Can Kira be redeemed (and palette swap characters in general)
posted06/10/2014 04:11 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
Anyone else think that Kira could be redeemed for MKX? I wonder this because the problem was the pre-MK2011 team always seemed to believe creating a "new" character but giving them a fan favorite's moves was sufficient to kill two birds with one stone = new character story, same classic moves. Kira was essentially Kano/Sonya but she was really a female version of Jarek who was just MK4's Kano, kinda like a palette swap of a palette swap...

I'm wondering if Kira can be redeemed or not because the very reason for her being in MKD was because Kabal wanted to recreate the Black Dragon, so with Kabal dead and Kano (presumably) alive, I wonder if there is any reason to bring her back.
06/07/2014 10:21 PM (UTC)
Yes. Reptile and Smoke were probably the most unoriginal characters in the franchise in their first appearance. The only positive being they weren't playable. It was their next game that they developed their acid spits, or cyborg storyline.

How long did it take before Noob Saibot got his shadow abilities?

Every nonjoke character is redeemable, its simply up to NRS putting in a little effort and the fans not being stuck in their ways.

Kira has a unique look, personality, and story. The only thing she needs a re-do on the move list.

That said I wouldn't introduce her in MKX unless we are doing alternate dimension stuff.
06/07/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
All I ever got from Kira was female Black/Red Dragon with two knives instead of one. Ya they may as well just make another female Black Dragon member... or just remodel her. So I guess it could go either way.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/07/2014 10:51 PM (UTC)
Kira has definite potential. I always liked her backstory as an arms dealer selling to terrorists. I think there needs to be more effort to make her more than just a thug with giant boobs. I'd be ok with her returning if she got enough care and attention to be more interesting.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/07/2014 10:58 PM (UTC)
Of course she can, that said, what kills her for me(as well as every Black Dragon member) is that at the end of the day all her role consists of is standing behind the big baddie and being a minion. I think what could help Kira is if maybe she's put in a position of power, what if there's a rivalry between her and Kano? Maybe the rivalry is sparked because Kira wants the Black Dragon for her own? That could very well spice things up and make her stand out. Now we're talking. That also frees up Sonya to go do something productive instead of chasing Kano and Kira gets to actually become relevant.

But I still would like to see Sareena, Nitara, Ashrah, & Li Mei before her.
06/07/2014 11:00 PM (UTC)
Everyone can be redeemed.
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06/07/2014 11:03 PM (UTC)
Stryker got redeemed. Smoke and Reptile are unique. So why not?
06/07/2014 11:04 PM (UTC)
yes! some more character development and better gameplay should be enough to redeem her, I'm looking forward to her return, palette swap characters will always have a tougher time being accepted by fans, I like to think that Ed has learnt this by now and will only add new characters with original moves and designs in future games.
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/07/2014 11:12 PM (UTC)
They even changed Scorpion's Spear a bit in Injustice because Batman had a move almost exactly like it in vanilla.

I think if they do anything like that again, they need to change the moves properties a little.
06/07/2014 11:14 PM (UTC)
StrykerKombat Wrote:
yes! some more character development and better gameplay should be enough to redeem her, I'm looking forward to her return, palette swap characters will always have a tougher time being accepted by fans, I like to think that Ed has learnt this by now and will only add new characters with original moves and designs in future games.

Well... palette swaps from the 3D era will have a more difficult time gaining acceptance. Reptile, didn't have a problem, Ermac in Deception should've forever shut people up about someone's debut being a palette swap.

Maybe I'm alone on this but, imo Sub-Zero and Kira both deserve the same chance to be in the next MK game and everyone after that. They're both characters in Mortal Kombat. I mean 'lol Kuai Liang is a palette swap of Bi Han, they should just make a new character named Sub-Zero' is some pretty stupid shit. Yet people say the same damn thing. Especially now, Stryker was an awful character back then and rocked in MK9, Ermac and Kenshi share the same special ability yet are no where near clones.

People really need to stop saying 'forget that character and just make a new one', they gotta realize if a character has a poor outing (like everyone did story wise in MK9) the criticisms should be aimed at NRS for fucking up. Not to just say screw the character, lets never see them again.
06/07/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Everyone can be redeemed.

This, basically.
06/07/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
I think Kira can be redeemed if she is shown during her terrorist days.

Presenting her both as a man and a woman could do wondrous things for her development, especially since it goes into detail about her life before the Black Dragon.
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/07/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
I think Kira can be redeemed if she is shown during her terrorist days.

