03/15/2015 07:03 PM (UTC)
You guys do realize leaks happen with just about every AAA title these days right? This is nothing uncommon or strange. 2-4 weeks ahead of the game's release especially, you're going to see just about everything make its way out to the public one way or another.

The game will likely be up on torrent sites anywhere from 3 days to a week before release.

Guys, this isn't a case of someone being a "dumb ass", or trying to just get attention. He has 7,475 followers on twitter, is followed by several developers from NRS, and all the main MK sites. He doesn't need to pull stuff like that for attention or follows etc. He's a respected member of the competitive scene, he wouldn't risk his reputation for a few more follows.

I'm just going to guess that perhaps you guys weren't here for the MK9 release, nor do you closely follow other AAA gaming franchises. Halo, Gears of War...it all leaks. It's not that unreasonable to believe.

Lastly, he only mentioned it, to make sure people who were afraid of spoilers, get off the forums and stay away from social media. Because once it's out there, it's only a matter of time.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter, not going to have a pissing match over something as silly as whether he legitimately saw a leak or not.
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03/15/2015 07:09 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
You guys do realize leaks happen with just about every AAA title these days right? This is nothing uncommon or strange. 2-4 weeks ahead of the game's release especially, you're going to see just about everything make its way out to the public one way or another.

The game will likely be up on torrent sites anywhere from 3 days to a week before release.

Guys, this isn't a case of someone being a "dumb ass", or trying to just get attention. He has 7,475 followers on twitter, is followed by several developers from NRS, and all the main MK sites. He doesn't need to pull stuff like that for attention or follows etc. He's a respected member of the competitive scene, he wouldn't risk his reputation for a few more follows.

I'm just going to guess that perhaps you guys weren't here for the MK9 release, nor do you closely follow other AAA gaming franchises. Halo, Gears of War...it all leaks. It's not that unreasonable to believe.

Lastly, he only mentioned it, to make sure people who were afraid of spoilers, get off the forums and stay away from social media. Because once it's out there, it's only a matter of time.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter, not going to have a pissing match over something as silly as whether he legitimately saw a leak or not.

I'm not denying leaks are ever going to happen. I understand it will happen at some point. What I am denying is that this specific leak has happened. There's no mention of it anywhere and PerfectLegend is the only one reporting it. If he is just simply waring people then I respect the guy for that but something about this just doesn't seem right. I can't put my finger on it but something isn't right with this leak.
03/15/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
swerzy Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
swerzy Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
You know what, you guys are right. Leaks + MK is as far-fetched a notion as unicorns. Rumor confirmed bullshit. Just like that Casting Call. And the roster. All just people wanting attention. MKX will never leak! It's leakproof, I tell ya! Just like the Titanic!

So instead of trying to convince us we're wrong or look at it both ways or even continue the discussion you decide to be a dick about it?

Got ya

I dont need to convince anyone of anything. One way or another leaks are coming. Theres no debate to be had.

There is a debate but you clearly don't want one. That's fine with me.

Lol what exactly is there to debate then?

•Whether PerfectLegend is lyibg about a story leak
•Whether a story leak actually exists
•If it does how can no one find it
•If PerfectLegend is lying why would he

Just a few of things we've all been talking about for the last two pages. If you class none of these as a debate then I just giving give up.

My whole point was that PL is kind of irrelevant. He said he saw a link to a leak. He read it then asked if the guy would delete the link. The actual page is still presumably there, and its NOT that dopey GameFAQs thread.

You can run back through the thread and see my reasons why PL likely isnt lying. Cyborg summed it up pretty well too. But again, thats not my point.

My point is that whether its today, tomorrow, or a week from now, a giant leak is going to happen. The source is irrelevant. With as much hype and attention that MKX has gotten, people are going to try to get those leaks harder than ever. Once the game goes gold, its over. The fact that its PL just means this particular rumor is that much more credible.

And Sharefrock. Dude. Fyi, I dont really care for PL. He comes off as bratty and whiney. That doesnt mean he isnt a reliable source. Not as reliable as 16 bit or maybe REO, but still pretty good. And relax with the immature namecalling. Makes you look like a teenager.
03/15/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
Well Django, he did admit to being 13....
03/15/2015 07:14 PM (UTC)
Hey buddy, Don't call me by my name... Username.

