A new Russian, homosexual character
posted08/26/2014 09:17 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I think it's about time we had a gay badass character in MK. And in today's political climate, if the gay character was a new one, he should be Russian, and his name should be Vladimir. Or alternately, his last name could be Putin.

There should be none of that crap about downplaying such a character's sexuality so that some people can more easily look past him being gay (more like, pretend he's not). He should have a boyfriend, and/or be flirty with other men. The same way Johnny proudly displayed his heterosexuality in MK9.

Now, I bet I'll be accused of wanting diversity strictly for the sake of diversity, again.
08/21/2014 02:15 PM (UTC)
Im gonna take a pass on this.

The Vladamir Putin thing was funny tho.

..And we already have a gay character. RAIN! Have you seen that dude fight. Looks like a Ballerina
EDIT: Maybe I will rescind my pass. I find it incredibly obnoxious, distasteful, and distracting from the story when a character flaunts their sexuality so blatantly. That is the reason why I HATE Johnny Cage, he is such an asshat.
So my answer is no. Keep every character's sexual preferences to themselves. Whether its Johnny's heterosexual antics or a homosexual newcomer. I just don't find the need to have it in a video game.
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08/21/2014 02:17 PM (UTC)
Uhh... we have Rain.
08/21/2014 02:17 PM (UTC)
Lol good one
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08/21/2014 02:23 PM (UTC)
And we have Sheeva that could represent Lesbians.. I mean, she did "serve" Sindel as a personal bodyguard. Who knows what else she served her with... ;)

A romantic obsession with Sindel could actually lead Sheeva to a better story actuallly. Hahaha
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

08/21/2014 02:41 PM (UTC)
08/21/2014 02:46 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:


08/21/2014 02:55 PM (UTC)
Some unfunny jokes involving gay stereotypes. Big surprise there. "Uh, we have Rain", yes, because if Rain was gay, we wouldn't need another gay character, right? Guess we didn't need any new female characters after Sonya, or any new black characters after Jax. New ninjas though, are always welcome, of course.

Anyway, my suggested new character should have long black hair tied in a ponytail, and use Aikido as a fighting style, at least for one of his variants. One of his fatalities should see him rip his opponent's spine and strangle them with it.
08/21/2014 02:58 PM (UTC)
Yeap, yeap... Here's the gay thread.

In my opinion, I really don't think one's sexual preferences makes that much of a difference for their character in a game like this. That's all I'm gonna say before this thread goes way out of whack like they always do.
08/21/2014 03:05 PM (UTC)
If they want to make a gay character they will but I don't think they will do it just to please a bunch of gay people that think everything needs a gay person in it, I sure wouldn't. I have nothing against homosexuals though im just saying I wouldn't make a gay characters unless I wanted to, not to please others.
08/21/2014 03:25 PM (UTC)
Omg its MK,we dont need gays in this game,come on man. Jeez we need more info on this game so we have real topics to talk about
08/21/2014 03:26 PM (UTC)
Isn't smoke gay enough?
08/21/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Yeap, yeap... Here's the gay thread.

In my opinion, I really don't think one's sexual preferences makes that much of a difference for their character in a game like this. That's all I'm gonna say before this thread goes way out of whack like they always do.

If threads like these go out of whack, it's usually because of people who can't discuss homosexuality maturely, and who always have to make unfunny gay jokes whenever anyone makes any suggestions like these.

I would guess homophobia is less controversial than racism and sexism, because in my thread about female minorities a while back, there were no racist and sexist jokes, just the same old crap accusing me of wanting diversity just for the sake of it, and people thinking that we live in a post-racial world where making such suggestions is unnecessary. But it didn't take long for the gay jokes to start flooding this thread.

Let me guess: you think MK's a badass franchise for "real" men, and that a gay character would wussify it. People like you only make me want gay characters more. Now, shouldn't you be eating at Chick-Fil-A, or something?
08/21/2014 03:46 PM (UTC)
Let the homophobia flow, y'all. Some of you really need to get out of the house more.
In response to the OP: no, we don't need a gay character in the series. Not that I wouldn't want one, but it would serve no purpose in the storyline and instead come off as pandering.
08/21/2014 03:48 PM (UTC)
First of all, sexuality doesn't matter in a game like Mortal Kombat. Unless it is story relevant, like with Liu Kang and Kitana or Sonya and Johnny, then it doesn't matter.

Second, Mortal Kombat isn't the place to take up some political standpoint either. First of all, it would antagonize and estrange a part of the fanbase who might be Russian and support the anti-gay law, which would mean that NRS would lose sales there. Marketing-wise it would be a REALLY bad idea.

And third, it is just too unnecessary to make such a controversial character. MK is controversial enough in its own due to the gore and the sexualized female characters.

No, IF there was to be a gay character in Mortal Kombat, male or female, it should not be the base point of the character. A person's sexuality is not what defines a person, it is just a small part of that person. So make a gay character just to have a gay character would be like to have a black character just to have one! It's not a good reason at all!

