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06/08/2014 10:21 AM (UTC)
I'd love for her to return.

She needs a chance to shine. Shes unique in that she is the only currently known Black Dragon female member. It would be nice, in the story, for her backstory to be explored. Maybe Kabal is resurrected in a way and tries to convince Kira to join the Earthrealm forces?

I would love for her to get a redesign but keep the red/black colour scheme and the red hair.

New moves are a must for her. Maybe she could keep her "Nightshade" move as a projectile. Make her really quick and emphasise the dragon's teeth blades. Maybe have a special move (similar to Mileena) in which the dragon's tooth blade sticks in the opponent and can be followed into a combo? How about giving her a fierce counter move? Maybe give her a slide move? How about giving Sonya her bicycle kick back and give a heavily modified arc kick to Kira?

Just a few ideas

But I personally think that Kira should be high on NetherRealm Studio's priority list so they can fix her up into a loveable fighter and maybe even a fan favourite. We know that they haven't forgotten about her as they included her in early production in the 'Shao Kahn's Colosseum' stage

I personally think that Sonya, Kitana, Jade, Mileena, Skarlet, Tanya, Li Mei, Sareena, Frost and Kira should be the females featured in the final game :)
06/08/2014 04:12 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
It's not a question of could. It's a question of should.

If a new idea is presented that trumps Kira, forget Kira. Only about 2% of MK players know her by name anyway. No big loss if she loses her spot to a new character.

Can't wait to see some NEW characters at E3.

I don't buy that. Why did NRS bother bringing Smoke in as a robot? Up til then had ZERO story and ZERO character, and ZERO original moves. He was the closest thing you can be to a non-character. His only attribute was being a hidden fighter, and everyone loved to gush over the hidden characters.

From a creative standpoint Smoke was far worse off then Hsu Hao and Dairou. But you know what? They gave him a good story, they gave him new moves. Even then apparently they didn't like him that much, sat unused for 10 years before showing up with nearly all new moves again in Deception. Now in MK2011 he finally got some truly original moves that lets him stand out.

Hsu Hao as a concept was still good, a villain for Jax as Sonya had Kano. Apparently his backstory was good enough they stole it and gave it to Kano (which makes Kano's backstory actually more unbelievable). Does he need a new character design? Yeah he does, but even half the cast of MK2011 needs one.

Someone posted Bane pic saying thats what Tremor should look like, but I think Hsu Hao would benefit more from that type of look.

The sales of MK games were higher in 3D then they were in 2D. Some people grew up with them just like those of us who grew up with the 2D ones in the 90s. Saying fuck half the roster is just not acceptable to me at all. NRS created them and fucked them up, its their job to fix them.

Making a new character and putting an existing character's traits into that new character is one of the worst ideas ever for a new character.
06/08/2014 07:13 PM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
It's not a question of could. It's a question of should.

If a new idea is presented that trumps Kira, forget Kira. Only about 2% of MK players know her by name anyway. No big loss if she loses her spot to a new character.

Can't wait to see some NEW characters at E3.

I don't buy that. Why did NRS bother bringing Smoke in as a robot? Up til then had ZERO story and ZERO character, and ZERO original moves. He was the closest thing you can be to a non-character. His only attribute was being a hidden fighter, and everyone loved to gush over the hidden characters.

From a creative standpoint Smoke was far worse off then Hsu Hao and Dairou. But you know what? They gave him a good story, they gave him new moves. Even then apparently they didn't like him that much, sat unused for 10 years before showing up with nearly all new moves again in Deception. Now in MK2011 he finally got some truly original moves that lets him stand out.

Hsu Hao as a concept was still good, a villain for Jax as Sonya had Kano. Apparently his backstory was good enough they stole it and gave it to Kano (which makes Kano's backstory actually more unbelievable). Does he need a new character design? Yeah he does, but even half the cast of MK2011 needs one.

Someone posted Bane pic saying thats what Tremor should look like, but I think Hsu Hao would benefit more from that type of look.

The sales of MK games were higher in 3D then they were in 2D. Some people grew up with them just like those of us who grew up with the 2D ones in the 90s. Saying fuck half the roster is just not acceptable to me at all. NRS created them and fucked them up, its their job to fix them.

