04/08/2015 01:51 PM (UTC)
I respect your opinion, at least it isn't negative or attacking everyone like some trolls do. You said your opinion in a respectful way without attacking or criticizing the game
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04/08/2015 02:02 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.

I lol'd
04/08/2015 03:19 PM (UTC)
MK was the first video game I ever played too and I have been a fan my entire life, and while I understand what you mean that this game doesn't seem to have that campy b movie cheese the older ones had, it doesn't bother me personally.

I do see where you are coming from and respect your opinions, it just doesn't bother me that much. The fatalities do seem to have a more serious tone to them now, but MK1,2 and 3 also had some fatalities that were considered pretty gruesome for their time, I do believe that had the team had this sort of technology back then, they would have been just as gruesome lol another factor is probably them trying to do something different, they have come up with so many fatalities over there years they probably have to go over the top and think a little outside the box to not repeat themselves.

Anyway im hyped for the game and love everything about it for the most part :)
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04/08/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.

Not gonna lie, this made me laugh.
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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/08/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
I just don't get the issue aside from story mode maybe. Why do you guys actually want? It looks like an MK game and the gameplay is at it's peak. I don't get it. Would you guys prefer not to have a new MK game out? Like what do you guys want? Seriously asking. I've never seen this much divided opinion from other fighting franchise fans. Not for SF not dor Tekken. Just appreciate that were still getting MK games after that horrible bankruptcy. I'm just appreciating the fact my favorite fighting franchise is still going strong when many said it was doomed and look at it still going strong. So while I respect you for not being the same ole negative nancy I also have to say I hope you still give the game a try and you might enjoy it after all. :) Welcome back by the way.
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04/08/2015 04:22 PM (UTC)
This more seems to me like you're not a fan of contemporary games in general. I'm 34 years old and loved playing MK 1, 2, and 3 (somewhat) in the arcade as a tweener. I can respect your appreciation of 'campy violence' and the style of the original games but video games in general have evolved a great deal since the mid-nineties.

I guess to me you have to ask what defines the MK series as a whole to you and if to you, that rests solely on the campy violence then I'd encourage you to look beyond that since there's SO much culminating awesomeness in MKX.
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-sig by MINION

04/08/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
It happens to the best of us buddy. When MKX was announced I wasn't really feeling it at all. I wasn't feeling the style, the characters they revealed, etc etc. There was really nothing I was excited about. But following development I've come around.

Ultimately you can't please everyone. MK is a hugely popular franchise and I'm sure all of us love and dislike different aspects of the franchise. Personally, for example, I like the Injustice styled stage interactions, especially with the emphasis on escapes but that's just me.

I think some of it is just getting older. When you're younger and don't have responsibilities you can get lost in the hype but that's not always the case as life goes on.
04/08/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.

Not gonna lie, this made me laugh.

Lmaoooo! I didn't even catch that.
04/08/2015 06:02 PM (UTC)
I been on this site since MK:DA (MK5.ORG) was barely on its embryonic stage and I ain't feeling the new MKX either. So what's with everyone acting hard? Respect the opinion of the original poster.
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.

Wow. You're a fucking asshole.

It's a joke, calm down

There's a difference between being clever and just being spiteful. Back to the drawing board yo

Such a pansy forum

First of all I'm all for fucked up jokes and I make offensive ones all the time, your joke was just witless. The only pansy here is you for feeling like he was insulting the game and then getting defensive over your wack ass joke.
04/08/2015 06:38 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I think some of it is just getting older. When you're younger and don't have responsibilities you can get lost in the hype but that's not always the case as life goes on.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I definitely don't have the time to invest in MK like I used to and I know the series is moving on with or without me.

I like some of the things that NRS has done with MKX and I disagree with others. As for this installment I just don't have THAT feeling that I used to. Since I love MK I will definitely buy MKX, its just a matter of when. Until then I will enjoy peeping at the things I am interested in.
04/08/2015 07:52 PM (UTC)
Thanks for everybody's feedback- no matter what the reaction I'm glad this thread got some people talking about the subject, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Spirit_Wolf, you're right, I think it's part of that whole "nostalgia is a bitch" type thing. And since MK's original inspirations were based on movie nostalgia (big trouble little china, bruce lee, van damme, etc) moving further away from MK's original tone kinda doubles down on that move away from my nostalgia.

