Any one else bored?
posted12/18/2014 03:21 PM (UTC)by
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03/12/2004 07:59 PM (UTC)
Don't flame me... I love MK as much as all of you... but I'm bored with the little bit of info they are giving us. How long has it been since we had a character reveal? I don't normally come here to complain.. but wow the lack of interesting news is starting to get to me.. I'm sorry, the intro dialogues, while interesting at first, aren't enough... This isn't J.J Abram's mystery box.. its MK.. and it comes out in 5 months.. How about a little more info/reveals to start building more and more excitement!?

Anyway I know some of you are happy with whats revealed and don't want tons of info before the game is released... Im just voicing my opinion. Any one agree with me?
12/02/2014 09:44 PM (UTC)
I just want an Ermac reveal. Then they can keep everything else a secret until the day I pop the disk into my console.
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12/02/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
Haha I'd love a Smoke reveal! But at this point I'd take any character, Just to get an idea of the characters dynamic and variety.
12/02/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Don't flame me... I love MK as much as all of you... but I'm bored with the little bit of info they are giving us. How long has it been since we had a character reveal? I don't normally come here to complain.. but wow the lack of interesting news is starting to get to me.. I'm sorry, the intro dialogues, while interesting at first, aren't enough... This isn't J.J Abram's mystery box.. its MK.. and it comes out in 5 months.. How about a little more info/reveals to start building more and more excitement!?

Anyway I know some of you are happy with whats revealed and don't want tons of info before the game is released... Im just voicing my opinion. Any one agree with me?

Here here! It has gotten so pathetic, that the interest hit rock bottom for me. However, if anyone is to blame, it is WB.

It might all change come the Playstation Experience in Las Vegas this weekend. Well, that is if anything will be revealed. Won't be of interest if they are going to reveal a guest character.
12/02/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
I'm not bored, you shouldn't either. I suggest finding other things to occupy yourself while you're waiting. Examples are:

Go to a movie
Rent a car
Play a video game
Bake cookies
Put up decorations
Visit friends
Pat a homeless man on the back and say "there, there."
Plant a tree
Go to church
Play in the snow
Jump on a trampoline
Shoot a nerf gun at kids coming home from school
Learn a recipe
Read a book
Help an elder across the street
Chase birds in the city
Ride a scooter
Go to a theme park
Watch porn
Have sex
Have sex and watch porn
Do a handstand
Become a criminal
Walk backwards
Learn a new language
Get a job
Get fired from a job
Play hockey
Watch hockey
Enslave the world
Watch me enslave the world
Go to a gym
Go to a gym and dance
Become a ventriloquist
Go see your doctor for a check up
Brush your teeth
Slip on a banana peel and laugh
Go to sleep
Make a fort
Make a fort then go to sleep
Visit a relative you haven't seen in a while
Visit a MKO user for the hell of it
Be my friend
Be someone else's friend
Buy a new pet
Troll a forum
Listen to music
Find new music
Go caroling
Go fishing
Go fishing while caroling
Learn a new skill
Find a new hobby
Scuba dive with sharks
Scuba dive in general
Play World of Warcraft
Play as the Horde in World of Warcraft (Because they rock!)
Find the cure for cancer
Become a millionaire
Become a contestant on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire
Donate blood
Be a nice person

And etc., etc.
12/02/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm not bored, you shouldn't either. I suggest finding other things to occupy yourself while you're waiting. Examples are:

