Aspects of Kombat: The Fighting System - Currently: HUD & Analog or digital input
posted02/08/2007 01:55 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/18/2005 12:25 PM (UTC)
It has been announced that big changes are instore for the fighting system. What these are and truely how drastic they will be are yet to be seen, but for interest stake, what is it that everyone WANTS out of a fighting system (balanced, challenging & without glitches goes without saying, so no need to comment on them).

For simplisities sake, I'll break the topic up into sub-topics. The first three will be:
1. HUD & Analog or digital input - (current topic, see below)
2. 3 Rounds - Is it still intuitive to get knocked out twice before you 'truely loose'?
3. Pre Defined Combo's - Should we still memories strings of the same tired button combinations?

Current topic of discusion: HUD & Analog or digital input.
-- Fighting games have used the same predictable HUD for over 3 generations of gaming, is the Healthbar still an intuitive system?
-- Should the same button pressed always result in the same punch impacting at the same time causing the same damage?
-- Dont fighters tire? Shouldnt we be able to put more energy into punches where necessary?
-- Does it really make sence that a finger poke from a fighter can be the hit that finishes them off? I mean, the old saying of 'the straw that broke the camels back' doesnt really make THAT much sence, as ive never seen a boxing match or something to the point where a flurry of hits is withstood but the final 'tap' from the opponent causes a knockout.
-- Should the game take the Fight Night rout and have NO HUD except for representation on the player?
-- Analog inputs? Hold the button longer/press it harder to add to the hit? Or analog sticks and shoulder buttons for hits?
-- Should characters tire out? Slow down?
Your Thoughts on the topic at hand and where Mortal Kombat should go in future.
02/08/2007 02:32 AM (UTC)
That is a really cool concept, it would implement the wear and tear idea as a necessity instead of just an added trinket in the game. Also, I think it would be neat if the character reacts different when they are worn out.
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02/08/2007 01:55 PM (UTC)
I will try this..Note: I am by no means the "gameplay guru".....

EmberJoe Wrote:

-- Fighting games have used the same predictable HUD for over 3 generations of gaming, is the Healthbar still an intuitive system?

I like what you imply here. I would be for something of this nature but I can't really see how it would work.
My only thought would be to impliment a system that beats the character physiclly//visually based on how well they were built up. Like taking the visual abuse we've been seeing to the face of a character, and applying it to a "real" fights' standard. Letting it affect the body, clothes, the way a character holds their "ready stance" and everthing that, in a real fight, would let you know a person is loosing....or about to involunarily break-down.

That way, it would allow....say players that bait alot or, players that are overly agressive to mean more to what the build of their character is like.
If you're an agressor, you'd probably have to work harder to obtain things like armour, or things that would accomodate hitting and being hit alot. If you bait alot, you might want to strive for alot of speed and agility, light armour so you can move around faster>>Online store material.

It would be an all around "investment" in a character. That also would contribute to how much we "care" about either Nostalgic or Created characters. Something I feel has lacked greatly on the underside of all the gameplay complaint conversations. Cuz If you don't care about who you're playing find something else to do within the game you like or you put the controller down. MkA is a prime example of how people resorted to the KaF feature and just stayed there.

To answer your question directly now, Yes, I think it still could be/should be used, but in a way that grants things like "Aggressor" or "Run" or even how much stregnth a character might have left to perform a special move while fighting. If you're being beaten, but not badly, that special move could swing the bout. On the other hand, I don't think the person that performs the special move should suffer "energy" if you will, because it could kill you. I don't think that aspect of possibility in what I'm saying would be fun to endure in a serious match....but maybe a mode you can turn on like blood or music.

Anyway, it should be used like a "perk" for doing well in a fight to help gauge how overwelming the player becomes or what type of fighter you're dealing with and increase or decrease as damage is dealt to that character...

EmberJoe Wrote:
-- Should the same button pressed always result in the same punch impacting at the same time causing the same damage?

Again, I like what you imply here.

I don't think it should actually, But I do think reliability is the key amidst all the new stuff being poured into a "start all over" game. I need to know I can still play it familiar to how I enjoyed it before....For me, this would probably dis-include the past few Mk fighting games(Exit MkSm ect..).

