A new MK Special Forces Game, or possibly MK: OIA
posted08/19/2008 05:52 PM (UTC)by
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05/20/2003 02:47 AM (UTC)
Yes I know I know... I am WELL aware of the utter nighmare the first game was. I still shudder thinking about it. However.. that game was not completed as they had originally planned, and was SUPER rushed. It had alot working against it.

I would just want them to try again, and take the time they need with it. I love MK as a fighting game... but after MK SM, I learned that the adventure MK can be fun too. So why not have the same team that developed MK SM, work on a new SF/OIA title?

It could let you choose between 4 main characters:

Sonya (of course. They should never have cut her from the first!)




Have each character retain their signature specials (or spins on said specials) and make them upgradable like in MK SM. Each character (except for maybe Kenshi who probably wouldn't use such devices anyway) should also be able to gain and use different Special Forces issue weaponry. (Kenshi can recieve uprades for his sword to compensate for not using the SF arsenal.)

Maybe have a couple of unlockable characters (possibly from the SF comic).

Fatalities are also a must. Don't mind at all if they're done in a similar way to MK SM.

Use the game to BETTER illustrate key moments in SF history, as well as that of the characters.

I know I'll probably be alone in this, but I just think the idea deserves a second shot. Especially considering the power of next gen. It could be a great game which fuses elements of Action/Fighting/Shooting games. As I said the first game was VERY incomplete, and poorly done because it was rushed. If they take their time, I'm sure they can get it right.

Alright, I said what I had to say... so *sighs* Let the verbal asskicking commence.
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08/04/2008 01:32 AM (UTC)
I'm cool with it, add anoter original storyline and more original characters + maybe the ability to play as the villains, and I'm up for it
08/04/2008 05:13 AM (UTC)
Could work, but not with the Shaolin Monks gameplay. Make a new adventure game.
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08/04/2008 08:42 AM (UTC)
TomTaz Wrote:
Let the verbal asskicking commence.

No, this is actually a good idea right now. Spend some good time on it, get the right programmers, and a good source for military behavior in there, and there we go.

I'd get it just because it'd be better than the last one.

Adventure//Fighting game....with alot of good first person shooter stuff littered throughout the game. Special powers and all that? Ace.

Mortal Kombat + Call of Duty 4 would be fine with me by the time it came out. Toss in some good theatrics and destructibility like Battlefield: Bad Company, and there we go.
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"Retirement my ass!"

08/04/2008 11:52 PM (UTC)
@Vash: I think that's a fantastic idea. The whole "choice to play as the bad guys" thing. It'll add to replay and make for a more fun experience.

@PapaRoachFan: Oh no.. I didn't mean for it to be identical to MKSM. I agree with you completely. I just meant certain elments can be brought over... like the fatality system for one. Also, being able to upgrade the special moves would be cool too.

@Predator: Yep, you got the idea lol.. actually explained it a lot better than I did tongue. But yeah, those are exactly along the lines I was thinking.

Whew.. That went so much better than I thought it would. I figured 'By morning, I'll be burnt to a crisp due to all the flames.' Glad to see I was wrong... so far lol.
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08/06/2008 11:23 PM (UTC)
Hey Tazzer/TazBlade. ;) long time no see/talk. How have you been doing? you can jus pm me that. Anyways.. on to topic.

I think it's not bad of an idea, i like the concept, i never played mk special forces, but i've seen it around and rumors of it not being so good. I did enjoy Shaolin Monks, especially co-op wasn't bad. Online co-op would be a nice addition too. Shooting/action/rpg/fighting in one, i personally think is fun.

Now.. the only thing i don't think will completely work is the special forces idea. Sure it makes sense because special forces and guns,weapons etc. so i like it. But most people know MK for the other main characters like Subzero and Scorpion, and Raiden, Liu Kang, ShangTsung, etc etc especially Goro. So, they'd have to be included in somehow..to get the attention of all other fans out there as well, otherwise the game might not sell as well in terms of the marketing side.. Shaolin Monks, wasn't bad, it had Liu, Kung, sub scorp baraka, jc, as additions. But inviting Liu Kang and Kung Lao into a futuristic world and tossing a few gravity guns in their hands.. just makes me laugh.. So for obvious reasons the gameplay would be different and not based on weapons. So, if there are possibilities in keeping the game just not only based on shooting, and changes depending on the types of characters, that'd be fun. You could even say a next futuristic game for the mk franchise? perhaps. Just a different take on the mk franchise focusing on the single player and multi player story mode.