Go to a movie
Rent a car
Play a video game
Bake cookies
Put up decorations
Visit friends
Pat a homeless man on the back and say "there, there."
Plant a tree
Go to church
Play in the snow
Jump on a trampoline
Shoot a nerf gun at kids coming home from school
Learn a recipe
Read a book
Help an elder across the street
Chase birds in the city
Ride a scooter
Go to a theme park
Watch porn
Have sex
Have sex and watch porn
Do a handstand
Become a criminal
Walk backwards
Learn a new language
Get a job
Get fired from a job
Play hockey
Watch hockey
Enslave the world
Watch me enslave the world
Go to a gym
Go to a gym and dance
Become a ventriloquist
Go see your doctor for a check up
Brush your teeth
Slip on a banana peel and laugh
Go to sleep
Make a fort
Make a fort then go to sleep
Visit a relative you haven't seen in a while
Visit a MKO user for the hell of it
Be my friend
Be someone else's friend
Buy a new pet
Troll a forum
Listen to music
Find new music
Go caroling
Go fishing
Go fishing while caroling
Learn a new skill
Find a new hobby
Scuba dive with sharks
Scuba dive in general
Play World of Warcraft
Play as the Horde in World of Warcraft (Because they rock!)
Find the cure for cancer
Become a millionaire
Become a contestant on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire
Donate blood
Be a nice person

And etc., etc.

In other words go find a hobby. You know, stuff people used to do before they got suckered into the world's biggest distraction, i.e. video games.

Check MKO every 3 months or so and you'll never be disappointed.
Historical Favorite
12/02/2014 10:56 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
In other words go find a hobby. You know, stuff people used to do before they got suckered into the world's biggest distraction, i.e. video games.

It's also possible, however unlikely, to have multiple hobbies and still want info about an upcoming thing you're interested in. Crazy theory, but I stand by it.
12/02/2014 11:00 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm not bored, you shouldn't either. I suggest finding other things to occupy yourself while you're waiting. Examples are:

Go to a movie
Rent a car
Play a video game
Bake cookies
Put up decorations
Visit friends
Pat a homeless man on the back and say "there, there."
Plant a tree
Go to church
Play in the snow
Jump on a trampoline
Shoot a nerf gun at kids coming home from school
Learn a recipe
Read a book
Help an elder across the street
Chase birds in the city
Ride a scooter
Go to a theme park
Watch porn
Have sex
Have sex and watch porn
Do a handstand
Become a criminal
Walk backwards
Learn a new language
Get a job
Get fired from a job
Play hockey
Watch hockey
Enslave the world
Watch me enslave the world
Go to a gym
Go to a gym and dance
Become a ventriloquist
Go see your doctor for a check up
Brush your teeth
Slip on a banana peel and laugh
Go to sleep
Make a fort
Make a fort then go to sleep
Visit a relative you haven't seen in a while
Visit a MKO user for the hell of it
Be my friend
Be someone else's friend
Buy a new pet
Troll a forum
Listen to music
Find new music
Go caroling
Go fishing
Go fishing while caroling
Learn a new skill
Find a new hobby
Scuba dive with sharks
Scuba dive in general
Play World of Warcraft
Play as the Horde in World of Warcraft (Because they rock!)
Find the cure for cancer
Become a millionaire
Become a contestant on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire
Donate blood
Be a nice person

And etc., etc.

In this chronological order?wink
12/02/2014 11:15 PM (UTC)
I mean.... There's another live stream this month, I'm assuming there revealing a new character on it. Probably just getting my hopes up.
About Me

I will rock you.

12/02/2014 11:17 PM (UTC)
We are all bored and that is a major problem but look at it this way the game comes out in four and a half months that makes up for the boredom.grin
Well I have

A full time job

Twin boys to take care of

Play basketball every Sunday, Tuesday and occasionally on Friday

Go to the club every other Saturday

And yet I'm kind of bummed out about they handled the month of November... I mean we didn't shit at all, but at the same time I'm cool with how they did go about things before.

12/02/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
Give me Fujin and I'll worship Ed's eyebrows everyday instead of every other thursday.
12/02/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I just want an Ermac reveal. Then they can keep everything else a secret until the day I pop the disk into my console.

Me too. But it's Tanya instead of Ermac.

I hope Tanya is in MKX.

