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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/01/2014 08:29 AM (UTC)
It's OK.

The four new characters seem like a blast. Kano, while not a first pick, is a great addition to this game, and Raiden/Sub/Scorp are mainstays so no surprise there.

But the fact that the remaining returning characters will most likely be the same boring MK1 faces that is in every game is a little annoying. Chances of seeing Tanya, Havik, & Fujin are extremely low. Hell, even popular characters like Mileena, Ermac, and Reptile have a huge chance at missing out. Sucks. But on the bright side, we have every member of the Blade family tree reporting for duty. How fucking awesome...-__-

At this point I'm more excited for the new characters.
09/01/2014 10:43 AM (UTC)
Scorpion is in, the roster is safe.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

09/01/2014 11:42 AM (UTC)
Nope I'm happy enough.

I'd rather have the shoe-ins revealed early on, Sub, Scorp, Raiden etc where always going to be in so it leaves us with debate still going on over the Reptiles, Kabals, Reikos and Tanyas.

And I really like all the new characters so far so nope I can't say I'm disappointed. I haven't really gotten super hyped yet either, but the game is still a while off so thats a good thing, I think once a Story Trailer drops the Hype train will start rolling.
09/01/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
This may come as a shock to some of you, esp. since I've so far defended this game and all it represents to the hilt- change and chaos, shake things up- but now...I don't know.

The more I watch gameplay on Youtube as compared to MK9, I can't help but feel that the new characters, stages, etc. feel extremely out of place in MK lore and I don't know why, I can't put my finger on it.

They, the new characters, as much I like them feel more like cartoon characters than MK characters. I mean, we have one that blows freakin bubble gum while doing her fatality. I showed this to my friends at work one day and they were like "Are you serious? Is THIS the next Mortal Kombat!?"...they didn't like it at all, they ain't hardcore fanboys like us but they loved the last game more than I did (honestly, I hated the last game).

I just have this feeling in my gut that MK11 might wind up being MKT 3.0, most casual fans I've talked to in real life have been somewhat vocal about their love of the old characters and the current preorders for MKX aren't looking good at all despite it being available for preorder since June.

Sorry, but how can one not begin to feel pessimistic and I WANTED this game to succeed.
09/01/2014 06:34 PM (UTC)
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
This may come as a shock to some of you, esp. since I've so far defended this game and all it represents to the hilt- change and chaos, shake things up- but now...I don't know.

The more I watch gameplay on Youtube as compared to MK9, I can't help but feel that the new characters, stages, etc. feel extremely out of place in MK lore and I don't know why, I can't put my finger on it.

They, the new characters, as much I like them feel more like cartoon characters than MK characters. I mean, we have one that blows freakin bubble gum while doing her fatality. I showed this to my friends at work one day and they were like "Are you serious? Is THIS the next Mortal Kombat!?"...they didn't like it at all, they ain't hardcore fanboys like us but they loved the last game more than I did (honestly, I hated the last game).

I just have this feeling in my gut that MK11 might wind up being MKT 3.0, most casual fans I've talked to in real life have been somewhat vocal about their love of the old characters and the current preorders for MKX aren't looking good at all despite it being available for preorder since June.

Sorry, but how can one not begin to feel pessimistic and I WANTED this game to succeed.

Weren't you the one asking for old characters to be left out so that MK could "evolve". Well you got new ones, still not happy?
09/01/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)
Well I love Scorpion

I like Sub-Zero

I like Raiden

Kotal Kahn looks awesome

I have never been a huge Kano, ever since the MK1 days he never appealed to me all that much.

Ferra/Tor seems interesting but I im not crazy about him/her

I don't care about D'Vorah at this point, I don't like or dislike her.

Cassie is about the same as D'Vorah for me, I don't like or dislike her.

So I like 50% of the cast at this point , I cant say I am disappointed, that is actually pretty good IMO.
09/01/2014 07:43 PM (UTC)
I don't understand the ragging on Cage. He's hardly been in every game, and he's always been severely overlooked and underutilized, until MK9. He was arguably THE stand out of that game and finally showed he has real potential. I, for one, am glad they are finally developing him and really investing in him as much as some of the other original characters! He is one of the most iconic and unique characters in the MK Lore.

I really hope it's true he's making the cut!

In terms of who has been revealed, Kano is the only one that excites me. But I know many other characters are on the horizon, so I'm not disappointed. You just have to patiently sit through the typical showing off of the three staple boys of the franchise...
09/01/2014 09:50 PM (UTC)
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
They, the new characters, as much I like them feel more like cartoon characters than MK characters. I mean, we have one that blows freakin bubble gum while doing her fatality. I showed this to my friends at work one day and they were like "Are you serious? Is THIS the next Mortal Kombat!?"...they didn't like it at all, they ain't hardcore fanboys like us but they loved the last game more than I did (honestly, I hated the last game).

This just in: Anecdotes are considered to be acceptable for evidence.
09/01/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
Not disappointed, just over it all. I'm pretty patient in general but just tired of all the waiting.

Of course I'll be blunt and say that as long as my fave character is in the game, all bets are off for the rest of the roster. Selfish, I know, but...whatever.
09/01/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
I'm not disappointed at all. I'm actually impressed thus far.

