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09/01/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
Jest0311 Wrote:
Honestly I think new characters are holding my interest and the old. I am very interested in the progression on the story even if that means leaving my favorite behind ( though I hope Kabal makes it later on as DLC). As long as they stay true to their style and I can find a character I like I will stay loyal as a fan even if they have a completely new roster. I love the style of the game and honestly the fatality gimmick is what sold me on it when I was younger with MK 1. I loved the fact I could literally kill the person I defeated. To me that was adding insult to injury though I see friendships and babalities in the same light, pouring salt on a fresh wound. I mean with babalities I see it as your gaming was equivalent to a child's or friendship I beat your ass we can be friends now... So I think even if the characters are all fresh,although I don't think I will see scorpion or subzero miss another MK game, I would give it a try because we can't expect a story to progress with everyone we love remaining in it. That's why I hope there is someone that at least trained in the styles of previous fighters as disciples to even relatives remain as we go further into the future. The earth realm fighters will age and eventually die off or at least that's how I see it.

I agree with you that if for story progression, certain characters, including Scorpion and Sub-Zero had to sit out for a game or two, that would be a great thing. However with the fire and ice ninjas, well Scorpion is an undead spectre so that's his cop out for always being included and if this Sub-Zero in MKX is indeed a new one, that just proves that there will always be a Sub-Zero.
09/01/2014 06:40 PM (UTC)
Lmao this is one of the times where I consider my self lucky. Ever since I was a child playing MK1, MK2 and UMK3 on my Sega Scorpion and Sub-Zero were always two of my favorite charaters so even if they were the only two returning characters, at least my favorite and one of my other favorites are guaranteed in :) Sh** I even got to be my favorite in Injustice tongue
09/01/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
Thing is... Mortal Kombat is a fighting game first, and a story game second.

It is more important to bring in interesting characters to play as than to have a meaningful and interesting story. Luckily, NRS have shown they DO want an interesting story, but it is still a secondary point.

So as long people like Scorpion and Sub-Zero, they will always be there, no matter their relevance to the story.

Another example of that is Johnny Cage. He's never been relevant to the story, but he's loved by the majority of the MK community, and so NRS keeps bringing him back.
09/02/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
Short answer to the topic at hand, yes.
09/02/2014 09:48 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Another example of that is Johnny Cage. He's never been relevant to the story, but he's loved by the majority of the MK community, and so NRS keeps bringing him back.

Except now he is relevant to the story... So it's not just popularity that brought him back.
09/02/2014 09:50 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Another example of that is Johnny Cage. He's never been relevant to the story, but he's loved by the majority of the MK community, and so NRS keeps bringing him back.

Except now he is relevant to the story... So it's not just popularity that brought him back.

Having a kid who appears in the game isn't story-relevance. And whatever Cassie does, whatever importance she has to the story - none of that should be creditted Johnny, just because he put his sperm into Sonya.
(Sorry for the crude terminology)
09/02/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Having a kid who appears in the game isn't story-relevance. And whatever Cassie does, whatever importance she has to the story - none of that should be creditted Johnny, just because he put his sperm into Sonya.
(Sorry for the crude terminology)

Well, actually yeah he should be credited. Had he not taken the chance to make whoopy with Sonya, anything that has to do with Cassie, whether it's significant to the main plot or not, wouldn't have happened.

And everyone has a role to play in the story, so yes it is story relevance. You might not think that Johnny has some significance behind him, whether your reasoning has to be because you simply do not like him or you really think he serves a minor role (in which I may say is simply not true anymore), but he's got more of an importance now.
09/02/2014 11:06 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Having a kid who appears in the game isn't story-relevance. And whatever Cassie does, whatever importance she has to the story - none of that should be creditted Johnny, just because he put his sperm into Sonya.
(Sorry for the crude terminology)

Well, actually yeah he should be credited. Had he not taken the chance to make whoopy with Sonya, anything that has to do with Cassie, whether it's significant to the main plot or not, wouldn't have happened.

And everyone has a role to play in the story, so yes it is story relevance. You might not think that Johnny has some significance behind him, whether your reasoning has to be because you simply do not like him or you really think he serves a minor role (in which I may say is simply not true anymore), but he's got more of an importance now.

If I do something fantastic with my life, people shouldn't give my parents credit for making me... I would thank them for their support, but it would still be me who did this fantastic thing! Not them!

So no, whatever Cassie does shouldn't be creditted to Johnny. It has nothing to do with how I feel about him.
09/02/2014 11:14 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
If I do something fantastic with my life, people shouldn't give my parents credit for making me... I would thank them for their support, but it would still be me who did this fantastic thing! Not them!

So no, whatever Cassie does shouldn't be creditted to Johnny. It has nothing to do with how I feel about him.

I wasn't saying that whatever Cassie does in this game, thank Cage for having her with Sonya, but at least acknowledge that if it wasn't for those two, we wouldn't have whatever goes on between Cassie and whoever she interferes with. As well as that is somewhat important to the plot since Cage would obviously have some significance whether it would be important or minor.

That was more so my point I was trying to make rather than crediting Cage for making a smooth move to Sonya.
09/02/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
If I do something fantastic with my life, people shouldn't give my parents credit for making me... I would thank them for their support, but it would still be me who did this fantastic thing! Not them!

So no, whatever Cassie does shouldn't be creditted to Johnny. It has nothing to do with how I feel about him.

I wasn't saying that whatever Cassie does in this game, thank Cage for having her with Sonya, but at least acknowledge that if it wasn't for those two, we wouldn't have whatever goes on between Cassie and whoever she interferes with. As well as that is somewhat important to the plot since Cage would obviously have some significance whether it would be important or minor.

That was more so my point I was trying to make rather than crediting Cage for making a smooth move to Sonya.

