A Sonya/Jax feud
posted03/25/2010 06:17 PM (UTC)by
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02/28/2004 03:16 AM (UTC)
This has been alluded to for quite a while now in the MK Universe. A lot of endings and such suggest that Jax is captured and transformed into a cyborg, of sorts, and Sonya now has to stop him. Now, as someone who has never been a major fan of either character, am I the only one who is excited about this prospect.

Ed Boon has gone on record as talking highly about Sonya's chances for returning in future games, and has said that Jax is one of his favourite characters. With those two elements flocking behind the storyline implications, do many agree that it is likely we will get Sonya vs. Jax in the future?

I am in support of the idea, because it finally gives Sonya a reason to be personally involved with another character. I mean, she has her relationships with Jax and the other Earthrealm fighters; but her only personal adversary has really been Kano and the other members of the Red/Black Dragon. Even if Jax retains his humanity, and just goes postal, then the storyline of Sonya being conflicted in bringing Jax down is enough to make me feel sympathy towards her character.

Is this an appropriate way to bring back MK's first female and first African-American characters?
01/25/2010 06:03 PM (UTC)
I think that would be such an AMAZING direction for the characters to go.
01/25/2010 06:05 PM (UTC)
That'd be good.
01/25/2010 06:36 PM (UTC)
its one of many great ideas that have lingered in the back of many of our minds. i even though of the opposing scenario...either way it would be a welcomed twist.
01/25/2010 08:17 PM (UTC)
I'm getting tired of seeing Jax and Sonya go after Kano and his clan... I wouldn't mind seeing a new feud between the two characters whatsoever.

But you know, it's an easy thing to have Jax become somewhat of a villainous character. Could it be the other way around where Sonya is somewhat of an evil character? Or, not so much evil, just, I don't know and yeah I should really know how to back up this idea with one of my own but, it's so easy to make a rivalry out of Jax and Sonya by having Jax as the evil character instead of Sonya.

And of course, there's got to be a reason why exactly she went evil or something. And I wouldn't have the old, "Sonya's possessed or something." Yeah... That's all I got. I had a great idea on my mind for this and I just lost it suddenly. It'll come back to me though.
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01/25/2010 11:07 PM (UTC)
I think thats a great idea!

I'd love Sonya to go in a different direction and have a really good storyline.
01/25/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)
I was thinking the same thing. It would be a sweet idea.

I would like that have done if Jax looks like he did in his ending in MKDC.

To really show how important it is for Sonya to save him and for him to get back his peace of mind.
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01/26/2010 02:38 AM (UTC)
I think Jax just shouldn't be in an MK sequel for a while. He's not interesting, and he hasn't done anything interesting since he got his bionic arms, which frankly, weren't mind blowing back when we first saw them.

I feel the same way with Sonya. But at least she has advanced the story in portions (Threw Kano off a fucking building, for instance. Hypothetically Jax did much the same thing to Jarek, but... come on, it's Jarek! That's like killing T-Hawk in Street Fighter!).

Turning Jax into a villain doesn't seem like the solution, either. A solid villain needs to have solid motivations. A good character "losing control" and becoming indefinitely evil has been done before in movies/games/anime, and almost never has it been interesting.

Jax needs a drastic turn in story to justify his existence in another MK game, perhaps in the same way Scorpion become the Champion of the Elder gods or how Subzero became leader of the reformed Lin Kuei. If he's going to do the same shit four games in a row, they can leave him out.

01/26/2010 02:58 AM (UTC)
I think it would be much better to have Jax snap on Sonya. I think there is just more drama there. Sonya has been in the game longer, and to me, is just a more critical presence as a hero. Jax has always seemed like a supporting role. There is just so much Jax turning on Sonya would do to her. On one hand, he is one of her closest allies, and she owes her life to him (MK2). But besides that personal connection, I believe Jax is actually technically Sonya's superior officer. For someone who is so dedicated to her role in the military -- going against someone higher in authority would be a huge thing for her to overcome.