I didn't name call you, I just said that you love PL, Nothing wrong with that. You'll probably believe him if he said that he also played the entire game and that it sucks balls.

It's the same logic, PL doesn't have proof it's just gossip at this point. I hate gossip, It's mostly something girls do :p.

EDIT: Scorpion said it, You pointing it out again and again makes you look like captain obvious :).
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03/15/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
I'll back off on PL but until I see someone other than him reporting the leak I just can't 100% accept it. Apologies to anyone I was hostile to.
03/15/2015 07:20 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
I'll back off on PL but until I see someone other than him reporting the leak I just can't 100% accept it. Apologies to anyone I was hostile to.

Apologies on my part as well. My dumb goofy post wasnt exactly helpful. Haha

Sharefrock. Dude. I believe you called me dumb and a dog? Let's both try to keep it classy.
03/15/2015 07:22 PM (UTC)
Dajo buddy, I didn't call you a dog and I didn't call you dumb. I said that you are protecting PL who is a dumbass, and that's you'll always keep protecting him like a dog.

I didn't say you are one, I said you are like one. Two totally different things :). But look at the bright side, dogs are loyal :D.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

03/15/2015 07:28 PM (UTC)
Alright, time to start packing my bags and slowly leave MKO
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03/15/2015 07:43 PM (UTC)

Why don't you guys believe that gamefaqs leak?

It sounds logical to me. If it's not real, then it's a fake made by an expert in MK story.

Just because Kano told Erron Black he could never be a Black Dragon doesn't mean that he isn't the old forgotten founder of the clan. In fact, that sentence would have a whole new great meaning if this were true
03/15/2015 07:54 PM (UTC)
Let me throw a wrench into this discussion. ????. The game literally launches in twenty-nine days. Why the hell would you want to go off and spoil yourself this close. You'll know everything in a few weeks anyway. It just doesn't make sense to me. Why spoil your experience so close to release?

Whether the leak exists or not, why go search for it? You've waited nine months since the game was announced, you mean to tell me you can't wait another four weeks? Is it really that difficult?

I know when people hacked the mk9 demo and leaked the story (guarantee that's why they're not giving us a demo this time) I was gone from forums. If the leak does turn up, I'm leaving again. I've put $90 into this game, I don't need my experience ruined because a few people had no self control.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

03/15/2015 07:57 PM (UTC)
BecomingDeath13 Wrote:
Let me throw a wrench into this discussion. ????. The game literally launches in twenty-nine days. Why the hell would you want to go off and spoil yourself this close. You'll know everything in a few weeks anyway. It just doesn't make sense to me. Why spoil your experience so close to release?

Whether the leak exists or not, why go search for it? You've waited nine months since the game was announced, you mean to tell me you can't wait another four weeks? Id it really that difficult?

I know when people hacked the mk9 demo and leaked the story (guarantee that's why they're not giving us a demo this time) I was gone from forums. If the leak does turn up, I'm leaving again. I've put $90 into this game, I don't need my experience ruined because a few people had no self control.

Couldn't have said it better
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03/15/2015 08:01 PM (UTC)
BecomingDeath13 Wrote:
Let me throw a wrench into this discussion. ????. The game literally launches in twenty-nine days. Why the hell would you want to go off and spoil yourself this close. You'll know everything in a few weeks anyway. It just doesn't make sense to me. Why spoil your experience so close to release?

Whether the leak exists or not, why go search for it? You've waited nine months since the game was announced, you mean to tell me you can't wait another four weeks? Is it really that difficult?

I know when people hacked the mk9 demo and leaked the story (guarantee that's why they're not giving us a demo this time) I was gone from forums. If the leak does turn up, I'm leaving again. I've put $90 into this game, I don't need my experience ruined because a few people had no self control.

To determine wether the game is worth buying?

there are people who do not take anything on promises.
03/15/2015 08:01 PM (UTC)
BecomingDeath13 Wrote:
Let me throw a wrench into this discussion. ????. The game literally launches in twenty-nine days. Why the hell would you want to go off and spoil yourself this close. You'll know everything in a few weeks anyway. It just doesn't make sense to me. Why spoil your experience so close to release?

