Best characters after MKT.
posted02/07/2010 07:33 AM (UTC)by
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07/05/2008 04:16 PM (UTC)
If you had only 5 characters that you could put in mk9 that came after mkt who would they be, considering most people like all the characters from mkt and down. my top 5 would be:

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02/02/2010 02:33 PM (UTC)
Seeing as Scorp and Subby are always gonna be there here it is.

1.Noob Saibot(he is a badass)
2.Kai(Starts to become new MK hero and joins white lotus society)
3.Nightwolf(helps white lotus society)
4.Reiko(assassinated Khan)
5.Kenshi(more swordsman than sorcerer though)
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02/02/2010 03:51 PM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
4.Reiko(assassinated Khan)

02/02/2010 04:52 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage
Shang Tsung
02/02/2010 05:42 PM (UTC)
Only five post-Trilogy? That'll be one shitty Mortal Kombat.

But all right, I'll play along:
1- Sareena
2- Havik
3- Drahmin
4- Nitara
5- Hotaru or Ashrah
02/02/2010 06:02 PM (UTC)
1-Havik (wants to just create chaos)
2-Hotaru (kool special moves)
3-Shinnok (fallen elder god seeking revenge)
4-Reiko (he's one kick ass general with kool moves)
5-Li Mei (she's sexy and kool moves)
6-Onaga (stronger and more mysterious then Shao Kahn)
02/02/2010 06:52 PM (UTC)
I think people are missing the point of this thread. We're talking about characters that made their debut in MK4, Deadly Alliance, Deception or Armageddon, right? That eliminates guys like Sub-Zero or Scorpion even being mentioned. I'll go through each new character, as I feel like they got an unfair shake.

I'm just going to say it -- I never liked Fujin. I feel he was there solely because they needed new characters. His design seemed too depressing to me, and I just never got into "Raiden's replacement." To me, it feels like he occupied a spot in MK4 that could have been given to Sindel. And since MK4? Fujin has done practically nothing, despite his story apparently being canon. Way to matter, Fudgy. I'm not saying the character doesn't have potential somewhere, but given that he was booted back out for Raiden in Deadly Alliance, and that he wasn't even around to deal with "crazy Raiden" in Deception -- I just don't have much stake in the character. I think he can safely be retired.

Verdict: No

Hi, I'm Jarek, and I'm a Kano clone. There are elements to the Jarek character that I like. I like the way he technically fought alongside the "good guys" in MK4's story, even though he himself is a scumbag. I sort of like the vulnerability Jarek possesses. I mean, where was he while MK3 was getting invaded? That what makes it hard to introduce human characters that matter post-Trilogy. But yeah, I don't like how he was just Kano with a new name, look and story. Could he have gone beyond that? Maybe. But I don't think they even should have tried in the first place. Kano or another returning MK3 character really could have took his place in MK4, let alone should we discuss bringing Jarek back for MK9.

Verdict: No

Far from the worst character Mortal Kombat has ever seen. Far from the best, either. After Kung Lao was apparently killed in MK3, it made sense to groom Kai for the spot of "Earthrealm's Champion." It could have been cool if Kai was in the position Kung Lao was in during Deadly Alliance. He wasn't, though, and of the Shaolin Monk protagonists to this point, you sort of have to rank Kai as the lowest in priority. He was sort of swept under the rug (although he shouldn't have been), and never really got his chance (although it was talked about). Him fighting with Raiden's staff in Deadly Alliance would have been cool. So far, he has the strongest case for returning, but I think the boat is missed with him.

Verdict: No

Quan Chi
I hated Quan Chi at first. Something about him just seemed comical. It turns out he's a pretty evil and canonically powerful character. Good for him. I liked how he played a major part in Deadly Alliance, but I think his role in Armageddon should be to absorb Scorpion's wrath and allow the more iconic character some storyline advancement. Quan Chi could be considered a great character that has fulfilled his role. Although, I would not mind seeing Quan's relentless evil influence to occasionally pop up in the story. I could even envision him mentoring a poor young soul from beyond the grave -- going as far as to almost take over his body.

Verdict: No

Something about me wanted to like Reiko, despite how little we were given about him. I think there are a lot of cool concepts to him. I just don't think he is really relevant right now, though. Like Kai, his story sort of passed him by. His motivations and such are just too attached to names like "Shinnok" and "Shao Kahn" to warrant him being back without someone like that returning.

