Bo Rai Cho Question
posted08/11/2014 05:57 PM (UTC)by
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05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
Seeing how this gets touchy every so often, I thought I would ask this now before any kind of confirmation whatsoever is made about this character.

If Bo is to be in this game... would you want him to have his farting/vomit abilities/fatalities to come with?

I, personally, do not have a problem with this because it's apart of his character. He's a drunk, and drunks do that (not all, but most). And this bothers a lot of people because they tend to think it doesn't bring the seriousness that this series has, and that fart jokes/toilet humor serves no right in this game.

However, he's not the only character to throw up in this game, despite that he's the only one to use it as an actual move. You have Noob who made people vomit in his X-Ray for 2011's game, and then you have Sonya and Kitana making the cast of Deadly Alliance vomit in their fatalities.

I was just wanting to know your personal opinions about this issue, since it tends to be a very touchy subject.
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08/10/2014 11:30 PM (UTC)
I love Bo as is. I think he's in the tops when it comes to character personality. And imo, he could easily replace JC as the comic relief.

My favorite is MKA's Motor Kombat. When using Bo Rai Cho, there was always that chance he'd fart on landing.

Using vomit as an attack and making people vomit with one of your attacks are obviously different things.

With that said, I truthfully don't care whether he has those kind of moves or not as long as they're kept to a minimum.

It's no different to me than Reptile spitting acid at his opponent, honestly.
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08/10/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
I'm not a Bo hater, but I also do no take him seriously.

Whenever he comes up in discussion (including this thread), I'm like, "lol yea okay."

I'd love to take him seriously. I dig his look. I dig his story. I dig his drunkenness. I dig his weapon. But until he ditches the vomit and farting, it's just more "lol yea okay" from me.

PS: Vomiting with the hope of your opponent slipping on it and causing your opponent to puke from a violent attack are extremely different things.
08/10/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Using vomit as an attack and making people vomit with one of your attacks are obviously different things.

There were people here that used to compare his attacks to Noob's X-Ray sadly. They felt it was the same thing no matter what and that vomit itself has no purpose in this game at all, whether it be an actual attack or causing one to vomit due to being attacked.
08/10/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
When first revealed, Bo Rai Cho's crass antics was just one aspect of MK:DA that I had some very strong opinions on, due in part to my own personal battle with alcoholism. But I've changed a lot since then so even though Bo Rai Cho still isn't one of my favorites and his return would surely bring back some unpleasant memories, I could still accept him being in MKX with all his farting and puking. I prefer not to, but MK always has at least some humor, even with Cassie's fatality, so I could see it working for MKX somehow.
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08/10/2014 11:56 PM (UTC)
Whats the big deal? They always have had "comic relief" in every mk game since mk1. Johnny Cage is the original comic relief character in mk and he is like top 10 still in overall popularity.... Anyways Bo imo probably is the best character from mkda. Im not really a fan of him though his Deception fatalities were great imo. He doesnt really bother me though and id be interested in seeing what they do with him in mkx if they bring him back. His farting and puking dont bother me at all.
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
And imo, he could easily replace JC as the comic relief.

Well, Bo' Rai Cho's not the only one who's drunk.

Definitely not. The farting was much worse but something about vomiting all over the place was...really stupid. Noob's wasn't played for laughs, it showed you how cruel and sadistic Noob Saibot was.

In fact I'm still sticking by the dumb idea I had of using his jug of wine like Sub-Zero's ice puddle in MK2.
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08/11/2014 12:40 AM (UTC)
I vote NO for BoRaiCho. Storymode Cameo only
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/11/2014 12:54 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
And imo, he could easily replace JC as the comic relief.

Well, Bo' Rai Cho's not the only one who's drunk.

I find a drunken martial arts master with bad manners more amusing than a movie star with painfully blatant ego-driven lines.

Sue me.

I'll agree that in kombat, the farting was overkill. I'd be just fine should they decide not to include it in that portion. But in story mode, I still think he should maintain that aspect of his personality.
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08/11/2014 01:00 AM (UTC)
Love Bo Rai Cho. No complaints on any front. I hope he makes it. I only ask that it's presented in a realistic manor as opposed to overly childish.
08/11/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
I'm fine with Bo. The farting and puke puddle is his character traits. It makes him who he is. Also enjoyed his Belly Smash Fatality in MKDA. I find it is better than both MKD Fatalities.

If he is in MKX, I do hope he gets more specials. I'm thinking like maybe Jug Smash or Jug Throw (both shatter upon contact), in which it will stun your opponent. Moonshine mist, Bo spits a mist of moonshine in his opponents face which also stuns his opponent. Just a thought.

I'm all in for Bo, playable or boss.
08/11/2014 01:48 AM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
I vote NO for BoRaiCho. Storymode Cameo only

That makes 2 of us..
08/11/2014 03:22 AM (UTC)
I would say yes to Bo, but no to the silly shit. PLEASE no farting and puke!
08/11/2014 03:28 AM (UTC)
Um... my question I'm asking here has nothing about wanting to know if you guys want to see this character in the game.

