12/07/2014 08:14 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
This is lame as fuck. I'm bored out of my mind. There's nothing to talk about.

I feel like some of you don't even deserve a trailer reveal with the amount of bitching and complaining you guys do.

haha! Does Boon know you're patrolling the forums getting all pissy and personally offended whenever somebody expresses disappointment at the lack of reveals? How drama craving do you have to be to get offended on behalf of somebody else? Especially when that somebody else doesn't give a flying fuck about what people on this site think about the lack of reveals. You've gotta just be busting at the seams with PMS. Get off your fucking high horse and stop pretending you're not less than excited at the lack of info being released.
12/07/2014 09:57 AM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
This is lame as fuck. I'm bored out of my mind. There's nothing to talk about.

I feel like some of you don't even deserve a trailer reveal with the amount of bitching and complaining you guys do.

haha! Does Boon know you're patrolling the forums getting all pissy and personally offended whenever somebody expresses disappointment at the lack of reveals? How drama craving do you have to be to get offended on behalf of somebody else? Especially when that somebody else doesn't give a flying fuck about what people on this site think about the lack of reveals. You've gotta just be busting at the seams with PMS. Get off your fucking high horse and stop pretending you're not less than excited at the lack of info being released.


That's pretty much what your dumb ass just said. I'm not getting offended on behalf of anyone, I was annoyed at seeing 8 different threads of impatient people complaining about not getting enough trailers and character reveals. I'm not the only one on this forum who feels this way.

So next time you want to talk shit to me, just send me a PM because no one wants to read your bullshit rant.
12/07/2014 10:44 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
This is lame as fuck. I'm bored out of my mind. There's nothing to talk about.

I feel like some of you don't even deserve a trailer reveal with the amount of bitching and complaining you guys do.

haha! Does Boon know you're patrolling the forums getting all pissy and personally offended whenever somebody expresses disappointment at the lack of reveals? How drama craving do you have to be to get offended on behalf of somebody else? Especially when that somebody else doesn't give a flying fuck about what people on this site think about the lack of reveals. You've gotta just be busting at the seams with PMS. Get off your fucking high horse and stop pretending you're not less than excited at the lack of info being released.


That's pretty much what your dumb ass just said. I'm not getting offended on behalf of anyone, I was annoyed at seeing 8 different threads of impatient people complaining about not getting enough trailers and character reveals. I'm not the only one on this forum who feels this way.

So next time you want to talk shit to me, just send me a PM because no one wants to read your bullshit rant.

Speaking of bullshit rant...
12/07/2014 10:57 AM (UTC)
Speaking of bullshit rant...

Well damn I had to respond, he was putting me on blast.
12/07/2014 11:50 AM (UTC)
i dont' really care about the lack of info. it just means there will be more surprises for me when the game is released :)

Seriously? What are you guys, twelve? That's such a silly reason to want information to be withheld.
12/07/2014 01:55 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:

Seriously? What are you guys, twelve? That's such a silly reason to want information to be withheld.

So... do you like having an entire movie spoiled to you months before you see it? Is it so bad I want to experience something without having every single detailed spoiled to me?
12/07/2014 04:33 PM (UTC)
We aren't asking for the entire game to be spoiled for us. We want a new reveal. Just one new thing, that's it.
12/07/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
This is lame as fuck. I'm bored out of my mind. There's nothing to talk about.

I feel like some of you don't even deserve a trailer reveal with the amount of bitching and complaining you guys do.

haha! Does Boon know you're patrolling the forums getting all pissy and personally offended whenever somebody expresses disappointment at the lack of reveals? How drama craving do you have to be to get offended on behalf of somebody else? Especially when that somebody else doesn't give a flying fuck about what people on this site think about the lack of reveals. You've gotta just be busting at the seams with PMS. Get off your fucking high horse and stop pretending you're not less than excited at the lack of info being released.


That's pretty much what your dumb ass just said. I'm not getting offended on behalf of anyone, I was annoyed at seeing 8 different threads of impatient people complaining about not getting enough trailers and character reveals. I'm not the only one on this forum who feels this way.