I wouldn't just have Jax go "crazy," either. The foundations are there, though. In MK3, it seemed that Jax tried to get Earth on the same page, but they laughed at him, so he went into war with only Sonya by his side (until Raiden appeared and gathered the Forces of Light). We've also seen how ruthless Jax can be, in that he's knocked Jarek off a cliff, and ripped out Hsu Hao's heart. He's a man you wouldn't want to piss off, and given some of the choices he has made -- it seems like he definitely has a dark tinge to his soul. But, that being said, I think Jax should feel completely justified in what he is doing.

What does Jax value? He values the Special Forces and he values Earthrealm. He has shown he will sacrifice the lives of others (Jarek, Hsu Hao) to achieve these goals, as well as his own flesh (his bionic arms). Xia had an amazing story (I believe) where Jax became solely fixated on getting even with Sonya after she left him for dead, or something. That would be an interesting way to "warp" Jax's mindset. But otherwise, Jax's "heel turn" could be applied to the values he already has: protecting Earthrealm and sacrificing his humanity to do it.

The most natural idea I can come up with is that Jax begins to convert more of his body, and becomes obsessed with cybernetic implants like some people become addicted to plastic surgery. In Jax's mind, he is fitting himself to be a more effective guardian of Earthrealm, but what he is really doing is sacrificing critical parts of his humanity, and his connection to the flesh. Sonya realises that Jax (who has taken control of the Special Forces) must be stopped, even if it means sacrificing everything she holds dear FOR her humanity.
03/18/2010 05:40 PM (UTC)
I've been a fan of this idea since MKDA.

Like I've said before, I think this would be a great twist for both characters. I love the way they've been giving gradual hints about Jax's "transformation".

There is something bad going on with Jax, and its likely that he will never work for the SF again.

I like the thought of having two loyal best friends in polar opposites, and it will certainly spark a new twist for both of them, however, I wouldn't like Jax to be Sonya's only priority, just like I wouldn't like Jax to suddenly comeback "all evil and scary".

There is definitely potential in making both of them enemies, but, its gotta be portrayed smoothly. Jax can be corrupted in the way Raiden is now corrupted, but Sonya shouldn't only worry about her best friend and the security of the SF/OIA and the world now that someone as important as Jax is suddenly "evil".

This should be part of an even bigger problem, for I want them both to go in different twists/paths.

I would love for Sonya to step down from the SF/OIA due to some inner-corruption among her people and friends. This would make her a "traitor" or whatever, and it could give her the chance to follow a new goal in a totally different direction. A nice twist that doesn't necessarily mean that she no longer is the tough Special Agent blond chick that fans love. She needs to worry about Jax, but that doesn't mean there can't be something new in store for her, a fresh new role outside of the OIA.

And maybe Jax could be the reason of the corruption of the OIA. Also, there is definitely some potential in margining the Tekunin with the SF if Jax and Sektor are still involved in this big deal.

That's something I would love to see.

You-Know-Who Wrote:
Even if Jax retains his humanity, and just goes postal, then the storyline of Sonya being conflicted in bringing Jax down is enough to make me feel sympathy towards her character.

Is this an appropriate way to bring back MK's first female and first African-American characters?

I think it is.

One thing I've always loved that the MKTeam has done with Sonya is the way they've portrayed her heart in such a loyal and caring way. Its fun 'cause despite all the toughness and fire that her character represents, we've always seen her putting her friends before anything else. She is very human in that aspect, and she is one of the few characters to be portrayed in this way. She has a big heart and that's something that would make this conflict even more interesting. Look at her in MKDA, risking everything to save both Cyrax and Kenshi, and openly expressing her utter dislike towards Frost.

firesnake Wrote:
I was thinking the same thing. It would be a sweet idea.

I would like that have done if Jax looks like he did in his ending in MKDC.

To really show how important it is for Sonya to save him and for him to get back his peace of mind.

That was a brilliant ending, however, I rather have Jax looking less robotic than that.

TemperaryUserName Wrote:

Turning Jax into a villain doesn't seem like the solution, either. A solid villain needs to have solid motivations. A good character "losing control" and becoming indefinitely evil has been done before in movies/games/anime, and almost never has it been interesting.

