posted04/30/2010 01:45 PM (UTC)by
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10/18/2006 05:50 PM (UTC)
I thought we were supposed to get info in april its almost over and now info whats up
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04/28/2010 01:18 PM (UTC)
On a related note, people thought we were going to get DLC characters for MKDC - we didn't. We were supposed to get clothing that shred during battle for MKDA way back, we didn't.

Ed makes lots of promises stirred up in a frenzy of enthusiasm. You can't blame him, but I wouldn't be surprised if WB asked him nicely to keep a lid on things for the time being.

On the other hand, there's still 2 days left in the month. Let's just see what those bring, if anything. Don't be surprised if that answer is nothing, though.
Adam Ronin
04/28/2010 01:45 PM (UTC)
To be fair to Ed, he never promised we would get info in April. That was something that was on that girls resume. I'm thinking June
04/28/2010 01:49 PM (UTC)
Nobody said there was going to be any news... People were assuming that because the last game they made we got info during April...

It's like this... Diablo 3 has news coming out for the game ALREADY, sadly, this game will not be released until next year. Let's say that MK8/9 will be released for next year, you really want a year full of news rather than waiting for it to be released next year? I say I'd wait.
04/28/2010 02:09 PM (UTC)
I know but I feel let down as a huge mk fan i want some sort of info
04/28/2010 02:42 PM (UTC)
Tooks like it will be May before we get some news. Ed Boon said we will get news very very soon, and April is pretty much over so....I say MAY.

I do know this, WB is making the announcement not the MK-Team, so Ed and Team was to be quiet about it until WB gives them the go ahead, this is done differently then in the past when Midway owned them. But I feel you guys, I was hoping for April too.
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04/28/2010 02:59 PM (UTC)
Think about it.
If MK Vs DC came out in November and we got the first info in April then with MK9 apparently coming out in December a month later, first info would come out in May.
Makes sense.grin
If there is nothing in May tho I guess MK9 is a 2011 release.sad
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04/28/2010 04:57 PM (UTC)
yea it does suck; I was sooo betting on April. Oh well...I guess I'll look forward to May. The official Midway boards are "preparing to move to a new software" toward the end of May. It sounds like it could have something to do with WB/Netherrealm Studios. So perhaps an announcement will be made near the end of May along with fresh, new official forums?

04/28/2010 05:13 PM (UTC)
Did anyone ever actually SAY the game is coming out in the fall, or are people just ASSUMING that because MK games almost always come out in the fall?

WB Games isn't Midway. They may actually be willing to...*gasp*...DELAY a game if it isn't done instead of rushing it out like idiots!
04/28/2010 05:13 PM (UTC)
EnKompassedDra9on Wrote:
yea it does suck; I was sooo betting on April. Oh well...I guess I'll look forward to May. The official Midway boards are "preparing to move to a new software" toward the end of May. It sounds like it could have something to do with WB/Netherrealm Studios. So perhaps an announcement will be made near the end of May along with fresh, new official forums?

Seems plausible seeing as Ed says we'll get info very soon
04/28/2010 07:12 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Did anyone ever actually SAY the game is coming out in the fall, or are people just ASSUMING that because MK games almost always come out in the fall?

WB Games isn't Midway. They may actually be willing to...*gasp*...DELAY a game if it isn't done instead of rushing it out like idiots!

Someone said something about a possible release date, people took the news as it was true, and now people believe, no, still believes that the game will be released either by Fall or by Christmas-ish.

Seriously, I don't care how people take this or whatever and it's getting kind of annoying to see people all rallied up about some game, but everyone seriously needs to chill out with this game. Let them release info when they want to, stop stalking Boon on Twitter, and just wait for everything to come to place.
04/28/2010 08:02 PM (UTC)
Am pretty sure with no info by now, it means the game will be pushed back till next year!
04/28/2010 08:16 PM (UTC)
It doesn't mean anything. Just that they don't wanna release info yet. The game could still very well hit this year. Just keep waiting for E3, people.
04/28/2010 08:19 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Did anyone ever actually SAY the game is coming out in the fall, or are people just ASSUMING that because MK games almost always come out in the fall?

WB Games isn't Midway. They may actually be willing to...*gasp*...DELAY a game if it isn't done instead of rushing it out like idiots!

Someone said something about a possible release date, people took the news as it was true, and now people believe, no, still believes that the game will be released either by Fall or by Christmas-ish.

Seriously, I don't care how people take this or whatever and it's getting kind of annoying to see people all rallied up about some game, but everyone seriously needs to chill out with this game. Let them release info when they want to, stop stalking Boon on Twitter, and just wait for everything to come to place.

If we want to get excited we'll get excited, you should just chill out with that wink
Besides, Twitter is hardly stalking XD
04/28/2010 08:31 PM (UTC)
Nic-V Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Did anyone ever actually SAY the game is coming out in the fall, or are people just ASSUMING that because MK games almost always come out in the fall?

WB Games isn't Midway. They may actually be willing to...*gasp*...DELAY a game if it isn't done instead of rushing it out like idiots!