So next time you want to talk shit to me, just send me a PM because no one wants to read your bullshit rant.

Tbh Spaceman is kinda right. Yes people are whining at the lack of new info released but honestly all I've seen you do here is complain about people who complain lol. You're basically doing the same thing. The only difference is that it makes you look bad coz, I mean who gaf about what people say on a MK forum? Everybody expresses their opinion, let them. Why do you even care?

I am personally not that annoyed at the lack of info. I have a busy schedule to keep my mind of until the game comes out. It's just really disappointing so I can get where people are coming from.
12/07/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:

Seriously? What are you guys, twelve? That's such a silly reason to want information to be withheld.

wow, whats with the rudeness?

i don't see a reason to attack others like that.

as for the lack of information. Its not like i "want it withheld" but my feelings on it are "it is what it is". its not a big deal to me. jeez....

i think a mod should do something about the the people in this thread.
12/07/2014 07:32 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Speaking of bullshit rant...

Well damn I had to respond, he was putting me on blast.

No you didn't HAVE to respond, "Razor."
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:

Seriously? What are you guys, twelve? That's such a silly reason to want information to be withheld.

So... do you like having an entire movie spoiled to you months before you see it? Is it so bad I want to experience something without having every single detailed spoiled to me?

When I want to see a movie and not get spoiled I ignore everything about the movie. Clips, previews, Forums talking about the movie hell forums ABOUT the movie. This is why it mystifies me, you don't have to follow up on news at all but you still come here and post about the stuff released like the rest of us. As the months roll by you will get spoiled. If not leaks, achievement spoilers, more reveals or what have you..users who can't into spoiler tags will ruin it for you. So the ideal solution is instead of avoiding the game/forums..hope NRS doesn't reveal anything? That's silly.

I'm sorry if you guys take that personally but a few comments by some seem to imply we're ungrateful for wanting to know more about the game we want to buy. I'm saving up for a ps4 just to buy the game and maybe preorder so hell yeah I want to know more. This isn't some cinematic experience or single player game that can be spoiled in the first place this is a fighting game so reveal as much as possible within the timeframe.

As for mods they can do what they wish.
About Me
12/08/2014 03:00 AM (UTC)
It's not about spoiling at all. It's about having more to find out when you actually play the game. Like back in MKDA/MKD when you had to unlock characters (and before I had internet), it was cool to get the rest of the roster myself. I liked the mystery of who I'd be unlocking next. If they reveal everybody before the release then obviously that won't happen. That's just an example.

I'm fine with whatever they reveal, it's NRS's decision and obviously they wouldn't reveal anything that would really spoil anything. That's just my reasoning behind why I don't need them to reveal much. But I'll check the news regardless.
12/08/2014 07:42 AM (UTC)
Some people like to know what the majority of a game holds for them, it helps build the hype. I personally know a few people like that who like to know what they're getting into before getting into it. Some people also like to be spoiled, they like knowing what to expect. Others don't, others like the surprise. In the end, either is fine.

All this constant bickering and shitty/snide attitudes over wanting stuff revealed and not is completely pointless because at the end of the day, if stuff is revealed, you don't have to look at it. If it isn't revealed, you're allowed to want it. It's personal preference and it doesn't deserve arguing about like a bunch of mindless idiots.

What we can say for certain is WB could be doing a hell of a better job keeping this game in the public's eye but for the past two months, they have not. I myself prefer a constant stream of nuggets to tease and bait me into following the game, I don't exactly like being bombarded with news a month or two ahead of a release date, it's just way too much and stuff gets lost in the flood.
12/09/2014 05:33 PM (UTC)
Why do you think i've been gone so long
12/18/2014 03:21 PM (UTC)
I can't wait for Christmas because I'll be getting my brother-in-law's PS2 and hopefully him and my sis got me either MKDA or MKD. So, if I do get either, I won't be so bored and will be distracted from the wait of MKX.

NS922 Wrote:
I'm fine with whatever they reveal, it's NRS's decision.

It's WB decision as to when the reveals take place, because they are taking caution so the game won't get leaked, like what happened with MK9.
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