Jax needs a drastic turn in story to justify his existence in another MK game, perhaps in the same way Scorpion become the Champion of the Elder gods or how Subzero became leader of the reformed Lin Kuei. If he's going to do the same shit four games in a row, they can leave him out.

But that's the thing, it doesn't seem like Jax is turning (all of the sudden) into some "ordinary villain". Ever since MKU there have been hints about some form of anger and corruption.

I wouldn't like to see an "EVIL" Jax either (like Shang Tsung or Kabal, for example), but a corrupted Jax, like Dark Raiden, can work wonders.

Jax would no longer be able to distinguish what's humane and not, or whats really crossing the line between good or evil anymore. I think there is potential for him to go into this direction. It will certainly add a huge spark for his character.

You-Know-Who Wrote:
I think it would be much better to have Jax snap on Sonya. I think there is just more drama there. Sonya has been in the game longer, and to me, is just a more critical presence as a hero. Jax has always seemed like a supporting role. There is just so much Jax turning on Sonya would do to her. On one hand, he is one of her closest allies, and she owes her life to him (MK2). But besides that personal connection, I believe Jax is actually technically Sonya's superior officer. For someone who is so dedicated to her role in the military -- going against someone higher in authority would be a huge thing for her to overcome.

I agree.

I do wonder if Jax is still her superior though. They both formed the OIA together, and it always seems like its Sonya the one doing the main work and giving the orders (her Konquest in MKDA, her ending in MKDA, her story in MKA, her story role in Konquest, etc). Still, whatever the case it doesn't matter to me as long as they both get a nice new twist.

You-Know-Who Wrote:
I wouldn't just have Jax go "crazy," either. The foundations are there, though. In MK3, it seemed that Jax tried to get Earth on the same page, but they laughed at him, so he went into war with only Sonya by his side (until Raiden appeared and gathered the Forces of Light). We've also seen how ruthless Jax can be, in that he's knocked Jarek off a cliff, and ripped out Hsu Hao's heart. He's a man you wouldn't want to piss off, and given some of the choices he has made -- it seems like he definitely has a dark tinge to his soul. But, that being said, I think Jax should feel completely justified in what he is doing.

Exactly my thoughts.

You-Know-Who Wrote:

The most natural idea I can come up with is that Jax begins to convert more of his body, and becomes obsessed with cybernetic implants like some people become addicted to plastic surgery. In Jax's mind, he is fitting himself to be a more effective guardian of Earthrealm, but what he is really doing is sacrificing critical parts of his humanity, and his connection to the flesh. Sonya realises that Jax (who has taken control of the Special Forces) must be stopped, even if it means sacrificing everything she holds dear FOR her humanity.

And we have a winner.

This would be a glorious scenario. I love this idea and it will certainly add more development for the two characters.

But like I said before, as good as it sounds, I wouldn't like this to be the only main thing that both characters have to worry about. There has to be some extra thing going on in the background that will ultimately lead them both to different fresh paths. With Jax it might be death or a path of solitude/redemption, with Sonya, a new fresh role outside of the OIA and SF (which doesn't mean she would stop being an agent) with something unexpected.
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03/18/2010 11:53 PM (UTC)
Wow, this is pretty awesome. All of you have made some excelent points. I do agree with queve that this shouldn't be the only thing going on with the two, but one of many new little twists. Sonya has trusted Jax for years, he's been her best friend, so what happens when he goes away? What happens when he's the enemy? Do you know how much that would hurt and devastate Sonya? This could really help both characters A LOT. The both of them really do need a new story. But Ed Boon and Co. would never come up with a good story like this. Sonya & Jax will probably be going after their 90th black dragon member in the next game instead. *rolls eyes*
03/19/2010 03:45 AM (UTC)
I don't like it.

Seems like a popular idea, but I don't see what's interesting about Sonya hunting down yet another bad guy, despite him being her friend.

And her loyal nature has been established over and over. I don't see the need for another tale that conveys that.

I want Sonya to go in the direction Johnny went it. They gave him a new role, a new purpose. He grew out of being a mere cliche. Unless Sonya gets the same treatment, I doubt we're gonna see anything interesting for her in the near future.