Presenting her both as a man and a woman could do wondrous things for her development, especially since it goes into detail about her life before the Black Dragon.


I mean, I remember the whole Terrorist thing, but Man and Woman?

Poison...why are you here?
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/07/2014 11:43 PM (UTC)
Xman321 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
I think Kira can be redeemed if she is shown during her terrorist days.

Presenting her both as a man and a woman could do wondrous things for her development, especially since it goes into detail about her life before the Black Dragon.


I mean, I remember the whole Terrorist thing, but Man and Woman?

Poison...why are you here?

Kira posed as a man to sell weapons to terrorists in Afghanistan. She was discovered and had to fight her way out of the cave which is how she got picked by Kabal for the new Black Dragon. I believe that is what they were referring to.
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/07/2014 11:45 PM (UTC)
Ah, I didn't play deception all that much, and only recently started to get into Deadly Alliance more, after I get further through that, I'll have Deception from amazon.

I only remember the terrorist thing from the latest History of MK Video.
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06/07/2014 11:51 PM (UTC)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
The_Truth Wrote:
Xman321 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
I think Kira can be redeemed if she is shown during her terrorist days.

Presenting her both as a man and a woman could do wondrous things for her development, especially since it goes into detail about her life before the Black Dragon.


I mean, I remember the whole Terrorist thing, but Man and Woman?

Poison...why are you here?

Kira posed as a man to sell weapons to terrorists in Afghanistan. She was discovered and had to fight her way out of the cave which is how she got picked by Kabal for the new Black Dragon. I believe that is what they were referring to.

Actually they should run with the disguised as man thing. I honestly can believe that somebody could mistake that body for a man's. If thay do use her they should redesign her to be more Tomboy. Think Vanessa from Virtua Fighter.
06/08/2014 12:00 AM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
StrykerKombat Wrote:
yes! some more character development and better gameplay should be enough to redeem her, I'm looking forward to her return, palette swap characters will always have a tougher time being accepted by fans, I like to think that Ed has learnt this by now and will only add new characters with original moves and designs in future games.

Well... palette swaps from the 3D era will have a more difficult time gaining acceptance. Reptile, didn't have a problem, Ermac in Deception should've forever shut people up about someone's debut being a palette swap.

Maybe I'm alone on this but, imo Sub-Zero and Kira both deserve the same chance to be in the next MK game and everyone after that. They're both characters in Mortal Kombat. I mean 'lol Kuai Liang is a palette swap of Bi Han, they should just make a new character named Sub-Zero' is some pretty stupid shit. Yet people say the same damn thing. Especially now, Stryker was an awful character back then and rocked in MK9, Ermac and Kenshi share the same special ability yet are no where near clones.

People really need to stop saying 'forget that character and just make a new one', they gotta realize if a character has a poor outing (like everyone did story wise in MK9) the criticisms should be aimed at NRS for fucking up. Not to just say screw the character, lets never see them again.

agreed, except for two who I could never imagine being redeemed: Dairou and Hsu Hao
06/08/2014 12:02 AM (UTC)
What I would really prefer is if her male and female personas are presented as two separate entities.

We have Kira, a lone mercenary trying to avoid her past catching up to her, and Silas, a young weapons trader who works specifically with terrorist organizations due ot their high pay.

Imagine the difference in gameplay! grin
06/08/2014 12:05 AM (UTC)
I really don't think she needs to be scrapped for a brand new character. The only thing that was really wrong with her is that she had a dull story and that her moves were not original. That's really what was wrong with this character. Her appearance was fine, I'm sure they're going to give her a new outfit (although somewhat staying with the whole red and black scheme). That's really much about her I have to say. I'd say at least give her a chance to be redeemed before trying to make a brand new dragon clan female character.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/08/2014 12:08 AM (UTC)
StrykerKombat Wrote:
Borshay Wrote:
StrykerKombat Wrote:
yes! some more character development and better gameplay should be enough to redeem her, I'm looking forward to her return, palette swap characters will always have a tougher time being accepted by fans, I like to think that Ed has learnt this by now and will only add new characters with original moves and designs in future games.

Well... palette swaps from the 3D era will have a more difficult time gaining acceptance. Reptile, didn't have a problem, Ermac in Deception should've forever shut people up about someone's debut being a palette swap.