Sub-Zero and Kano are in, two of my many faves.

soldatmesteren Wrote:
Scorpion is in, the roster is safe.

The roster would be safe without him. However, I'm impressed with him in this game. Never caught my attention at all in the past (includes MK9).
09/01/2014 11:44 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
I'm not disappointed at all. I'm actually impressed thus far.

Sub-Zero and Kano are in, two of my many faves.

soldatmesteren Wrote:
Scorpion is in, the roster is safe.

The roster would be safe without him. However, I'm impressed with him in this game. Never caught my attention at all in the past (includes MK9).

"The roster would be safe without him"

That can be said for just about every character in MK unless they are important to the story of the game in question.

About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

09/02/2014 01:16 AM (UTC)
Regarding the new characters, I'm stoked.

Regarding the returnees, I'm not stoked yet. They're all really well-executed and everyone who's played as them has said that they handle fun as hell, but I'm just not interested in those characters.

That said, what's been shown gives me faith that the characters I am interested in will impress me just as much. I just have to see them. Which is why the slow character reveal business is killing me.
09/02/2014 01:50 AM (UTC)
I feel indifferent about the new characters. I'd probably be happier knowing that we didn't have them because that'll allow room for an iconic MK character.

I'm just sitting here waiting for Mileena really. Once Mileena is confirmed, I'll be happy.
09/02/2014 02:19 AM (UTC)
Disappointed? no.
Scorpion and Sub-Zero will always be included in the games so i'm fine with that. The 4 new characters are interesting I was originally only a fan of Cassie and Devorah. However Kotal and Ferra/Torr have grown on me over time.

I am however underwhelmed/ indifferent with Raiden/Kano. I mean they are cool and all but we've seen them before they haven't changed much. I really hope all the dead characters stay dead for at least one game. I need more mk4-deception fighters. Being really honest i'm a bid underwhelmed with the arenas. They're pretty but for some reason seem meh to me.

09/02/2014 02:35 AM (UTC)
It's ok, but, when Johnny gets his reveal, I will be stoked and impressed.
09/02/2014 04:39 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero is in so im happy, im more considered about the story side of things.

still hoping we see Tremor, Reiko, Smoke, Sektor
09/02/2014 06:11 AM (UTC)
Honestly D'vorah is pretty unique, & I like her savagery .
as for Ferra/Tor reminds me of trone-bonne from capcom

as for the returning characters its no surprise, espcially that we all know Raiden is going to be in the game... but as for Cassie well I just hope she not a reskin of her dad & moma

its to early to say anything but what ever they going to throw at us.. ill be looking forward to it... esp the return of Kitana ! & please no DLCs characters when the game launches.. I hate that ploy esp Mk9 stuff >__>
About Me

... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

09/02/2014 06:29 AM (UTC)
So far I am only disappointed by Sub Zero.

The rest of the roster ranges from praiseworthy to interesting enough. The new characters that have been revealed at the present time appear to fit in the MK universe. I am one of those people who welcome new characters in moderation.

Raiden is perfect to me and he is fast turning into my most favorite character barring any unforeseen acts of stupidity he may perform in the story. I hope he has moved on from being that clumsy god that unintentionally kills those around him.
09/02/2014 08:57 AM (UTC)
As long as they give Tanya her dues I'll be happy

I feel like even if she doesn't make the first roster she should make DLC right? RIGHT???
About Me

09/02/2014 11:02 AM (UTC)
The fact that no character post MK1 has made it into is very good. Perhaps some non-assassin characters make it, I guess that is all okay.

I am tending towards completely revamping the whole MK thing. The past achievements are all good, but remaking it would be boring, and basically, the Mk story as it was overstayed its freshness and welcome.
09/02/2014 12:20 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
The fact that no character post MK1 has made it into is very good. Perhaps some non-assassin characters make it, I guess that is all okay.

I am tending towards completely revamping the whole MK thing. The past achievements are all good, but remaking it would be boring, and basically, the Mk story as it was overstayed its freshness and welcome.


MKX is on track for my prediction of (almost) entirely wiping out mkda-mkA era. Which I believe is sorely needed. I dont want to replay what we have already seen.. especially when it was lackluster to begin with.

With the resources NRS has now they should, and it seems like they are, be re-writing instead of just re-telling the story. I am excited for something new.
09/02/2014 12:24 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Man it's really easy to get a rise out of Cass/Cage/Sonya fans.

omg seriously. It's absolutely ridiculous how sensitive every single one of them are.
09/02/2014 08:44 PM (UTC)
I'm kinda neutral at the moment. I there isn't enough about the announced characters to think much about them and nothing has caused me to flip a table in rage... yet. Still crossing my fingers for characters I like, tho.
09/02/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't say I'm blown away so far but it's not because I'm not getting to see MK4-MKA characters. Many of those characters could disappear forever without me thinking twice. I would like to see some MK2-3 era characters though. But I think it would probably be good for everyone to lower your expectations, more potential for surprise that way.
09/02/2014 09:48 PM (UTC)
It's kinda hilarious to hear Boon talk about the series going in a new direction while putting the entire dusty old MK1 cast in the game.

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