Mojo6 and oracle, you guys make great points too. I'm getting older, and MK is a multifaceted game franchise that is changing simultaneously- but maybe all that means is that I need to find something else to appreciate and love about the game. For a while it was the style and story. MKX does look like a very polished fighting game, and it seems like some of its new changes may bring something new to the fighter genre.

And ThePredator151, you made a very apt analogy. I can remember being fairly resistant to the MK4 transition. At that point MK was taking a leap in graphics, mechanics, and roster and with that came a slight departure in tone and style from the original trilogy. It took a little while, to be honest I wasn't completely sold til MK Gold, but I'm happy I gave MK4 a chance instead of parting ways with the franchise. I really hadn't thought of that before.

I can get that my opinion came off as whining to some, but it was nice to get a lot of people weigh in on the subject and to also see some others were feeling the same and why.

humansmoke44 Wrote:

I can get that my opinion came off as whining to some,

Whoever got that feeling was an idiot who can't read
04/09/2015 02:44 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.

Wow. You're a fucking asshole.

It's a joke, calm down

There's a difference between being clever and just being spiteful. Back to the drawing board yo

Such a pansy forum

There's a difference between a pansy forum, and just not liking dickheads...dickhead.
04/09/2015 03:46 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Yeah.... nobody cares. Im sure that UMK3 arcade machine gets you a ton of pussy.

Wow. You're a fucking asshole.

It's a joke, calm down

There's a difference between being clever and just being spiteful. Back to the drawing board yo

Such a pansy forum

First of all I'm all for fucked up jokes and I make offensive ones all the time, your joke was just witless. The only pansy here is you for feeling like he was insulting the game and then getting defensive over your wack ass joke.

I dunno seemed like other people enjoyed it.
You're still upset about that? Stay on-topic buttercup.

Anyway I can see why someone wouldn't be into this one, frankly it feels very strange compared to other MK games. Does that make it a bad game? Hell no, it looks good. Would it be everyone's idea of a great MK game? Probably not. Should people play it before judging it? Of course. But people can generally tell if they'll be into something before trying it without judging it. I'm sure it'll be a good game, but I don't know how much I'll enjoy it compared to other MK games.
04/09/2015 05:17 AM (UTC)
Although I'm super pumped for MKX, I totally get where you're coming from. For me the series has become a bit too... modern... I guess. Maybe it's just the nostalgia talking but the 3D games are lacking an atmosphere that the 2D games had, except for perhaps Deception and Shaolin Monks. I don't mind the games being dark and serious though, I just wish they could find a better balance between the old school mythology and the more futuristic stuff. And also by "dark" that doesn't mean literally everything has to look dull. I do miss the vibrant, colourful backgrounds. It's hard to really judge without playing the game, though. Despite everything I think MKX is shaping up to be one of the best MK games.
I really don't mind the Special Forces or Urban stuff as long as it still feels a little over the top and mystical with that kung-fu/fantasy movie vibe. This kinda has it but not to the degree of MK9, Deception, Deadly Alliance or the Trilogy games.

I don't think it's entirely the fault of the Special Forces characters though, the devs just aren't designing characters or locations that fit to be to be parodies/reminiscent of movie or mythology characters any more. For example, some of the Outworld locales missing those Pavilion/hut type designs, or some of the newer martial arts based characters not looking as if they stepped out of an old kung fu movie. Or even things like the Cyborgs looking like predator knockoffs.

They're more just building off of whatever they feel like designing, which isn't a bad thing at all. It's just different. It's also due to them experimenting with new visual styles since they have new tech.
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04/09/2015 05:54 AM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
You're not the only one. Last MK game I bought was Deception. Some people eventually move on from some games. Obviously, not all of us, as you can see here MK still got lots of fans.

04/09/2015 06:03 AM (UTC)
The last MK game where I had absolutely no issues what-so-ever was MK: Deception. That, to me, along with MKII is the best of the best. The overall product was just amazing. I had to have sunk well over 100 hours into Konquest mode just exploring and playing through multiple times. I was one of those idiots walking along the edges of the worlds trying to find glitches to let me out of it thinking it would lead to some ultimate secret, like the invisible path in Orderrealm.