Maybe I'm alone on this but, imo Sub-Zero and Kira both deserve the same chance to be in the next MK game and everyone after that. They're both characters in Mortal Kombat. I mean 'lol Kuai Liang is a palette swap of Bi Han, they should just make a new character named Sub-Zero' is some pretty stupid shit. Yet people say the same damn thing. Especially now, Stryker was an awful character back then and rocked in MK9, Ermac and Kenshi share the same special ability yet are no where near clones.

People really need to stop saying 'forget that character and just make a new one', they gotta realize if a character has a poor outing (like everyone did story wise in MK9) the criticisms should be aimed at NRS for fucking up. Not to just say screw the character, lets never see them again.

agreed, except for two who I could never imagine being redeemed: Dairou and Hsu Hao

Why exactly? The only way I can't imagine them being redeemed is because everyone hates Hsu Hao, he's probably neck in neck with Kobra as the most hated MK4-MKD character. Dairou is lukewarm and nobody gives a crap about him either way. He's just not that memorable to the fans or NRS.

But they can EASILY be redeemed. Hell, I have always had a soft spot for Hsu Hao, give him a brand new design, new gameplay, and a relevant role and he could be decent. Same with Dairou.

I just never understood why people hated Hsu Hao so much. I just don't get it LOL
06/08/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
I really don't get it either Ahnka, I thought Mavado was worse personally (especially after MKD undid him killing Kabal).

The only truly unsalvageable character is probably Mokap. But he doesn't need it because he fulfilled his role as paying tribute to Carlos.

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06/08/2014 02:49 AM (UTC)
I can't think of a Mortal Kombat character that doesn't have some little hook that could be teased out into something terrific. The MK cats haven't been great at nailing it on the first try, but they're masters at leaving something interesting dangling in even their worst outings. Benefits of a strong start. There's always a lot to bounce off of.
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06/08/2014 04:45 AM (UTC)
I liked her story and her look, but the moves list just made me easily forget her. She can definitely be redeemed though. Kobra, though, he just came off as Ken on krack. I'd rather just see Kira kill him again.
06/08/2014 08:55 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
StrykerKombat Wrote:
Borshay Wrote:
StrykerKombat Wrote:
yes! some more character development and better gameplay should be enough to redeem her, I'm looking forward to her return, palette swap characters will always have a tougher time being accepted by fans, I like to think that Ed has learnt this by now and will only add new characters with original moves and designs in future games.

Well... palette swaps from the 3D era will have a more difficult time gaining acceptance. Reptile, didn't have a problem, Ermac in Deception should've forever shut people up about someone's debut being a palette swap.

Maybe I'm alone on this but, imo Sub-Zero and Kira both deserve the same chance to be in the next MK game and everyone after that. They're both characters in Mortal Kombat. I mean 'lol Kuai Liang is a palette swap of Bi Han, they should just make a new character named Sub-Zero' is some pretty stupid shit. Yet people say the same damn thing. Especially now, Stryker was an awful character back then and rocked in MK9, Ermac and Kenshi share the same special ability yet are no where near clones.

People really need to stop saying 'forget that character and just make a new one', they gotta realize if a character has a poor outing (like everyone did story wise in MK9) the criticisms should be aimed at NRS for fucking up. Not to just say screw the character, lets never see them again.

agreed, except for two who I could never imagine being redeemed: Dairou and Hsu Hao

Why exactly? The only way I can't imagine them being redeemed is because everyone hates Hsu Hao, he's probably neck in neck with Kobra as the most hated MK4-MKD character. Dairou is lukewarm and nobody gives a crap about him either way. He's just not that memorable to the fans or NRS.

But they can EASILY be redeemed. Hell, I have always had a soft spot for Hsu Hao, give him a brand new design, new gameplay, and a relevant role and he could be decent. Same with Dairou.

I just never understood why people hated Hsu Hao so much. I just don't get it LOL

wish I could come up with a more solid reason for you, I have a good imagination and can easily see everyone redeemed except for those two in particular, I try to imagine them with new looks and Xray moves and I still can't see them being very strong characters, Dairou is too bland and Hsu Hao is too strange lol
06/08/2014 09:54 AM (UTC)
It's not a question of could. It's a question of should.

If a new idea is presented that trumps Kira, forget Kira. Only about 2% of MK players know her by name anyway. No big loss if she loses her spot to a new character.

Can't wait to see some NEW characters at E3.
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