Best characters with not many fans who could be in MKX
posted08/03/2014 09:48 AM (UTC)by
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07/23/2014 08:00 PM (UTC)
A rumor has been going around that there will be 8 characters from the post-MK Trilogy era (who weren't playable in MK9). I loved the so called "dark ages of Mortal Kombat", for me the story just kept getting and better (although many people would disagree). We got to see Subzy become Grandmaster and seeking his Cryomancer origins in a desolate Outworld, Shang Tsung getting revenge on Liu Kang, Scorpion thrown into the soulnado and becoming champion of the Elder Gods, Kung Lao and Kitana training to fight the Deadly Alliance (and loosing!), Mileena posing as Queen, Ermac and Kenshi teaming up, Rain having his heritage revealed and so on.

I don't know if the rumor about the 8 characters is true but for now I'll just go along with it. 1 spot seems definitely occupied by Shinnok. That leaves 7. I won't bring into question Kobra, Kira, Dairou, Darrius, Hsu Hao and Jarek, who are almost unsalvageable. Same with Moloch, who is only a brainless monster and Drahmin who is ,sadly, not liked by Ed Boon.
So that leaves us with 16 characters who have not featured in MK9, in order of appearence: Kai, Reiko, Fujin, Tanya, Bo'Rai'Cho, Li Mei, Mavado, Frost, Nitara, Ashrah, Sareena, Havik, Hotaru, Shujinko, Taven, Daegon.

I have seen many polls where people had to choose their favorite MK character and all the names on this list got the short end of the stick. However, such polls are quite irrelevant as they can't show an exact picture of how gamers rate these exact characters in comparison with each other. This is why I respectfully ask you to make your own top of the 16 mentioned above. Each position offers points , with number 1 valuing 16 points and so on until number 16 who values only 1 point.

My top:
1. Daegon..............16 points
2. Taven..................15 points
3. Reiko..................14 points
4. Havik...................13 points
5. Fujin....................12 points
6. Sareena..............11 points
7. Tanya...................10 points
8. Ashrah...................9 points
9. Frost.......................8 points
10. Nitara...................7 points
11.Li Mei.....................6 points
12. Hotaru..................5 points
13. Mavado.................4 points
14. Shujinko...............3 points
15. Bo'Rai'Cho...........2 points
16. Kai..........................1 point

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07/29/2014 02:26 PM (UTC)
I didn't know that was a rumor... I am far behind.

Anyway, any of those post MKT that have already return(examples: Li Mei and Bo'Rai Cho) shouldn't return, bc they already had their chance. Now we need to see some of the rest of the characters.
07/29/2014 02:27 PM (UTC)
... I don't get the point system... I also don't see Kenshi on your list.
07/29/2014 02:37 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
... I don't get the point system... I also don't see Kenshi on your list.

The point system establishes better how people rate these characters. A simple "who's you favorite?" can't show exactly if you'd rather have one instead of another. For example, I put Reiko on my number 3 and Shujinko way down. So I show I'd rather have Reiko more than Shujinko even though less than Daegon or Taven.
If 30 or 50 people rate them then we could add the points and have a rather precise top of preferences for these characters with a small fanbase (most of which have the potential to become classics IF given another chance and good storyline/moveset)

Kenshi was technically in MK9 (DLC counts!)smile
07/29/2014 02:49 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
... I don't get the point system... I also don't see Kenshi on your list.

The point system establishes better how people rate these characters. A simple "who's you favorite?" can't show exactly if you'd rather have one instead of another. For example, I put Reiko on my number 3 and Shujinko way down. So I show I'd rather have Reiko more than Shujinko even though less than Daegon or Taven.
If 30 or 50 people rate them then we could add the points and have a rather precise top of preferences for these characters with a small fanbase (most of which have the potential to become classics IF given another chance and good storyline/moveset)

Kenshi was technically in MK9 grin (DLC counts!)

Ah, alright, I see your point (pun intended). :P
However, Reiko is still a 3D MK era character, so I'd say he should be put on the list.
07/29/2014 04:18 PM (UTC)

POSITIVE (I'm mostly in love with these characters, best characters from the 3D area for me!)
1) Tanya - My ultimate favorite 3D-age girl, I love the appeareance, I love traitors and everything about her just feels right.
2) Havik - So much AWESOME things can be done with this chaos-based character! Damn I really need him in X!
3) Reiko - I like mysterious characters, and Reiko is the king of mysteries! I'm really curious what they can do with him!
4) Fujin - Love the wind powers, a better story would be ++
5) Kai - Only because I made him better in my own head, with his Byakko powers.
6) Frost - I love the hair and the attitude.
7) Ashrah - Could be some cool stuff being done with her, voodoo, light powers and the Kriss.