Whether the leak exists or not, why go search for it? You've waited nine months since the game was announced, you mean to tell me you can't wait another four weeks? Is it really that difficult?

I know when people hacked the mk9 demo and leaked the story (guarantee that's why they're not giving us a demo this time) I was gone from forums. If the leak does turn up, I'm leaving again. I've put $90 into this game, I don't need my experience ruined because a few people had no self control.

Same for me.
03/15/2015 08:05 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
To determine wether the game is worth buying?

there are people who do not take anything on promises.

Spoiling the roster is one thing...but...

The text of story mode is going to convince you it's worth your money, more so than the hours of gameplay footage?

That just seems a bit odd imo. It's like reading the script of a movie before you decide whether it's good enough to go spend your money on a ticket to see it in theatres.

Or reading the cliff notes of a book before you decide to buy it.

Just odd.
03/15/2015 08:08 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
BecomingDeath13 Wrote:
Let me throw a wrench into this discussion. ????. The game literally launches in twenty-nine days. Why the hell would you want to go off and spoil yourself this close. You'll know everything in a few weeks anyway. It just doesn't make sense to me. Why spoil your experience so close to release?

Whether the leak exists or not, why go search for it? You've waited nine months since the game was announced, you mean to tell me you can't wait another four weeks? Is it really that difficult?

I know when people hacked the mk9 demo and leaked the story (guarantee that's why they're not giving us a demo this time) I was gone from forums. If the leak does turn up, I'm leaving again. I've put $90 into this game, I don't need my experience ruined because a few people had no self control.

To determine wether the game is worth buying?

there are people who do not take anything on promises.

Risk vs reward.
Take the risk get the reward.
Spoil yourself and wind up unimpressed regardless.

I know when Raiden fucked everything up I was so pissed at him, especially when he saved Smoke, then held Smoke back from saving Sub-Zero. Had I known that was gonna happen I'm 99% sure I would have just been........ "meh"
03/15/2015 08:10 PM (UTC)
Love spoilers, bring it on!
03/15/2015 08:20 PM (UTC)
To me I only want to know if my favorites survive the Story Mode, if they survive they have more chances of being in the next one.
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03/15/2015 08:24 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
To determine wether the game is worth buying?

there are people who do not take anything on promises.

Spoiling the roster is one thing...but...

The text of story mode is going to convince you it's worth your money, more so than the hours of gameplay footage?

That just seems a bit odd imo. It's like reading the script of a movie before you decide whether it's good enough to go spend your money on a ticket to see it in theatres.

Or reading the cliff notes of a book before you decide to buy it.

Just odd.

I am literally not bothered in any way by spoilers etc.

Also, I am not interested in the content as much as the method. Okay, I am somewhat interested in the content, but I can get a clear idea of about what to expect. Then I could possibly watch it on the tube.

We are speaking strictly story here. Gameplay etc. is an entirely different thing, but there are people who are not going to buy it if it does not interest them or their favourite is omitted.

Personallz I always play, copy, burn or otherwise try out every game. If it is that good, then I buy it. Because a video game for me would be a considerable investment. And also because I give a middle finger to hype and marketing.

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03/15/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't trust sources from Gamefaqs of all sites. Hell, there's a topic on the MKX message boards bitching about NRS not saying Takeda or Jinsei correctly.

03/15/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
I wouldn't trust sources from Gamefaqs of all sites. Hell, there's a topic on the MKX message boards bitching about NRS not saying Takeda or Jinsei correctly.


The Jin say, you mean.
03/15/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
Apperently frost is in.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

03/15/2015 08:43 PM (UTC)
How exactly are some of you guys drawing inferences from this?

I see folks on twitter doing the same thing "Apparently so and so is in..." Or whatever.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

03/15/2015 08:58 PM (UTC)
Cordova21 Wrote:
Apperently frost is in.

That's what I've been hearing
03/15/2015 09:01 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Cordova21 Wrote:
Apperently frost is in.

That's what I've been hearing

If they're basing it off the gfaq post they're nuts.
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