08/10/2005 12:30 AM (UTC)
Honestly, I've never seen how Liu Kang won anything.
I mean, theoretically, he has to defeat other Kombatants. For example:
Reptile: An acid-spitting creature with superior muscles and reflexes to a human. Also responsible for the genocide of a couple species. At least one of which probably had a skilled martial artist in it.
Scorpion: He can summon a harpoon forth from his hand, blow flames, and there is no way to kill him.
Baraka: All the most skillfull blocking in the world can't protect from blades.

Also, Kung Lao seems to have more personality, originality, and actual dimension in his character.

I'll agree Kang has an entire past we dont' know about, but, after six games, isn't it time we did? I don't think he's a bad character, I just think his story's been very poorly executed.

Scorpion, though, I dont' agree with.
He isn't necessarily good, could very easily fight effectively in a tournament of immortals and superhumans, and actually has dimension (even if it does border on whiny-angsty) in his character. Also, talk about an interesting past we don't know all of.
Scorpion's been a good character for a long time, and will hopefully continue to grow in his new roles.
08/10/2005 01:21 AM (UTC)
To Grizzle:

I like your Liu Kang discussion. It was very informative. I didn't know that he and Kung Lao had a rivalry. Why would Kung Lao be jealous? I thought Kung Lao didn't want to become the champion because he didn't want to constantly make sacrifices like Liu. For example, Liu could have easily married Kitana and lived the life of a king in Edenia, but he had to chose to turn it down. I think Kung Lao did the right thing. What's the point in him becoming the champ if he ends up regretting, or worse, resenting it later. Maybe they should have fleshed out their rivalry a LOT more because I sure as hell didn't notice it.

In the beginning, Kung Lao didn't want to be champion. Perhaps, he might want to step up to the plate when he's ready. As for a Kitana/Kung Lao pairing, I wouldn't mind it happening, just not right now. It could definitely put some fire into a rivalry I never knew existed. But, I think Kitana should definitely be alone for a long time to grieve for Liu Kang, their love, and the life they could have shared.

I still believe Liu Kang should have stayed dead, though. They messed up his death just like they did with Goro. Seriously, did they have to bring Goro back? He had an honorable death, he died fighting on the side of good with his fellow Shokan. He had a funeral worthy of his title. Why ruin that? If they wanted to put a Shokan in the game fine, but couldn't they have brought Kintaro, Goro's son, Sheeva, or one of his 7 wives? Back on topic, what was the point of zombie Liu Kang? I'm beginning to wonder if Raiden really did ressurect Liu Kang.

When they bring him back, instead of making him the hero again, they should flesh out his past more. Why was he in America? What happened to his brother? If his brother "disappeared," then why isn't he looking for him? Did he really enter the tournament to defeat both Shang Tsung and Goro to become the champ and save the world from evil or was he looking for his brother? In the MK1(the game), it seemed like everyone had an ulterior motive for entering the tournament with the exception of Liu Kang and Raiden; they were the only ones to enter to save the world. Johnny Cage wanted to prove he was a better fighter, Scorpion wanted to kill Sub-zero, Sub-zero was sent to assassinate Shang Tsung, etc. At least in the first movie, he didn't enter for entirely pure reasons. He just wanted to find his brother's killer. He didn't even believe in the legend. I kind of wish they would have went that route for Liu, except for the part about his brother being dead. I read somewhere that Chan, or Chow, was Hornbuckle (a green Liu Kang) fighting Blaze. I know it's a rumor but I think it could be interesting. This discovery could possibly help Blaze and Liu's story. Speaking of which, do they even mention his brother's disappearance concerning Liu Kang?

They should also bring Kai back, as well. Weren't they friends in America? Maybe he could shine some light as to why Liu was in America? I also found it very odd that he wasn't in Deadly Alliance or Deception. His friend is killed and he's not in Outworld seeking revenge for murder confused. Why wasn't he summoned along with Kung Lao and the others? Wasn't he given Raiden's staff or something? I just hope that Raiden uses him as a trump card soon. I'm digging the whole Afro-Asian thing he's got going onsmile.

Does anyone think Scorpion's newfound role as the Elder God's new champion is out-of-character? If so, why? I agree he does need to find Quan chi and kick his ass til' it's numbgrin. As long as he stays the anti-hero, I'm up for whatever storyline they throw at him.

I think Sub-zero would make a damn good hero, it's just that he has too many problems and one too many enemies. A guy can only take so much. He should take care of himself and the Lin Kuei first before tackling the "war of the realms" thing. I truly believe that he's the most evolved character in Mortal Kombat right now. I can only imagine what they're gonna do with him next.
08/10/2005 02:59 AM (UTC)
About Scorpion's new role, I don't think it's out of character at all. He's never been particularly aligned with good or evil, so it's not like it's against any of his beliefs. Also, if anyone has the poewr to reunite him with his family, it's the Elder Gods. Being their champion gives him an in with them.
08/10/2005 03:15 AM (UTC)
Liu Kang should be out for... 2.. or 3 games.. People is saturated of him, then they bring him back with a good storyline and a new visual.
08/10/2005 01:08 PM (UTC)
When did Liu and Lao have a rivalry? Never happened. Kung Lao was never jealous because LK stepped into his ancestor's shoes. The reason he was thrust into MK was due mostly to the shaolin slaughter than LK's achievements. Yeah, it has beens tated that LK supposedly had a shady past, but we have not even seen any hints about it in 6 games. Does not bode well for the character. The only reason I see for him staying is that his death is the ebst thing that has ever happened to him, and that every game needs its cliched hero character. Unfortunately, Kunglao fits that glove much better than Liu, as far as similar characters go.