Same thing with Kitana, Sindel, Reptile, and many others. They've been hammering the same stories to death already. Time for a major change.
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03/19/2010 04:44 AM (UTC)
I'm not entirely against this this idea, I just think it's an incomplete idea.

I think it should be Sonya vs Sektor (man vs machine...terminator[sorta]... the matrix[sorta]....war of the worlds[sorta]....ect). Jax would represent a sub-boss for Sonya in her own sub-lots ladder to beat the "big baddie" (which would be Sektor in this hypothetical scenario) at the climax, or ending of that plot.

Sonya vs Jax seems a bit flat without something more interesting wrapped around it. Beefed up, this concept could be it's own game for us Sonya fans. Her in the starring role, other playables like Kenshi, or Cyrax, or altogether new characters from the Special forces.

How's that tickle your Sonya love-nugget?
03/19/2010 03:27 PM (UTC)
03/20/2010 02:21 AM (UTC)
I think it would be kinda cool like they switched Kano and Jaxes brains as a failed experiment then Kano Sonya and her apperent love interest Johnny Cage try to swich there brains back in a cool story line
03/20/2010 02:22 AM (UTC)
I think it would be kinda cool like they switched Kano and Jaxes brains as a failed experiment then Kano Sonya and her apperent love interest Johnny Cage try to swich there brains back in a cool story line
03/23/2010 06:09 PM (UTC)
To streamline the story, I've been thinking of some cool ways to kill off certain characters to really boost the story of other characters. With Jax, I was thinking they could wrap up the Tekunin story in Jax's bio (as I sincerely believe it is becoming messy, despite being a Sektor fan) by having Jax captured by them during Armageddon or whatever. Sonya tries to rescue Jax, or whatever, but basically he is considered lost in the line of duty. The Tekunin do some funky experiments on Jax, and convert him into something a little more cybernetic than what he was, but Jax manages to break free with his cunning and strength, and absolutely slaughters the Tekunin.

Sektor being killed off in this way gives Jax the "rub" in the story, and allows the Tekunin angle to be concluded in a decisive way (Jax destroys them from the inside). Their experiments can leave their mark on Jax, and he could lose some critical aspects to human emotion or whatever. This amplifies his feeling of abandonment by Sonya. I mean, when she got captured by Shao Kahn, Jax managed to save her; but where was she when Sektor had him?

Something like this tidies the story up, provides Jax with some much needed development -- and with the big man being a more interesting character, that can then reflect on Sonya. Think of Jax as the funky mirror to Sonya's arguably bland hero. He'd ask some tough questions of Sonya, and for once we'll have to see Sonya step up and provide some answers to the story -- and not just be pretty filler.
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03/24/2010 08:37 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
To streamline the story, I've been thinking of some cool ways to kill off certain characters to really boost the story of other characters. With Jax, I was thinking they could wrap up the Tekunin story in Jax's bio (as I sincerely believe it is becoming messy, despite being a Sektor fan) by having Jax captured by them during Armageddon or whatever. Sonya tries to rescue Jax, or whatever, but basically he is considered lost in the line of duty. The Tekunin do some funky experiments on Jax, and convert him into something a little more cybernetic than what he was, but Jax manages to break free with his cunning and strength, and absolutely slaughters the Tekunin.
Sektor being killed off in this way gives Jax the "rub" in the story, and allows the Tekunin angle to be concluded in a decisive way (Jax destroys them from the inside). Their experiments can leave their mark on Jax, and he could lose some critical aspects to human emotion or whatever. This amplifies his feeling of abandonment by Sonya. I mean, when she got captured by Shao Kahn, Jax managed to save her; but where was she when Sektor had him?

