kombat's Batman...the dark hero. Some would say that's Scorpion, but Scorpion is more like Mortal Kombat's Punisher from the Marvel Universe...the spirit of vengeance at any cost. Sub-Zero is a darker presence than say Liu Kang, but he's not an indiscriminant murderer.

There's absolutely no reason to change that...nor to have Noob kill Sub-Zero and become Sub-Zero again. Just incredibly lame and uninspired imo. We already have like 38 evil we need one more?
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05/26/2010 05:16 AM (UTC)
I'm feeling pretty good about Ermac5's idea to go ahead and let Scorpion be evil. He's closer to that than anything else anyway, so why not? I think I'm just sick of "not necessarily being a fan of his", and constantly watching him get his ass handed to him.

I asked Vogel & Boon this sort of thing over Twitter too, a while back. Something along the lines of; "He's pretty much MK's poster-boy and he keeps loosing....why?" I mean, I can understand how that would keep someone pissed off all the time, but eventually it might just humble a person. Being cursed, and loosing over and over again despite this badass persona? That's not exactly badass....that's a looser. So, what gives?

Without being a stout fan of that character, I'd say why not allow him to be evil? Let him go ahead and tear shit up. As independent as he should be the whole while, Scorpion's not supposed to be anyone's bitch. When he shows up, the shit's supposed to hit the fan.

Also, I don't like the whole "Scorpion Elder Gods Champ" thing either. That's trash and I thought it was a cheap cop-out at the time. I wasn't sure before, but I'm sure now that I don't need a hero out of Scorpion. However, I think adding shades of gray into his personality would be great. If I saw him using his spectre powers to save a family from assassins, that'd make sense.

As random and illogical as it may seem, part of Scorpions curse is not having his family anymore. So? What if he is "seeing his own family" in other mother son relationships? What if being in hell has corrupted him so, that he even goes as far as to "believe he is protecting them"....and incidentally goes around potentially killing off other peoples fathers?

Could happen....he's been a tortured soul from hell for quite sometime now. His logic is the only logic that he probably should be a slave to. And on top of that, he's not absent minded....he calculates things and so on. He should be something to have extreme fear about.


One bit on Raiden:

The dark Raiden thing doesn't scare me very much anymore. If they work through it well enough, I like the potential there. However, I'd like them to explain how a GOD character gets tainted by two sorcerers, and nothing happens the reverse way around. Shouldn't it be the reverse way around to begin with?!? Presuming Raiden's a more powerful character than them both as individuals, and at least something for all the bad guys to fear when he enters a room with every bad guy in it.

Why do all the bad guys in the MKUniverse fear Raiden? Every FMV, Cutscene, everything.....anytime I've seen him interact with the bad guys, they're at least apprehensive to advance toward Raiden with aggression. Why? Show me that, please.

Right now, with Raiden all "dark and ruthless" marks the best time that I can gauge for him to be almost carelessly zapping the shit out of anybody if he deems fit to smite.

Which brings me to.....

Ruthless does NOT = Evil. Nor does it progress naturally in-to has to be forced to make him evil. Which means, something would have to happen to Raiden in order to make him not like the good guys too. lol He's still a good guy, he just......has alot less-tolerance or, a short-er temper. haha...

Martin Luther King vs Malcolm X?

Who had less tolerance? Who was more aggressive?
ans: Malcolm X

He wasn't evil, he was just more willing to pull the damn trigger. lol!

See there?

Anywho, I think the Zombie Liu Kang should just deteriorate and become a useless asset to Raiden. Why? Because dead things deteriorate, especially if they continue to be used beyond their expiration date. Which is what that corpse is doing everytime Raiden sends it to fight something or someone. How many times can the neck snap, or a limb get cut or break off? How many times can the head fall completely off before it's time to call it quits?

