Are Scorpion and Sub-Zero the only required characters?
posted09/04/2014 06:49 AM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
With Ed Boon hinting at MKX's roster having the most new characters, and some fans reacting as if they won't buy the game if we don't see enough old characters (yeah right), well, the thread title makes it pretty clear what I'm wondering.

Would casual players really be bothered if anyone other than these two were missing? How vital to a MK game's success are Sonya, Johnny, Liu Kang, Kitana, and Mileena, just to name a few, especially with the two flagship characters already in?

I know that if these two were missing, all the other popular characters' presence might not be enough to help a new MK game's sales.

I also wonder if bringing back more obscure and/or unpopular characters instead of other fan favorites would really hurt the game's sales when the flagship characters are already confirmed. Is Mokap's ability to make a game crash and burn apparently greater than Scorpion's ability to draw the crowd in? That's often how some people act whenever rosters in fighting games are discussed.
08/31/2014 11:30 PM (UTC)

The crying fanboys can stay mad at their faves being left out.
08/31/2014 11:36 PM (UTC)
Scorpion and Sub-Zero are basically the Ryu and Ken of Mortal Kombat.

However, should a game with JUST those two returning and the rest of the roster be all new characters, then there will be just as big a shitstorm coming like there was when Street Fighter 3 was released.

That said, I doubt there will be an MK game without them. I mean, Scorpion wasn't in MK3, and apparently that started a shitstorm as well.

Sub-Zero is the only character who has been in every MK game so far.
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08/31/2014 11:44 PM (UTC)
Scorpion definately is required. He is the icon of Mortal Kombat and mascot. He is pictured in the developers logo and is on the prelimanary box art for the game. He is also the most popular character and his spear move with the accompanied "GET OVER HERE" is one of the most recognisable moves in the series. I think many fans would be either very upset and confused as to why Scorpion is not in the game given the amount of exposure Scorpion gets and his popularity. For these reasons I think Scorpion is very much required no doubt that Scorpions if often been one of the first if not the first character to be revealed and developed.
08/31/2014 11:46 PM (UTC)
I would say those 2 are the only required ones. I could make an argument for Raiden but he doesn't sell the brand like those 2, shit nobody does.
08/31/2014 11:49 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I would say those 2 are the only required ones. I could make an argument for Raiden but he doesn't sell the brand like those 2, shit nobody does.

Yeah i agree with this. Raiden is the Chun-Li of Mortal Kombat, they can reboot the series, get rid of everyone but Scorpion and Sub-Zero, and Raiden can miss a few titles, but would be brought back later.
08/31/2014 11:51 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Scorpion and Sub-Zero are basically the Ryu and Ken of Mortal Kombat.

However, should a game with JUST those two returning and the rest of the roster be all new characters, then there will be just as big a shitstorm coming like there was when Street Fighter 3 was released.

That said, I doubt there will be an MK game without them. I mean, Scorpion wasn't in MK3, and apparently that started a shitstorm as well.

Sub-Zero is the only character who has been in every MK game so far.

SF3 caused a shitstorm. Yet the series wasn't killed dead. Was it because Ryu and Ken were in, or because despite fan bravado, said fans couldn't resist buying a new SF game anyway? Or perhaps there were enough new fans who never played the previous games to help the game sell? Could be all three of those reasons.

I'm not saying that fans can never make a game flop by boycotting it, but I just wonder how often are fanbases serious enough to really scare developers. Because Resident Evil 4 was a huge success despite changing so much about the RE series, and it certainly was more drastic in it's approach than MKX currently is. What I'm saying is, perhaps developers are just easily intimidated by vocal fans. Developers not fully understanding the audiences isn't exactly unheard of.
08/31/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
In all honesty, if it came to this, I would most likely lose interest in the series.

It would depend on the new characters appearing in those games though, however, if the entire roster except those two were replaced in every game, then the characters I've fallen for won't get the chance to develop and knowing I wouldn't see any of my faves appear in future games, well... then Mortal Kombat would no longer be the franchise for me.

DG1OA Wrote:
SF3 caused a shitstorm. Yet the series wasn't killed dead. Was it because Ryu and Ken were in, or because despite fan bravado, said fans couldn't resist buying a new SF game anyway? Or perhaps there were enough new fans who never played the previous games to help the game sell? Could be all three of those reasons.

I'm not saying that fans can never make a game flop by boycotting it, but I just wonder how often are fanbases serious enough to really scare developers. Because Resident Evil 4 was a huge success despite changing so much about the RE series, and it certainly was more drastic in it's approach than MKX currently is. What I'm saying is, perhaps developers are just easily intimidated by vocal fans. Developers not fully understanding the audiences isn't exactly unheard of.