As other people have suggested, though as a joke, it would be easier to take an already established character and make him/her gay - but because we have already seen the other aspects of his/her personality, it wouldn't be the defining point of him/her. So e.g. making Smoke gay wouldn't change anything else about him, he would still be the gray Lin Kuei assassin with smoke powers due to being an Enenra demon. Being gay would just be another added point to him. He could be gay already without us knowing it, but it isn't relevant information to us!

However, making a gay character for the sake of propaganda and controversy... That's just braindead.

Edit: And by the way, to those who don't know, I am a gay man myself, and it is not that I don't want my sexuality to be represented in games, I just don't think it is relevant and especially not with the OP's agenda in mind.
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08/21/2014 03:51 PM (UTC)

Seriously, why< because this is sexuality for the sake of sexuality, a.k.a. stupid.
08/21/2014 03:51 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Some unfunny jokes involving gay stereotypes. Big surprise there. "Uh, we have Rain", yes, because if Rain was gay, we wouldn't need another gay character, right? Guess we didn't need any new female characters after Sonya, or any new black characters after Jax. New ninjas though, are always welcome, of course.

Anyway, my suggested new character should have long black hair tied in a ponytail, and use Aikido as a fighting style, at least for one of his variants. One of his fatalities should see him rip his opponent's spine and strangle them with it.

I dont understand what your point is? Your description of a character could describe any character.. what is the purposes of detailing his sexual orientation? It has no place in a fighting game whether they are straight, bi, or gay, who cares? why even delve into it? Just Curious

08/21/2014 03:55 PM (UTC)
I just thought of a projectile for my guy: disgusting-looking chicken wings, with the added bonus of falling on the ground whether they were blocked or and making the opponents trip when walking on them. Can be used again as projectiles both by Putin (as I'll call him) and his opponents. They disappear not too long after being thrown.
08/21/2014 03:56 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
just the same old crap accusing me of wanting diversity just for the sake of it

This thread is the same thing.
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08/21/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Some unfunny jokes involving gay stereotypes. Big surprise there. "Uh, we have Rain", yes, because if Rain was gay, we wouldn't need another gay character, right? Guess we didn't need any new female characters after Sonya, or any new black characters after Jax. New ninjas though, are always welcome, of course.

Anyway, my suggested new character should have long black hair tied in a ponytail, and use Aikido as a fighting style, at least for one of his variants. One of his fatalities should see him rip his opponent's spine and strangle them with it.

I dont understand what your point is? Your description of a character could describe any character.. what is the purposes of detailing his sexual orientation? It has no place in a fighting game whether they are straight, bi, or gay, who cares? why even delve into it? Just Curious

I know the OP is trolling with his character...But, there's a few relationships in the Mortal Kombat story. It's not like these characters are completely asexual.
08/21/2014 04:08 PM (UTC)
Homophobes don't deserve to be taken into consideration. They don't even deserve to live. And I say that as a straight guy.

I thought the US media was largely liberal, and condemned homophobia. If that's the case, then why would it be a problem if MK offended homophobes? Isn't that as inconsequential as offending pedophiles?

Liberals and conservatives do both play their part in keeping homophobia alive. Cons by condemning homsesexuality, libs by insisting on downplaying a gay character's orientation just so people won't be distracted by it, while not minding straight characters' orientation being rubbed in our faces. But at least there's one poster here (thisiscourage) who isn't an hypocrite about it, even if I disagree with him.

You know, I wouldn't mind The Authority's Midnighter and Appollo as guest characters.
08/21/2014 04:10 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Homophobes don't deserve to be taken into consideration. They don't even deserve to live.

When you say this, you are no better than them.

Forcing a gay character down their throats (lol nasty) wouldn't change their point of view. It wouldn't make them un-homophobic.

I don't like Scorpion, and having him show up in EVERYTHING Mortal Kombat isn't going to make me like him. It just makes me dislike him even more. It's the same thing with this suggestion of yours.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/21/2014 04:13 PM (UTC)
.........NRS! We need a new fucking character revealed! Soon!
08/21/2014 04:24 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Seriously, why< because this is sexuality for the sake of sexuality, a.k.a. stupid.
08/21/2014 04:28 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Homophobes don't deserve to be taken into consideration. They don't even deserve to live.

When you say this, you are no better than them.

Forcing a gay character down their throats (lol nasty) wouldn't change their point of view. It wouldn't make them un-homophobic.

I don't like Scorpion, and having him show up in EVERYTHING Mortal Kombat isn't going to make me like him. It just makes me dislike him even more. It's the same thing with this suggestion of yours.

I am better than them, because they have stupid prejudices, while my disdain for them is perfectly justified.

What makes you think I care about homophobes changing their views? Most of them will never change anyway, and I'm not sure the few that do were ever that homophobic to begin with.

You're pretty much saying that because rubbing a gay character's sexuality in their faces won't change them, we should downplay said character's sexuality. How does it help homosexuals exactly? By telling the homophobes it's okay for them to hate gay people? To make them feel safe playing MK games?

I'm accused of trolling, but I guess the people making unfunny gay jokes aren't, heh?
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