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06/04/2014 06:04 PM (UTC)
I know that Drahmin is one of his least favorites, but if I recall, I remember Boon saying that he doubted we would ever see Sheeva again and she was back in MK9.
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06/04/2014 06:08 PM (UTC)
Fair enough, bro, I was just trying to get the discussion rolling .smile

That said, I hope they won't just forget about Argus and his family. They might not have been the most interesting bunch of characters, but they're kind of important in the context of the current happenings.
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06/04/2014 06:11 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
I know that Drahmin is one of his least favorites, but if I recall, I remember Boon saying that he doubted we would ever see Sheeva again and she was back in MK9.

That's totally different though. MK9 was all about bringing back the characters from the first 3 games. Of course she was back, it was necessary for her to be present. If MK9 didn't have that restriction I'd bet money she wouldn't have returned.
Keith Wrote:
I think Drahmin is one of the most underrated characters in the series. Sure he was slow and clunky but hey, it was Deadly Alliance - everyone was. He looked like he belonged on a heavy metal album cover from the 80s - perfect for MK.

I think he was the best 'new' character design. Mavado looked cool at first, then ended up looking bland in game. Nothing special. Bo Rai Cho has a following, but I thought he was awful, he could have an awesome redesign. Frost could work but not with Sub-Zero also in the game. It could be like Batman and Batgirl from Injustice. They felt very different to play as. I have faith hey can even make MK4's new characters look better. Everyone in that looked so dumb I almost hope they don't even put them in. Reiko could work, he wasn't so bad.
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06/04/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Frost could work but not with Sub-Zero also in the game. It could be like Batman and Batgirl from Injustice. They felt very different to play as.

Why would you say Frost and Sub-Zero in the same game wouldn't work and then point out evidence that supports the exact opposite?

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06/04/2014 06:18 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
I know that Drahmin is one of his least favorites, but if I recall, I remember Boon saying that he doubted we would ever see Sheeva again and she was back in MK9.

That's totally different though. MK9 was all about bringing back the characters from the first 3 games. Of course she was back, it was necessary for her to be present. If MK9 didn't have that restriction I'd bet money she wouldn't have returned.

True, but if it wasn't for DLC, Rain wouldn't have been there. Also the fact that they brought in characters post-MK3 (of course I understand why they did this though) .

I understand that this isn't going to be a MK4-MKD rehash like MK9 was of MK1-3, but I still think that some post MK3 characters deserve a second chance. Not many, but a handful of them. Though I doubt we'll see most of them ever again.
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06/04/2014 06:21 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
Post MK3 characters deserve a second chance. Not many, but a handful of them.

I'd say all of them do.

I mean, I wouldn't mind sacrificing Hsu Hao or Jarek or whatever, but I think we've already established that given enough time, NRS could salvage any character and make them into a fucking badass. Stryker is a proof of that. I look forward to seeing what they'll do with the rest.

Actually, with Stryker and Aquaman, it seems like they enjoy the challenge of taking crappy joke characters and reimagining them as huge badasses.
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06/04/2014 06:23 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
Post MK3 characters deserve a second chance. Not many, but a handful of them.

I'd say all of them do.

I mean, I wouldn't mind sacrificing Hsu Hao or Jarek or whatever, but I think we've already established that given enough time, NRS could salvage any character and make them into a fucking badass. Stryker is a proof of that. I look forward to seeing what they'll do with the rest.

And Stryker is a reason I'd love another shot at getting Drahmin right. I think they'd do better the second time around.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/04/2014 06:25 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
I know that Drahmin is one of his least favorites, but if I recall, I remember Boon saying that he doubted we would ever see Sheeva again and she was back in MK9.

That's totally different though. MK9 was all about bringing back the characters from the first 3 games. Of course she was back, it was necessary for her to be present. If MK9 didn't have that restriction I'd bet money she wouldn't have returned.

True, but if it wasn't for DLC, Rain wouldn't have been there. Also the fact that they brought in characters post-MK3 (of course I understand why they did this though) .

I understand that this isn't going to be a MK4-MKD rehash like MK9 was of MK1-3, but I still think that some post MK3 characters deserve a second chance. Not many, but a handful of them. Though I doubt we'll see most of them ever again.

I'm with you 110%. I really am pushing for MK4-MKD characters to appear as well! But the MK team seems to despise most of them and not give a crap about the rest, at least that's what I sense. At the end of the day I'm just a nerd sitting behind my keyboard in my jammies, so what do I know? That said I'm praying that the final cast is close to well balanced. Meaning, I want a good mixture of MK9 alums, MK4-MKD vets, and original new characters. That would be perfect for me. I'd be angry if we end up with only two or three MK4-MKD characters out of a roster of 25-30. Especially when there's several GOOD MK4-MKD characters.
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06/04/2014 06:26 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
I know that Drahmin is one of his least favorites, but if I recall, I remember Boon saying that he doubted we would ever see Sheeva again and she was back in MK9.

