An old school MK fan not into MKX
posted04/10/2015 12:21 AM (UTC)by
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09/07/2004 11:00 PM (UTC)
It's been a while since I've been on here. A loooong while. Probably since 2011 actually. I really have missed this first forum and the website dedicated to my favorite video game franchise. I joined this website 10 years ago. MK was my first video game. Im typing this right next to my UMK3 arcade cabinet. MK has meant a whole lot to me.

MKX is almost out, and I thought I'd be more excited...but I don't even know if I'm going to buy the game. And that's a sad first. I wanted to see if I wasn't alone, and see if others had a reason for their disinterest. For me, I think it has to do with the tone. MK was always a collage of my favorite 80s movies, and the violence was an homage to the campy gore seeN in 80s horror and slasher films. This tone and theme seemed to be consistent all the way up until the latest MK. But MKX seems to draw it's inspiration from elsewhere. It's much more dark and gritty- less campy. The violence seems closer to movies like SAW or HUMAN CENTIPEDE. The MK I grew up had violence more akin to movies like EVIL DEAD. It is a thin line, but one I can definitely feel and a line that I feel is drawn by tone. Also the combat seems to resemble an Injustice style...and I wasnt a fan of that games fighting mechanics- I feel like it got too caught up with varying the "feel" of each of the fighters. MKX is taking that idea to the next level it would seem.

The game is a week away from release and I don't want to be a hype killer or a negative ninny. I expect the game to have great reviews as I know much of the community is expecting. But like a Cindy Lou Who who has lost the excitement for Christmas, I am a dedicated MK fan who has lost excitement for a new MK. Anybody else feeling the same? Anybody had this funk and got out of it?

PS despite the negative nature of my thread I gotta say, it feels good to be back and posting on MKO :)
04/08/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
who cares?
04/08/2015 07:18 AM (UTC)
I'm new to this site and I'm noticing a lot of "tl;dr" posts. I think it's absolutely rude and does nothing to contribute to the topic. If you're too lazy to read, then don't post at all.

OP, I certainly can understand, though I disagree because for as much as I liked the old games I'm more than happy to embrace what MK has become. In short, I feel it's for the better. For you, it may be as simple as outgrowing the series. I feel like that with other franchises that I've been following since the beginning, just not with MK.
04/08/2015 07:22 AM (UTC)
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.
04/08/2015 07:24 AM (UTC)
This already deserves points for not being the 9057th roster bitch fest thread, kudos OP
04/08/2015 07:29 AM (UTC)
Alright guys, take it easy. He's just sharing his opinion, as unpopular as it is.

Anyways, I think you may have just outgrown the game. Or you just like Mortal Kombat in its Trilogy days and don't want change. But it's about time MK made a change, it's time to look to the future.
humansmoke44 Wrote:
It's been a while since I've been on here. A loooong while. Probably since 2011 actually. I really have missed this first forum and the website dedicated to my favorite video game franchise. I joined this website 10 years ago. MK was my first video game. Im typing this right next to my UMK3 arcade cabinet. MK has meant a whole lot to me.

MKX is almost out, and I thought I'd be more excited...but I don't even know if I'm going to buy the game. And that's a sad first. I wanted to see if I wasn't alone, and see if others had a reason for their disinterest. For me, I think it has to do with the tone. MK was always a collage of my favorite 80s movies, and the violence was an homage to the campy gore seeN in 80s horror and slasher films. This tone and theme seemed to be consistent all the way up until the latest MK. But MKX seems to draw it's inspiration from elsewhere. It's much more dark and gritty- less campy. The violence seems closer to movies like SAW or HUMAN CENTIPEDE. The MK I grew up had violence more akin to movies like EVIL DEAD. It is a thin line, but one I can definitely feel and a line that I feel is drawn by tone. Also the combat seems to resemble an Injustice style...and I wasnt a fan of that games fighting mechanics- I feel like it got too caught up with varying the "feel" of each of the fighters. MKX is taking that idea to the next level it would seem.

The game is a week away from release and I don't want to be a hype killer or a negative ninny. I expect the game to have great reviews as I know much of the community is expecting. But like a Cindy Lou Who who has lost the excitement for Christmas, I am a dedicated MK fan who has lost excitement for a new MK. Anybody else feeling the same? Anybody had this funk and got out of it?

PS despite the negative nature of my thread I gotta say, it feels good to be back and posting on MKO :)

I get what you mean. I think MKX looks like a good game, but it doesn't seem to have the same feeling I enjoyed in the previous games.

As far as the shmucks in this thread, he wasn't being negative or talking shit about the game or even whining, it was just something to discuss regarding the tone.

I made a similar thread a while back and nobody said anything like that so I'm not sure why people lately seem to think you either have to love the game or hate it instead of fall somewhere inbetween.
04/08/2015 08:10 AM (UTC)
to the OP...I understand where you're coming from man and I've had my fair share of disappointments from NRS regarding MKX...