It seems great minds think alike. I've been going over notes on an MK7 project I hope to write and I also had the idea of Jax being captured and experimented on by the Tekunin. However, I would not choose the end the Tekunin storyline by having Jax destroy them all.
I would have Jax battling to retain his humanity whilt being used by Sektor as a weapon (which he uses to destroy the Special Forces base rendering them immobile and also destroying the machine they used to restore Cyrax' humanity) to help him take over the world. Jax's motivation for trying to stay human would obviously be his hatred for all things evil and to try and save Earth but maybe he could also be secretly in love with Sonya. I had the idea that over the years he's grown to love her as more than a friend but due to their work and their rank and Jax's honourable nature, he would never have chosen to act on his feelings both for his and Sonya's sake and their friendship. Hopefully if I get this MK7 project done, I can feature this as apart of their storylines.
03/24/2010 10:01 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Wow, this is pretty awesome. All of you have made some excelent points. I do agree with queve that this shouldn't be the only thing going on with the two, but one of many new little twists. Sonya has trusted Jax for years, he's been her best friend, so what happens when he goes away? What happens when he's the enemy? Do you know how much that would hurt and devastate Sonya? This could really help both characters A LOT. The both of them really do need a new story. But Ed Boon and Co. would never come up with a good story like this. Sonya & Jax will probably be going after their 90th black dragon member in the next game instead. *rolls eyes*

Agreed. Nice thoughts!

ThePredator151 Wrote:
I'm not entirely against this this idea, I just think it's an incomplete idea.

I think it should be Sonya vs Sektor (man vs machine...terminator[sorta]... the matrix[sorta]....war of the worlds[sorta]....ect). Jax would represent a sub-boss for Sonya in her own sub-lots ladder to beat the "big baddie" (which would be Sektor in this hypothetical scenario) at the climax, or ending of that plot.

Sonya vs Jax seems a bit flat without something more interesting wrapped around it. Beefed up, this concept could be it's own game for us Sonya fans. Her in the starring role, other playables like Kenshi, or Cyrax, or altogether new characters from the Special forces.

How's that tickle your Sonya love-nugget?

Right on!

I like where you are going with your thoughts. I hope it’s not too long before we see a new MK Adventure game starring Sonya, Kenshi and other major MK characters and the gang of the OIA without it being the horrible crap-thing that is know as MK:SF.

kunglao23 Wrote:
I think it would be kinda cool like they switched Kano and Jaxes brains as a failed experiment then Kano Sonya and her apperent love interest Johnny Cage try to swich there brains back in a cool story line

I don’t like this idea, sorry. That’s actually one of the last things we need for any character.

You-Know-Who Wrote:
To streamline the story, I've been thinking of some cool ways to kill off certain characters to really boost the story of other characters. With Jax, I was thinking they could wrap up the Tekunin story in Jax's bio (as I sincerely believe it is becoming messy, despite being a Sektor fan) by having Jax captured by them during Armageddon or whatever. Sonya tries to rescue Jax, or whatever, but basically he is considered lost in the line of duty. The Tekunin do some funky experiments on Jax, and convert him into something a little more cybernetic than what he was, but Jax manages to break free with his cunning and strength, and absolutely slaughters the Tekunin.

Sektor being killed off in this way gives Jax the "rub" in the story, and allows the Tekunin angle to be concluded in a decisive way (Jax destroys them from the inside). Their experiments can leave their mark on Jax, and he could lose some critical aspects to human emotion or whatever. This amplifies his feeling of abandonment by Sonya. I mean, when she got captured by Shao Kahn, Jax managed to save her; but where was she when Sektor had him?

Something like this tidies the story up, provides Jax with some much needed development -- and with the big man being a more interesting character, that can then reflect on Sonya. Think of Jax as the funky mirror to Sonya's arguably bland hero. He'd ask some tough questions of Sonya, and for once we'll have to see Sonya step up and provide some answers to the story -- and not just be pretty filler.

All great ideas, I just wonder if the MK Team is listening to the fans. They’ve done so in the past, lets just hope they take some ideas as inspirations for something great and awesome.
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03/25/2010 12:29 AM (UTC)
Jax killing off the tekunin by himself is absolutely retarded (not directed at anybody).

Sektor (not being a fanboy) simply wouldnt create something he cannot control. He is where he is because of cunning and carefully planned tactics and approaches. When he was defeated by subzero. He knew it and thats why he was still alive.