That's totally different though. MK9 was all about bringing back the characters from the first 3 games. Of course she was back, it was necessary for her to be present. If MK9 didn't have that restriction I'd bet money she wouldn't have returned.

True, but if it wasn't for DLC, Rain wouldn't have been there. Also the fact that they brought in characters post-MK3 (of course I understand why they did this though) .

I understand that this isn't going to be a MK4-MKD rehash like MK9 was of MK1-3, but I still think that some post MK3 characters deserve a second chance. Not many, but a handful of them. Though I doubt we'll see most of them ever again.

I'm with you 110%. I really am pushing for MK4-MKD characters to appear as well! But the MK team seems to despise most of them and not give a crap about the rest, at least that's what I sense. At the end of the day I'm just a nerd sitting behind my keyboard in my jammies, so what do I know? That said I'm praying that the final cast is close to well balance. Meaning, I want a good mixture of MK9 alums, MK4-MKD vets, and original new characters. That would be perfect for me. I'd be angry if we end up with only two or three MK4-MKD characters out of cast of 25-30.

06/04/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
Do not you think Drahmin Moloch and works best as Sub-Bosses Goro and Kintaro as in MK9 than as playable characters?

I think Drahmin, Moloch and Tag Team Quan Chi-Kia-Jataaka (although Quan Chi existed as separate playable too) would give a great collection of heads along the Shinnok.
06/04/2014 06:58 PM (UTC)
I would love to see Drahmin return!
With a little touch up to his design and fighting style he could easily be one of my most played characters in MKX.
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06/04/2014 07:19 PM (UTC)
Drahmin has one of the most interesting back stories and a rotting corpse with a crazy mask is 100% Mortal Kombat material. They could easily give him a more interesting outfit than just a speedo, and that mask is cool enough by itself. People keep bringing up how his gameplay sucked in MKDA, but so what? MKX is going to be lightyears ahead of that game in that aspect anyway. I'd much rather Drahmin than a stupid Jarek or Tanya.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/04/2014 07:26 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
Drahmin has one of the most interesting back stories and a rotting corpse with a crazy mask is 100% Mortal Kombat material. They could easily give him a more interesting outfit than just a speedo, and that mask is cool enough by itself. People keep bringing up how his gameplay sucked in MKDA, but so what? MKX is going to be lightyears ahead of that game in that aspect anyway. I'd much rather Drahmin than a stupid Jarek or Tanya.

I hate when people bring up gameplay from a game that was release TWELEVE years ago as reasons for why a character shouldn't return. Absolutely silly.

And please, leave poor Tanya out of this.tongue
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06/04/2014 07:38 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
To his people - a benevolent, noble ruler who made sure that his domain remained free and peaceful.
To the foreign invaders - a batshit insane sadistic psycho.

Again, people would NOTICE if Edenia wasn't a paradise to outsiders.

Tepes put fucking heads on pikes outside his castle. That's not the god damned Garden of Eden.

Which was the correct, supported way of justice back then.

Not to mention that Vlad is a national hero in Romania. As in HERO of INDEPENDENCE FROM TURKS. And since we had a 150 year long occupation by the Ottoman Empire, yeah... that stuck. The guy is pretty much a son of the independent nation.

Time goes by, and we are dealing with people who live centuries. Jerrod MAY have been heavy handed and STILL be considered fair, benevolent. Just like Dracula was. Who was -by the way- PAPAL sanction and support.

However, MK so far offers no such clue as to what and how Jerrod was.

06/04/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
[quote]Drahmin has one of the most interesting back stories and a rotting corpse with a crazy mask is 100% Mortal Kombat material[/quote]

Don't forget the knife still stuck in his back from when he was murdered 1000 years ago or whatever, he does have a cool backstory all around!
06/04/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
It still baffles me that people constantly bring up the Ball-o-flies, but no one ever mentions Meat's head roll.

Next to Cyrax, Drahmin is my second favorite MK of all time. I still remember walking into Walmart at the age of 12 and seeing Drahmin's backstory in the strategy guide.....been hooked ever since.

I mean the ball has always been in NRS's court, but they capitalize on it.
06/04/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
It still baffles me that people constantly bring up the Ball-o-flies, but no one ever mentions Meat's head roll.

Meat's head doesn't make a constant obnoxious buzzing sound all match long.

And he's supposed to be a joke. Drahmin is serious business.
Mojo6 Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Frost could work but not with Sub-Zero also in the game. It could be like Batman and Batgirl from Injustice. They felt very different to play as.

Why would you say Frost and Sub-Zero in the same game wouldn't work and then point out evidence that supports the exact opposite?

