Are you disappointed by roster so far?
posted09/07/2014 03:26 PM (UTC)by
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06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
How are you finding the character roster so far?

For me, it's been extremely underwhelming and a let down.

There are about 28 slots. We know about 12 of these will be new characters, leaving space for about 14-16 returnees. On the returnee front, we've had Scorp, Sub, Kano and Raiden, with the probability of a Cage return next, then Sonya and Liu Kang. That's 7 spots already gone, leaving only 7-9 left for returnees.

When you think they still need to squeeze in obvious shoe-in faves like Kitana, Baraka, Reptile, Ermac, Kenshi etc, that's nearly all the slots gone.

I've pretty much given up hope now for some of the more obscure fan favourites I've been waiting to see in 2D for 10 years. Havik, Fujin, Tanya, Bo Rai. I don't think any of these have a chance now.

Actually feeling let down by the MK team. We've been requesting these for years. Seriously starting doubt we'll see them as DLC too sad
Cassie Cage is nice and all- but honestly, BOTH her parents are in, she's a pretty pointless addition to the cast, at the expense of some all time loved characters.
Think Boon has got it wrong here.
I won't be disappoint with anyone. I'm just disappointed no new characters have gotten a reveal yet. I want to see another newbie!
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08/31/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)
In some ways, I can agree. They still have a pretty heavy talent pool that needs to be dusted off and given a fair shake. But, at the same time, we've known that they wanted to head this direction for a long time. Boon stated as much around Mk Armageddon. Its been their intention to wipe the slate clean all along.

Will it work out? Time will tell. I respect the fact that they're willing to go in such a ballsy direction, and quite frankly, I believe they've earned our faith in their work.

So, to your question, disappointed... No. Cautiously optimistic... Yes.
08/31/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:

Cassie Cage is nice and all- but honestly, BOTH her parents are in, she's a pretty pointless addition to the cast, at the expense of some all time loved characters.

No she's not. Even if her parents were in and she was never created, that spot would still go to a new character, she's not taking up the spot of a "beloved" returning character, so let's not with that BS.
08/31/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
How are you finding the character roster so far?

For me, it's been extremely underwhelming and a let down.

There are about 28 slots. We know about 12 of these will be new characters, leaving space for about 14-16 returnees. On the returnee front, we've had Scorp, Sub, Kano and Raiden, with the probability of a Cage return next, then Sonya and Liu Kang. That's 7 spots already gone, leaving only 7-9 left for returnees.

When you think they still need to squeeze in obvious shoe-in faves like Kitana, Baraka, Reptile, Ermac, Kenshi etc, that's nearly all the slots gone.

I've pretty much given up hope now for some of the more obscure fan favourites I've been waiting to see in 2D for 10 years. Havik, Fujin, Tanya, Bo Rai. I don't think any of these have a chance now.

Actually feeling let down by the MK team. We've been requesting these for years. Seriously starting doubt we'll see them as DLC too sad

Cassie Cage is nice and all- but honestly, BOTH her parents are in, she's a pretty pointless addition to the cast, at the expense of some all time loved characters.

Think Boon has got it wrong here.


Cassie is not pointless! We don't even know the story. Don't get ahead of yourself dammit!
08/31/2014 10:42 PM (UTC)
So seeing as we know absolutely nothing about the roster. I should be upset because they're not making the MK roster that the majority wants?

I'm one of many that want NEW characters, and I'm holding all judgments until it is officially confirmed. Plus they've already stated many times that not every fan favorite is making in.

For all we know there could be post MK4 characters in the roster. This game as a long journey ahead of it before it's release. I suggest waiting closer to next year before people start getting their feeling hurt.
Man it's really easy to get a rise out of Cass/Cage/Sonya fans.
08/31/2014 11:04 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Man it's really easy to get a rise out of Cass/Cage/Sonya fans.

Tell me about it.
Sonya since 92
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08/31/2014 11:09 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Man it's really easy to get a rise out of Cass/Cage/Sonya fans.

Probably because they're getting slated left right and centre. I'm sure if there were threads dedicated to Reptiles addition being pointless his fans would get a bit worked up. Don't get me wrong, if she gets officially confirmed I'll be super happy as she is my favourite but one of my favourite games in the series is Deception so I'm sure I'll love this entry even if she doesn't make it in.
08/31/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
I find Cassie, D'Vorah and Kotal rather interesting.

I don't care about the returning characters announced at all. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Kano and now Johnny... I couldn't care less about these characters.