Say...50 very specific...very calculated battles between MKD & MK9. Yea? So it's dead and gone for good regardless of the dark arts Raiden used on it. (which only really makes a little bit of sense to begin with. What does a God need with black magic?....and Didn't Raiden bring Cage back to life without the use of black magic or, incantations? idk...)

I'll leave that as an open-ended idea because it can go anywhere from there, really.

05/26/2010 11:19 AM (UTC)
I liked the story behind the Lin Kuei... kidnapping children and harvesting assassins.

Now the younger Sub-Zero is a good guy. Okay, great? So he passes around a sign up sheet for people to join or what?

Sub-Zero was never really bad or good unless you go by the movie's story line. The Lin Kuei were from EARTHREALM. Whoever said they fought for Shang Tsung? Who would be stupid enough to help Shang Tsung win just so their own homerealm could be conquered by Shao Kahn?

The original Sub-Zero was sent to assassinate Shang Tsung. Not hold his hand in the tournmanet.

So I would love nothing more than to see Noob Saibot to rip the spine out of his younger brother and turn the Lin Kuei back to its original self. (as I explaind in a previous thread, following Saibot's MKA ending)

As corrupt as Raiden is, he'd love nothing more than the Lin Kuei to start training possible future defenders of Earthrealm. And as far as "Dark Raiden" is concerned, the more bad ass and deadly the warrior, the better the chance Earthrealm has... so I don't see why he'd complain about it.

We wanted a darker and gritter game right? I know I do. So with that said, FUCK lin kuei making snow cones for everyone and singing kumbaya around a camp fire.

If they can turn the Lin Kuei back into what it used to be while some how using the younger (more merciful mind you) brother... I'll give them kudos. But I just don't see it happening.
05/26/2010 12:55 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
I liked the story behind the Lin Kuei... kidnapping children and harvesting assassins.

Now the younger Sub-Zero is a good guy. Okay, great? So he passes around a sign up sheet for people to join or what?

Sub-Zero was never really bad or good unless you go by the movie's story line. The Lin Kuei were from EARTHREALM. Whoever said they fought for Shang Tsung? Who would be stupid enough to help Shang Tsung win just so their own homerealm could be conquered by Shao Kahn?

The original Sub-Zero was sent to assassinate Shang Tsung. Not hold his hand in the tournmanet.

So I would love nothing more than to see Noob Saibot to rip the spine out of his younger brother and turn the Lin Kuei back to its original self. (as I explaind in a previous thread, following Saibot's MKA ending)

As corrupt as Raiden is, he'd love nothing more than the Lin Kuei to start training possible future defenders of Earthrealm. And as far as "Dark Raiden" is concerned, the more bad ass and deadly the warrior, the better the chance Earthrealm has... so I don't see why he'd complain about it.

We wanted a darker and gritter game right? I know I do. So with that said, FUCK lin kuei making snow cones for everyone and singing kumbaya around a camp fire.

If they can turn the Lin Kuei back into what it used to be while some how using the younger (more merciful mind you) brother... I'll give them kudos. But I just don't see it happening.

Again this will never happen.Noob is corrupted beyond belief, and Sub-Zero is one of MK's most popular characters. Noob will never take any sort of human form, or be allowed to exist long term outside of the Netherealm.

If anything I see Sub-Zero killing Noob finally.
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05/26/2010 07:33 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
I liked the story behind the Lin Kuei... kidnapping children and harvesting assassins.

Now the younger Sub-Zero is a good guy. Okay, great? So he passes around a sign up sheet for people to join or what?

Y'know.... One passive question I'd have about the LK would be this:

What happened to all the different variations of the Lin Kuei assassins? As I recall, the cryomancer gift was exclusive to the Sub-Zero lineage. Aside from Sub-Zero and the ice thing coming out of the LK, there's Smoke, Sektor, Cyrax, and presumably more. All of them have different talents//gifts//powers.

It's not like we need more ninjas by any stretch....but I do still kinda wonder, where are the other types of assassins that were//are apart of that clan?