Because she sucked in MKDA. She's a frost female, it's a waste of space. Unless they can really make her different. It's easier with DC characters since they're been around for decades. Frost was made out of laziness in character design. Nearly ever new character I see in MK is a boring 10 minute idea. Also I said "could work", but since Sub is in why have two ice characters? UNLESS they made he extremely different, then I compare the Batman and Batgirl characters. I'm not saying I want her in, if they make her different then whatever. I really don't want her in though. I see a 5% chance of her involvement.
06/04/2014 07:59 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
It still baffles me that people constantly bring up the Ball-o-flies, but no one ever mentions Meat's head roll.

Meat's head doesn't make a constant obnoxious buzzing sound all match long.

And he's supposed to be a joke. Drahmin is serious business.

I mean I get why people dislike, but it never really bothered me.

To each their own I guess.
06/04/2014 08:03 PM (UTC)
Drahmin should get another shot. Base his design off of his alternate like Razor suggests. Drop the annoying flies, make him one of the more brutal characters.

I'm in the minority I suppose though as I liked most of the stories of the new comers Dead Alliance introduced. Only Mavado stood out to me as both poor gameplay, design, and story wise. There gameplay then is almost completely irrelevant now that we're back to 2D gameplay. While some can carry over, much will have to be new and unique.
06/04/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
My ideas regarding sub-bosses in another thread:

I want them to make Drahmin as sub-boss. Storywise,since Drahmin is the Oni Tormentor throughout MKDA-MK Armageddon,I would like Shinnok to buff him up with magic or some shit,so he would be MK's version of Bane (maybe not as smart,but his background in Deadly Alliance stated that he was a warlord,so it would be interesting to maybe make Shinnok restore that part of him a bit to give him SOME sanity,since he needs his mask to stop savagely killing everyone around him as hinted before).

And I would LOVE Sareena to be in this game. As you guys remember Shinnok imprisoned and tortured her after MK Myhologies (and we know those events happened in this timeline as well,Raiden hinted at them to Cyrax in MK9 when Bi-Han died),so it would totally make sense to make Drahmin her tormentor all these years. She would be perfect character to fuck up the plans for bad guys from inside,like to free Kuai Liang from Quan Chi's control since she had a brief history with his brother (maybe a little help from Scorpion since if spectre found out the truth about his clan and family and would want to come back at Quan Chi but since he is not that powerful to take powered up Quan Chi he would need Subbie's help even though he hates to admit it? See what I did there lol?)

So anyways,Sareena could be the one to take sub-boss Drahmin in this game's Story Mode and solidify her place in MK lore once and for all. She has motivation to fuck over both Quan Chi and Shinnok and become this complex hero that is tied to one of the mascots (Sub-Zero) and has her demon side to deal with (kinda like female Wolverine,who struggles with his berserk rage often).

Basically,Quan Chi is Shinnok's archsorcerer and potential subboss, Drahmin is his main muscle and bodyguard,also a subboss, and Brotherhood of Shadows members are his spies and best warriors against Elder Gods and Forces of Light.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/04/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
Even though I'm definitely not a Drahmin fan I'm kind of digging the whole sub-boss idea that others are proposing. Moloch and Drahmin are a couple of nasty oni and they should be depicted as much. On the other hand I know that it would probably be disappointing for those wanting to play as Drahmin...

Bottom line though if they can make Drahmin interesting and there is a reason and precedent than why not bring him back? Do it.
06/04/2014 08:20 PM (UTC)
If Drahmin deserves a second chance, so does Frost, Jarek, Kai, Tanya, Reiko, Moloch ect, ect, ect. This is Netherrealm Studios, a studio that actually cares about the product they're making. There have been a lot of shit characters in the MKuniverse. Lots of them have gotten the short straw because of either time-restraints or laziness. If done right, a lot of these characters can be done well and become a lot of people's favorites. I get a little bit annoyed when people judge a character based on their appearance in a game released over 10 years ago that was made by different people who were part of a different studio. These characters all deserve second chances just like how the Mortal Kombat franchise itself got a second chance.
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06/04/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't be upset if Drahmin made it in the game as a sub-boss. Only issue with that would be that the sub-bosses in MK have been typically big, hulking creatures. If they changed up Drahmin's look that much to make him fit the theme of a sub-boss, might as well just make it a different character all together.

For the record, think most, if not all characters from MK4 will get another go around. Those characters have fan bases. Most characters from Deadly Alliance on only have fans here and there, except for a few characters.

Drahmin is not one of those characters that seem to have a big fanbase. Although I'm surprised by this thread by the number of people willing to give him a second chance and by the number of people who like him. I thought Drahmin would fall in the same category as Hsu Hao and Darrius.
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