But the series grew and I grew with it for better or for worse. I'm okay where they are taking it but I completely understand where some people may be a little more apprehensive or just don't find it aesthetically pleasing compared to the games of old.

As an aside, to the few who gave the OP shit, mostly referring to the 'tl;dr' guy, fuck off with that shit. We're mostly all intelligent grown ups here, no need to act like ignorant children.
Some people just need to let go of the past. Everything changes with the times...it's a natural progression.

You need to eventually catch a train if you don't want to wait forever at the station.
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
The last MK game where I had absolutely no issues what-so-ever was MK: Deception. That, to me, along with MKII is the best of the best. The overall product was just amazing. I had to have sunk well over 100 hours into Konquest mode just exploring and playing through multiple times. I was one of those idiots walking along the edges of the worlds trying to find glitches to let me out of it thinking it would lead to some ultimate secret, like the invisible path in Orderrealm.


Very rarely does something really evoke such crystal clear memories for me, but for a second there I remembered the entire week I sat and played that game after release. Now I'm remembering Deadly Alliance and Armageddon too.
04/09/2015 06:20 AM (UTC)
I do mind the incredibly overdone and boring urban/military/michael bay influenced aspect of MKX.

They have an enormous and varied universe to pick from that is just oozing with development potential: the chaos realm, the order realm, outworld, netherrealm and more.

What about all those races new and old that inhabit those realms: Saurians, Edenians, Shokans, Tarkatans, Devorah's race etc... that are begging to be explored both in past-present-future stories.

And instead they pick the overdone "epic" special forces aspect and crown it with 4 bratty jokester easy-exit characters? To me MK X seems like the cheesiest one yet. I know humor and camp were always present but not to this level... i really cant see wheres the grit and serious tone that some are referring to.

MK Deception was the best in this regard, expanding the MK universe and giving us a truly varied yet solid look at the rich in lore/mythology universe of the series.

With that said, i will still get this game eventually and hope they change the focus of MK sometime in the future to the more mystical, oriental and other-wordly vibe of MK II and Deception. grin
04/09/2015 06:44 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
The last MK game where I had absolutely no issues what-so-ever was MK: Deception. That, to me, along with MKII is the best of the best. The overall product was just amazing. I had to have sunk well over 100 hours into Konquest mode just exploring and playing through multiple times. I was one of those idiots walking along the edges of the worlds trying to find glitches to let me out of it thinking it would lead to some ultimate secret, like the invisible path in Orderrealm.


Very rarely does something really evoke such crystal clear memories for me, but for a second there I remembered the entire week I sat and played that game after release. Now I'm remembering Deadly Alliance and Armageddon too.

I joined this board the same year, several months leading up to the release of Deception. I spent an entire week or two just trolling these boards hoping to God someone had found a way to unlock Fujin or Stryker and that the names in the clouds actually meant something and wasn't Boon being a douchey troll. lol Those were the days.
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04/09/2015 08:40 AM (UTC)
Whilst I can't say I had been present since the original Mortal Kombat (I was born the year of MK4) I will try to empathise with you OP. Some would tell me it sucked and I was born in the wrong generation but I had no better feeling watching my dad play it start to finish and then him turning to me saying "And now for the next one!". Kinda reminescent of MKX tagline. But I supposed it is understandable to feel like this game has dropped that "arcade" feeling and with the darker, more serious feel to it, it may have adapted to something out of the taste you were accustomed to. It's an effect on this coming age, for an example in current media, look at The Dark Knight and compare it to Batman (1989 I think). Whilst honestly, the older film kept the villain, The Joker closer to his roots the newer, darker and grittier presented Joker portrayed by Heath Ledger is seen as a masterpeice in this day and age despite the disregard to whom the original source Joker was meant to be. In this case, likewise MKX embraces the grittier form and context. Personally? I embrace this, as any Mortal Kombat satisfies me (yes, including the new iOS Mortal Kombat which I've been playing non-stop). I am very willing to adapt and embrace though and I can't blame you for feeling like what made the game is gone, because for a lot of people what drawed them to MK has, not evolved but maybe adapted... and for them likely for the worse.
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