better taunts for the next game if taunts return.
posted03/29/2010 06:25 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
the taunts in mka were sad and i don't even know if taunts were used in mkvsdc so i can't comment on that.

so i have a few ideas for taunts before,after and during the fights. these are quick ideas and later i can put more thought into them.

scorpion taunts.
taunts before the fight.
before the fight takes place scorpion swings his spear in a circular motion and yells get over here!

scorpion taunts.
during the fight taunt.
scorpion yells out your in my realm bitch, then teleports.

scorpion taunts.
end of the fight taunt.
scorpion yells only flames can clense your sins, then a flame shoots out of his hand similar to summon hellfire but does not attack the enemy.

sub - zero taunts.
taunts before the fight.
sub - zero yells out is it just me or is it cold out side, then shoots a freeze up into the air.

sub - zero taunts.
during the fight taunt.
sub - zero says there is more than just me, and creates an ice clone that moves but does not attack or freeze the opponnet.

sub - zero taunts.
end of the fight taunt.
sub - zero says there's nothing like a snowstorm, then performs the cold shoulder move but does not freeze the enemy.

if you like i'll post more. also feel free to post your own taunt suggestions.
03/16/2010 08:38 PM (UTC)
Seems a little too Soul Calibur-y. I thought the taunts were fine the way they were.
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03/16/2010 09:37 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I'm more a fan of the subtle gesture.

Before the fight:
Rayden: Appears in a bolt of electricity.
Kano: Licks one of his knives and give a brief deep "heh heh heh" laugh.
Scorpion: The bottom half of his skull is visable as he puts the rest of his mask on.
Jax : Cracks his neck and pounds his fists together, making a metallic sound.
Sonya: Holds her dog tags and looks up at the sky for a moment.
Mavado: Holds his hand out, showing a Red Dragon logo on it before cutting his thumb across his throat.

You know, stuff like that. A few characters like Cage and Jax can get away with the jawing, but I've always thought that even in Soul Calibur (okay, ESPECIALLY in SC) it always sounded forced and kind of silly.

I could see a mid match type of taunt, but I'd want to be useful. Maybe sort of a pose/deflect move.

Scorpion bursts in to flames.
Kano does a brief trick with his knives.
Sonya lets out a pink pulse from her rings.

You get the idea. Maybe at this point, they could say something, but I'd say keep it simple like:

Sonya: Engaging Hostile
Mavado: C'mon on!
Jax: Gotcha!
Rayden: Gadavabuhza! Or whatever jibberish he says.
Liu Kang: Turkey noise.
Kano: Owlroyt thayne (you know, "alright then" only austrialian)

You get the idea.

I'd rather not see any big taunts where Kung Lao yells "I'll fight you to the death for my ancestors!" or Rayden says "By the Elder Gods above, I'll be victorious!" I dunno, stuff like that just sounds too cheesy and I don't think that any game pulls any of that stuff off well at all.
03/17/2010 12:23 AM (UTC)
Not to sound like a complete jerk or anything, but... could this idea be used for something that's actually worth seeing?

Taunts to me are just senseless materials that can be used for something way better for a fighting game.

Just asking.
03/17/2010 04:34 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of taunts. I liked it when Shao Kahn taunted you, but I feel that only a select few characters should taunt, and it could just be built automatically into the game.
03/17/2010 05:22 AM (UTC)
Oh I have some taunt ideas.

Mileena- She growls at the opponent.

Kitana- She pulls out a fan and opens it up to show off to the enemy.

Kira- She does a knife trick.

Jade- She says, "You're pathetic".

Tanya- She says, "I'll rip you apart".

Nitara- She sniffs around and says, "I smell blood".

Johnny Cage- He pulls down his glasses while looking at his foe.

Sonya- She says, "C'mon".

That's all I have for now.
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03/17/2010 06:39 PM (UTC)
Not a fan of the taunt really. rather have the animated victory pose on the select screen when you choose your the earlier games.
03/17/2010 09:41 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Not a fan of the taunt really. rather have the animated victory pose on the select screen when you choose your the earlier games.

Oh that would be cool.
03/17/2010 11:22 PM (UTC)
I like taunts it gives the character personality.

03/29/2010 06:25 PM (UTC)
Better would be taunts you can actually use mid game to regain health that don't take so long to do they get you killed.
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