Making a new character and putting an existing character's traits into that new character is one of the worst ideas ever for a new character.

Im not sure I agree. Smoke had a better design than either Hsu Hao or Dairou. Which is saying something considering that he's a pallete swap.

Anyway, my point was that if two concepts were presented, one original and one revised PS2 character, then they should have equal chances of getting in. If the original character is superior then it gets the spot. A MKDA or Deception shouldn't get a prioritization.

People talk about Stryker's revamp as reason for needing to give old, bad characters another shot. The fact is that they all but HAD to include Stryker for the purposes of retelling the UMK3 story. Thats not the case now. The story has branched in a brand new direction and NRS are not obligated to shoehorn any old characters into that new direction. Theyre job is to make the best damn fighting game they can, not to fix past mistakes. I swear, some people talk about these characters like theyre real. Hsu Hao is not gonna be bummed if hes not included.
06/08/2014 07:56 PM (UTC)
A character with no design is somehow better then a character with a bad design? lol I'd rather have a bad original character then a literal noncharacter that Smoke was in his original appearance.

His design did suck, but even in MK9 so did Kitana, Mileena, Jade, Quan Chi, Sonya, and Reptile

Ultimately the story should drive the characters in the game. We're not even arguing that MK4-Armageddon characters HAVE to be in just cause. Right now Kira should not be in THIS game, from what little we know of the story. Next one? Who knows. Someone like Drahmin should be in, he is one of the top dogs in the Netherrealm and this game's plot will at least begin with the Shinnok invasion. I'd rather he get another shot, then have ANY of the dead earthrealm heroes return as zombies just because they're popular.
06/08/2014 08:05 PM (UTC)
K guys I stand corrected. I HAD NO CLUE about this Kira undercover cross dressing stuff. That actually has some story and gameplay potential (alternative costume at the least). All this Alternative version talk makes Kira almost seem prefect for MK X now.
06/08/2014 08:09 PM (UTC)
Kira is a bad kano-ripoff-character.
No need to return.
06/08/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)
Dennis1980 Wrote:
Kira is a bad kano-ripoff-character.
No need to return.

Thats a good point. Noob-Saibot is just a blacked out Kano, he shouldn't return too. Reptile is nothing more then a green Scorpion and Sub-Zero merger, should leave him out. Hell Smoke is literally a grey Scorpion. MK would be better off without these guys.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
obviously sarcasm
06/08/2014 08:48 PM (UTC)
Borshay... wink
06/08/2014 09:04 PM (UTC)
The difference is that any ninja has more fans than Kira. Its just the way it is. Tremor even likely has more fans.

Like I said, Kira shouldnt be priority over a new character. If some good ideas are given to her, then fine. If there are better ideas for a new character, go with that.

06/08/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
Dennis1980 Wrote:

Sorry but the 'palette swap' argument pisses me off. 1/3 of the cast in MK2011 & MK Trilogy are palette swaps. The majority of the popular characters come from that era.
A character can start as a clone and become something awesome. I think its bullshit that Smoke, Stryker were given time and another chance but the 3D era characters aren't even given a true second game to appear in. Armageddon doesn't even count as it reused assets from the PS2 gen games.

The favorite characters of the 3D era?
Quan Chi, Kenshi, Bo Rai' Cho, Havik and to some extent Li Mei. Guess what they all have in common?
06/08/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
K guys I stand corrected. I HAD NO CLUE about this Kira undercover cross dressing stuff. That actually has some story and gameplay potential (alternative costume at the least). All this Alternative version talk makes Kira almost seem prefect for MK X now.

they could have a mysterious character with their face hidden and a long trench coat and it's not until we unlock that characters alternate that we see it's Kira in disguise, staying true to her original story debut.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/08/2014 11:45 PM (UTC)
I love Kira!!! She's always been in my top 3 since deception for sure! (Oh deception, what a great trait for a character and thus game)

I personally never held it against her that she was a Kano/Sonya copy, being that I disliked Kano and hate Sonya, I loved how they combined two characters I didn't care for into the edgy black dragon vixen Kira is. I always thought Sonya's kiss suited Kira better, but it's a no win situation for Kira since it is one of Sonya's classics and fans will always take her side.

