08/15/2005 04:02 PM (UTC)
Scorpion's family wasn't killed during MK3. They've been dead since the beginning.

In MK: Mythologies Quan Chi specifically says he wiped out every trace of the Shirai Ryu and their families. Later in the same game, Scorpion starts yelling at Sub-Zero about his family getting killed.
08/15/2005 05:07 PM (UTC)
MK will be no good if they killed off the original caracters. if Lui Kang, Raiden, Scorpion, or Sub-Zero ever were killed off for good, MK would definetly go down in the ratings, because they are the most popular. and sorry option, but i doubt that out of no where Dairou is gonna be champion of MK, i dont even understand his ending.
08/15/2005 06:00 PM (UTC)
Ill explain Dairous ending.

OK Dairou used to be a Seidan Guard, but 1 day he got arrested fro breaking one of there stupid rules. So Dairou excapes and turns to the ways of chaos and becomes a hired mercenary. However he still has respect for the order realm, and in killing Hotaru he makes his seperation from Order complete. However I think if they develope him more he could use his struggle to unite the 2 realms. And then hed have the armies of 2 realms behind him. With that kind of power he could be either a really good guy or a really nasty guy. Hes got a lot of room to develope.
08/18/2005 02:45 PM (UTC)
Aracc, what I meant about scorpion is different from your interpretation. By mindless. i meant single-minded vengeance, not stupidity and lack of thought. Scorpion came back only to kill the one he believed to have killed his family-- subzero followed by quanchi. Midway either needs to drop that as a character trait or find some way to assimilate it.

Scorpion's family was dead from the start, not in mk3.

Also, I do not doubt that scorpion and sub met in mk2. What I doubt is that scorpion vowed to protect sub zero. Nothing I have seen or read has supported that.
08/18/2005 11:30 PM (UTC)
mindripper Wrote:
Aracc, what I meant about scorpion is different from your interpretation. By mindless. i meant single-minded vengeance, not stupidity and lack of thought. Scorpion came back only to kill the one he believed to have killed his family-- subzero followed by quanchi. Midway either needs to drop that as a character trait or find some way to assimilate it.

I think they are slowly dropping that trait, or at least muting it a little. Besides, he never has been stupid. Going through the Elder Gods to get to Quan Chi is never out of the question.

mindripper Wrote:
Also, I do not doubt that scorpion and sub met in mk2. What I doubt is that scorpion vowed to protect sub zero. Nothing I have seen or read has supported that.

How about Scorpion's MK2 ending, and Sub-Zero's MK2 ending, which both, I believe, became Canon.

Oh, and Chrome and Xiahou, I never played MKM:SZ, which would explain about why I missed a lot of that, right?
08/19/2005 07:33 AM (UTC)
Aracc, therin lies the problem. It was never explained why he served the elder gods. From another angle, especially to one who can see that scorpion does have a stringent code of honour, it could be taken that scorpion was merely paying back his life debt to them (we all know that a soulnado would rip scorpion apart). He may have a motive and hope to gain something from serving the elder gods, but it has not even been hinted at, unlike the other main stories which we can see are going to happen (dark raiden and netherrealm situation).

Also, no one said that scorpion was brainless. It is just that his life, or rather afterlife, is about hunting quanchi down, and anything which does not hint or explicably lead scorpion down that particular road can be taken to be OOC. For eg, if scorpion were to work with noob saibot, it would not be OOC as the latter's connections and influence in the netherrealm could easily lead him to quanchi. The key is that a connection must at least be clear or hinted at for it to stand. None is made in this case.

Yes, not playing mythologies means that you msieed out on a lot of the subzero mythos. The original subzero was, is and always will be one of the most layered characters in the whole game. His emotional turmoil, as well as his reluctance to become part of the brotherhood that he hates so much, to his triumph over the elemental gods, as well as Raiden's appraisal of him make him one of the biggest players in the game ever. And yeah, you also missed the fact that scorpion's family was already dead then, as scorpion puts across amply in the netherrealm.
08/20/2005 04:56 PM (UTC)
Yes, but he's been the Elder Gods' champion for less than one entire game, as of now. Midway may want to keep people guessing about why he is with them after all. Code of honur, changing personality, angle for Quan Chi, etc. Giving several possibilities and five minutes later say which one was the truth kind of ruins dramatic tension and whatnot. So, I say we give them more time.

As for MKM:SZ, I'll have to actually finish that, then.

08/21/2005 07:10 PM (UTC)
The problem is that midway has poised thes tory like a rubberband, stretched too much for any change in decision now. The netherrealm situation is going to happen. Scorp needs to go in there as his own man, not as the pawn of a greater power.
08/21/2005 07:16 PM (UTC)
Scorpion stays!
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