Anything specific you want to see in the next MK game?
posted09/13/2009 04:29 PM (UTC)by
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XBL: kabal31082, PSN: Kabal31082
Nintendo Id: kabal82, 3ds friend code: 2595-3252-2624

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04/07/2003 01:13 AM (UTC)
I ussually stick to the general forum, but got to thinking about the next MK game. After seeing GI Joe the other day I decided to go back to MK Armagedon, and make Storm Shadow in the kreate-a-kharacter. So I'm hoping they bring back the kreate-a-kharacter feature. It's a shame it wasn't included in MK vs DCU. It'd be nice to see the kreated kharacters in HD too.

So what other features are you hoping for?
08/13/2009 07:31 PM (UTC)
kak suck it would be a waste of time 2 put kak in the next mk game. i think they should use the speed of the game n mk3 the run button 2 speed the gameplay up a little bit. all the sound effect in mk3 are very good i'm saying if they use some of mk3 concepts on the next gen system that will b a step in the right direction if u ask me. just go 2 youtube and pull up mk3 gameplay then tell me what u think because in my opinion that is one of the best mk games they ever made.....btw mk vs dc was a big big let down 4 me this the first time i ever stopped playing a mk game this soon after a few month i'm really not interested in it no more and i been playing mk since mk1 what ever the case i really hope i don't b let down this time around
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XBL: kabal31082, PSN: Kabal31082
Nintendo Id: kabal82, 3ds friend code: 2595-3252-2624

08/14/2009 01:24 AM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
kak suck it would be a waste of time 2 put kak in the next mk game. i think they should use the speed of the game n mk3 the run button 2 speed the gameplay up a little bit. all the sound effect in mk3 are very good i'm saying if they use some of mk3 concepts on the next gen system that will b a step in the right direction if u ask me. just go 2 youtube and pull up mk3 gameplay then tell me what u think because in my opinion that is one of the best mk games they ever made.....btw mk vs dc was a big big let down 4 me this the first time i ever stopped playing a mk game this soon after a few month i'm really not interested in it no more and i been playing mk since mk1 what ever the case i really hope i don't b let down this time around

I know it is. It's my favorrite game in the whole series. MK vs DCU would have been similar had they not given the moves such a smaller frame of input IMO. They tweek that and the game should be fine.

But as far as features they should put KAK in the next. I tjust seems like of a waste of them to develop a feature, and then leave it on in the next installment. Kind of like the Virtua Fighter series.
08/14/2009 01:27 AM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
kak suck it would be a waste of time 2 put kak in the next mk game. i think they should use the speed of the game n mk3 the run button 2 speed the gameplay up a little bit. all the sound effect in mk3 are very good i'm saying if they use some of mk3 concepts on the next gen system that will b a step in the right direction if u ask me. just go 2 youtube and pull up mk3 gameplay then tell me what u think because in my opinion that is one of the best mk games they ever made.....btw mk vs dc was a big big let down 4 me this the first time i ever stopped playing a mk game this soon after a few month i'm really not interested in it no more and i been playing mk since mk1 what ever the case i really hope i don't b let down this time around

Is it really that hard to type grammatically correct?
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08/14/2009 01:37 AM (UTC)
: Story Mode
: Kreate-a-Kharacter

Hopefully, they put those together though. So we can take our KAK through a story mode, and develop them that way. I want this if they can do it.

The rest is really online games for replay value, and inter-connectivity between off and online. If they use minigames again, I think they should put them online, and expand them into team based things.

: 4vs4 or like 8vs8 max in arcade mode online - Everyone picks their own character, two people fight at a time, but just like MK3-T when one of our bars expires, we blow up, and the next guy on my 2, 3, or 4-man team jumps in.
(KAK allowed) If it's just 2 individuals playing, limit it to 2vs2 selectable characters by one player.

: Tournament Mode: Not really a fan, but I do like to play this sometimes. And I know the gamepley gurus would love it for ranking purposes and bragging rights. (KAK not allowed, or segregated to their own tournaments...too many problems last time even though I enjoyed it.)

: Test Your Might, Scavenger Hunt (survival mode/endurance mode), Kill or be Killed, Last Man Standing, ect.. - Think WoW or CoD's online "Take the Flag" game. But fatalities, mercy's, aggressor and so on are things you and your team can do, and means individual and team points or currency.

Test Your Might or Scavenger Hunt, could be little team based missions to obtain an object vs another clan of players. Again, all the alities and so on are things you can do to your opposing team, and get points for. If your team wins, they get a set bonus for winning and being on your team. In addition to how many fatalities you did, mercys you did...ect. There should also be an additional bonus if you're the individual who finds the item.

Kill or be killed or Last man standing are basically a seek and destroy idea. Kill or be Killed is a team effort, Last man Standing is individual. A set number of kills, a time limit, or both determines who wins.

We would play these sorts of things over and over and over again.


