08/11/2014 10:47 AM (UTC)
Personally I don't want to see the farting or puking, it comes across as childish and doesn't fit his character, whom I think has a great story. I would like to see him return though!
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08/11/2014 12:36 PM (UTC)
Was it stated somewhere that he is semi-immortal? Or are OutWorlders in general immortal, like most Edenians? In MKD, Shujinko is his student as a child. Shujinko ages about 60 yrs as the story unfolds while Bo doesn't age at all.
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08/11/2014 12:44 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
Was it stated somewhere that he is semi-immortal? Or are OutWorlders in general immortal, like most Edenians? In MKD, Shujinko is his student as a child. Shujinko ages about 60 yrs as the story unfolds while Bo doesn't age at all.

Well, it wasn't stated, but it's presumable that he has a long lifespan.
Shao Kahn likes to keep his subjects young and healthy (except for Shang Tsung tongue ). He's actually a good ruler of his realm. What more do they want than thousands of years lives? Now that Raiden has killed Shao Kahn, I guess that's out of the picture and they'll just age like a human from Earthrealm. wink
I've always wondered if BoRaiChi made frequent visits to the palace to try to change Shao Kahn's mind about torturing poor civilians (kind of like Moses went to the pharaoh with "Let my people go"). Shao Kahn had some respect for him I guess, but after a while kicked his ass to Earthrealm cause he lost his patience grin
08/11/2014 01:34 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
I vote NO for BoRaiCho. Storymode Cameo only

This. He doesn't fit the game. And I wouldn't want him to be overhauled as a serious character.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

08/11/2014 01:46 PM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho better be in he is a big part of the storyline especially if Liu Kang has become the One Being AKA the Big Bad ( I hate you Sony interviewer guy!!!)

I loved his farting and vomiting moves. They are a part of who his character is. a Bo Rai Cho with out these moves wouldn't be Bo Rai Cho furious
08/11/2014 01:49 PM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho could be an interesting character.

But the puking and especially the farting has to go in my opinion.

Like somebody else arlready said, he trained Liu Kang and Kung Lao, and did many great things, then he farts and stuff like that?

I'm not a huge fan of humor in games, at least not farting-joke humor.

I don't mind Bo Rai Cho in the game, but I rather see many others instead of him.
08/11/2014 02:29 PM (UTC)
A Bo Rai Cho who doesn't fart or puke. An utterly brilliant idea that could be expected from many fans. Next we'll be suggesting Stryker without guns, or Scorpion without his spear, or a bi-pedal Motaro (oh wait, that was done already), or Johnny Cage without his shades and flashiness, Baraka without his blades or better yet, repackaged as a mad, surgically-altered human doctor, or Kitana without her fans, or Shokans without their lower arms, Raiden without electricity, man, the possibilities are endless!

Yet again people are going on about this game being too dark to feature Bo Rai Cho when the exact same bloody thing was said about MKD. I swear, people never learn from the past. Even when it was only ten years ago. Humor has always been a part of the series. If you're going to let it distract you, then that's your problem, not mine.

I know a lot of people want Bo Rai Cho to be more like Kill Bill's Pai Mei, one of those "badass" types revered by insecure and humorless pricks. But we've already got a Pai Mei-type. His name is Shujinko. One of Bo Rai Cho's students. Sure, he was a clueless putz, but hey, he had the look! Heh.

I'd rather Bo Rai Cho doesn't return if he's going to be turned into a shell of himself.
08/11/2014 02:55 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:

I'd rather Bo Rai Cho doesn't return if he's going to be turned into a shell of himself.

This. He shouldn't return.
08/11/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:

I'd rather Bo Rai Cho doesn't return if he's going to be turned into a shell of himself.

This. He shouldn't return.

He should return, in all his vulgar glory. If he can't have that, then what's the point of bringing him back?
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/11/2014 03:25 PM (UTC)
Why remove abilities that made the character unique from other fighters or other fighters in Fighting games?

Any game can have a drunken fight style game character, but making that character puke and fart is what separated Bo Rai Cho from the rest.
Remove that and you just got another drunk character in a Fighter.

Let's remove Sub-Zero's Ice Powers while we are at it.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/11/2014 03:37 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
A Bo Rai Cho who doesn't fart or puke. An utterly brilliant idea that could be expected from many fans. Next we'll be suggesting Stryker without guns, or Scorpion without his spear, or a bi-pedal Motaro (oh wait, that was done already), or Johnny Cage without his shades and flashiness, Baraka without his blades or better yet, repackaged as a mad, surgically-altered human doctor, or Kitana without her fans, or Shokans without their lower arms, Raiden without electricity, man, the possibilities are endless!