I wonder if an mmo type of mk game has been considered of, i know there aren't too many characters in the mk world, but there are enough, and plus you can create your own character which wouldn't look too different from the type of race you would be playing with. I do not like to discuss other ideas of mine, even though this is my 2nd official post in let's say.. 1-2 years.. so i hope you do not mind.

Like, taking the special forces game idea, into an mmo. Not just special forces, but the whole world of mk. For example, you'd have the Edenians, the Baraka clan, i forget the name atm, and all the other realms, you'd basically have a group of 10 online players or so, a rough estimate in your group, you'd train together and basically climb the ladder in story wise together, a little like WoW? maybe.. but it'd be interesting to see what would happen, it'd be a choose your own decisions, with quite a few choices that would make your story completely different. You'd be able to train into different class etc, you get the idea. Upgrade, and add expansion packs online, and now since the ps3 and 360 do that a lot, i don't see why not. They'd make lots of money off that as well. If ever one of your group or team mates online does not show up, your whole team would have to cast a vote only and ONLY if their time shows offline for more than the required time, like for eg; if one of your group members does not show up online for more than 3 weeks, the rest of your group team mates would get a choice listed on that team mate like an x to remove user from the group and would only be removed if all the active team mates select yes. And once there's an empty spot in the group, according to the group's level, other users with similar levels or close by levels looking to join a group can send a request to the whole group.

Yea,.. sry about the length. just tossing a few ideas, since i don't visit the site much anymore. Life's just too busy, bills are necessary, and cost of living just keeps going up. So, hope you understand, i really wish i could share some more ideas and just coming back here, refreshes my memory in the usual exploring and creating ideas to keep gaming fresh and fun. Hope you liked the ideas. Tazblade. Say hi to tg from my side. =)
08/08/2008 06:00 PM (UTC)
sorry man,i can't see anymore Jax...so if this game wil have only Kenshi,Sonya and Cyrax ...it's OK.
if jax is really going to be in....the whole thing is doomed to fail.
one game had jax as main hero and it failed ....so try to avoid a similar experiment,ok?
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"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

08/10/2008 06:32 AM (UTC)
what about gemini? she ain't gettin no love here.
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"Retirement my ass!"

08/17/2008 02:36 AM (UTC)
@ Brodeur: I don't know man.. Sonya, Jax, Kenshi and Cyrax are all highly recognizable characters within the MK universe (Kenshi became one of the more popular characters to be introduced with MK's revamp from MKDA onward.) I think it would work out well.

As for an MMO? Now THERE is an idea. I wouldn't mind a MK MMO at all.

@lastfighter89: Actually, the failure of the first MKSF game wasn't the characters fault exactly. It was due to poor decision making and rushing the game out. Jax, as a character, is a good character. I couldn't see them making a Special Forces game without him. Just like they never should have cut Sonya out of the first SF game. See? There were lots of changes made to the original plan of that game (due to rushing it) that seriously masacred what could otherwise have been a good game.

@Insidious: lol, I've not forgotten her. I did say that there could be a few unlockable characters from the SF series wink.
08/17/2008 04:31 AM (UTC)
I stated it before, and I'll do it again, I don't want another Special Forces game or a game that has to do with them in it. The game was even worse than Mythologies (Though Mythologies could have been one of the best games MK had if it wasn't for it being too hard). But still, Special Forces isn't too thrilling for me, now if an adventure game starred thier enemies, there might be a chance for success. But still, Special Forces doesn't seem too interesting to play again after the epic failure of the first.
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"Retirement my ass!"

08/17/2008 04:50 AM (UTC)
Well, everyone has their own opinions. So that's fine.

Still, I don't think that one can say that it's practically guaranteed to be a failure simply because the first one was. That's hardly true. Times have changed since the first, there's better and more powerful systems now. A new game could be great.

But again, it's not for everyone.. and that's fine. To each their own.
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08/19/2008 05:52 PM (UTC)
TomTaz Wrote:
Well, everyone has their own opinions. So that's fine.

Still, I don't think that one can say that it's practically guaranteed to be a failure simply because the first one was. That's hardly true. Times have changed since the first, there's better and more powerful systems now. A new game could be great.

But again, it's not for everyone.. and that's fine. To each their own.

Systems are not a problem: such a game could look good but STILL be bad. It takes substance and I think it's kinda burnt out.
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