Anyway, I don't see why much of the game even has to be on the disc anymore.The fun is in playing other real people so, the disc should just be the hub that holds the access information to online. We'd be buying a "key" for 60-70$ essentially.

I'd put an arcade mode, practice mode, the main roster, the KAK stuff, the Konquest Mode, a "Dojo" (content area), and probably Settings on the disc. Obviously, the base of the games "stuff" should be on the disc, but not having every-little-thing on the disc would make KAK and Konquest bigger and better.
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08/14/2009 01:31 PM (UTC)
I wanna see Brutality in the middle of the round.Similar to the Super Moves in SF or something like that:
08/14/2009 02:17 PM (UTC)
New Tarkatans, Shokans, Centaurs and other monsters please.

Ok I know its not realistic but christ we have only had one "real" tarkatan for over a decade now. Surely there is some other guy out there with half a brain? Or girl, which would be... interesting.
08/14/2009 06:54 PM (UTC)
A resolution to the One Being storyline.
08/14/2009 09:31 PM (UTC)
I want to see it completely revamped. No returning characters just a continuing storyline.
08/14/2009 10:24 PM (UTC)
I would like the kak mode to come back, 30%more features (double and the main game would suffer) and the ability to pick between 14-20 pre-animated fatalities so that we never live the fatality system of MKA ever again.

If there is a content area for all the extras (which i would enjoy taking the time to unlock, especially sound track, good concept art, ect) just call it Kontent on the menu... no silly little place i have to go... just a well made menu would work for me. I feel that if the animation going to the menu and the all the work they put into that (aka MKDA, MKD, MKA) takes up time and memory... it would be better used elsewhere (the main game).

I would like to see the return of a 2-D mortal kombat, but a similar way like street fighter 4. therefore they can recreate the Pit stage and it would be visually stunning. i loved the effect they gave it in MK 2... imagine that done well with what they can do today in motion capture and camera control. You still have the ability to give the stages alot of debth in the 2-D formate, look at Blaz-Blue and Street Fighter 4.

Speaking of Blaz-Blue, and as in Guilty Gear, the dash mechanic in that game would help bring the speed of fighting up in mortal kombat with being able to keep all of the same mechanics found in MK vs. DC (minus 100%combo's, close combat, free fall...sence its 2-D there would be the pit) and trully help make the game feel fresh. Also less need for amost every fighter having a teleport.

Greatly improve the "winner" poses... or angles... they just seem so generic. I loved the winning poses in mk2-U3. Jade spinning her staff (UMK3), kitana's fan bow(mk2), johnny cage glasses, shang tsung (mk3) Raiden (MK2)... good animation. Just camera straight at the winner, no odd angles... no zoom in. Its fast, flashy, and on to the next.

As i said before, new announcer.... sorry Herman. Loved ya in your prime, but i want someone elst to tell me to finish him/her... and a new voice saying fatality. Its the small things sometimes that make a game feel new, and this is one of them.

Here's hoping for a successful reboot of the MK franchise
08/14/2009 10:57 PM (UTC)
predator 151 i must say your ideas is perfect i'm not a big kak fan but all of your other ideas that would make mk a big big hit that would b 2 good 2 b true if they can do something like that i would never stop playing it if they had ur ideas and good gameplay without all the infinite it would b a win win situation........
08/14/2009 11:07 PM (UTC)
bout mk vs dc i just don't like what they did with the control buttons the grab button then with have 2 use the analog stick 2 move around the board the suck really really bad when u throw a person when they get up they automatically side step when they get up. those are the things that i don't like bout mk vs dc ol yeah those damn infinites. besides that i quess the gameplay was fairly decent.
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The enemy of my enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

08/15/2009 07:10 AM (UTC)
This player's been waiting for 2 vs 2 since MK4, as well as a story mode similar to other fighters (where you follow the character's particular story and face certain opponents)
08/17/2009 05:14 PM (UTC)
massive interactivity with arena's and other locations that appear in the game. new cast of characters. revamped counter systom. better graphics and smooth gameplay. new story.

that's what i want for the future of mk.
About Me

XBL: kabal31082, PSN: Kabal31082
Nintendo Id: kabal82, 3ds friend code: 2595-3252-2624

08/18/2009 03:51 AM (UTC)
I also would prefer the development team passed on the side features as it seems to take away from developing the main game (ie no puzzle kombat, or konquest mode). The reason games like Soul Calibur are able to put those kinds of modes in is because their main game is pretty much done (it was done when it was released in the arcades). All their doing is porting it to console, and maybe tweaking it. They have the leeway to add new features. Where as the MK team seems to be developing the game from the ground up with each game, as they don't have the luxury of releasing the game in the arcades, and fixing the problems later.