With scorpion, I do agree that his champion of the elder gods turn is OOC. It is a given that connections with gods can do a person's deceased family a whole world of good, but scorpion is not some optimistic egalitarian. He isnt a guy getting out of bed just to make the world a better place, and somewhere along the way midway has forgotten that scorpion is a hunter, THE hunter, not a pawn of a greater power. I have no doubts that scorpion would love to find salvation for himself and his family, but it is inherent in his nature that he would seek quanchi and finish that matter off before doing anything about said salvation. Pledgind allegiance to anyone is no characteristic of scorpion and twisting his current story into an involvement in the netherealm fracas will be tough indeed. Scorpion's character will take a huge turn soon, bet on that.

The next hero for MK will be subzero. He has been built up over the past few games, and bombshells have been dropped. Pieces like Ashrah, Sareena and Smoke are already in place, and others like Frost and quanchi are just waiting tobe positioned. Sub is the only character on the good side with a story developed enough as well as the most believable motivation and ability to step into the hero mantle. Bring it on./
08/10/2005 02:40 PM (UTC)
I don't think it's so much out of character as a change of character. After all, six tournaments, and how much good has his Hunting done him. All he's really done is indirectly create Noob Saibot. Scorpion has never been a stupid character, and I think it's logical that realises a new approach may be in order.
08/10/2005 03:58 PM (UTC)
Scorpion cannot be portrayed as a thinking character. He is supposed to personify irrational rage and vehemence. Let Subzero and Lungkao do the rational thought. I do agree that scorpion needs a change of character, but I do not think that the elder gods' champion thing is going to suit him well, because that is more OOC than a change of character. A change of character is more subtle, like original sub's conversion into noob, a storyline process which is believable, rather than an about face on scorpion's characteristics and normal behaviour.
08/10/2005 04:08 PM (UTC)
I never saw a rivialry between Kung Lao and Liu Kang either. If you look in the games, Kung Lao only really fights when he has to.
He didn't enter MK1. He only joined MK2 because the Shaolin Temple was massacred. He was part of MK3 because he had to. After MK3, he lets people think he died and retires, only to come back when he has no choice. He again tries to retire after MK Gold and came back only to avenge Liu Kang.
I think Kung Lao is sort of like Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. Everyone expects him to be the great hero and leader...but he doesn't want to be.

I don't think it's out of character for Scorpion to become the Champion of the Elder Gods.
Even though Scorpion was always a neutral loner, he always retained a sense of honor and when it mattered he'd usually end up fighting for the greater good....MK3 for example.
They said in Deception Scorpion witnessed the Deadly Alliance defeat Raiden and Onaga return with the Elder Gods. I think, once again, he saw that there was something bigger going on than him and his grudges and agreed to help the Elder Gods.
And more than likely he's hoping serving the Elder Gods will maybe help him be reunited with his family.
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-sig by MINION

08/10/2005 05:09 PM (UTC)
i hope something happens to scorpion so he can't be in MK7, all MK characters should be gone for at least two games
08/10/2005 05:17 PM (UTC)
It is plausible that scorpion would fight for the greater good like in MK3, instead of persuing his own motives. However, what isnt good is the seemingly seamless way he evolves from a hunter into do-good hero. There should be a case whereby scorpion had a choice to either let Onaga run free and be able to decimate quanchi once and for all, or to stop Onaga but let his quarry escape. That would have made it believable. That would be a change in character. Scorpion's current turn seems forced more than evolutionary.
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Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

08/11/2005 02:17 AM (UTC)
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so tierd of both of them I would be so happy if they left another person that I wouldn't mind see dead is Johney Cage.grin
08/11/2005 02:39 AM (UTC)
I never saw him as mindless rage. He always was a thinking character, if he were unthinking rage, he would've killed the younger Sub-Zero in the second tournament. Maybe he would've let him live, but still, no blind rage would incite him to become Sub-Zero's protector. I don't think he's really a do-good hero now. I think he's a hunter who's fighting for the side of good because it coincides with his interests. Maybe if the Elder Gods didn't want Quan Chi and his allies dead, things would be different.
Or maybe Sub-Zero has given up on his past, after ten years of vengeance, and is seeking to find peace in the best way he can. Right now, I think it's very in character, I just say we wait and see what becomes of it. If he becomes too main a hero (unless Quan Chi becomes main villain), I'll agree with you, he's more of an anti-hero, and probably always will be, but for now, he seems perfectly in-character to me.
08/11/2005 05:26 PM (UTC)
Maybe Scorpion became the Elder Gods' champion not because they promised to bring back his family, but they told him (maybe even gave him proof) that Quan chi was alive. They probably gave him a power boost, too. He's using them to find and defeat Quan chi.