Well, a few more characters returned in the following games, such as Chun Li and Akuma. But in SF4, they went back to bring the original cast back, and it became a much larger success.
09/01/2014 02:31 AM (UTC)
For me, I would be relieved if Sub-Zero and Scorpion were out for the next game or two. In general, I am bored of them two as well as Raiden. Liu Kang is another one I can do without again.
However, I can't do anything about it, except to accept.
09/01/2014 02:34 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
For me, I would be relieved if Sub-Zero and Scorpion were out for the next game or two. In general, I am bored of them two as well as Raiden. Liu Kang is another one I can do without again.
However, I can't do anything about it, except to accept.

MK would still be MK without them.
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09/01/2014 02:40 AM (UTC)
I think the MK world as a whole is interesting and compelling enough to extend beyond the focus of the classic characters and story lines to a lesser degree. However, I don't know if the fighting-game genre is the appropriate style of game to do that with. I could easily see a AAA quality action/adventure/rpg game like God of War set in the MK universe featuring largely new/unknown characters. NRS has dabbled a bit in that with MK:Armageddon and it's Konquest mode.

Honestly though I'm not sure if NRS wants to invest in a game without the classic characters because of business and political reasons. Big games cost big $$$ and manhours (1-3 years) to develop these days. So, publishers (Warner Bros. in this case) really push developers to not take too many risks or to deviate from known successful IP's. Scorpion and Sub-Zero move units while nameless MK Warrior starring in a new game does not.
09/01/2014 03:00 AM (UTC)
No Sub Zero no buy.

Could live without Scorpion though.
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09/01/2014 03:28 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Would casual players really be bothered if anyone other than these two were missing?

I think the reason people sometimes share this sentiment is because they think the casual player only knows or cares about Sub and Scorp. I don't think that's ever been true, but let's say it is for a moment.

MK9 sold 5 million copies, and those numbers are most likely attributed to the gore and the story mode. If casual players didn't know who Ermac or Mileena was before, they definitely know who those characters are now, and they're going to cry foul when they don't see them.

Honestly, the idea of a causal MK player needs to be redrafted. We don't give that crowd enough credit. Maybe the casual player at one time was indeed an a regular fan who just saw the movies or played a few arcade rounds, but that's hardly the case now. The online for MK9 was hugely diverse, and yeah, Scorpion did dominate in popularity, but that may have been due to the fact that he was hella easy to use at the lowest level.

I guess what I'm saying is this: if you make a story mode with a cliffhanger, and then remove ALL the characters from the sequel's story mode except Scorpion and Sub-Zero, I think casual fans are going to notice.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/01/2014 03:49 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Would casual players really be bothered if anyone other than these two were missing?

I think the reason people sometimes share this sentiment is because they think the casual player only knows or cares about Sub and Scorp. I don't think that's ever been true, but let's say it is for a moment.

MK9 sold 5 million copies, and those numbers are most likely attributed to the gore and the story mode. If casual players didn't know who Ermac or Mileena was before, they definitely know who those characters are now, and they're going to cry foul when they don't see them.

In this article it is inferred that Mortal Kombat 9 sold more then 6 million copies.
09/01/2014 03:52 AM (UTC)
I've said it before that I personally would not mind if Sub-Zero sat out. (Of course people had a tough time accepting that I can live life normally knowing my main sits out a game). Will it happen? Dunno. Can't say that I've never questioned this before but if the time ever comes, I won't be bothered.

I'd just find someone else to play as and go on.

(Yeah, easier said then done. I get it. But I can live with it, really. I've had other good favorites left out, doesn't big me one bit.) I'm not big on Scorpion but, it would mean that if these two were to ever sit out, my brother and I would be unable to have our classic sibling fight. I guess we would do that with two other characters.
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09/01/2014 03:54 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
In this article it is inferred that Mortal Kombat 9 sold more then 6 million copies.

That sounds right. I imagine that's not even including PC sells which blew WB's expectations out of the water.

The casual fan has been through MK's 101 course, needless to say.
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09/01/2014 04:32 AM (UTC)
You know what, I DARE NRS to have BOTH Scorpion and Sub-Zero sit one out. I bet you guys it would NEVER happen again.

