07/29/2014 10:37 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Before I do my list, I would like to know why Shinnok is not on it? Is it because he's a given?

Yes, that's what I think.

Ok, sounds good and I hope he is playable. Here is my list...

1. Havik-16pts
2. Ashrah-15pts
3. Fujin-14pts
4. Nitara-13pts
5. Sareena-12pts
6. Kai-11pts
7. Tanya-10pts
8. Hotaru-9pts
9. Li Mei-8pts
10. Reiko-7pts
11. Bo Rai Cho-6pts
12. Frost-5pts
13. Shujinko-4pts
14. Mavado-3pts
15. Taven-2pts
16. Daegon-1pt

Btw, Dairou should of been in this. I am one who likes him. I find he would fit better with Chaos than Order.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/29/2014 10:41 PM (UTC)
1. Sareena (16 points)
2. Frost (15 points)
3. Havik (14 points)
4. Hotaru(13 points)
5.Fujin (12 points)
6. Nitara (11 points)
7. Kai (10 points)
8. Mavado (9 points)
9. Ashrah (8 points)
10. Li Mei (7 points)
11. Bo Rai Cho(6 points)
12. Shujinko (5 points)
13. Taven (4 points)
14. Daegon (3 points)
15. Tanya (2 points)
16. Reiko (1 point)
07/29/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
1. Tanya --- 16 points
2. Li Mei --- 15 points
3. Mavado --- 14 points
4. Reiko --- 13 points
5. Jarek --- 12 points
6. Kira--- 11 points
7. Sareena--- 10 points
8. Kai-- 9 points
9. Fujin --- 8 points
10. Hsu Hao - --- 7 points
11. Taven --- 6 points
12. Daegon--- 5 poins
13. Havik --- 4 points
14. Nitara --- 3 points
15. Ashrah --- 2 points
16. Hotaru--- 1 point
07/30/2014 12:45 AM (UTC)
1. Havik......16 points
2. Kai......15 points
3. Taven......14 points
4. Reiko......13 points
5. Frost......12 points
6. Daegon......11 points
7. Fujin......10 points
8. Shujinko......9 points
9. Hotaru......8 points
10. Li mei......7 points
11. Sareena......6 points
12. Nitara......5 points
13. Tanya......4 points
14. Bo Rai Cho......3 points
15. Mavado...... 2 points
16. Ashrah......1 point

This was more difficult than I thought it'd be.
07/30/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
Tanya - 16 points
Li Mei - 15 points
Kai - 14 points
Bo' Rai Cho - 13 points
Mavado - 12 points
Nitara - 11 points
Ashrah - 10 points
Shujinko - 9 points
Havik - 8 points
Hotaru - 7 points
Taven - 6 points
Sareena - 5 points
Frost - 4 points
Daegon - 3 points
Fujin - 2 points
Reiko - 1 point
07/30/2014 02:25 AM (UTC)
And if we were to take ALL the 3D MK era characters, then Kenshi would be on 3rd, in between Tanya and Nitara. Kira would be above Ashrah. Kobra, Drahmin, Moloch and Hsu Hao would all be above Mavado. Quan Chi would be above Shujinko. Onaga, Darrius, Jarek and Dairou would be above Frost. Blaze, Meat, Mokap and Shinnok would be dead last.
Like this:

1. Reiko.
2. Tanya.
3. Kenshi.
4. Nitara.
5. Sareena.
6. Hotaru.
7. Havik.
8. Taven.
9. Fujin.
10. Kai.
11. Kira.
12. Ashrah.
13. Bo'Rai Cho.
14. Mavado.
15. Kobra.
16. Drahmin.
17. Moloch.
18. Hsu Hao.
19. Daegon.
20. Quan Chi.
21. Shujinko.
22. Onaga
23. Darrius.
24. Jarek.
25. Dairou.
26. Frost.
27. Li Mei.
28. Blaze.
29. Meat.
30. Mokap.
31. Shinnok.

