Am I the only one?(fighting system 4 MK)
posted05/05/2007 02:33 PM (UTC)by
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03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
When I first got MKSM the first thing my brother and I did was square off in VS mode (although Kung Lao and Liu Kang were only playable). Anyways I actually liked the fighting system because it just felt free and fluid. The only problem was the fact that sometimes it was hard to focuss on the opponent because u just be all over the place and when the fighters spoke before the match, they didn't move their mouths (lol). Aside from that, if they fixed those problems, I thought that it would be a good fighting system for future MK fighting games. (Not talking about side adventures though it should be used for those also.) So anybody else agree? And if not tell me how u feel.
05/02/2007 12:18 AM (UTC)
As a different fighting mode, sure. But for the main fighting stuff, I'd rather see something MKA-ish with the two styles but have revamped mechanic designs that actually make sense.
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05/02/2007 09:20 AM (UTC)
Yea, I see you there. I'd have it be like this though:

A colmanation of the three..

1. MkD
2. MkSm
3. MkA

Those combined "Konquest modes" with maybe a new-er graphics addition would make something special to play through. That way it would be long enough, have interesting features, supply an adequate story portayal, and be fluid with all the in-game abilities I would want.

I think the other thing you forgot is how limited the characters were that you got to play out the main "mission" with. I think that if you choose a different character, you should go through that characters p.o.v. through-out the game. When you played the game for the second or third time and saved, you might even run into "yourself" as the other characters somewhere along the lines.

Another thing as far as MkSm is, when you played with say Sub-Zero, the cut scenes and speech patterns never changed from Liu & Kung. This is absolutely something I would desire to have fixed.

So basiclly, take Shujinkos' conquest and use a more like-able character....Make it longer and as emersive with all the side missions and character appearences, maintain in the system MkSm had, and make sure it was more inventive than MkAs' konquest....Add a more healthy roster for the vs mode, and allow us to take all of that roster through the main knoquest being character specific. Add a krypt, but make it so that it simply held the things we acquire going through our mission. If we miss something, we can play it again and add//save it to that same profile even under the different characters mission and objectives.

Also, let us create characters and go through "knoquest" that way too. In this setting, we should truley be able to create fatalities for our characters. whether default, or manipulating the "official characters" fatality list to a point. This would allow us to put stock in our created character and gradually build them up. All the amenities should be earned. Armor, weapons, powers, experience to properly exploit all of this ect..

If there are any mini-games, then they should be made with the intent grounded in "character building". Whether for "official characters" or our created ones....

That's what I think for now.....probably missed a couple things but I couldn't catch them all while I was typing...

05/03/2007 09:02 PM (UTC)
i agree inoing glitches put u off wot ur fav character
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05/05/2007 02:33 PM (UTC)
wayneraiden Wrote:
i agree inoing glitches put u off wot ur fav character

At the age of 15 you have no excuse to type like like an imbecile.
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