NEUTRAL (i'm neutral about these ones, I don't hate them, but don't care about them either.
8) Sareena - Maybe she deserves to be in the POSITIVE list, but still, I don't know...
9) Nitara - Not a huge fan of vampires, too overused.
10) Hotaru - Don't care for him much, its male # 10.000 with long hair, and I don't like his light powers, suit more for Ashrah.
11) Daegon - Could control the Red Dragon instead of that horrid Mavado.
12) Taven - Too bland and boring, but maybe with more cool outfits and other stuff I may grow on this Edenian male.
13) Bo Rai Cho - Cut the fart and puke jokes and he may end up higher next time, I like a fat character, but the jokes are horrible.

HATE (disgusting creations that need to be erased forever.
14) Mavado - Kabal Wanabee
15) Shujinko - Almost forgot him!
16) Li Mehhhh - I hate her with all my heart, worst Tekken...uhm MK characters EVER!

Btw why was Kira taken from that list? She would also be on my POSITIVE List, I really like her! And she isn't that hated she's even in X with a pretty cool cameo.
07/29/2014 05:00 PM (UTC)


1- Reiko - He is all misterious, got an amazing moveset and history!

2-Fujin - His design is great! With we have Raiden, Shinnok and Kotal Kahn ( all gods) why not a wind god ?

3- Tanya - She is evil and betrays everybody! Her story fits very well! Specially if Rain is in too.

4. Sareena - Is a great character with an awesome story! She could be related to Sub Zero and Quan Chi. Plus, loved her in Armaggedon.

5. Kai - Has a good potential to be a protagonist next game! An Earthrealm defender, plus his moveset could be redone.

6. Havik - Cool, has a good design and cool attacks.


7. Shujinko - Was protagonist in MKD, maybe they can do something different with his story.

8. Daegon - Again, protagonists could get a second chance

9. Taven - See abova ^^

10. Hotaru - I prefer only Havik, but if Hotaru makes it I am fine.. He is still better than Jax and Sheeva.


11. Ashrah- I don't see why putting Ashrah, Sareena is MUCH better!

12. Mavado - WHY ??? Got a weapon from Kabal, has a weird name, don't want him back, ever.

13. Bo Rai Cho: A Fat, drunk, Farting guy? No! Get the hell out! Plus, he is not important.

14. Nitara: A vampire?? Just no...

15.Li Mei: She fits Tekken much better than MK, she copied a lot of stuff from Mileena, who is one of the few klassics who are alive and should be in the game!

07/29/2014 05:12 PM (UTC)
You forgot Frost! tongue
07/29/2014 05:18 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:
You forgot Frost! tongue

Hate her so much that even forgot to put on the list!
Dellombie Wrote:
kamouniyak Wrote:
You forgot Frost! tongue

Hate her so much that even forgot to put on the list!

Well done.
07/29/2014 05:40 PM (UTC)
Well, this looks like fun. smile

1. Li Mei..............16 points
2. Frost..................15 points
3. Nitara..................14 points
4. Hotaru...................13 points
5. Fujin....................12 points
6. Shujinko..............11 points
7. Tanya...................10 points
8. Kai...................9 points
9. Taven.......................8 points
10. Reiko...................7 points
11.Ashrah.....................6 points
12. Havik..................5 points
13. Bo Rai Cho.................4 points
14. Sareena...............3 points
15. Daegon...........2 points
16. Mavado..........................1 point
07/29/2014 06:02 PM (UTC)
Fujin is above all for me then everybody on this list. Kai, reiko, havik, and hotaru are cool id like to see them. Pretty much neutral on everyone else. The only person I truly hate on this list is Li mei. One of the worst characters ever in mk IMO.
07/29/2014 06:26 PM (UTC)
1. Reiko.
2. Tanya.
3. Nitara.
4. Sareena.
5. Hotaru.
6. Havik.
7. Taven.
8. Fujin.
9. Kai.
10. Ashrah.
11. Bo'Rai Cho.
12. Mavado.
13. Daegon.
14. Shujinko.
15. Frost.
16. Li Mei.

And if we were to take ALL the 3D MK era characters, then Kenshi would be on 3rd, in between Tanya and Nitara. Kira would be above Ashrah. Kobra, Drahmin, Moloch and Hsu Hao would all be above Mavado. Quan Chi would be above Shujinko. Onaga, Darrius, Jarek and Dairou would be above Frost. Blaze, Meat, Mokap and Shinnok would be dead last.
Like this:

1. Reiko.
2. Tanya.
3. Kenshi.
4. Nitara.
5. Sareena.
6. Hotaru.
7. Havik.
8. Taven.
9. Fujin.
10. Kai.
11. Kira.
12. Ashrah.
13. Bo'Rai Cho.
14. Mavado.
15. Kobra.
16. Drahmin.
17. Moloch.
18. Hsu Hao.
19. Daegon.
20. Quan Chi.
21. Shujinko.
22. Onaga
23. Darrius.
24. Jarek.
25. Dairou.
26. Frost.
27. Li Mei.
28. Blaze.
29. Meat.
30. Mokap.
31. Shinnok.