Not a threat. I would buy the game anyway being the MK nut that I am, but how many more people like me would? Plus even when I did spend the money, I wouldn't be a happy camper. I'd probably let it collect dust after beating the game. Not including Scorpion and Sub- Zero for me and many others out there is absurd! MK sales would likely plummet.

I mean without Scorpion's "GET OVER HERE!" what do you got? Shujinko's "get over here" lmao please.

And yes we need BOTH of them. Sub-Zero is a ninja that freezes stuff! Even a 2 year old can comprehend that this is awesomeness! Imagine telling your little son or nephew something like that. They'd be like WOW. (Not saying that 2 year olds should play MK, just emphasizing how awesome Subby is.)wink
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09/01/2014 05:41 AM (UTC)
No Kitana, no buy.
09/01/2014 06:20 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
For me, I would be relieved if Sub-Zero and Scorpion were out for the next game or two. In general, I am bored of them two as well as Raiden. Liu Kang is another one I can do without again.
However, I can't do anything about it, except to accept.

MK would still be MK without them.

Well it would be to us because we know a lot more about the lore and other stories and characters that could be delved into that don't involve them.

I knew quite a bit of casual fans who didn't know a good chunk of the roster. Keep in mind that MK9 was supposed to be the 'classic' roster as well.

To casual fans it wouldn't be MK without them. Of course, having one of them missing wouldn't be too hindering. Then again it's hard to test that theory out without actually seeing it firsthand.

For MKX specifically i'd say either Johnny or Sonya be required since a good portion of the story is going to be about them. I'd love if only 1 were in the initial roster though, leaving the other to be DLC.
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09/01/2014 07:50 AM (UTC)
I hate that they're in every game.

But I feel that if they always are, so should Kitana and mileena. Never gonna happen so whatevah :/
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/01/2014 02:13 PM (UTC)
^I'm actually surprised that they don't do this with Kitana and Mileena. Those two in my eyes at least, are like the female Scorpion and Sub-Zero of MK. Can't have one without the other. Yet in MKDA, Kitana was present and Mileena wasn't while in MKD, Mileena was present but Kitana wasn't.

I guess they did fine without each other on those games, but I just always thought it made more sense for both of them to appear.
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09/01/2014 02:24 PM (UTC)
Pretty much. I don't think there'll ever be an MK without them
09/01/2014 02:46 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
No Kitana, no buy.

mkwhopper Wrote:
No Sub Zero no buy.

Really and Really???
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09/01/2014 03:09 PM (UTC)
Honestly I think new characters are holding my interest and the old. I am very interested in the progression on the story even if that means leaving my favorite behind ( though I hope Kabal makes it later on as DLC). As long as they stay true to their style and I can find a character I like I will stay loyal as a fan even if they have a completely new roster. I love the style of the game and honestly the fatality gimmick is what sold me on it when I was younger with MK 1. I loved the fact I could literally kill the person I defeated. To me that was adding insult to injury though I see friendships and babalities in the same light, pouring salt on a fresh wound. I mean with babalities I see it as your gaming was equivalent to a child's or friendship I beat your ass we can be friends now... So I think even if the characters are all fresh,although I don't think I will see scorpion or subzero miss another MK game, I would give it a try because we can't expect a story to progress with everyone we love remaining in it. That's why I hope there is someone that at least trained in the styles of previous fighters as disciples to even relatives remain as we go further into the future. The earth realm fighters will age and eventually die off or at least that's how I see it.
09/01/2014 03:54 PM (UTC)
razz2d2 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
For me, I would be relieved if Sub-Zero and Scorpion were out for the next game or two. In general, I am bored of them two as well as Raiden. Liu Kang is another one I can do without again.
However, I can't do anything about it, except to accept.

MK would still be MK without them.

Well it would be to us because we know a lot more about the lore and other stories and characters that could be delved into that don't involve them.

I knew quite a bit of casual fans who didn't know a good chunk of the roster. Keep in mind that MK9 was supposed to be the 'classic' roster as well.

To casual fans it wouldn't be MK without them. Of course, having one of them missing wouldn't be too hindering. Then again it's hard to test that theory out without actually seeing it firsthand.

For MKX specifically i'd say either Johnny or Sonya be required since a good portion of the story is going to be about them. I'd love if only 1 were in the initial roster though, leaving the other to be DLC.

Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
AgentK Wrote:
No Kitana, no buy.

mkwhopper Wrote:
No Sub Zero no buy.

Really and Really???

This is what I don't understand though. Maybe because I am used to my favourites not being in every game... but basing your whole experience of a game on whether or not one or two characters are in it... The whole concept of it just seems foreign to me.
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