Just to have them all in. ^^

Can I know why you hate Shinnok that much ??
I think he is one of the best characters from the 3D era..
07/30/2014 02:52 AM (UTC)
1. Li Mei
2. Tanya
2. Fujin
4. Havik
5. Sareena
6. Kenshi
7. Hotaru
8. Bo Rai Cho
9. Kai
10. Ashrah
11. Nitara
12. Reiko

The rest Idc.

The top 8 there are must haves for me though and also the most expected for me.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/30/2014 03:30 AM (UTC)

1. Fujin
2. Reiko
3. Havik
4. Shinnok
5. Bo'Rai Cho
5. Tanya
6. Nitara
7. Ashrah
8. Hotaru
9. Drahmin
10. Kai
11. Li Mei
12. Kenshi
13. Shujinko
14. Frost
15. Jarek


I see at #31, Shinnok.
Is it my hat? confused
07/30/2014 10:17 AM (UTC)
Dellombie Wrote:
Can I know why you hate Shinnok that much ??
I think he is one of the best characters from the 3D era..

unleash_your_tounge Wrote:

I see at #31, Shinnok.
Is it my hat? confused

Hehe, well, there are alot of different reasons, really.
- His looks. He looks like a zombie who stumbled into a costume shop while someone threw up skittles at him. And yes, that hat is ghastly. He's probably the worst dressed character in all of MK, in my opinion. A terrible design.
- In MK4 he was a boss with absolutely no special moves of his own. He had to switch between the other characters' moves to actually do something, and he didn't even change his look like Shang Tsung can do. Worst boss character ever seen in a fighting game! Again, this is just my opinion.
- Finally in MKA he got his own moves, but for a former Elder God and considering that he is supposed to be the ruler of the Netherrealm, his moves were incredibly weak and dull, uninspired and uncreative. I mean, summoning a skeletal hand that shakes the opponent as if jerking off someone... really?
- His weapon style was just a copy of all the other staff wielding characters, though he gets points for using his scepter from the one MK4 render we've ever seen him have it.
- His role in the MKA Konquest mode was questionable at best. I mean, really, summoning visions of other fighters to fight for him... and for what? He's the ruler of the Netherrealm, for fuck's sake! If he wanted to get rid of Taven, he should be able to do so.

Overall, there's nothing about him I like. He's a weak character with a weak design and he represent his role really badly.
About Me

07/30/2014 01:57 PM (UTC)
1 Taven (edenian god)
2 Daegon (same as above, Edenia rocks!)
3 Reiko (Outworlder)
4 Hotaru (seidan)
5 Havik (priest)
6 Ashrah (tragic story)
7 Sareena (same as above. Never getting out of the Netherrealm)
8 Li Mei (outworlder)
9 Tanya (edenian)
10 Bo Rai Cho (outworlder)
11 Frost (cryomancer)
12 Nitara (good concept of alien race, but not fond of a vampire milf, she should be slim and rafined)
13 Fujin (too goody)
14 Kai (mere human)
15 Mavado (mere human)
16 Shujinko (mere human and old)
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/30/2014 02:31 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Dellombie Wrote:
Can I know why you hate Shinnok that much ??
I think he is one of the best characters from the 3D era..

unleash_your_tounge Wrote:

I see at #31, Shinnok.
Is it my hat? confused

Hehe, well, there are alot of different reasons, really.
- His looks. He looks like a zombie who stumbled into a costume shop while someone threw up skittles at him. And yes, that hat is ghastly. He's probably the worst dressed character in all of MK, in my opinion. A terrible design.
- In MK4 he was a boss with absolutely no special moves of his own. He had to switch between the other characters' moves to actually do something, and he didn't even change his look like Shang Tsung can do. Worst boss character ever seen in a fighting game! Again, this is just my opinion.
- Finally in MKA he got his own moves, but for a former Elder God and considering that he is supposed to be the ruler of the Netherrealm, his moves were incredibly weak and dull, uninspired and uncreative. I mean, summoning a skeletal hand that shakes the opponent as if jerking off someone... really?
- His weapon style was just a copy of all the other staff wielding characters, though he gets points for using his scepter from the one MK4 render we've ever seen him have it.
- His role in the MKA Konquest mode was questionable at best. I mean, really, summoning visions of other fighters to fight for him... and for what? He's the ruler of the Netherrealm, for fuck's sake! If he wanted to get rid of Taven, he should be able to do so.