I also want the development team to stick to solid ideas for gameplay mechanics, and not try and be so innovative, or trying new things just for the sake of trying them. The close combat feature in MK vs DCU just seems really gimmicky, and slowed down the pace of a fight. Cinching is for ****** in boxing so why add it to a sci-fi fighting game that was better known for it's speed?
08/21/2009 12:25 AM (UTC)
I must say that I am all for KAK again in MK9. There are many haters that are against it for some reason but I think that its one thing that the MK team needs to focus on. As I stated in a previous thread about predator151's idea to use KAK and mix it with konquest....I would not care for it unless I could use the created characters in other modes as well. So I guess my answer to your question is the KAK feature at the top of my list. Second on my list would be custom arena options in character select. When I say custom arena options I mean something on the lines of having on and off choices for things like death traps,ring outs,time limits,game speed,blocking,weather effects,strobe effects,maybe even arena lighting color choosing or on ground weapon selections. I think it would be fun to try and fight in a strobe light trippy.
08/21/2009 06:24 PM (UTC)
kak should not b on top of ur list it should b gameplay kak just don't fit n mk games imo because n mka the kak was u just like infinites 2 me that takes the fun out of the game because u never know the move set of the kak that u r playing against then imagine playing online it would b like playing somebody new every time not knowing what move comes next at least after awhile u learn the regular players standard move set
08/22/2009 01:51 AM (UTC)
That is your reason why you don't want can't determine there moves hahaha! Dude seriously,that is the point. I understand what you mean about people making cheap characters but if you have skill it should not matter. If you were in an actual fight...would you seriously know every move your opponent is going to make? I myself get to the point where I don't bother with playing online at times because I get annoyed that I can't beat someone lol...but that does not mean I dislike the KAK feature. No offence to you but to me it just sounds like you are being a soar loser.
08/22/2009 08:49 AM (UTC)
Character edit would be nice.
08/23/2009 03:33 PM (UTC)
Character edit would be ok but it would have to be pre-set choices I think. I could not imagine seeing a red sub zero or even scorpion wearing sub zeros attire lol....but it would be cool if they had it so that you could customize the costume from previous game styles. An example...reptile with lizard form and no mask wearing MK1 costume with a tail hanging...some color changes would work but not main colors that made the character unique. If color changes are used than I could see maybe a darker form of the original and maybe invert for black and white. I'm not sure if that is what you meant by character edit but that is how I would do it.
08/23/2009 06:19 PM (UTC)
actually i'm a pretty good mk player i beat kaks all the time i just think it just take away from the fun in the game when people make them cheap ass characters because most people who uses kaks really don't have no skillz anyway that's y they use kak.... then when they use regular character they r garbage
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08/23/2009 09:45 PM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
actually i'm a pretty good mk player i beat kaks all the time i just think i just take away the fun in the game when people make them cheap ass characters because must people who uses kaks really don't have no skillz anyway that's y they use kak.... then when the use regular character they garbage

I am tempted to use this argument on your atrocious grammar. Not all of us here speak English as a native language, so do the courtesy of typing coherently.

Forget KaK, make character customization relevant. Perhaps by implementing different new clothing elements to a character, you could manipulate his damage resistance or something else.

This way online would be interesting, because my Scorpion could still be different from yours. Adapt it to your own style. Of course, there would still be overall better configurations, but that is expected anyways, just as there are overall more efficient characters.

Of course this could be circumvented by choice, wether you want to have the customization as a factor or not. Turn it off, and everyone gets the same. Online (KAK or non-KAK) could be the same, custom matching or non-custom matching.

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08/24/2009 04:08 AM (UTC)
Kabal20 Wrote:
I also would prefer the development team passed on the side features as it seems to take away from developing the main game (ie no puzzle kombat, or konquest mode). The reason games like Soul Calibur are able to put those kinds of modes in is because their main game is pretty much done (it was done when it was released in the arcades). All their doing is porting it to console, and maybe tweaking it. They have the leeway to add new features. Where as the MK team seems to be developing the game from the ground up with each game, as they don't have the luxury of releasing the game in the arcades, and fixing the problems later.

Yea, but the issue is MK is motivated by story. There's always been an elaborate reasoning behind why the fighting starts and ends. So, it's more about the method of delivering that story. Thus far, Konquest mode as been the best vehicle for driving that element of MK home. Not Mythologies, or Shaolin Monks has done as well.

But that's the main reason for keeping it. The way I see it, MK always has to have an arcade mode...always. Because there's always been an arcade mode. On the flip side though, the story element has always been a big part of why a game even happens, so it was a logical step in the right direction when they added it, and therefor should be kept around and improved on. Just like the arcade mode and all its intricacies.

I see them as two necessities that improve the games overall value. To ignore the story element like that, and thus, neglect to have something like a Konquest mode, would essentially mean ignoring everything except for stuff like the spear.

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Bring Jade, kitana & Mileena back!

09/13/2009 07:32 AM (UTC)
I want to see something like, drawn-out fatalites.
More gore, maybe a little dialouge, and more original.
09/13/2009 04:29 PM (UTC)
^^drawn out with dialogue and stuff? Do you mean like an FMV fatality?
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