Does anyone think that he may be past wanting his family alive again? I do and think that he now just want to avenge their murder by killing Quan chi.
08/13/2005 09:44 PM (UTC)
no nien non na u are a very un iteligent person u no that remember when johnny cage died people sent extremely impolite letters to the mk team and a couple people flipped off ed boon furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious
08/13/2005 09:49 PM (UTC)
dirou! dirou! hes a deseption nobody u no he wont come back like kai jarrek fujin rieko jees your such a friggin MORON furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious
08/14/2005 01:46 AM (UTC)
I don't know if we ever find out if Socrpion's family is a live, just that he can never see them.
I think, honestly, his character should give up on that and seek to find peace in his current existance.
08/14/2005 03:08 PM (UTC)
Aracc Wrote:
I don't know if we ever find out if Socrpion's family is a live, just that he can never see them.
I think, honestly, his character should give up on that and seek to find peace in his current existance.

Scorpion's family is dead. Quan Chi killed them along with his entire clan.
08/14/2005 03:27 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Aracc Wrote:
I don't know if we ever find out if Socrpion's family is a live, just that he can never see them.
I think, honestly, his character should give up on that and seek to find peace in his current existance.

Scorpion's family is dead. Quan Chi killed them along with his entire clan.

To add onto what he said, Scorpion was NEVER in search of his family and clan. Ever since MK1, the reason he came back as a spectre in the first place was for vengeance, so he knew that they were killed, but didn't know by whom.

Are you new to Mortal Kombat?
08/14/2005 07:51 PM (UTC)
Yeah until MK4 Scorp thought Sub-Zero Killed Scorps ppl. It was in MK4 you find out it was Quan Chi.
08/14/2005 09:00 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
dirou! dirou! hes a deseption nobody u no he wont come back like kai jarrek fujin rieko jees your such a friggin MORON furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousc=emoticons/furious.gif>furious

DIROU WILL NEver come back lui kang and scorpion wiil always be espescily if my dream of working for mk comes true
08/15/2005 12:00 AM (UTC)
I knew his main purpose was revenge, but his MK1 ending (which may have been partially retconned) meant that he could never see his family again. I assumed they were still alive, because 'they're dead and my revenge lead me to never be able to see them again,' didn't make too much sense.
As for them being dead, I just never paid attention to that. I knew Quan-Chi killed him, but I'd never really wondered if his family was alive or not. I just assumed they were from his MK1 ending, and it was the usual Hellspawn curse of that, if he saw his family, they'd have already moved on, and he'd only cause them pain, or something like that. When did it say they were dead. Just wondering, since I'm trying to catch up on the Canon I've missed by not buying any consoles for a long time.
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08/15/2005 12:12 AM (UTC)
Scorpions family wasn't killed with the clan, they were later executed or killed by Quan during MK3-MK4. The line never see again mean that he couldn't have removed his mask before them since we all know what happens then.

I think Quan Chi rather ensured the shirai ryus destruction rather than killing them personally. One man against a clan? Impossible for a sorcerer in combat.
08/15/2005 01:31 AM (UTC)
thats it..im puttin on my scorp costume, grabbi a rope and a steak knife and a shit load of molitov cocktails and bombing anything that looks like dairou...

scorp is the soul of mk....without him and subzero, raiden wold be the only cool char in mk1 and therefore it would fail

ps (good work Carlos Pesina playin raiden in mk1)

and did ur heart not stop when johney was walkin in the forest and scorp just comes outa knowhere...he will never die..i will gladly give up my life going to school for graphic design just to work on mk to be part of the scorpion legacy

08/15/2005 02:53 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Scorpions family wasn't killed with the clan, they were later executed or killed by Quan during MK3-MK4. The line never see again mean that he couldn't have removed his mask before them since we all know what happens then.

I think Quan Chi rather ensured the shirai ryus destruction rather than killing them personally. One man against a clan? Impossible for a sorcerer in combat.

I thought the 'never see them again' was something more like that.
So, it's canon that his family was alive in MK1, but is now dead, right?
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08/15/2005 03:00 PM (UTC)
MK1-Scorpion returns to avenge his death prior one year. The elder Sub-Zero is either burned to ashes or had his own spine removed. His family is still alive, though he can never see them.

MK2- Scorpion rises when he hears of a Sub-Zero wandering around the tournament. Scorpion defeats him but spares the younger, mercyfull Sub-Zero and swears to be his protector for making up for killing his brother and attacking him.

MK3- Scorpion escapes the hells and joins Shao Kahn in hopes for life, hoever turns on the emperor when he discovers the younger Sub as one of the chosen ones. He is either finished by Shao Kahn (unlikely) or one of his men like Shang Tsung (more probable).

From now on the family is also dead thanks to Quan Chi.

MK4- this is when Quan Chi informs him about his family's demise. Scor-pion turns on the current Sub-Zero. This is the most valid storyline, as i gives place for the most of the events and mot of the background to be canon while not violating anything else.
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