Overall, there's nothing about him I like. He's a weak character with a weak design and he represent his role really badly.

Well that does make sense. Would I be correct in assuming that you have no hope at all for him? MK4 Shinnok's presentation was just awful anyways. His story and Reptile's ending was all that saved him for me. MKA was a great improvement, design and move wise. lol @skelefap. Those moves were so cool though! And you gotta admit he's got many "what-ifs" floating around him in MKX. He's always been missing the ominous vibe, hope they work on that in X.

If there was ever a time for a Shinnok revamp, now would be it. THAT is what I'm mostly excited about.
07/30/2014 03:04 PM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
1 Taven (edenian god)
2 Daegon (same as above, Edenia rocks!)
3 Reiko (Outworlder)
4 Hotaru (seidan)
5 Havik (priest)
6 Ashrah (tragic story)
7 Sareena (same as above. Never getting out of the Netherrealm)
8 Li Mei (outworlder)
9 Tanya (edenian)
10 Bo Rai Cho (outworlder)
11 Frost (cryomancer)
12 Nitara (good concept of alien race, but not fond of a vampire milf, she should be slim and rafined)
13 Fujin (too goody)
14 Kai (mere human)
15 Mavado (mere human)
16 Shujinko (mere human and old)

This looks an awful lot like:

kamouniyak Wrote:

My top:
1. Daegon..............16 points
2. Taven..................15 points
3. Reiko..................14 points
4. Havik...................13 points
5. Fujin....................12 points
6. Sareena..............11 points
7. Tanya...................10 points
8. Ashrah...................9 points
9. Frost.......................8 points
10. Nitara...................7 points
11.Li Mei.....................6 points
12. Hotaru..................5 points
13. Mavado.................4 points
14. Shujinko...............3 points
15. Bo'Rai'Cho...........2 points
16. Kai..........................1 point

And first visit...kamouniyak please don't tell me you made a second account to boost Daegon and Taven up -.- Coz frankly besides you, I don't think there's anyone else here who would place them 1st and 2nd. Not to mention that the rest are almost identical
About Me

07/30/2014 03:38 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
And first visit...kamouniyak please don't tell me you made a second account to boost Daegon and Taven up -.- Coz frankly besides you, I don't think there's anyone else here who would place them 1st and 2nd. Not to mention that the rest are almost identical

grin Hah, busted ;)))))) It's not my first visit though, don't know why it says that. Check out my fanfiction

07/30/2014 03:42 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Well that does make sense. Would I be correct in assuming that you have no hope at all for him?

I never completely lose hope in a character, as long the devs are willing to do something about it. For example, Scorpion is my most hated MK character and I've thought his most recent appearances looked absolutely aweful. However, I quite like his MK9 look. At least that is one step in the right direction, imo. And I hope the same will happen to the other characters I dislike, such as Shinnok, Frost, Li Mei etc.

The cynic in me would rather they disappeared and never returned, because I doubt these characters are going to be improved though. But it's not always wise to listen to the cynic. :P
07/30/2014 03:50 PM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
grin Hah, busted ;)))))) It's not my first visit though, don't know why it says that. Check out my fanfiction


You cheeky bastard. wink
07/30/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
And first visit...kamouniyak please don't tell me you made a second account to boost Daegon and Taven up -.- Coz frankly besides you, I don't think there's anyone else here who would place them 1st and 2nd. Not to mention that the rest are almost identical

grin Hah, busted ;)))))) It's not my first visit though, don't know why it says that. Check out my fanfiction


So you create a poll to see what the rest of the users here think, and you double-vote to increase your fav characters' score? What's the point?confused It's not like the poll matters in the team's decisions or whatever.
About Me

07/30/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
So you create a poll to see what the rest of the users here think, and you double-vote to increase your fav characters' score? What's the point?confused
It's not like the poll matters in the team's decisions or whatever.