Verdict: No

The idea of a fallen Elder God rising up and trying to take control of the realms is brilliant. It's like fighting Satan himself -- if he was charged with superpowers. The execution of Shinnok was horribly done, though. Besides that point, I think Shinnok was sort of a "one game boss," anyway. I think he got cooler as time went on, but unless he does something where he continues to rule hell, occasionally having a dedicated cultist fight for him -- I don't think there is anything for Shinnok left in Mortal Kombat.

Verdict: No

She gets it especially hard. Essentially created because Midway wanted new characters to be created, and taking Kitana's spot, she never really felt "there" to some people. I liked the idea of the beautiful female being rotten on the inside. For example: If she had been responsible for the death of Liu Kang, I think it would have propelled things further for her. That being said, I think scheming and manipulating is better left for a slightly more popular character. Tanya can safely be killed off by Jade, or something.

Verdict: No

So out of the Mortal Kombat 4 characters, I don't think any should return. Seems like a negative start, but I feel that this was the weakest set of new characters we got. The execution also did a lot of them in, and if they had returned for Deadly Alliance, then they might have had a better shot (although I think most of them would be reaching their end, anyway). Now onto the new members we did get from DA:

It was cool they took the guy fighting from the Pit background in MKII and turned him into a playable character. It just sucks how they did it. If you had told me he was going to be the grand boss of the entire Mortal Kombat saga, I would have laughed in your face, though. But as such, I think he has met his rightful end.

Verdict: No

Bo' Rai Cho
Finally, a character that I think would actually have a shot, as crazy as that sounds. Master Bo' Rai Cho fills a role that no one else in Mortal Kombat really fills -- the comical old grand master that may seem like an idiot, but has a wealth of knowledge. Sure, he laughs at his own farts, but he also trained Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shujinko, Kitana (for a bit) and Li Mei. There are very interesting ways you could bring BRC back. That being said, if you're trying to streamline the game a bit, mentor characters aren't really in high demand. They're really a supporting act to the main hero, and a lot of the time, their death furthers their stories a bit more. Master Cho returning would not be a tragedy, but I think MK9 would have to be his last game. For the sake of keeping it simple, though, I think he dies in the Armageddon battlefield. But I'll give him an initial yes, even though I don't think he would make the "five."

Verdict: Yes

I never got the appeal of this character. There are great elements there. The idea of him being this sadistic torturer in the plains of the Netherrealm was kind of cool. They also tried to give him this backstory, which was nice. Never felt it was as interesting as it was made out to be. He was a "landlord." Big deal. He could have rented out a house to someone at one point. I'm sure it was ages ago and it's not really relevant to anyone's current predicaments. Unless his "land" was a realm, or something. But whatever. I don't feel that there is quite enough potential there to bring him back.

Verdict: No

I hate the concept of this character. It's not even cute that she has Sub-Zero's powers. I guess it made Sub-Zero reflect on who he is, why he can do what he can do, and his abilities as a teacher. She should have died in Deadly Alliance, though. Deception, at the latest. I don't think she will be in MK9, nor do I think she should return.

Verdict: No

Hsu Hao
Now he's another character that I think got an unfair shake. I like the idea of this man being so committed and disciplined that he had the patient and the skill to deceive Jax and Sonya into trusting him, only to betray them. Perhaps he should have been introduced before the betrayal? That being said, while I felt he was cool in Deadly Alliance, I don't think his story has any sort of potential to move forward, beyond being muscle. And that is the kind of redundant role that I think can be given to someone else for the time being. Plus, he's not very popular, so him returning over other favourites would probably piss a lot of people off.

Verdict: No

I like Kenshi. The idea of him being a blind swordsman with psychic powers makes him stand-out pretty quickly. I think he is perhaps the only character to take powers of an earlier character (Ermac), and actually surpass that character as a whole. And I love Ermac. I don't like that he got owned by Mavado in Deadly Alliance, but he survived, and that could have given him a purpose towards returning (and it also provided an excuse as to why he was not killed with Earth's other heroes). Regardless, I'd like to see Kenshi back, as I feel he has the potential to become an MK icon.

