bad ideas for mk:a
posted01/04/2006 02:40 AM (UTC)by
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The boy kicked out at the world. The world kicked back a lot fuckin' harder.

MK Online Featured User 31/3/2010 12/4/2011
Shinnok-fan64 - s3Kt0r
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08/26/2005 04:19 PM (UTC)
we got people making posts asking people what would be a good idea to put in mk:a but what I really like to know is what would be a really bad idea to put in mk:a
12/22/2005 01:39 AM (UTC)
Actually, this might be harder than it seems. I suppose we could bring back Shinnok and make him lamer than ever, like, maybe he could only shape-shift into characters whose names begin with vowels, like... erm... are there any MK characters whose names begin with vowels? Plus he should look more like a sissy than he does in MK4.

Rayden should be yet another evil villain without any probable cause or motive other than that he is evil. That would suck pretty damn hard.

They should mess up the MK timeline even more by introducing another lost factor of the Mythology which did not originally exist, but which does now and will most likely contradict almost everything that has happened in the previous games. Oh wait, didn't that happen in MK4? And MKDA? And MKD?

They should go back to the days of everyone having the same "low punch, high punch, low kick, high kick" move set, and rely on their special moves for people to tell their playing experiences apart. Again, that would suck hard.

Oh, and for the last one let's have... Jarek return as the Champion of Mortal Kombat for no explicable reason. And have Baraka become a good guy just for the sheer hell of it. Despite being dead.

Wow, that was easier than I thought.
12/22/2005 01:45 AM (UTC)
hm, good post.

I think they should leave out Kenshi, Li mei, and Bo Rai' Cho for the next game, they need to have a break. But just don't replace them with Fujin, Kai, Reiko, etc.
12/22/2005 02:36 AM (UTC)
Great thread. I think these would be bad ideas for MkA:

* Bad, unbalanced, cheap gameplay.

* More killings that cause more resurrections. Stop killing the characters so you can resurrect them “evilâ€? or “to helpâ€? with lame storylines, and just hint us they “might/couldâ€? be dead, so when they return, no one complains they were resurrected.

* Scorpion being the hero of the game.

* Onaga coming back with the same boring and unoriginal design.

* Shao Kahn, Shinnok, Shang Tsung or Quan Chi being the new boss again.

* Goro or any Shokan being the sub-boss.

* More and more new guys, they need to use the classic “one shotâ€? characters (Reiko, Fujin, Kai, Rain, Stryker, Sheeva, etc) and start using the already new ones that did not make it in MKD (Nitara, Frost, Mavado, Drahmin, etc)

* Not having the main original heroes of Mk (Sonya, Johnny Cage, etc).

* Having a storyline as screwed as Shaolin Monks.

* Bad/boring, too realistic (Jax MKDA head stomp)/unrealistic (Jax Mk3 giant) Fatalities.

* Bad and boring music.

* No classic arenas.

* No character/story depth.

And much much more.
12/22/2005 03:59 AM (UTC)
I know this much, it would be bad to bring Shao Khan and Goro into the mix. I'de like to keep those characters out.

A very good idea would be to bring Shinnok in. That would make MK fans go bannans for their own reasons...grin

Another bad idea..combo breakers. Why should they even exist?? Make it MKDA style and enhance it further...

Good idea...the run button. That would be a droolin good concept.

Another good idea is to tell a backstory on whether or not Shang Tsung and Quan Chi are dead of still kickin, even if perhaps they don't become playable characters...
12/22/2005 04:32 AM (UTC)
bad ideas eh? oooh *rubs hands* here we go

-crap gameplay

-crap storylines

-crappy characters

-Sega quality music and voice overs (e.g. 3D Sonic games and Virtua Fighter games)

-crap finishers

-crap ambience

-little replay value

Need I go further?
12/22/2005 05:16 AM (UTC)
Can it get any worse than Deception?I think not.
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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12/22/2005 05:32 AM (UTC)
Let's see...

-Make more characters based off of the original cast (Kira, Kobra, Frost, Jarek, Shinnok).

-Bring back the pallet swap parade.

-Make more clone storylines (Shao Kahn's MKD story)

-Have more characters wind up "defeated" insetad of "dead".

-Give everybody an infinite combo.

-All Fatalities = head-rips.

-More skimpy outfits.

-Keep Jax's "thuggin' it" look.

-Have the male character wear outfits that are just as skimp as the females.

-Boss characters have to be over-powered AND immediately playable.