Yet again people are going on about this game being too dark to feature Bo Rai Cho when the exact same bloody thing was said about MKD. I swear, people never learn from the past. Even when it was only ten years ago. Humor has always been a part of the series. If you're going to let it distract you, then that's your problem, not mine.

I know a lot of people want Bo Rai Cho to be more like Kill Bill's Pai Mei, one of those "badass" types revered by insecure and humorless pricks. But we've already got a Pai Mei-type. His name is Shujinko. One of Bo Rai Cho's students. Sure, he was a clueless putz, but hey, he had the look! Heh.

I'd rather Bo Rai Cho doesn't return if he's going to be turned into a shell of himself.

Love this post! Hey, what about Shao Khan's skull helmet and his hammer? Let's remove those too.
08/11/2014 03:41 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Why remove abilities that made the character unique from other fighters or other fighters in Fighting games?

Any game can have a drunken fight style game character, but making that character puke and fart is what separated Bo Rai Cho from the rest.
Remove that and you just got another drunk character in a Fighter.

Let's remove Sub-Zero's Ice Powers while we are at it.

I am of the opinion that he should keep all of his power's, because that is what makes him unique, he shouldnt be stripped of what makes him who he is. And he should not be in this game tongue
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/11/2014 03:50 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Hey, if you find toilet humor amusing, more power to you.

As long as it doesn't offend your delicate sensibilities. :P

WeaponTheory Wrote:
Why remove abilities that made the character unique from other fighters or other fighters in Fighting games?

Thank you.

It just happens to fit extremely well with Bo's persona. It comes down to whether or not the devs will treat it like an elementary gag or use it where needed and appropriate.

The puke puddle in DA was near useless. However, just imagine how much better it'd be at 60 fps and in the new mechanics. Because when it comes to kombat, it's actually a brilliant tactic.

I think they're whole intention though was to show that he's not an all serious character. He's a light-hearted and corky martial arts Sensei, who happens to drink too much and has copious amounts of flatulence. Why change what has made him unique? How do Babalities fit in MK and this doesn't? MK having "wtf" moments are a signature to the series.

Tbh, I didn't know this was so controversial. I knew a lot of people hated these attributes, but browsing through this thread, it seems to be about 50/50.
08/11/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
Yes, I found this topic to be incredibly sensitive a lot, and it's not just on this site either. Which is odd since this is more disgusting than having characters mutilate others with a hat.

I never found his moves being disgusting, or that it takes away the seriousness in this game. To be honest, I haven't found this series to be serious, even after many have said this is the most serious looking Mortal Kombat yet. I can't see the seriousness because I found things humorous already. If it's supposed to be super serious or whatever, I shouldn't be laughing at stuff in this game.

The thing with this character is that he is a drunk, and people find him vomiting to be a major problem. The thing is, that's who he is. He is a drunk, drunk people throw up, drunk people fart. It's apart of his character. You take that away, it's like taking Scorpion's spear away or Raiden's torpedo away. Those are is signature moves.

I will say the one thing I hope they do is give this guy some better fatalities. I really didn't care for any of them because they were just so boring. The only one that kinda had a cool thing going on was the wine one and that was it.

But still, this is a trait of his character. A drunk, a drunk who tends to fight with their own fluids and bowl movements. If it really bothers people, well, I won't try to convince you to try to look the other way. But to literally get rid of it because of various reasons, eh... no. Sorry. I can't see them taking away this.

However, I can see him be a serious character when it comes to story mode. They don't need to make him a silly character, he could have his seriousness come out in cutscenes and such. I don't think he was ever a silly guy in Deception's conquest mode. They could make him a serious character will still having silly moves.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/11/2014 05:57 PM (UTC)
It's very strange.

The only time it ever unnerved me was how switching styles required a toot. It was so over-used in the 3D era. It didn't disgust me, just got annoying fairly quickly. Yeah the fatalities were just short of terrible, and sadly, there were ones that were even worse but that's a whole other discussion, lol.

Well at some point he was (or will become) a General. Betrays his homeland in the process (FOR the good guys). He trained 2 of Earthrealm's greatest warriors. (3 including Shujinko.) Rescued Li Mei from the Deadly Alliance, allowing her to grace us with her presence again in Deception.

He's no push-over. We've seen his serious face. He's an honor-bound warrior who imho, is one of the most respectable MK characters in the franchise. Farts n' all.
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