Intially to me, RpG's are the way to go with multi-result buttons(open things, lift things, recive things, ect..) But I can see the Ps3 square(punch) button doing different things at different times. Like according to when the player threw a punch and where the opponent is on the screen.

Furthermore, if I threw a puch with you standing directly in front of me, but you dodged right at the last second and I missed the contact, I would expect my character to sort of "follow through" anticipating that I should've hit you. Whereas if I was far away and threw that same jab//regular punch, I could only expect my character to maintan form and not stumble forward leaving you an opportunity to "cash in". I think that could attribute in some fasion to A.I. too because, the system would have to be able to judge distance.

One more thing about that "stumbling forward" you(A.I. or whatever..) should be able to learn from it//block ///or perform some sort of parry///defend in the midst of your misforunate desicion...

EmberJoe Wrote:
-- Dont fighters tire? Shouldnt we be able to put more energy into punches where necessary?

Hm....That something that applies to the "pressure sensitive" buttons? Yes?

Well, I've been indifferent about that in the past actually. I found it interesting in some games and then totally dislikable in others. It's not a favorite nor a "hated" thing that they could do.

I think pressure sensitive buttons should be used in the "Conquest Mode" type settings when you're "pushing" or pulling on something. Fight wise, the only thing I can think of right now would be for throws. Especially if your opponent is resisting a grapple leading into a throw. Idk

EmberJoe Wrote:
-- Does it really make sence that a finger poke from a fighter can be the hit that finishes them off? I mean, the old saying of 'the straw that broke the camels back' doesnt really make THAT much sence, as ive never seen a boxing match or something to the point where a flurry of hits is withstood but the final 'tap' from the opponent causes a knockout.

Oh man me either. Talk about a long time peeve. Little pokes and bait attacks should'nt even take any damage ImO. They're neusence moves and should be simply that. The "cat and mouse" game at the end of someones lifebar is only fun to a certain extent to me. They should use that adrenaline rusher in a "Don't Die" mini-game if you ask me. Using the character you built up, and care about...Haha! Makes sence though doesn't it?

Anyway, No little tap knock-downs, use the clock in substitute for that. If the system remained the same as it is I would appreciate that gone...It would make you play the game longer, getting more experience from the fight anyway.

Riddle me this: how many times, in all your good fights have you ever noticably run the clock down to zero? How about when you were being beaten and had a chance to come back? Far and inbetween I'd guess.

All I'm saying is let the players or the clock decide the winner definatly. Aier-go, you gotta knock 'em out, or stun the hell out of 'em to make "Murder" count.

EmberJoe Wrote:
-- Should the game take the Fight Night rout and have NO HUD except for representation on the player?

I think so. That might be just the "WoW" we all need. maybe an off-screen gauge of some sort but, FIGHT! & Win is all you should be concerned with during kombat.

EmberJoe Wrote:
-- Analog inputs? Hold the button longer/press it harder to add to the hit? Or analog sticks and shoulder buttons for hits?

Both//All of them. One system for general kombat and special moves, and the other for more agressive assaults. Big hit stuff and Fatalities..

EmberJoe Wrote:
-- Should characters tire out? Slow down?

I think if they don't keep up the action and "slow down" or "tire out", then it will resemble "Loading......Please Wait" in real time fights...

However, there should be consequence for your actions...Say I perform Raidens Big "Thunder-Lighting thingamajiggy special move"....He might, after a speacial move like that, slouch in how sharp his attacks are..?..(style..?..)
If I hit you after a special move like that, it may not hurt you as much because I'm periodiclly weaker than when we would have started the bout.

A couple of landed hits in succesion and I'm back to 90%/100%... That really happends in real fights and you're never exactly 100% again after getting smacked in the face or punched in the gut. Everything hurts but that never stops you from continuing to fight.......hard until the end.

I have never liked games that "make" the character slow down or get tired. It's always...Always forced upon the player.

"I don't wanna slow down, I wanna keep going for as long as my character is able." *Says the customer.* Lol
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