Verdict: Yes

Li Mei
At first I didn't like her, but Deception turned that around for me. I like how she starts off young and naive (although evidently very talented), and then moves forward to study under the best martial arts teacher there is, so she can fight for her realm. It provides an interesting twist that this realm was the "baddie realm" in the first three games. I'm so glad the MK Team did not give up on her despite her appearing to be "Mileena's replacement" in Deadly Alliance. I am glad that she feels like a strong character now. I say bring her back.

Verdict: Yes

He was pure cool out the gate. I liked Mavado. I liked how it seemed intended that he made Kabal his bitch, killed him, and took his weapons(Kabal's popularity made this all the more effective, in my opinion). I liked the way that he was presented as being Sonya's greatest foe without her even having met him yet. I liked the way he had this sleek, elegant yet dangerous look to him. I liked it how he pretty much walked up to Kano (a character I am quite fond of), and basically said "I've been looking forward to this for a long," and then made Kano his bitch. The Red Dragon member got a HUGE push out the gate...then he got replaced by Kabal. He was completely ruined by retcons. There is a spot for my heart for Mavado; but I feel he might be irreversibly damaged. It's a shame, because he could have become a mainstay. Now I don't think he has the credibility to return. But part of me really wants to see that retconned...

Verdict: No


Verdict: No

He was a sub-boss, so I feel it was a large part of his mission to be there and die. There wasn't too much left to explore with him, anyway.

Verdict: No

I didn't particularly like her. She didn't seem to "fit" perfectly. She definitely seemed set-up to return, though. Also, her character hasn't been completely shit-on to the point where it cannot return safely. While she was, for some stupid reason, gone from Deception, she's remained active in the story without being killed at every turn. My personal preference would be to let her character fade away as but a memory; but I can see why people would want to see the vampire stuff continue. She may not make the final cut, but she gets a potential yes from me.

Verdict: Yes

So we have four going on from Deadly Alliance, in my books. Bo' Rai Cho, Kenshi, Li Mei, Mavado and Nitara. Out of those, Kenshi and Li Mei get my strongest vote. Mavado would be my next preference. BRC and Nitara could sort of be phased out. Hell, you can bring in a new vampire without Nitara floating around. Now onto Deception:

She was a cool concept. Still sort of is, but I've lost a lot of interest in her. I think she should have attained her purification and moved forward. It turns out she's a bit nuts and hunting vampires. With the case for Nitara returning being strong, I could actually see both Ashrah and Nitara returning for MK9. There's a stronger case for Ashrah than for most, so she gets a "yes" from me.

Verdict: Yes

This is one of those characters who I felt played better than he came off. The whole order/chaos thing was a bit thrown-together, and I think Dairou would have faired better as a member of Onaga's army, or something. There is something so "underdoggish" about Dairou that makes me really want to say yes to him. I don't think the order/chaos guys got much of a fair shake, so I would not mind seeing them return. It would be cool to see Dairou wandering the lands a "wild card" character. I'll give him a preliminary "yes," although he may not make the top five.

Verdict: Yes

I fele that he is the weakest of the order/chaos characters. There's some stuff to like about him, but nothing pressing. If I had to kill off one, I would choose either him or Dairou, and I think Dairou would fit better in the overall storyline. Sorry, D-Man, I didn't hate ya...

Verdict: No

He's an obvious "yes" to me. In my opinion, he is the strongest of the characters introduced post-Trilogy. He has a distinct look, his was quite fun to play as, and his storyline is something that can just keep going on, and on. He likes fucking with people. I feel that, like Kenshi, he could become an MK icon.

Verdict: Yes

I'd rank him second out of the order/chaos characters. His story surprised me. His noble appearance made me think he would be heroic. He sort of seemed like a bitch, though. Poor writing, I guess. Would have loved to have seem him built into being a threat. If he were to return, I would certainly not lose any sleep, but for the sake of streamlining, I don't think he would make it. But I'd put him into a smaller pool of nominees.

Verdict: Yes

Didn't hate her. I actually think it was a daring concept to give her a mixture of Sonya and Kano's moves. Seems like a bit of a stunt character, though. Her story was not bad and such, and it certainly had potential. I just wish she had debuted working with Mavado, and not as part of Kabal's Black Dragon, Couldn't they have just let the Red Dragon kill it off? That being said, I don't think she's nearly as strong as other characters, although she didn't really get the two games to prove herself. She gets an early "yes," although I don't think she'd make the top five.