A cybornetic organism, a leader of a clan no less, has vast calculation into what he does and every actions eventual end in simulation based on REAL statistics he has processed no doubt.

Sektor would not create soemthing that in any way posed a threat to him. And I would believe Sektor would have some sort of backup copy of his own concience (if the one we see isnt already a fake)

I just couldnt ever see that.

I LOVE however, the idea of jax being changed. I diddnt see every MKA ending so this eluded me completely. Jax, IMO, has been bland and plain since MKDA. I like his character alot I Just feel like he was sonyas sidekick. I want him to become the badass he deserves to be. In a realistic sense. Maybe against a high member of another clan, the red or black dragon?

I know its old. but jax saying "ive had enough bullshit" (whether or not he was cybornetically enhanced, gained his mind back or not). Just wrapping Jarek's asshole around his face. or bearhugging kobra till he spits out his kidneys.

I wanna see him just lose it and kill a believable opponent. Not anybody huge in status. Consider it a chance for Boon to undo a mistake of creating darrius or kobra. lol

either way, i hope jax makes soem sort of comeback.

03/25/2010 01:57 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
Jax killing off the tekunin by himself is absolutely retarded (not directed at anybody).

Sektor (not being a fanboy) simply wouldnt create something he cannot control. He is where he is because of cunning and carefully planned tactics and approaches. When he was defeated by subzero. He knew it and thats why he was still alive.

A cybornetic organism, a leader of a clan no less, has vast calculation into what he does and every actions eventual end in simulation based on REAL statistics he has processed no doubt.

Sektor would not create soemthing that in any way posed a threat to him. And I would believe Sektor would have some sort of backup copy of his own concience (if the one we see isnt already a fake)

I just couldnt ever see that.

I LOVE however, the idea of jax being changed. I diddnt see every MKA ending so this eluded me completely. Jax, IMO, has been bland and plain since MKDA. I like his character alot I Just feel like he was sonyas sidekick. I want him to become the badass he deserves to be. In a realistic sense. Maybe against a high member of another clan, the red or black dragon?

I know its old. but jax saying "ive had enough bullshit" (whether or not he was cybornetically enhanced, gained his mind back or not). Just wrapping Jarek's asshole around his face. or bearhugging kobra till he spits out his kidneys.

I wanna see him just lose it and kill a believable opponent. Not anybody huge in status. Consider it a chance for Boon to undo a mistake of creating darrius or kobra. lol

either way, i hope jax makes soem sort of comeback.


I have to disagree. Yes, Sektor is cunning; but so was Hsu Hao. That didn't work out too well for him. We don't really have too much development on Sektor, but what we have seen has indicated that he's ambitious, and even somewhat arrogant. What if the process to Jax is done partially to torture him? I mean, from what I gather, you're saying that Sektor is invincible? He's too calculating and well-prepared to be destroyed? I don't buy Sektor as a constant of the series, sorry. He's been in what -- four games?

The back-up consciousness thing does work for Sektor, though. I can see why people would assume Sektor would have that. There are ways around that, though. Arrogance being a major one. Perhaps Sektor calculated the odds of him being destroyed, and did not see it as reasonable to make a back-up copy of his mind? And perhaps it is not even possible in the Mortal Kombat galaxy to do such a thing? Jax could even spend some time after being captured by the Tekunin hunting down Sektor's surviving consciousness and erasing it.

The point would not be to make Sektor look stupid, but rather make Jax look resourceful, violent, intelligent and manipulative. It would give us a chance to see Jax really take control of a situation he really should have no control over. It'd give us a chance to see that he is different from other mortals, in that he refuses to be controlled by Sektor.
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03/25/2010 03:15 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Casselman Wrote:
Jax killing off the tekunin by himself is absolutely retarded (not directed at anybody).

Sektor (not being a fanboy) simply wouldnt create something he cannot control. He is where he is because of cunning and carefully planned tactics and approaches. When he was defeated by subzero. He knew it and thats why he was still alive.

A cybornetic organism, a leader of a clan no less, has vast calculation into what he does and every actions eventual end in simulation based on REAL statistics he has processed no doubt.