I just want a konfirmation from the MK team. I don't even need to see any Tanya render or intro speech or anything. Just konfirm her name on Twitter or something.
Nix Dolores
12/02/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
PointGuard_Material Wrote:
I mean we didn't shit at all

For an entire month? Damn, that's impressive.
12/02/2014 11:36 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I just want an Ermac reveal. Then they can keep everything else a secret until the day I pop the disk into my console.

This, of course.

But seriously, yeah, WB's marketing leading up to the release has been nothing short of idiotic. I mean, last Saturday revealed...Cassie's X-ray. Big honking deal.
zephyrwestwind Wrote:
PointGuard_Material Wrote:
I mean we didn't shit at all

For an entire month? Damn, that's impressive.

12/02/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
I mean, last Saturday revealed...Cassie's X-ray. Big honking deal.

What are you referring to? When did they do that?
12/02/2014 11:57 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I mean, last Saturday revealed...Cassie's X-ray. Big honking deal.

What are you referring to? When did they do that?

I saw it mentioned in another thread on here that has since disappeared.
12/03/2014 12:18 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I mean, last Saturday revealed...Cassie's X-ray. Big honking deal.

What are you referring to? When did they do that?

I saw it mentioned in another thread on here that has since disappeared.

I think it might have just been someone bullshitting
12/03/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
Yep. Bored.
12/03/2014 12:29 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
Give me Fujin and I'll worship Ed's eyebrows everyday instead of every other thursday.

Pretty much this. If Fujin were revealed I'd be statisfied for the rest of the wait.

But there are things to look forward to. The Netherkast does a new episode every week. And Icebaby does a daily countdown of questions. Things like that keep me coming back in these days of silence.

Then of course, there's Playstation Experience and the Game Awards this weekend. There's bound to be some kind of MK news at one of these events. So yeah, something to look forward to.
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

12/03/2014 01:49 AM (UTC)
... How many of these threads do we need?
12/03/2014 01:53 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm not bored, you shouldn't either. I suggest finding other things to occupy yourself while you're waiting. Examples are:

Go to a movie
Rent a car
etc., etc.

Just to play devil's advocate here, it's the holiday season. People just got a ton of games for dirt cheap for black friday. The marketing team should be in full swing getting us something (or had already given us something) to remind casual gamers about the game to get in those pre-orders but we haven't done anything. No disrespect to the team itself but the WB marketing machine is incredibly lacking. We've had two months now with nothing but a sub-par stream and what, two dialogue exchanges? Even something relatively small like another teaser screenshot or an arena reveal, maybe even just a paragraph more about the storymode but no.

Most everyone I know in my inner circle and the other forums I frequent talked about this game nonstop up until about October, then the momentum died to almost a crawl with even one of the last posts about the game on a particular forum being on October 23'rd when the MK topic used to get about 50 posts a day. That's not exactly great.

I guess it's all part of their release plan or whatever (if they even have a plan at all, who knows) but seriously? You gotta keep people interested. It's not like Arkham Knight where you went several months with nothing, their schedule got bumped back by the delay so its understandable. This drought however isn't exactly needed for MK.

They could give us another type of reveal, an -ality, an arena, a game mode, story deets, and still keep some of the roster hush hush and still keep a ton of the game secret come release so there really isn't that great of an excuse to keep us waiting.

However, come the time a new reveal releases, I'll gladly shut up and bask in its glory. The wait is just incredibly annoying because as I'm sitting here enjoying my brand new, fresh out the box X-Box One, Assassin's Creed Unity and Far Cry 4, I keep wishing instead I could be seeing something new from MK and it's disheartening.
12/03/2014 05:05 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
We've had two months now with nothing but a sub-par stream and what, two dialogue exchanges?

And one of those led to an attempted meme that was funny for about fifteen seconds.

That's how desperate things have been around here.
I'm conflicted. On one hand yes WB's Marketing is at a Snails pace but on the other hand we're not getting weird bits of info as dictated by a just-made website/forum and the people who voted there.

Oh and the countdown to the Countdown to nothing.
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