Verdict: Yes

Here is another character whose look deceived me. I thought he would have just been another hero fighting for Earth. It was a cool twist to see the guy who seems based off your typical fighting game hero to be a mindless thug. There was some naive potential behind the character, and his story was just so raw. Like Kira, if he got a second game to prove his worth, I would not complain. I would almost consider characters who debuted in Deception as "new characters" if they were to return for MK9, anyway.

Verdict: Yes

He was the boss, so it only makes sense that he is offed. I don't see the purpose in having Onaga return to a fresh story.

Verdict: No

Brilliant story. It's just tragic how he dedicates his life to a false cause, and then goes about rectifying his mistakes. It literally consumes his entire existence on the mortal plane. But people were anxious to see Kung Lao step up as the hero. It was not the right time for Shuji. May his poor sap ass rest in peace.

Verdict: No

Ashrah, Dairou, Havik, Hotaru, Kira and Kobra are our contenders from MKD. Out of those, the only one I really felt strongly about was Havik. So he'll join Kenshi and Li Mei on that list, taking it up to three. Now onto Armageddon, and then we'll hopefully be able to fill the last two spots.

I thought he was pretty cool. The idea of a "corrupt Hercules," almost. I was more interested in him than Taven, to be honest. Armageddon left rotten memories in my mind, though -- I'd like to see him and Taven sort of moved past. Maybe keep them mentioned in the story, but I don't think they need to be playable.

Verdict: No

I don't see the grand appeal to her that some do. I see the potential, as her story has a lot of important ties. But it almost feels like she is the fifth wheel sometimes. Poor little thing. Ashrah also sort of stepped on her story a bit. Sareena could fit into a story with Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot, for example -- but could she have a good story without them? Perhaps, but I don't feel it is most pressing. She'd get a yes, but not the strongest yes in the world from me.

Verdict: Yes

He could probably become the new guardian of Edenia, and then just be mentioned from time-to-time. Maybe there is room for him a later game, but I don't feel it is pressing enough to have him sacrificing his immortality just yet.

Verdict: No

So we have Sareena contending with the other "maybe's." Out of them, I most strongly feel about Mavado. The next strongest story would probably go to Sareena, so let's round the list out with her.

5. Sareena
4. Mavado
3. Li Mei
2. Kenshi
1. Havik

It's a tough fight between Sareena and Kira, though. I think Kira's story would need some revision, though.
02/02/2010 07:32 PM (UTC)
Yuck. I didn't dislike any of the new games, but I can't say the same for the new characters. In's going to be pretty hard coming up with a top 5. sad

1. Quan Chi

His voice changes more than an adolescent teenager's, but the core concept always remains strong. The necromancer who not only likes the Neatherrealm but THRIVES there is a magical fit for MK. His demonic and undead "allies" are always welcome, too.

2. Reiko

Shao Kahn's kooky right-hand man, what's not to love? Whether he's the general with hilariously half-baked dreams for power from the games or the lone faithful servant from Mortal Kombat Conquest, Reiko never fails to rise above his unassuming appearance to somehow steal the show.

3. Fujin

Though his fighting moves often just come across as downright dumb, Fujin never-the-less gets bonus points for upping the god count in the MK games and allowing Raiden to actually have some character progression by playing back-up. Too bad he's so bone dry you'd wonder if he even had a pulse at all. Give this man a personality infusion, STAT.

4. Ashrah

A demon from the Netherrealm who has to claw her way out if she wants to escape, with only her wits and a sword as allies and regaining her humanity along the way? That's a pretty badass concept. The overt religious, good/evil overtones can be a turn-off, though, which is why I can't justify putting her higher on the list. As long as the moralizing's avoided, we're good. And it's nice to have at least one female character who doesn't look like a stripper, too. Too bad her moveset doesn't help defend her against the Raiden associations.