Just to have them all in. ^^
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/29/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
It's hilarious, I remember a user stated something along the lines of "Back in the 2000s- Mortal Kombat sucked in gameplay but had a fantastic story, now the gameplay is near flawless and the story is crap". I forgot who said that but it's very true. Anyway, my top 8 characters from the Post MK3 era I'd like to see return-

1) Fujin
2) Tanya
3) Reiko
4) Kai
5) Nitara
6) Bo'Rai'Cho
7) Ashrah
8) Havik

I didn't include Kenshi or Quan Chi because they would be considered MK9 returnees. Jarek is useless, so he can stay gone until the next Trilogy/Armageddon type game for all I are. The others who didn't make the cut could always make it into MK11 and MK12. I might would have 3 DLC's and they would be-


I think a re-imagined Hotaru would look sick.
07/29/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
1. Li Mei..............16 points

2. Havik..................15 points

3. Sareena..................14 points

4. Fujin ...................13 points

5. Tanya....................12 points

6. Reiko..............11 points

7. Frost...................10 points

8. Ashrah...................9 points

9. Kai.......................8 points

10. Nitara...................7 points

11.Taven.....................6 points

12. Hotaru.................5 points

13. Bo Rai Cho.................4 points

14. Mavado..............3 points

15. Daegon...........2 points

16. Shujinko..........................1 point
About Me

07/29/2014 07:43 PM (UTC)
Arbitrary point systems for subjective opinionated structures. Pointless to tell the truth, but I will indulge this:

Post trilogy characters to return, eeeh...:

0. Quan Chi * because fuck him, he will probably be revealed as the inventor of Mortal kombat. He will be there, regardless.

1. Hotaru
2. Bo Rai Cho
3. Kenshi
4. Shujinko
5. Mavado
6. Dairou
7. Havik
8. Hsu Hao *fuck you, I love Mongolian martial culture.
9. Fujin / Onaga
10. Li Mei / Ashrah
11. Drahmin
12. Moloch
13. Kai / Kobra
14. Darrius *really could be an NPC
15. Kira
16. Shinnok
17. Tanya *again, NPC role would probably suit her relevance.
18. Meat
19. Jarek
20. Reiko
21. Blaze / Taven / Daegon * clusterfuck of a solution to a problem. The whole Argus storyline makes no sense due to being an asspull and convoluted as hell.

About Me

I will rock you.

07/29/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
1.Blaze 16 points
2.Mavado 15 points
3.Taven 14 points
4.Kobra 13 points
5. Sareena 12 points
6. Li Mei 11 points
7.Hotaru 10 points
8.Bo Rai Cho 9 points
9.Ashrah 8 points
10.Frost 7 points
11.Havik 6 points
12.Daegon 5 points
13.Onaga 4 points
14.Kira 3 points
15.Jarek 2 points
16.Dairou 1 point.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/29/2014 08:15 PM (UTC)
1. Havik (16 points)
2. Shujinko (15 points)
3. Nitara (14 points)
4. Li Mei (13 points)
5. Bo' Rai Cho (12 points)
6. Fujin (11 points)
7. Sareena (10 points)
8. Frost (9 points)
9. Ashrah (8 points)
10. Hotaru (7 points)
11. Tanya (6 points)
12. Kai (5 points)
13. Daegon (4 points)
14. Mavado (3 points)
15. Reiko (2 points)
16. Taven (1 point)
07/29/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
Let's do a rekap:
After adding up the points from the first 6 users that rated EACH of the 16 characters, including Dellombie where I considered Frost as number 16 on the list, here are the provisory standings:

1. Reiko..................... 78 points
2. Tanya......................77 points
3. Fujin........................74 points
4. Havik.......................70 points
5. Sareena..................63 points
6. Nitara......................52 points
7. Taven.......................51 points
-. Hotaru......................51 points
9. Kai...........................50 points
10. Ashrah..................47 points
-. Frost.........................47 points
12. Li Mei....................42 points
13. Daegon................39 points
14. Shujinko...............30 points
15. Bo'Rai'Cho......... .24 points
16. Mavado.................21 points