Sektor would not create soemthing that in any way posed a threat to him. And I would believe Sektor would have some sort of backup copy of his own concience (if the one we see isnt already a fake)

I just couldnt ever see that.

I LOVE however, the idea of jax being changed. I diddnt see every MKA ending so this eluded me completely. Jax, IMO, has been bland and plain since MKDA. I like his character alot I Just feel like he was sonyas sidekick. I want him to become the badass he deserves to be. In a realistic sense. Maybe against a high member of another clan, the red or black dragon?

I know its old. but jax saying "ive had enough bullshit" (whether or not he was cybornetically enhanced, gained his mind back or not). Just wrapping Jarek's asshole around his face. or bearhugging kobra till he spits out his kidneys.

I wanna see him just lose it and kill a believable opponent. Not anybody huge in status. Consider it a chance for Boon to undo a mistake of creating darrius or kobra. lol

either way, i hope jax makes soem sort of comeback.


I have to disagree. Yes, Sektor is cunning; but so was Hsu Hao. That didn't work out too well for him. We don't really have too much development on Sektor, but what we have seen has indicated that he's ambitious, and even somewhat arrogant. What if the process to Jax is done partially to torture him? I mean, from what I gather, you're saying that Sektor is invincible? He's too calculating and well-prepared to be destroyed? I don't buy Sektor as a constant of the series, sorry. He's been in what -- four games?

The back-up consciousness thing does work for Sektor, though. I can see why people would assume Sektor would have that. There are ways around that, though. Arrogance being a major one. Perhaps Sektor calculated the odds of him being destroyed, and did not see it as reasonable to make a back-up copy of his mind? And perhaps it is not even possible in the Mortal Kombat galaxy to do such a thing? Jax could even spend some time after being captured by the Tekunin hunting down Sektor's surviving consciousness and erasing it.

The point would not be to make Sektor look stupid, but rather make Jax look resourceful, violent, intelligent and manipulative. It would give us a chance to see Jax really take control of a situation he really should have no control over. It'd give us a chance to see that he is different from other mortals, in that he refuses to be controlled by Sektor.

Yes hsu hao was cunning. But he was also not very big in terms of position and power which was easily proven. Unless kano's death was canon in the mk4 ending (i honestly do not know). Jax couldnt even take him out after how long? Keeping in mind that I love kano, Sektor is clearly going to come out ahead in smarts there.

Characters ability to stay in the games relies purely on the writers. it depends on what they want to look into. No i never ever said Sektor was invincible. hahaha hes far from it. I actually WANT Sektor to be killed off soon thus not ruining his character. I jsut feel he deserves to die by the hands of subzero after coming all this way. To be dispatched by somebody who had absolutely nothing to do with his ambitions and story until MKA is a slap in the face.

The amount of games he was in sais nothing. Fujin has been like 2. Kenshi 3, Hotaru 2, havik 2, nightwolf 3... etc..(keeping in mind that every character got a buy in MKA)

Great characters have not to be needed in every game. It gives the opportunity to evolve more of their story in other ways. IMO speaking of sektor inparticular. He was the FIRST cyborg and the only one by choice if i rmemeber correctly. His devotion to the clan was unmatched to the point of sacrificing himself. He remains the only one to be considered evil and (arguably) the most powerful in terms of position.

hes got MUCH more potential than cyrax(no offense). And rivals smoke for sure. If they just kill him off because he pissed in jax's cereal, it jsut wouldnt fit right.

I re-assure you as ive stated many times. I want Sektor to die. Before he is given the wesker disease. Have a climax. a solid pressence in a great game (hopefully MK9), kill a character relevant to his story at one point (cyrax haha) or somebody else, and then die by the hands of subzero, maybe regaining control as a human to repent before the moment of death. or stay evil and burn out in a cyclone of fury and hate after being defeated by subzero.

who knows. maybe he will go after frost to draw subby out even tho she betrayed, he has a heart for her wellbeing i think. or if the tekunin is defeated, combine forces with noob (he was after smokes technology to make cyborg demons) and something could happen there. Not saying im going nuts over these ideas. just throwing them out there. i was actually worried that noob would hit against sektor next... lol

But in terms of his status. I dont believe he will just lay down and die. nor would he be foolish enough to hide his (if existed) consience anywhere near himself or in the ship, risking destruction. If he is to die by jax's hands (should that be wha thappens to jax) then they would have to present more story and make it relevant and acceptable on both sides of the fence so the fans wont be offended.