5. Bo' Rai Cho

I'm sorry, I can't justify putting any Seido or Chaosrealm characters on here, because though their plotline was MILDLY entertaining, it never really felt like the stuff of Mortal Kombat to me. Bo' Rai Cho on the other hand, though about as aesthetically unappealing as you can get, is heavily steeped in past game mythology and brings a refreshing heroic Outworlder's view to the proceedings. It's also nice to have a new mentor-type without artificially aging an existing character into the role (I'm looking at YOU, Sub-Zero). Honestly, though, he's my least favorite character to fight as, and I'd prefer that if he stayed in the future, it's only as an NPC. The potty humor has worn way too thin. Edit: Oh, and honorable mention to Shujinko. Despite the uninspired name and moveset, he's actually pretty funny and would fit in well in a new movie or TV show. Props, man.
02/02/2010 08:56 PM (UTC)
1) Sektor
2) Shinnok
3) Mavado
4) Nitara
5) Drahmin
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
02/02/2010 09:04 PM (UTC)
It's very difficult to narrow it down to just five of them as I'd want quite a few to stay. I'll go with those I feel have most to offer for the stories sake.
1)Quan Chi
Honourable mention would go to Hotaru, Mavado, Fujin and Shinnok.
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02/03/2010 12:44 AM (UTC)
ok, sektor and noob are NOT post-mkt... some people need to know mk a little better, lmao.

my 5 in no real order:

-Quan Chi
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02/03/2010 03:40 AM (UTC)
1. Tanya
2. Li Mei
3. Kira
4. Nitara
5. Frost
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/03/2010 04:56 AM (UTC)
yall missing the point, boon already said the new mk will hav all the trilogy chars , but chameleon might not make it, there4 y are yall postin chars like scor& subzero- they are from trilogy, there4 start from mk4 my 5 extras added to the trilogy cast is
SHINNOK(hes a true evil mk char, he looks evil too)
QUANCHI(hes the slick brutal new generation shang)
HAVIK(mk needs a chaos person like him)
KAI( jus to upgrade him, plus we need more blacks)
hidden-TANYA(to add to the females-shes deadly too
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/03/2010 04:57 AM (UTC)
yall missing the point, boon already said the new mk will hav all the trilogy chars , but chameleon might not make it, there4 y are yall postin chars like scor& subzero- they are from trilogy, there4 start from mk4 my 5 extras added to the trilogy cast is
SHINNOK(hes a true evil mk char, he looks evil too)
QUANCHI(hes the slick brutal new generation shang)
HAVIK(mk needs a chaos person like him)
KAI( jus to upgrade him, plus we need more blacks)
hidden-TANYA(to add to the females-shes deadly too
02/03/2010 05:15 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi
02/03/2010 06:39 AM (UTC)
Li Mei

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02/03/2010 11:57 AM (UTC)
For me, it's harder to pick just 5 because most of the characters after MKT, I did not like. But i'll do my best to choose.

1) Quan Chi
2) Kenshi
3) Drahmin
4) Hotaru
5) Havik

I just like Hotaru and Havik based on their stories, not their special moves or anything.
02/03/2010 01:08 PM (UTC)
5 is an arbitrary limit, I don't agree with it. I want to see all of the following return:

The number of characters from 1-3 I want to see come back is about the same length, too.
02/03/2010 01:26 PM (UTC)
yeah im talking about who is the best fighters from mk4 to mkA. keep up the comments though. i posted earlier who i wanted, now i'll give you the reasons
1.Ouan chi-best post mkt fighter,design,moves, and story to me.
2.Fujin-cool fighter and powers. want to see him developed more. mei-best girl fighter. lots of potential.
4.kenshi-teleknesis. love how he is a blind fighter.
5.kai-like his special moves. lots of potenial too. underdeveloped

almost made it-frost,mavado,kitara,hotaru,tanya
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02/03/2010 04:16 PM (UTC)
I dunno, picking the best characters after MKT and picking the characters that I'd want to see return the most are two very different things. I think that there are decent characters that have a lot of potential, just like I think that there are really good characters who have had their time in the sun and could possibly step aside for a few games:

Best Characters post MKT:

1) Quan Chi: He's had a lot of story thus, as he's been sort of the fulcrum around which MK4 and MK:DA revolved, even if Shinnok was the villain in the former. His moves are well balanced and fun to use (even if I still want that skull wall from the MK:D intro!) His MK:DA look was awesome.

2) Kenshi: It's clear to anyone that the MK team put a lot of thought and effort in to the look and story of this character. Very well done. He has the lone swordsman thing going for him and while I still wanted the sword to glow red, I thought that his move list on the whole was very unique.