Lol! Man, I was joking! I'm not the same persons wink
Seriously, I'm just trolling you, we're different people. I've been writing fan fiction about Edenia for a long time on many MK sites under this exact name. I even gave you a link with something I posted a month ago here so that you see I'm not a new user. I don't know why it says 1 visit next to my name, I noticed that it resets once in a while and starts from 1 confused There's an option to search for my posts and you can see there what I'm talking about.
Look, this is me again on IGN. The half a page stories were made by me some time ago. The last story on the page is of Edenia and all its characters that I am very fond of: Kitana, Jade, Taven, Daegon, Rain, Ermac. It's normal that someone else has similar opinions. Why would you think otherwise?

Cheers and lighten up, I'm sure your favorite characters will get their due! Check out my long storyline if you got the time and tell me what you think.

07/30/2014 08:54 PM (UTC)
You don't have to give excuses. If you felt like making a new account to boost your fav characters in your poll then hey. None of my business :P
I was just wondering what the point was...

PS. Come on now, it is you. The 2 lists are practically the same. Not judging you just sayin lol
07/31/2014 12:36 PM (UTC)

And finaly someone who agrees with me and he gets the stick for it !
@projectzero00 What's with the conspiracy theory? I hope you're joking because that's not a nice thing to say. I didn't do that. Can't you just check up IP or something? Some people actually liked Armageddon. It had a great story.

Rekap of points:

1. Havik.......................182 points
2. Tanya.......................178 points
3. Fujin........................172 points
4. Reiko..................... .152 points
5. Sareena....................143 points
-. Kai............................143 points
7. Nitara.......................137 points
8. Hotaru.....................132 points
9. Li Mei......................125 points
10. Frost.......................118 points
11. Ashrah....................115 points
12. Taven......................106 points
13. Bo'Rai'Cho.............92 points
14. Shujinko..................86 points
15. Daegon....................80 points
16. Mavado....................74points

and some points for Dairou, Drahmin, Jarek, Hsu Hao who weren't even on the list ;)))

@ Ascottpwns and matteo
I tend to agrre with you but the majority would prefer in MKX the first 7 listed above, maybe Hotaru too. If this guy knows what he's talking about here about roughly 8 characters from MK4 and post era http://www.mortalkombatonline.com/content/forum/showmessage.cds?id=151647

then do you think the NRS team knows what gamers want or will just go with their personal favorites (Shujinko, Taven)?

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/03/2014 09:36 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Well that does make sense. Would I be correct in assuming that you have no hope at all for him?

I never completely lose hope in a character, as long the devs are willing to do something about it. For example, Scorpion is my most hated MK character and I've thought his most recent appearances looked absolutely aweful. However, I quite like his MK9 look. At least that is one step in the right direction, imo. And I hope the same will happen to the other characters I dislike, such as Shinnok, Frost, Li Mei etc.

The cynic in me would rather they disappeared and never returned, because I doubt these characters are going to be improved though. But it's not always wise to listen to the cynic. :P

I can understand that. It's how I feel about the Darrius/Dairou/Hsu Hao group. With 60+, would they REALLY be missed? At least then they could focus on the lesser of the two evils like Li Mei/Jarek/Mavado. Really? Even more so than his Deception costume? Tbh I grew to like Taven quite a bit, and come to think of it, not even sure if I put him on my list. Might have to change that...if this thread is still being monitored.
08/03/2014 09:48 AM (UTC)

1. Sareena (16 points)
2. Nitara (15 points)
3. Taven (14 points)
4. Kai (13 points)
5. Fujin (12 points)
6. Havik (11 points)
7. Li Mei (10 points)
8. Daegon (9 points)
9. Bo Rai Cho (8 points)
10. Tanya (7 points)
11. Reiko (6 points)
12. Shujinko (5 points)
13. Ashrah (4 points)
14. Mavado (3 points)
15. Hotaru (2 points)
16. Frost (1 point)

Pages: 2
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