Cassie is a fictional character. Her creators are NRS, not Sonya and Johnny. Cassie being their kid is just an excuse for her creation, it's a made-up reason. If NRS wanted Cassie to be in the game, she didn't HAVE to be their kid. NRS could just as well have made an entirely different reason that had nothing to do with them.

I am not going to give Johnny credit for anything. And I still don't think he is important to the plot, and hasn't been in any games. He's just another fighter.

That said, alot of MK characters aren't important to the plot. Many have their own reasons to fight that doesn't have anything to do with Shao Kahn trying to take over Earthrealm, namely Scorpion who is only there because of his thirst for vengeance, or as it is in the new timeline, a slave for Quan Chi.

Johnny dying wouldn't affect anything. Cassie could still be in MKX if NRS wanted to, she would just have another background.
09/02/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Cassie is a fictional character. Her creators are NRS, not Sonya and Johnny. Cassie being their kid is just an excuse for her creation, it's a made-up reason. If NRS wanted Cassie to be in the game, she didn't HAVE to be their kid. NRS could just as well have made an entirely different reason that had nothing to do with them.

I am not going to give Johnny credit for anything. And I still don't think he is important to the plot, and hasn't been in any games. He's just another fighter.

That said, alot of MK characters aren't important to the plot. Many have their own reasons to fight that doesn't have anything to do with Shao Kahn trying to take over Earthrealm, namely Scorpion who is only there because of his thirst for vengeance, or as it is in the new timeline, a slave for Quan Chi.

Johnny dying wouldn't affect anything. Cassie could still be in MKX if NRS wanted to, she would just have another background.

Oooookay, first off, you're taking what I am saying way too literally. I know that every single character here is developed by real people. I'd be some sort of idiot if I thought two fictional people who exists in a CD could really fuck and make a kid. Please.

Secondly, I'm not going to continue further derail this thread with another Johnny Cage debate that has no end to it because neither side will agree to anything the other has to say.
09/02/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Cassie is a fictional character. Her creators are NRS, not Sonya and Johnny. Cassie being their kid is just an excuse for her creation, it's a made-up reason. If NRS wanted Cassie to be in the game, she didn't HAVE to be their kid. NRS could just as well have made an entirely different reason that had nothing to do with them.

I am not going to give Johnny credit for anything. And I still don't think he is important to the plot, and hasn't been in any games. He's just another fighter.

That said, alot of MK characters aren't important to the plot. Many have their own reasons to fight that doesn't have anything to do with Shao Kahn trying to take over Earthrealm, namely Scorpion who is only there because of his thirst for vengeance, or as it is in the new timeline, a slave for Quan Chi.

Johnny dying wouldn't affect anything. Cassie could still be in MKX if NRS wanted to, she would just have another background.

Oooookay, first off, you're taking what I am saying way too literally. I know that every single character here is developed by real people. I'd be some sort of idiot if I thought two fictional people who exists in a CD could really fuck and make a kid. Please.

Secondly, I'm not going to continue further derail this thread with another Johnny Cage debate that has no end to it because neither side will agree to anything the other has to say.

Sorry, I am being stubborn. XD
But yeah, you get the general idea of what I'm saying.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

09/03/2014 04:49 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Scorpion and Sub-Zero are basically the Ryu and Ken of Mortal Kombat.

However, should a game with JUST those two returning and the rest of the roster be all new characters, then there will be just as big a shitstorm coming like there was when Street Fighter 3 was released.

SF3 caused a shitstorm. Yet the series wasn't killed dead. Was it because Ryu and Ken were in, or because despite fan bravado, said fans couldn't resist buying a new SF game anyway? Or perhaps there were enough new fans who never played the previous games to help the game sell? Could be all three of those reasons.

"Street Fighter III: New Generation" was to be a game with a complete new roster. This upset a lot of people. And because of that, Capcom decided to add Ryu and Ken.

We are now living in a Mortal Kombat version of this experience.
09/03/2014 04:53 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Scorpion and Sub-Zero are basically the Ryu and Ken of Mortal Kombat.

However, should a game with JUST those two returning and the rest of the roster be all new characters, then there will be just as big a shitstorm coming like there was when Street Fighter 3 was released.

SF3 caused a shitstorm. Yet the series wasn't killed dead. Was it because Ryu and Ken were in, or because despite fan bravado, said fans couldn't resist buying a new SF game anyway? Or perhaps there were enough new fans who never played the previous games to help the game sell? Could be all three of those reasons.

"Street Fighter III: New Generation" was to be a game with a complete new roster. This upset a lot of people. And because of that, Capcom decided to add Ryu and Ken.

We are now living in a Mortal Kombat version of this experience.

SF3:NG didn't have half of the roster being returning characters. They literally got rid of everyone but RYu & Ken.
09/03/2014 04:55 AM (UTC)
Scorpion and Sub-Zero is all I need.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

09/03/2014 10:59 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
SF3:NG didn't have half of the roster being returning characters. They literally got rid of everyone but RYu & Ken.
I know that.
09/03/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)
I prefer Remy over Guile...

There, I said it!
09/04/2014 06:02 AM (UTC)
Honestly as a casual player like me, someone people have no idea who the main charachters are... I admit im pretty new to the series... but the selling point is the guts & gore of this game...

since MK is one of the oldest fighting franchise out there... & its popularity kinda dwindle down in my opinion it doesnt matter who they use as the flagship character..

But for the long time fans... people cant live without Sub-zero... honestly I can live with out Raiden too XDDD dont need him
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09/04/2014 06:49 AM (UTC)
SeungjinAngel Wrote:
Honestly as a casual player like me, someone people have no idea who the main charachters are...

There is none. There is no central overarching characte to the series.
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