Someone said something about a possible release date, people took the news as it was true, and now people believe, no, still believes that the game will be released either by Fall or by Christmas-ish.

Seriously, I don't care how people take this or whatever and it's getting kind of annoying to see people all rallied up about some game, but everyone seriously needs to chill out with this game. Let them release info when they want to, stop stalking Boon on Twitter, and just wait for everything to come to place.

If we want to get excited we'll get excited, you should just chill out with that wink
Besides, Twitter is hardly stalking XD

To be honest, I am chilled out. What I don't understand is why people constantly whine about no news being released. I see users here explaining, very logically, that the developers are under new management, they have time to do what they need to do... When no one said any official dates about news being released, don't you think everyone needs to wait when something actually pops up rather than constantly post thread after thread?

What if E3 doesn't show MK? Are we going to get constant threads with whining that nothing has been mentioned? If the game has been announced to be released next year, don't you think that it's perfectly fine that there's no news? With the example I stated before, don't you think it's bad to release stuff for a game that's not even being released this year? I think so, I would rather wait and wait and wait until the time gets closer to finally have something released. Of course, this is just me, and I know that the world doesn't revolve around me and I cannot have things go my way.

But still, everyone needs to calm down. And I'm not saying as if I'm condemning people to Hell because they can't stop worrying. I'm just saying as if people have nothing else to do but worry about a game that I'm starting to believe, that will be released next year.
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04/29/2010 02:01 AM (UTC)
I'm too busy playing Super Street Fighter IV to even think about MK9.

Oh, my thumb hurts so good.
04/29/2010 02:10 AM (UTC)
Ed just said on his twitter that Mk9 will be "fucking fast in a good way"
That's something I guess.

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04/29/2010 02:11 AM (UTC)
SSF4 is awesome got it today, looks like we are not going to see mortal kombat 9 until E3.
Its going to take something very special to top SSF4 such a cool game.
04/29/2010 06:16 AM (UTC)
i was thinking this would be the case...even if we don't get any solid info in May does not mean the game will be a 2011 release. info is coming soon as it has been said on twitter posts. as my original hypothesis went...i was pretty close so far...the only thing i could be wrong about is magazine articles being before E3. i have a feeling that with the change in media technology it will probably be on a new website or the info will remain on twitter maybe. otherwise it will be officially announced by the WB and game sites like IGN.com and G4tv.com will stir up with news. i really think the worth while news won't come until E3...whatever we get until than will be as much a tease as Boon tweets.
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04/29/2010 08:53 PM (UTC)
I think that this is the best time of the cycle to be an MK fan. The information is right around the corner, it feels like it should be so close you could just reach out and touch it. The percentage of my mind that expects to see a screenshot or official news or something along those lines is slowly increasing with each passing day.

I think then, that it's natural for our frustration to bubble over and the desire to scream "just show us the freakin game already!" can be a bit overwhelming at times.

Of course, I say frustration and overwhelming in a good way. To me, this is the fun time. The point where you look for each scrap of news that you can find and share and read from others etc. What's the rumor? What's true? Who has info? Who's full of it? When is the game coming out? Which character is coming back?

Heck, people have been scouring people's acting resume's for crying out loud! I love that! Well, okay, I love the enthusiasm. Not necessarily the borderline stalking of voice actors lol. But you get what I mean?

When news comes out, there will at least be some people that will be let down by what they see. The graphics will look mediocre, the character that they hate has returned, the story looks weak, the new mode looks tacked on, the fighting system still isn't where it should be or needs to be.

The list goes on.

So while I actually have a fairly large amount of confidence in the next MK game, I'm sure that there will be at least something that I don't like. But right now, there's no negative. None.

So what can we do?

Sit and wait like a kid on December 22nd, knowing that Christmas is coming and will be here before you know it. Sure, you might not get that toy or game or whatever that you wanted, but you don't know that on the 22nd.

I'm not saying that MK9 will be a let down. Again, unlike MKA and MKvsDC, the latter of those two made me want to swallow my head and crap it out when we first got the news, I think that this new MK game has a ton of potential.

I just think that the anticipation can sometimes be just as fun, if not more fun than the payoff. Of course, I obviously want that payoff though! Here's hoping the news comes fast and furious and that we get a 2010 release date so we can get this game in our hands ASAP!
Adam Ronin
04/29/2010 10:13 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I think that this is the best time of the cycle to be an MK fan. The information is right around the corner, it feels like it should be so close you could just reach out and touch it. The percentage of my mind that expects to see a screenshot or official news or something along those lines is slowly increasing with each passing day.

I think then, that it's natural for our frustration to bubble over and the desire to scream "just show us the freakin game already!" can be a bit overwhelming at times.

Of course, I say frustration and overwhelming in a good way. To me, this is the fun time. The point where you look for each scrap of news that you can find and share and read from others etc. What's the rumor? What's true? Who has info? Who's full of it? When is the game coming out? Which character is coming back?