It disappoints me that none of the characters I like have been announced yet. And it's not even characters that are unreasonable to appear in the game. Reiko and Tanya might be a bit obscure to some, but I find them quite possible to be in this game due to the point in storyline they were presented in the original timeline is about when MKX's storyline starts, and they are both connected to Shinnok who is teased to be in this game already back at MK9's Story Mode ending.

I'm not hyped. I will be whenever a character I like will be announced, but at this point, with the already announced characters, I'm not feeling it.
08/31/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

I don't care about the returning characters announced at all. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Kano and now Johnny... I couldn't care less about these characters.

It disappoints me that none of the characters I like have been announced yet. And it's not even characters that are unreasonable to appear in the game. Reiko and Tanya might be a bit obscure to some, but I find them quite possible to be in this game due to the point in storyline they were presented in the original timeline is about when MKX's storyline starts, and they are both connected to Shinnok who is teased to be in this game already back at MK9's Story Mode ending.

I'm not hyped. I will be whenever a character I like will be announced, but at this point, with the already announced characters, I'm not feeling it.

He pretty much said it all for me.
08/31/2014 11:42 PM (UTC)
I'm satisfied with the confirmed characters so far. Scorpion's obvious and all, but I love kicking his ass, so even his presence's a win for me.

Sonya and Johnny aren't confirmed yet, but since I don't believe either of them returning would make Cassie pointless, their return wouldn't bother me at all. They're among my favorites, and it'd be particularly interesting to see Sonya and her daughter in the same game, as these two taking on one another is already a dream fight.

People who say Cassie needs her parents out of the way to shine as a character probably don't have an interesting story in mind for her beyond making her Sonya 2.0.
08/31/2014 11:52 PM (UTC)
Where do you get 28? Ed Boon never confirmed how big the roster was. I know he said similar to MK9, but that could mean more characters as well. Don't be so quick to be negative.

As for the roster itself? I'm pretty happy with it so far. Cassie is the one who has my attention and with Johnny possibly confirmed I'm very pleased. The new characters look unique and refreshing, something MK has been lacking for awhile now. The returning characters so far look incredible.

I mean shit, they made me like Kano.
08/31/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I find Cassie, D'Vorah and Kotal rather interesting.

I don't care about the returning characters announced at all. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Kano and now Johnny... I couldn't care less about these characters.

It disappoints me that none of the characters I like have been announced yet. And it's not even characters that are unreasonable to appear in the game. Reiko and Tanya might be a bit obscure to some, but I find them quite possible to be in this game due to the point in storyline they were presented in the original timeline is about when MKX's storyline starts, and they are both connected to Shinnok who is teased to be in this game already back at MK9's Story Mode ending.

I'm not hyped. I will be whenever a character I like will be announced, but at this point, with the already announced characters, I'm not feeling it.

^^^^ THIS J-R, totally.

I was hoping for a just a handful of slightly more obscure but loved MK4-D characters. And truly, Tanya is hardly all that obscure, it's an unfortunate choice of words, she was heavily featured in 3 very successful main franchise games FFS and narrowly missed becoming DLC in MK9.

Can see where this is headed.. - the entire MK1 cast is being included with the probability of 7 other returnees from MK9. I doubt there's room for MK4-D characters now. I'm actually sorta pissed.

When Boon says "stop worrying that your favourites aren't making the cut", he's talking about OBVIOUS characters like Reptile / Kitana etc

Don't want to be too negative, but sorta bummed. Including half the bloody cast from MK9 is hardly the massive risk and 'leap' he'd have us believe, is it??
09/01/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I find Cassie, D'Vorah and Kotal rather interesting.

I don't care about the returning characters announced at all. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Kano and now Johnny... I couldn't care less about these characters.

It disappoints me that none of the characters I like have been announced yet. And it's not even characters that are unreasonable to appear in the game. Reiko and Tanya might be a bit obscure to some, but I find them quite possible to be in this game due to the point in storyline they were presented in the original timeline is about when MKX's storyline starts, and they are both connected to Shinnok who is teased to be in this game already back at MK9's Story Mode ending.

I'm not hyped. I will be whenever a character I like will be announced, but at this point, with the already announced characters, I'm not feeling it.

^^^^ THIS J-R, totally.

I was hoping for a just a handful of slightly more obscure but loved MK4-D characters. And truly, Tanya is hardly all that obscure, it's an unfortunate choice of words, she was heavily featured in 3 very successful main franchise games FFS and narrowly missed becoming DLC in MK9.

Can see where this is headed.. - the entire MK1 cast is being included with the probability of 7 other returnees from MK9. I doubt there's room for MK4-D characters now. I'm actually sorta pissed.