Both amazing characters. Jax is gianing more and more of my attention lately aswell. Much potential there too. But the truth be told. we wont know a thing until we get bio's or see the game.

I hope i dont come off as confrontational. But fans of this character such as myself, after seeing cyrax in MKDA, smoke in MKD and all of them in MKA. Its pretty well expected that he will take the "cyborg slot" in mk9 should there be one, to even out the table. The fans deserve him in one more game. Then its time to die. Honerably of coarse by the right hands.

03/25/2010 05:24 AM (UTC)
Nah, you're not coming off as confrontational. You don't like the idea, so what good is a discussion board if you can't voice your opinion? You're one of posters I respect most around here, so I am sort of flattered you are taking the time to address my posts, haha.

One of my favourite TV shows of all-time is The Wire. One thing I liked about that show was the mortality a lot of the characters possessed. Some really important characters would be killed off despite their popularity, and often by characters from the edges in reveals you would never see coming. It was all in the game. That might be why the concept of Jax (a character I am not too big on) killing Sektor (a character I am)) is not such a big deal to me. Done right, it would go down as an epic death, with Sektor serving a purpose to establishing Jax as a major player, rather than his supporting role to Sonya.

I'm at the stage where I am over clans in Mortal Kombat. Noob Saibot has got his thing going on, where he wants to make an army of cybernetic demons, and Sektor is doing the same cybernetic thing with the Tekunin. It's all very messy. If they scrapped one or both of these storylines, despite my fondness for both characters, I can understand why. It's just time to streamline, and it's time for newer powers to rise. One of those powers could be Jax.

If a cybernetic ninja returns for MK9, I am thinking more and more that it could be Smoke (my least favourite of the three cyber-ninjas). He ties into Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot's story. He's also a very popular character, and one that I can see living on merely for this reason. Sektor is more of his own man than Smoke, but I can't see both Sektor and Noob Saibot returning. I mean, what is the point of having two guys with essentially the same goal floating around?
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03/25/2010 06:43 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
You're one of posters I respect most around here, so I am sort of flattered you are taking the time to address my posts, haha.

awww ^_^ thanks hahaha. You also have my respect and full attention as a poster.

You-Know-Who Wrote:
Sektor is more of his own man than Smoke, but I can't see both Sektor and Noob Saibot returning. I mean, what is the point of having two guys with essentially the same goal floating around?

MK Deadly Alliance 2: Deadlier Alliance.... hahaha
03/25/2010 06:17 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I'm at the stage where I am over clans in Mortal Kombat. Noob Saibot has got his thing going on, where he wants to make an army of cybernetic demons, and Sektor is doing the same cybernetic thing with the Tekunin. It's all very messy. If they scrapped one or both of these storylines, despite my fondness for both characters, I can understand why. It's just time to streamline, and it's time for newer powers to rise. One of those powers could be Jax.

I don't like too many clans either, but I also don't mind having a few clans in MK. I'd definitely keep Sektor's Tekunin, I think cool stuff could be done with them. I'd get rid of the Dragon clans however.

While I like your efforts to improve Jax, I think it'd be a shame to do it at the cost of losing Sektor. The beauty of Sektor is, imo, is that he could be that 3rd party guy, one that comes out of nowhere and suddenly messes things up for both, good guys and the bad guys. He could be the one that forces good guys and bad guys to join forces, not necessarily all of the good and bad guys in MK, but those mostly affected by the Tekunin.

Between Jax and Sektor, I'd definitely give another chance to Sektor. He still feels fresh because he hasn't been in many games, unlike Jax who really feels old and played out by now, at least to me.

So basically, I guess what I'm trying to say is "no" (sorry) to your suggestion as a possible future sub-plot, even though I do appreciate your efforts in trying to improve Jax.
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