Don't want to influence the voting here, but I'm a bit worried about my favorite characters confused
Heck, not everyone can agree with you and that's why these forums are fun. They show you exactly how f***** up your mind really is and how crazy your choices really are!! Gotta stick with my demigods Taven and Daegon though, insane as that is grin

PS: Please vote for all the 16 characters otherwise there's nothing for me to add up.
07/29/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
my top 8 characters from the Post MK3 era I'd like to see return-

1) Fujin
2) Tanya
3) Reiko
4) Kai
5) Nitara
6) Bo'Rai'Cho
7) Ashrah
8) Havik

I might would have 3 DLC's and they would be-


I am honestly surprised at how similar our tastes are when it comes to MK characters. It's a bit scary tbh lol

Anyway as for my favs:

1. Tanya (16 points)
2. Fujin (15 points)
3. Kai (14 points)
4. Nitara (13 points)
5. Reiko (12 points)
6. Ashrah (11 points)
7. Havik (10 points)
8. Sareena (9 points)
9. Hotaru (8 points)
10. Frost (7 points)
11. Bo Rai Cho (6 points)
12. Mavado (5 points)
13. Li Mei (4 points)
14. Shujinko (3 points)
15. Taven (2 points)
16. Daegon (1 point)
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/29/2014 09:07 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
my top 8 characters from the Post MK3 era I'd like to see return-

1) Fujin
2) Tanya
3) Reiko
4) Kai
5) Nitara
6) Bo'Rai'Cho
7) Ashrah
8) Havik

I might would have 3 DLC's and they would be-


I am honestly surprised at how similar our tastes are when it comes to MK characters. It's a bit scary tbh lol

Anyway as for my favs:

1. Tanya (16 points)
2. Fujin (15 points)
3. Kai (14 points)
4. Nitara (13 points)
5. Reiko (12 points)
6. Ashrah (11 points)
7. Havik (10 points)
8. Sareena (9 points)
9. Hotaru (8 points)
10. Frost (7 points)
11. Bo Rai Cho (6 points)
12. Mavado (5 points)
13. Li Mei (4 points)
14. Shujinko (3 points)
15. Taven (2 points)
16. Daegon (1 point)

Refreshing to have! I've always been the "odd duckling" with a lot of my tastes, not just when it comes t MK but in general!
07/29/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
Before I do my list, I would like to know why Shinnok is not on it? Is it because he's a given?
07/29/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Before I do my list, I would like to know why Shinnok is not on it? Is it because he's a given?

Yes, that's what I think. He was basically in MK9, together with the villainous baldy Quan Chi and Kenshi, even though he was unplayable. The story ended with him so he'll surely be doing something in the 25 years that will follow. Kenshi is pretty much in the top 10 all-time MK favorites so no reason adding him here, because he would have surely won. Quan Chi is also a classic by now.
I'm 99,99999% sure that Kobra, Kira, Darrius, Dairou, Hsu Hao, Jarek, Moloch and Drahmin won't be in the new game. Fans really dislike them and with so many new characters introduced, they really don't have a chance. Ok, maybe, MAYBE I should've put Kira on the list but with so many female characters that actually have a storyline and connections to other characters, it's just not possible for her to make the final 7. These characters could only work with a serious revamp and dedication from the team. But, hey, it's possible (remember Stryker?)

But each of the 16 on this list might be in MKX. They are all interesting and, honestly, I'd like them all in the game. Boon tweeted smtg about Ashrah being in the next MK (11 that is), but I'm not sure how seriously we should take that, so she gets to be on the list too. As for the others, I'd like to know what the top 7 choices would be in the eyes of other MK fans like myself. Off to bed now, it's over midnight in my little country. When I'll wake up tomorrow, Daegon will be in the lead (wishful thinking )confusedtongue
About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

07/29/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
1. Tanya
2. Havik
3. Fujin
4. Reiko
5. Nitara
6. Kai
7. Sareena
8. Frost
9. Ashrah
10. Bo Rai Cho
11. Li Mei
12. Movado
13. Hotaru
14. Taven
15. Daegon
16. Shujinko (seriously, fuck that guy)
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/29/2014 10:21 PM (UTC)
This seems like fun!

1. Fujin --- 16 points
2. Mavado --- 15 points
3. Li Mei --- 14 points
4. Tanya --- 13 points
5. Hotaru --- 12 points
6. Reiko --- 11 points
7. Kai --- 10 points
8. Shujinko --- 9 points
9. Bo Rai Cho --- 8 points
10. Taven - --- 7 points
11. Ashrah --- 6 points
12. Havik --- 5 poins
13. Frost --- 4 points
14. Nitara --- 3 points
15. Sareena --- 2 points
16. Daegon --- 1 point

Aaaaaaand it ended up being more difficult than expected...
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