Heck, people have been scouring people's acting resume's for crying out loud! I love that! Well, okay, I love the enthusiasm. Not necessarily the borderline stalking of voice actors lol. But you get what I mean?

When news comes out, there will at least be some people that will be let down by what they see. The graphics will look mediocre, the character that they hate has returned, the story looks weak, the new mode looks tacked on, the fighting system still isn't where it should be or needs to be.

The list goes on.

So while I actually have a fairly large amount of confidence in the next MK game, I'm sure that there will be at least something that I don't like. But right now, there's no negative. None.

So what can we do?

Sit and wait like a kid on December 22nd, knowing that Christmas is coming and will be here before you know it. Sure, you might not get that toy or game or whatever that you wanted, but you don't know that on the 22nd.

I'm not saying that MK9 will be a let down. Again, unlike MKA and MKvsDC, the latter of those two made me want to swallow my head and crap it out when we first got the news, I think that this new MK game has a ton of potential.

I just think that the anticipation can sometimes be just as fun, if not more fun than the payoff. Of course, I obviously want that payoff though! Here's hoping the news comes fast and furious and that we get a 2010 release date so we can get this game in our hands ASAP!

Good call, man. I agree with you completely. Although, in all fairness, I LOVE having info, and speculating on that as well.

I am having my doubts that we will even have info by May or that it will even be at E3 now, but I am loving the day to day speculations and wondering whats gonna have what.
04/30/2010 01:02 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I think that this is the best time of the cycle to be an MK fan. The information is right around the corner, it feels like it should be so close you could just reach out and touch it. The percentage of my mind that expects to see a screenshot or official news or something along those lines is slowly increasing with each passing day.

I think then, that it's natural for our frustration to bubble over and the desire to scream "just show us the freakin game already!" can be a bit overwhelming at times.

Of course, I say frustration and overwhelming in a good way. To me, this is the fun time. The point where you look for each scrap of news that you can find and share and read from others etc. What's the rumor? What's true? Who has info? Who's full of it? When is the game coming out? Which character is coming back?

Heck, people have been scouring people's acting resume's for crying out loud! I love that! Well, okay, I love the enthusiasm. Not necessarily the borderline stalking of voice actors lol. But you get what I mean?

When news comes out, there will at least be some people that will be let down by what they see. The graphics will look mediocre, the character that they hate has returned, the story looks weak, the new mode looks tacked on, the fighting system still isn't where it should be or needs to be.

The list goes on.

So while I actually have a fairly large amount of confidence in the next MK game, I'm sure that there will be at least something that I don't like. But right now, there's no negative. None.

So what can we do?

Sit and wait like a kid on December 22nd, knowing that Christmas is coming and will be here before you know it. Sure, you might not get that toy or game or whatever that you wanted, but you don't know that on the 22nd.

I'm not saying that MK9 will be a let down. Again, unlike MKA and MKvsDC, the latter of those two made me want to swallow my head and crap it out when we first got the news, I think that this new MK game has a ton of potential.

I just think that the anticipation can sometimes be just as fun, if not more fun than the payoff. Of course, I obviously want that payoff though! Here's hoping the news comes fast and furious and that we get a 2010 release date so we can get this game in our hands ASAP!

it can be exciting at times but than there are people that make it not so exciting. people have different views and nobody considers others thoughts and opinions. they want what they want and that is it. as for your statement on MK:A being a let down...it was one of my favorite MK games. MKvsDC was a letdown for the veteran fans but the new coming fans may beg to differ. so i see that letdown statement as pure critics opinion.
in anycase,i am with you 100% on wanting the game released this year.
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04/30/2010 01:41 AM (UTC)
I really think it depends on the situation being talked about in the game.

MKA. i love that game so much. The concept and backstory is relaly good and it finds a great way to bring everything and all characters together.

Sadly, although fun while offline or vs. Online or for serious players, it just seems to be lacking something. I dont feel like its a 100% solid game. But I love the game 100% nonetheless.

I love all the MK games, but i also pay recognition to the faults. MKDC was the best game IMO in terms of gamepaly and approach so far in the series, and ive been a diehard fan since MK1.

Obveously it doesnt compare to the classic games in terms of approach and story because its a spin-off. a one time shot in most cases. I take nothing for reference other than gameplay which was unbroken for the most part.

I feel that the new gameplay with some tweeks, will carry onto MK9 with the MK backstory and plot we all know and love. Im putting all my money on this one being the most solid MK since the classics.

Not a doubt in my mind. I had the same feeling before we even seen anything MKD and it was amazing for what they were shooting for. Hang in there its all gonna come together guys(and gals Icebaby).
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

04/30/2010 03:27 AM (UTC)
What video game mag is it that always got an exclusive on new MK's? Some one should contact them and let them know that new info is in demand and they can make $$$
Adam Ronin
04/30/2010 03:32 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
What video game mag is it that always got an exclusive on new MK's? Some one should contact them and let them know that new info is in demand and they can make $$$

Its generally GameInformer, but thats not how these things work my friend haha
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