But truth be told I'm extremely eager to play it... the same excitement I get everytime a new MK is released.

I guess I'm not quite jaded with MK yet even though its been 23 years...

in fact I'm already grinding on mobile grin
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04/08/2015 08:15 AM (UTC)
I've never been so hyped for any MK game ever before. Why? Mainly, because of the gameplay. Counting down the minutes..
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04/08/2015 08:37 AM (UTC)
I feel this is an inevitable problem that everyone is going to eventually face. The people who love MKX are eventually going to see an installment that clashes with what they feel the series should be.

The solution is to start treating the game as a competitive medium. That's what I did. To me, MK is now a platform where I can develop my fighting game skills and build a personal connection with one of my favorite characters. If everything else is great, that's awesome, but no matter how good or bad everything else is, I will always have the competitive bond.

Unless every character in the roster just sucks or looks abominable. Then I'm officially done.

(and don't worry about the gameplay; this game is not like Injustice. It's far more akin to MK9 than you think)
04/08/2015 08:41 AM (UTC)
Then leave.
mkwhopper Wrote:
Then leave.

He's not bitching about the game, go actually read his post.
04/08/2015 08:59 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.

Wow. You're a fucking asshole.
04/08/2015 09:11 AM (UTC)
Humour is a huge thing in MK for me and X still has it but to a lesser extent.
I'll be buying the game, twice probably, but I don't think it'll surpass MK9.
04/08/2015 09:21 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.

Wow. You're a fucking asshole.

It's a joke, calm down
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.

Wow. You're a fucking asshole.

It's a joke, calm down

There's a difference between being clever and just being spiteful. Back to the drawing board yo
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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04/08/2015 10:07 AM (UTC)
Hey, I remember you humansmoke44. There is a noticeable difference. At a glance I'd compare it to the difference in tone between MK3/UMK3/MKTrilogy and MK4. Feels like the same sort of transition going on here, between MK9 and MKX.

Feels a lot darker, it's taking on hints from people's tolerance levels for the newer types of violence we're seeing. And yea, it does at least look like the mechanics are alot different. Pretty sure I'm going to buy it though. It's kind of a "rock, paper, scissors" decision on when I buy. I don't like the marketing campaign with this game so I'm still watching to see what else they toss out there.
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04/08/2015 10:29 AM (UTC)
You're not the only one. Last MK game I bought was Deception. Some people eventually move on from some games. Obviously, not all of us, as you can see here MK still got lots of fans.

04/08/2015 10:37 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.

Wow. You're a fucking asshole.

It's a joke, calm down

There's a difference between being clever and just being spiteful. Back to the drawing board yo

Such a pansy forum
Hey welcome back. I am an original fan myself all the way back to the mall arcades in the early 90's. MKX has its pros and cons. I actually think they did well on a lot of the presentation. As an old school fan, I find some small things to bug me. The announcer rubs me the wrong way (since MK9). The X-Ray moves should be finishers (Brutalities) and the Brutalities should just be called Fatalities (or something else).

They have done a lot of stuff to MK that makes it a ton different than before, which can be hard to accept when we love the old games so much. Trust me, I wonder what they could do with modern cameras by doing it the old way with human actors (aided by much more powerful hardware/software).

Anyway, I am still excited to have MK around and I will be playing. I just don't know how long it will retain my interest.
04/08/2015 11:35 AM (UTC)
So because the graphics are actually good and they look like actual people u don't like it? Ok. The games are evolving. They are getting better. Also for the injustice thing. We know for a fact that it is not like injustice.
04/08/2015 11:49 AM (UTC)
Can you try the game first?
04/08/2015 01:20 PM (UTC)
I can understand where you are coming from. Nostalgia is a "bitch".
But we have to accept that we won't be getting another MK, MKII or MK3. MK 2011 did a good job, although maybe a bit too "cartoony".

MKX suffers a bit for being "too serious", but it's looking to be a great game none the less. To this day, I still play any MK the old fashioned way (ie. using a lot of special moves, not so much with the big combo's). I was glad it was possible again in MK 2011 and also present in MKX.
And with the modifiers, you'll probably could disable combo's and give it an old school feel.

The "campy" feel was coming from different things. Like real actors in a less photo-realistic environment. The limitations in animation and such.
MKX (and MK 2011 to an extend) is more fluid in his movements. And since MK began using polygons, characters and backgrounds blended well together.
So those "cheesy 80s" flick feels are gone. A movie from the 80s is still great, but you can see its flaws, especially in the special effects department. Bring back and 80s movie with the special effects of today, and you'll loose that "campy" feeling. Unless it's a B-movie.
04/08/2015 01:20 PM (UTC)
So the majority of your reasoning is based on the fatality gore, with a little 'the characters are too unique' tossed in at the side. Yea, the game's not for you and thank god for that.
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04/08/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)
Wow, people attacking OP like he offended their mother. Did they even read his post, can't we accept criticism without acting like assholes for once.
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