Based on her established story,
She represents the evil female outside of the palette swap group (which can be kinda cliquish). Likely Tanya and mileena will be the evil females and I think Kira would offer a great contrast in the way she could potentially carry out her agenda. I doubt she would be after the throne like the other two, but have her sight set on ruling her own faction. I really like the idea of her deceiving and backstabbing her way around the black dragon to get in a position of power! (Get it girl)

Maybe she gets pissed as standing behind Kano/kabal and joins the red dragon where she is their new leader (especially if there is no mavado or hsu hao) or maybe she is working undercover as a spy for the red dragon posing as a black dragon member

Maybe she is playing both clans against each other (each thinking she is loyal to them) and aim to seize power for herself at an opportune moment

Her backstory as an arms dealer posing as a man def offers a potential for a story that can be elaborated on. She apparently can disguise herself well enough to trick terrorists, so maybe her cunningness and street knowledge is pushed further. Maybe she disguises herself as a man who infiltrates the special forces or something

I always thought she would make a cool scientist for the black dragon who was an expert in chemicals and weapons and stuff, like the brain behind the clan.

I really do hope she is in the game and reaches her potential!

06/09/2014 02:36 AM (UTC)
Way more than any of this Kira silliness, I hope we get a plot that goes beyond good vs evil. I want grey areas and MK is ready for it.

Kira's lasting impression has been a big fat meh for like a decade now. NRS shouldnt prioritize reviving a meh character just because of reasons.
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Thanks to MINION for this awesome signature

06/09/2014 04:27 AM (UTC)
actually, after seeing what mkmileena stated, I think that Kira should utilise her cunningness and just backstab and best everybody

Backstab the Black Dragon
Backstab the Outworlders
Backstab the Earthrealm Forces

Backstab everybody
06/09/2014 04:34 AM (UTC)
Injusticefan14 Wrote:
Backstab the Outworlders
Backstab the Earthrealm Forces

Backstab everybody

We sort of have that with Tanya.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/09/2014 05:15 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Injusticefan14 Wrote:
Backstab the Outworlders
Backstab the Earthrealm Forces

Backstab everybody

We sort of have that with Tanya.

Yes but Tanya's focus and Kira's focuses are two different agendas, in my opinion. Tanya's end game is rule of out world or edenia I'm guessing, while Kira would be seeking out smaller short term goals elsewhere.

I don't see Kira seeking out leadership of out world or edenia, she is more of an earth realm baddy.

Or maybe she does want outworld. Idk if Tanya and the black dragon would interact at all, but if they do, she could spark a rivalry with each other or an alliance of some sort. I'm sure Tanya would go against mileena if it means the getting the throne and I could see her outsourcing help to do this, however Kira uses this opportunity to put the black dragon in a position of power, thus solidifying her spot as the head of the clan.

Infinite story possibilities I guess. What needs to be focused on is picking a character direction and then giving her specials that go along with it (original specials of her own). But to do that they need to figure out what makes Kira "the badass" she is. (IMO all evil females use devotion/cunning/smarts to outsmart their enemies/frenemeies, it just works)
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06/09/2014 06:09 AM (UTC)
Finally! Someone posted the Kira thread in this! I've been a huge fan of Kira since Deception! Like for me what I loved about Deception is that she had their own fatalities and her endings were cinematic! I didn't like her being a Sonya/Kano copy. I was too happy that they put her chained in the background of Kahn's Kolliseum in MK (2011). Does anyone think she was highly underrated? I'd love to see him developed more. I hope she returns in this one. I would like to see her get some spotlight for once in the story mode.
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06/09/2014 04:43 PM (UTC)
Kira needs ot be redeemed. At least to come back to complete her story for good.
06/09/2014 05:48 PM (UTC)
The problem IMO is that she's a female Jarek that is a poorman's Kano.

So she's a female poorman's Kano at the end (and I guees her male version would be another Jarek at the end of the day).

I think there are better foundations to work with than Kira's so I prefer resources spent on different characters.

It's a no for me.
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06/10/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
>lots and lots of guns
>fighting style that integrates both hand-to-hand combat and firearms
>Middle Eastern garb that obscures her womanly figure
>she removes the headscarf during her win pose, revealing her red hair

Basically, a Rule 63 version of this:

06/10/2014 03:27 AM (UTC)
Like someone said, anyone can redeemed (I mean look at Stryker, he went from series scrappy to series badass cop).