My question is if he was to be in the game, would you want to see his puke moves and farting to be associated with him or not?
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08/11/2014 03:45 AM (UTC)
To me, the distinction between Cage and Bo Rai Cho always came from character consistency.

I bought the fact that Cage was a bit of a goof because it fit his arrogant, kinda douchy "star" persona and that permeated everything from his background (movies he starred in), his usually comical endings, to his in game style (the nut punch, the win pose, the x-ray baiting etc).

Bo Rai Cho, to me, was totally different. In his background and his story, he comes off like a wise, sage-like martial arts master. He secretly trained Earthrealm warriors (including Liu Kang), he helped Kung Lao in Deadly Alliance and was described as proud and gruff in his ending even in spite of the slight alcohol joke at the end. In MK:D, he rescued Li Mei and was one of Kitana's generals.

At no point are you given any real indication that this proud master from the story and the farting barf bag that's clearly played for 12 year old laughs (and who might be one of the worst representations of drunken kung fu / boxing I've ever seen) in the gameplay portion should even remotely be the same person.

So yeah, story wise, I think he's one of the best post MK2 characters ever made and I would like to see him in MKX. I like him a lot, even if his name basically means "drunk," it's still no excuse. But his gameplay needs a ton of work. Less alcohol humor and more of what makes drunken boxing so cool to see in movies and games would be appreciated.

I mean seriously, they couldn't just have him spit fire? Eh, whatever.
08/11/2014 03:47 AM (UTC)
The thing with Bo' is that, I always felt that he "acted" drunk rather than actually "being" drunk. Take a look at Brad Wong from DOA for example, he's always pretty much drunk and never farts or pukes. I think he's a great character.

Bo Rai Cho is one of the very few characters I want to return to MKX from post MK4 era. I wouldn't mind if the puking and farting is still around but to a much lesser extent. He shouldn't be silly about it, it should just come naturally!

I liked how in MKDA when you blocked while playing as Bo, every now and then there was a slight fart noise.

Also liked his cartwheel special move where he flip kicks you two times. I'd imagine an EX cartwheel could hit you up to three times. The ground stomp caused an earthquake. He should be able to control the area of where the tremor would occur much like Jax does with his ground pound in MK9.

As for his fatalities, I only liked this one: Wine drinking blow torch
08/11/2014 04:13 AM (UTC)
I think he should return and have Molotov's as projectiles. The fire breathing that someone suggested would work too.

You know I could even see the puking as a move because 1. It could technically make someone slip in it and 2. Maybe it's a strategy of his to gross people out while fighting.

So, yeah I could even see the puke.

NO FARTING though. None. Too goofy.
08/11/2014 04:17 AM (UTC)
The goofiness of Bo is what makes him so damn cool. If you saw a guy belching, farting, and staggering would you think they were a master of martial arts? Hell no.

His fat drunk demeanor deceives opponents into thinking he's just some drunk hobo. I say keep the obnoxious antics, at least for battle. Now if he shows in story mode, THAT'S where he should be taken seriously.
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08/11/2014 04:39 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I love Bo as is. I think he's in the tops when it comes to character personality. And imo, he could easily replace JC as the comic relief.

My favorite is MKA's Motor Kombat. When using Bo Rai Cho, there was always that chance he'd fart on landing.


Not to mention that obnoxious statute of him holding a jug of wine lol.I too love Bo Rai Cho as is. Only thing I can't see in MKX though is his puke puddle. Have no idea how it would work here.
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
And imo, he could easily replace JC as the comic relief.

Well, Bo' Rai Cho's not the only one who's drunk.

I find a drunken martial arts master with bad manners more amusing than a movie star with painfully blatant ego-driven lines.

Sue me.

I'll agree that in kombat, the farting was overkill. I'd be just fine should they decide not to include it in that portion. But in story mode, I still think he should maintain that aspect of his personality.

Hey, if you find toilet humor amusing, more power to you.
08/11/2014 07:01 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
You know I could even see the puking as a move because 1. It could technically make someone slip in it and 2. Maybe it's a strategy of his to gross people out while fighting.

So, yeah I could even see the puke.

NO FARTING though. None. Too goofy.

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08/11/2014 08:12 AM (UTC)
I really strongly hope he's in. Lot of good times i had with him in da/d/a I'd be syked if he got his mk9 storyboard appearance.
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08/11/2014 08:46 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I love Bo as is. I think he's in the tops when it comes to character personality. And imo, he could easily replace JC as the comic relief.

This is exactly what Mortal Kombat DOESN'T need. They should make it a serious game, without comic relief. I love both characters, Johnny Cage and BoRaiCho, but just not the way they've been depicted as idiots.
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