3) Fujin: I think that giving him a role of leader/guide for the Earth warriors is the next logical step with him, but what I've seen so far has been great. His use of wind and wind based attacks make him pretty unique and he's definitely got the god look down, though they could probably make him look even better in that regard.

4) Ashrah: I also liked her story, even if it was more individualistic than I might prefer. I also like the fact that she's not dressed like a skank. Her moves could've certainly used some work, but they got the job done. Plus, who DIDN'T like going from spin cycle to natures torpedo? That was always fun.

5) Bo Rai Cho: He's also had some pivitol roles to play in the last few games. He's also a very original looking character. I'm not at all a fan of the barfing and the farting and what not. He should be a serious teacher type of character, but overall, he got the job done, even if his moves and weapon weren't the most exciting by any means.

Characters I'd want to see return post MKT:

1) Mavado: I think that he was horribly underdeveloped. He has arguably the coolest look of anyone in the last few games and if they took Kabal's hook swords away from him and gave him a more unique role than simply "Red Dragon leader," you know, add more dimensions to his character, I see a lot of potential. Especially in his move set, which could be GREATLY expanded upon.

2) Drahmin: Another character that I would've liked to have seen in MK:D. He had a great story and while I wasn't a huge fan of the loing cloth or diaper look, I wanted to see what he'd look like after emerging from the Inner Sanctom Chamber. That was a great opportunity to change his look, while keeping his mask. You know, a monster that's no longer a monster type of deal. I'd really like to see that plot play out and what he'd do.

3) Sareena: File me in the group of people that think she has a ton of potential. I like that she's part of the Noob/Sub Zero story and would like to see that expanded upon. Her look could use a little updating, but I like the face paint. of the women introduced since MKT, I think she's easily one of the best.

4) Kai: I see him having the potential to be an Eddy Gordo type of character in terms of the way he moved in MK4 and I think that could really separate him from the rest of the cast of MK. Plus, as a former member of the White Lotus society, I think that his plot could be fleshed out more. What IS the White Lotus society? Could he be the next champion? He seems to have a sort of inner stuggle with who he is (at least that's what I got form his MK4 ending).

5) Shinnok: I'm kind of torn here. On one hand, I think that Kira, Nitara and Kenshi all deserve to have more character development than Shinnok. On the other hand, Shinnok is an Elder God. The possibilities for what he could become in a fugure story are virtually endless. If they could update his look (get rid of that terrible red hat PLEASE) and give him some good special moves that are worthy of an elder god, I think the skies the limit on where he could fit in and what he could do.
02/04/2010 02:56 AM (UTC)
1) Li Mei
2) Nitara
3) Tanya
4) Sareena
02/05/2010 05:43 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi

My list can't get any better.
02/05/2010 02:20 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
yall missing the point, boon already said the new mk will hav all the trilogy chars , but chameleon might not make it, there4 y are yall postin chars like scor& subzero- they are from trilogy, there4 start from mk4

Uhh... show me exactly where Boon said those featured in Trilogy will make it to the next MK game, otherwise, stop posting ridiculous lies.

My characters:

02/05/2010 03:23 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
What IS the White Lotus society

Actually, they finally explained this in Deception if you ask the right people in Konquest. Turns out it's just a secret club for martial artists created by Raiden where he teaches them about other realms and trains them to fight against invasions.
02/05/2010 08:00 PM (UTC)
alright now that you have named your top 5 after mkt. name your TOP 8 FROM MK1 TO MKT. the reason i did this is to get your your TOP 13 ODLER Generation fighters in a different method, that would return in mk9. boon wanted mostly new fighters, so their couldnt be alot of old fighters.
my list is:

1.Raiden-cool powers,mentor leader(mk1)
2.Liu kang-mk champion,cool moves(mk1)
3.Scorpion-bad ass ninja(mk1)
4.Sub-zero-freezing powers!!!(mk1)
5.Sonya-best girl,cool specials(mk1)
6.Mileena-most agressive girl fighter(mk2)
7.Jax-cyber arms,gotcha grab(mk2)
8.Reptile-spits acid, cool story(mk2)

(total should be 13 old gen get to choose more fighters from mk1 to mkt because people might have more favs from these games)

(almost made it-cyrax,rain,noob,kitana,kabal,nightwolf,ermac)
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