-New arena + new dath trap = Toilet Bowl and The Flush.
12/22/2005 05:51 AM (UTC)
6volt Wrote:
Can it get any worse than Deception?I think not.

I think it can.
About Me
The boy kicked out at the world. The world kicked back a lot fuckin' harder.

MK Online Featured User 31/3/2010 12/4/2011
Shinnok-fan64 - s3Kt0r
12/22/2005 02:24 PM (UTC)
no swap characters thing like u did with noob/smoke.

no crap music ( Just get rock band like linkin park or adema to do ur music).

no crap storyline like mk:sm ( I like the game but not the storyline).

I DON'T WANT TO HEAR "WE RAN OUT OF TIME" because u got to take ur time and if u dont then ur going to go bankrupt alot quicker and i dont want that to happen.

dont mess with europe or any country that use pal. we should get the same stuff as american and japan get because we wanted to play mk2 on mk:sm but u found error with smoke so what should u do? u fix the god dam error or remove smoke. that was too hard work for u so u remove mk2 from mk:sm. in mk7 we should get extra bouse(s) in the pal verson

I like mortal kombat but there so much problem with it so plz midway try and make this next mortal kombat better
12/22/2005 02:52 PM (UTC)
I would also like to add:

* More pallet swaps.

* More unoriginal characters based on the originals (Kira, Kobra, Darrius, etc)

* No deathtraps or interactive environments.

* Playable boss character from the very start.

* COPY-STOLD fatalities: Scorpions MKD Head rip was Sub-Zeros, and it really sucked in that game.
12/28/2005 08:20 PM (UTC)
On a serious note I am REALLY tired of all the retcons.They cause plot-holes,they screw up the story,and they rouse up angry posters.So I'm completely against there being any retcons in MK.Another thing I would like to mention is to take out those corny moments like in SM where the shaolin monk gets his head pierced by Baraka and Liu Kang asks if he's ok,now we don't need that garbage and another instance of these crappy moments is when Kung Lao keeps pestering Liu Kang that Kitana's his girlfriend and they are babbling like two stupid teenagers.MK does not need unwanted dippy scenes like those forementioned.And NO more ressurections!This isn't Dragon Ball Z!!Keep the dead characters dead and keep the living ones living!!It isn't that hard.And on a positive note, Midway needs more guys like Chrome on their team,and a fluid engine.
12/28/2005 08:43 PM (UTC)
I'm in agreement with the retcons. I mean, there are an infinite number of realms with an infinite number of possibilities for both good and evil, so do the forces of evil ALWAYS have to pre-date the last ones and be "the greatest challenge yet" every time? I mean, it is EXACTLY like Dragon Ball Z and Power Rangers, and all those shows that rely on constant upgrades of the same characters to win battles.

I could tolerate Shinnok, since he actually fit with the world as I understood it, and he had a decent enough story to him. I like Shinnok. But the Dragon King was a load of crud, and all that stuff about Shao Kahn being his advisor and poisoning him was just a slap in the face to the big man's character. And now all this One Being stuff? I hate that idea. I wish they'd left it at Shao Kahn, and possibly Shinnok.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

12/28/2005 09:52 PM (UTC)
Want a bad idea for MKA? Keep the same fighting engine from DA/D. That's the worst possible thing you can do for the game.
12/29/2005 12:03 AM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
Want a bad idea for MKA? Keep the same fighting engine from DA/D. That's the worst possible thing you can do for the game.
Really? Cause thats probably what they are going to do. Thats supposely why it's coming out on the current generation consoles instead of the next gens. They wanted to used the "successful" fighting engine they used with DA and D. (Midway really needs to re-evalutate their definition of successful.)

No, heres a bad idea. Ressurect Johnny Cage just to kill him off again and then bring him back. (Why won't they just leave him as a freaking corpse?) Oh and ressurect the Great Kung Lao (then one from MK:Conquest) but make him the villian. Oh, and keep the seemingly impossible to do long combos where you suddenly switch styles. Cause that was fun... (About as fun as being kicked in the balls.)
12/29/2005 02:16 AM (UTC)
General Guidlens:

- Fucking over your whole continuity. This is bad. You made it for a good reason, and it should stay there. If I didn't want continuity, I would be playing a Capcom game.
- Completely changing a cahracter's personality for one game. Kung Lao going from a pacifistic monk who's serene to a jealous jackass in Shaloin Monks is an example of this.
- Making another prequal. By law of probability, it will be bad. Every other MK prequal has been.
- Making another Adventure. The same law of probability is going for this one.
- Foregoing logic to make a fan favourite the hero. This will mess up the plot, and ruin the character for a lot of fans.
- Bringing back dead characters without a) damned good plot reason, b) some demand, and c) having them dead for a while, so it's actually a change in the storyline. If you just bring them back in the next game, they're basically only dead for a couple cutscenes, and there's no drama in that.
- Keeping characters rigid. People change and grow, and characters can too. Keep this within reason, though; don't turn Sub-Zero into Noob's star-crossed lover, for example. That's a little too drastic a change. Also, make sure the character's personality changes don't conflict with their Canon.
- This is more specific, but don't bring back Stryker. Whatever you do.
- On the subject of not bringing people back, let supposedly slain one-hit-wonders stay slain.
12/29/2005 04:07 AM (UTC)
have noob and smoke together and every one that WASNT in 1,2,and 3
12/29/2005 04:51 AM (UTC)
Jian_ Wrote:

No, heres a bad idea. Ressurect Johnny Cage just to kill him off again and then bring him back. (Why won't they just leave him as a freaking corpse?)

Actually, its already official that Johnny Cage never died, only in MKD, along side the other 4 heroes (if that actually happened, hopefully that terrible plot can be changed in MK7, where they never really died, but they were all only controlled by Onaga).

His "death" in Mk3 was re-written by Vogel, that never happened.
12/30/2005 12:22 AM (UTC)
Didn't they kill him off in Deadly Alliance? Ahg!! He's not a good character... they shouldn't bring him back, they should just kill him, leave him dead, and don't even give him a beautiful corpse just a torn up corpse with have his brain laying on the ground.
12/30/2005 01:59 AM (UTC)
Jian_ Wrote:
Didn't they kill him off in Deadly Alliance? Ahg!! He's not a good character... they shouldn't bring him back, they should just kill him, leave him dead, and don't even give him a beautiful corpse just a torn up corpse with have his brain laying on the ground.

It is very unlikely that Johnny Cage will die and never return. Besides being a classic and a fan fave (even though he has his hate base as well), MKD hints that he returns to his senses along side the other 4 heroes. Ermacs ending for example. But he seriously needs a better storyline, the whole Hollywood thing was good in Mk1 and Mk2...but thats enough. His MKT, MK4 and MKDA bios were good for example, but still, not good enough.
12/30/2005 02:12 AM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
Jian_ Wrote:
Didn't they kill him off in Deadly Alliance? Ahg!! He's not a good character... they shouldn't bring him back, they should just kill him, leave him dead, and don't even give him a beautiful corpse just a torn up corpse with have his brain laying on the ground.

It is very unlikely that Johnny Cage will die and never return. Besides being a classic and a fan fave (even though he has his hate base as well), MKD hints that he returns to his senses along side the other 4 heroes. Ermacs ending for example. But he seriously needs a better storyline, the whole Hollywood thing was good in Mk1 and Mk2...but thats enough. His MKT, MK4 and MKDA bios were good for example, but still, not good enough.

Actually, I despise the way that MK is turning its back on the original crew. Kano, Sonya and Johnny haven't done anything of note except die since MKT. Come on, give the standard humans a chance here. I liked these three, they were our ties to the real world. They've been fighting since the beginning amid a roster of freaks and magical beings, and they kept on fighting. I really wish MK would do something with them.

Yeah, here's a bad idea for MKA, include these three just so you can have them killed by the bosses/new characters again. For God's sake.
12/30/2005 02:52 AM (UTC)
Keep Vogel as the writer.

I win.
12/30/2005 06:27 AM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
Keep Vogel as the writer.

I win.

Well he is better than Hemmerich.
12/30/2005 08:26 PM (UTC)
vogels ok amagin if tobias had been the writer huh scary
12/30/2005 08:54 PM (UTC)
Every writer who has participated in MK's story has managed to both please and piss us off. Mainly the latter though.

Okies, here are some BAD things

Scorpion being the MK hero.

Sindel dying

Tanya dying

Kitana killing Mileena

Mileena killing Kitana (I'm a huge fan of Mileena but as much as I dislike Kitana, Mileena needs her)

Sonya dying


Things I would like to see in the future:

Final between Sonya and Kano. Their rivalry has gotten really old and boring, she killed him 10 years ago, the story should not be still going. So either she kicks his ass for the Last Time or ally to face the boss but the latter seems really unlikely, Sonya allying with Jarek was alright, he did nothing to do her personally but I doubt Sonya would ally with Kano when he killed her partner/boyfriend/brother (whoever it was Kano killed)

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