Just a random thought...
05/26/2010 07:59 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
assasSINister Wrote:
I liked the story behind the Lin Kuei... kidnapping children and harvesting assassins.

Now the younger Sub-Zero is a good guy. Okay, great? So he passes around a sign up sheet for people to join or what?

Y'know.... One passive question I'd have about the LK would be this:

What happened to all the different variations of the Lin Kuei assassins? As I recall, the cryomancer gift was exclusive to the Sub-Zero lineage. Aside from Sub-Zero and the ice thing coming out of the LK, there's Smoke, Sektor, Cyrax, and presumably more. All of them have different talents//gifts//powers.

It's not like we need more ninjas by any stretch....but I do still kinda wonder, where are the other types of assassins that were//are apart of that clan?

Just a random thought...

Really the only one you can't explain away is Smoke. Cyrax and Sektor may not have had powers. and even if they did, this is Mortal Kombat. Johnny Cage can throw a fireball. It's basically all about being powerful enough to manipulate the fabric of the realms (I think that's how it was explained in MK6.)
05/27/2010 06:18 PM (UTC)
reptile's look - he wears a broken mask revealing his ninja form and his reptillian form at the same time. his tongue hangs outside of the broken mask. his left eye is normal and his right eye is a snake eye. his pants are torn and his claws come out. his feet are lizard like. his ninja uniform is not only green but shows signs of scales on them.

reptile's moves could be his acid spit, acid puke, acidic spray, jump and bite, forecball, tongue whip, claw slash, his dash, rolling attack, and his invisible form.

reptiles story - i'd like to see him repopulate his race with or without khameleon. if he does not mate i could see the mk team doing how godzilla the movie was by making the lizards on it's own without a mate. plus if he did this i think he would feel like he belongs because right know he feels alone besides of chameleon,khameleon, and onaga.

plus in the mk4 video of reptile the only reason why he did what he did was for shinnok to bring him back to before kahn exterminated his race.

hope you enjoyed. i'll post another character in a few days.
05/28/2010 11:25 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
reptile's look - he wears a broken mask revealing his ninja form and his reptillian form at the same time. his tongue hangs outside of the broken mask. his left eye is normal and his right eye is a snake eye. his pants are torn and his claws come out. his feet are lizard like. his ninja uniform is not only green but shows signs of scales on them.

reptile's moves could be his acid spit, acid puke, acidic spray, jump and bite, forecball, tongue whip, claw slash, his dash, rolling attack, and his invisible form.

reptiles story - i'd like to see him repopulate his race with or without khameleon. if he does not mate i could see the mk team doing how godzilla the movie was by making the lizards on it's own without a mate. plus if he did this i think he would feel like he belongs because right know he feels alone besides of chameleon,khameleon, and onaga.
plus in the mk4 video of reptile the only reason why he did what he did was for shinnok to bring him back to before kahn exterminated his race.

hope you enjoyed. i'll post another character in a few days.

Dont u think these broken mask ideas are getting a bit recycled?
And what is going to be the main difference between all this acid moves? Spit, Puke, Spray.... just a different look for the same move?

And reptile being parthenogenetic sounds very... well not gay, but... I just dont want to even think about stuff like that in mortal kombat.
06/01/2010 12:42 AM (UTC)
rain's look. i'd like to seem him become a hybrid type of character. have half his body be ninja and the other half be water. somewhat similar to hydroman in spiderman but maintaining the mk look.

rains moves could be hail projectile,water beam attack,and etc. he'd most likely would be better if he did not have moves like the lightning bolt and that weird teleport move he does in mka.

story wise - i have no clue. i'm sure the mk team could do something with him.

i'll post another character in a few days.
06/01/2010 04:33 PM (UTC)
I think Rain is ripe with possibility storywise now that we know he is a demi-god. In fact, I'd say he has more storyline possibility than many of the more popular villains (see Reptile, Kano, Baraka, Mileena etc.)
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