When Boon says "stop worrying that your favourites aren't making the cut", he's talking about OBVIOUS characters like Reptile / Kitana etc

Don't want to be too negative, but sorta bummed. Including half the bloody cast from MK9 is hardly the massive risk and 'leap' he'd have us believe, is it??

Hehe, exactly! My faves have always been somewhat obscure, them being Jade, Reiko, Tanya and Rain, and since MK9, Smoke, Skarlet and Cyber Sub-Zero have become faves of mine as well... and so far there's no sign of any of them.

Well, Cyber Subbie is kinda obviously not going to return, since he is one of the most hated characters of MK9. Rain was deconfirmed by Boon. Jade and Smoke are both dead, which I know doesn't mean alot in MK, but maybe this time it does. Skarlet might just be a one-game thing...

That is why I am rooting for Reiko and Tanya. Tanya seems to have a bigger shot at returning, since she has a bigger following, so we might not see Reiko return.

Other faves of mine I'd like to see are Kitana, Mileena, Nitara, Hotaru and Havik, and again, no word about any of those either.

I'm not losing hope though. ^^
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09/01/2014 12:24 AM (UTC)
nope, love it.

D'Vorah +++

Kano ++++
09/01/2014 01:00 AM (UTC)
I'm not having a single problem with this roster so far, and it's not because I already have one character already in. I'm not getting my panties in a bunch (despite my dryer does it for me) over three certain characters that are having so much debate about despite we have very little information about two of them and not knowing a single detail about the newest addition.

Frankly, a lot of what I've been seeing here so far has been disappointing me because I would have assume a lot of people would be looking forward to this game. The thing is, we don't know everything, and this time around, Netherrealm Studios is trying to take their time in releasing things and that's what's pissing people off. Because back in 2011, everything got revealed like that, and it wasn't intentional. I like all of this waiting because I'm not going anywhere, I can wait. Others, however, have shown they cannot.

I do not care who we get at this point because I haven't seen a single freaking thing that has disappointed me. All I'm waiting on now is a video montage of Sub-Zero throwing his ice clones at people. That's it. I'm liking what we've gotten and certainly cannot wait to see who's next.

^^See what I did there? Hardy har har.
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09/01/2014 01:19 AM (UTC)
I am not dissapointed at all, in fact extremely happy. The new characters all look extremely interesting and the returning characters have had some excellent treatment.

I feel this is the game NRS has wanted to make for a long time. I think they have wanted to take the series to the next level but could not for various reasons. The last game was essentially a reboot so this is the game to introduce a lot of new stuff.

I think NRS wants to make a game without all the baggage that came previously and now they can take the best from the series and then add a lot of new, fresh and exciting things to it.

The returning characters from the orginal game are not surprising since this has happenned before in Deadly Alliance and Mortal Kombat 4 with the exception of Kano as he had essentially a clone in Jarek replacing him. For me, it was highly likely that these characters would return. I think it is great that they are.
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09/01/2014 01:19 AM (UTC)
These emo "woe is me" roster threads man.

09/01/2014 01:22 AM (UTC)
I was initially, but after we got Raiden and Kano I started warming up to it. There's only one new character that I know I'm not gonna like already; Ferra/Torr. As long as we get the MK1 roster I'll be happy.
09/01/2014 01:38 AM (UTC)
I don't know if the word is disappointed, but I'm not that hyped about it. The truth is Devora, Kotal Khan, and Ferra/torr don't interest me very much, and I can't help but to feel them out of place. It happens with the stages too, they don't feel that much as MK to me. The other thing is that, excluding Kano, the returning characters were the ones we all knew were going to be in no matter what, and while Kano looks cool and all, it is not what I want. They should start announcing the 3D era characters, once we get Fujin and Havik's trailer everything will look better :D
09/01/2014 01:40 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
These emo "woe is me" roster threads man.

Yet people respond properly to it, so apparently some DO care.
09/01/2014 03:06 AM (UTC)
We only have 9 characters so far so how can I really feel anything?

Not disappointed or hyped
09/01/2014 03:14 AM (UTC)
Not at all! 1st reason being I have Kano so at this point anything else is just a bonus for me!
I cant wait for more reveals tho
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09/01/2014 08:01 AM (UTC)
Yes, I'm dissappointed. It's just another mk1 party so far.

Kotal Kahn and Ferra torr are interesting characters.

Dvorah I should like but finding myself not. She seems like a bore for some reason.

Cassie sucks, just like her parents.

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