About Kira, it's funny you said her specifically bc in another mk forum, I shared my ideas about what I would do with Kira,

"I really think Boon and co. dropped the ball with Kira in these two ways.

1. Her Moveset. This has got to be one of the biggest offenders right here. Why base her moveset off of two people she never even met in the storyline? Why base her moveset off of any of the others characters to begin with? She could have got her own special moves outside of one and her own weapons. That right there could have made her stand out for the right reasons as opposed to the reason of being a cheap knockoff of two other characters. Want to know what I do for her in the new continuity if she ever appears again?
Pic Link: http://eagleswords.com/pro1435932.html
I would give her a a tri-blade hand claw like the one in this link. In this series, it would be unique enough to stand out. I would make it so that they are closed (to simply look like a cool accessory on her gloves thus fitting with Kira's deceitful nature of hiding her true self), and then when she uses it in battle the blades would come out for her to attack with. I would even make it so that they are a part of her projectile.

1.Three Fall (Projectile)- While Night Shade wasn't a bad projectile, I didn't think it really fit her character as well as it could have. With the Three Fall, the Blades in her claw would/will shoot out in three directions. Along with this, I would have gave her two different versions of this move,
Air Three Fall- Shoots blades in air horizontally.
Diagonal Air Three Fall- Shoots the blades from a diagonal angle.

2. Rebel Spin- A Cartwheel Kick, something similar to Killer Instinct favorite, Orchid's Flick Flak in KI2 (not the KI1 and KI 2013 version).

3. Covert Affairs- Stun Move. Now as much as I hated her having the kiss of death because that is a Sonya signature, there is nothing wrong with her having a stun move as long as it looks different (Scorpion's Spear to Sub Zero's Freeze). I'm think that this move should consider her sneaky nature. In this move, she would pull some bagged dust out of her pocket (maybe it's something she got off the black market), throw it over the opponent, stunning them, and immediate put it away as if she did nothing wrong.

2. Her Storyline.
I mean reading her backstory, there was definitely potential there. A woman pretending to be a man to selling illegal things and then when caught, proceeded to eliminate everyone. She came across so sneaky and treacheous, not to mention fearless and ruthless. Also making her a female Black Dragon member was an interesting idea, but IMO was not executed well. Her rivalry with Kobra did neither their or the Black Dragon's storyline any favors. I just feel the Black Dragon were done and over at that point in the story. I mean Kano, the man associate most with the group, was no where to be found. I would have loved to see her type of character around when the Black Dragon were more important to certain characters storyline (i.e MK3 or MKDA). This goes for fellow members like Jarek and Kobra. They all would have been more useful during the times that Sonya (and Jax less so) was all about taking down the Black Dragon and when Mavado and Hsu Hao, aka the Red Dragon, shown up in the story. At least we definitely would have gotten to see a group of Black Dragon members working together all at once, as opposed to one or two at a time, a Kira/Sonya rivalry got out of it due to the two being polar opposites, and stuff like her pretending to be a man in order to infiltrate the Red Dragon to get info to eliminate them and/or we could have possibly seen a deception storyline in which Kira betrays Kano, bumps him out the Black Dragon, and become the new leader out for world domination. These scenarios would have used those elements of treachery and deceit from her background and signified her importance as an evil threat. Any of these is better than what we got. I just feel she came beyond her time, almost too late in the storyline.

However they did do a good job on her look if you ask me (granted with those large breasts, I don't know how she ever successfully masqueraded as a man). The red hair goes with her fiery and BA attitude, her outfit is unique and functional, and her face gives off the don't F with me vibe. I just wish everything else was done as well but Kira is still full of nothing but potential IMO.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/10/2014 03:31 AM (UTC)
well its too late for the hand claw as the the midget girl seems to have it ^ lol

good ideas for specials tho!
06/10/2014 04:11 AM (UTC)
^Thank You smile

Don't forget, Scarlet came on with the redhair and took that unique thing away from Kira.

About the weapons, yeah I wrote this months ago. Oh well I'm sure there's a weapon out there that can be unique for her and be unique within MK. Kira was and honestly still is a bundle of potential despite these things. Hopefully she's seen again.
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