09/10/2014 12:19 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
stupid shit

Thought you weren't speaking to me ever again? I liked those six weeks you weren't here. I didn't have to expect someone who clearly can't read right and reply with some idiotic response that I choose to skim right over. Please, do yourself a favor and stop while you're ahead. Don't reply to this, I'm definitely not in the mood to put you in your place again.

projectzero00 Wrote:

I don't see trailer reveals as spoilers. If it comes from the developers themselves, it's not leaked/spoilers.

I don't know how much clearer I can make my point to you. I just want people to at least respect, if this game were to get leaked as badly as before, that there are those who choose not to read that info. That's really all I'm trying to say here.
09/10/2014 01:08 PM (UTC)
I love it when Icebaby is having a bad day, then I have a good day!
09/10/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
But news=spoilers. When a game is about to be released, the news that come out about are always spoilers. The fact that Kano is in the game, the fact that Sonya and Johnny have a daughter, the fact that Sub Zero is human again (whatever that might mean) are all spoilers. You can't say you come here to discuss news about the game but at the same time you don't wanna be spoiled. At least in my opinion.

Цфре ыш ефре?!!
I mean, that doesn't make any SENSE!! News revealed by the developers are not spoilers by definition. It's just new information reveals!! Quit playing by your own stupid rules.
09/10/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
But news=spoilers. When a game is about to be released, the news that come out about are always spoilers. The fact that Kano is in the game, the fact that Sonya and Johnny have a daughter, the fact that Sub Zero is human again (whatever that might mean) are all spoilers. You can't say you come here to discuss news about the game but at the same time you don't wanna be spoiled. At least in my opinion.

Цфре ыш ефре?!!
I mean, that doesn't make any SENSE!! News revealed by the developers are not spoilers by definition. It's just new information reveals!! Quit playing by your own stupid rules.

1. Yes they are. "By definition" a spoiler about a game is something that is in the game that you can't possibly know unless you buy the freaggin thing and play it. Johnny and Sonya's daughter in MKX is as much of a spoiler as Sub Zero getting automated in MK9. The fact that the developers revealed the first and a hacker revealed the latter doesn't make it any less of a spoiler about the game. WTF are you even talking about?

2. I already asked you to stop addressing me. I seriously can't handle your stupidity. All you do is translate everything you don't agree with, into "you don't make any SENSE" and coat it with some nice insults. Gtfo I wasn't even talking to you. Weirdo
09/10/2014 09:53 PM (UTC)
noun: spoiler; plural noun: spoilers
a description of an important plot development in a television programme, film, etc. before it is shown to the public.


"before it is shown to the public"...
An official announcement is news. Unofficial announcements are spoilers. Which means, that if you get the game early (as in before its release date) and post something online before it is official, then it is a spoiler.

Sorry pz, you're in the wrong here.
09/10/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
"Spoiler - When someone reveals a previously unknown aspect of something which you likely would have rather learned on your own."

"Spoiler - A published piece of information that divulges a surprise, such as a plot twist in a movie."

I don't know where you found that definition but those 2^^ I found in urbandictionary.com and thefreedictionary.com, and they perfectly describe how I view a "spoiler". Both scenarios I mentioned (Cassie Cage & Cyber Sub) would divulge a surprise for someone who hasn't played the game or follows spoilers. Also both scenarios are reveals of a previously unknown aspect of the game which some people would rather learn on their own. So I stand by my opinion on this one.
09/10/2014 10:08 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
"Spoiler - When someone reveals a previously unknown aspect of something which you likely would have rather learned on your own."

"Spoiler - A published piece of information that divulges a surprise, such as a plot twist in a movie."

I don't know where you found that definition but those 2^^ I found in urbandictionary.com and thefreedictionary.com, and they perfectly describe how I view a "spoiler". Both scenarios I mentioned (Cassie Cage & Cyber Sub) would divulge a surprise for someone who hasn't played the game or follows spoilers. Also both scenarios are reveals of a previously unknown aspect of the game which some people would rather learn on their own. So I stand by my opinion on this one.

If you type "spoiler meaning" or "spoiler definition" in Google, it will pop up.
09/10/2014 11:05 PM (UTC)
So when did this thread into English class? Two individuals arguing about what the definition of "spoiler" means. No offense to either of you, but, really?

I just want stuff to talk about, like more characters and stages. That's nothing in accordance to being a spoiler.

Example: Kano was a spoiler as we got his variation game-play prior to the initial date of the unveiling.

Overall, the MK fans that want to be spoiled, let them. For those that don't want to be spoiled, just don't watch stuff you don't want to know about, until you find out for yourselves while playing the game.
09/10/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
So when did this thread into English class? Two individuals arguing about what the definition of "spoiler" means. No offense to either of you, but, really?

Hey, it's important to know what some words mean and stand for when discussing how people feel about it. When having laid the foundation we can build from there. ^^
09/10/2014 11:12 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
1. Yes they are. "By definition" a spoiler about a game is something that is in the game that you can't possibly know unless you buy the freaggin thing and play it. Johnny and Sonya's daughter in MKX is as much of a spoiler as Sub Zero getting automated in MK9. The fact that the developers revealed the first and a hacker revealed the latter doesn't make it any less of a spoiler about the game. WTF are you even talking about?

This is just stupid. You definitely need to learn difference between news and spoilers.
Cassy Cage situation have nothing to do with CSZ. Even 5-year old child whould've been able to tell difference. But I am not surprised you failed at that simple task.

CSZ was a hidden character. He wasn't accessible from the begining of the game and appeared late in the story. His presence in the game should have been surprise.

Unlike him, Cassie is not a hidden character. She is accessible from the very begining. Her anouncement in the game is not a spoiler by definition, but part of the presentation of the new game direction, which is important since people want to know what new game is about (which is not a spoiler by any margin imaginable).

If we go by your incredibly ridiculous and foolish definition of the "spoiler" then every single piece of information, even officially revealed should not be discussed and should be hidden from regular people. And you should buy the game based on the title only, because everything is a spoiler and should be hidden.

projectzero00 Wrote:
2. I already asked you to stop addressing me. I seriously can't handle your stupidity. All you do is translate everything you don't agree with, into "you don't make any SENSE" and coat it with some nice insults. Gtfo I wasn't even talking to you. Weirdo

I will talk to whoever I want.
And, since you so squemish about stupidity, I wonder how you can handle yourself. Must be a hard task to accomplish. grin
09/10/2014 11:50 PM (UTC)
So according to you Kano's magazine leaks were spoilers BUT when NRS released a trailer with his variations that wasn't a spoiler....Yeah that makes sense -.-' Anyway the points I make are pretty simple to grasp but as usual you chose to ignore them and be all like "omg you don't make senseeee! you are so stupid how can you handle yourself? rofl! like seriously how stupid can you be to say that?? geeeez".
Let me do myself a favor and stop replying to your bs like dozens of other users here do. Unlike yourself I am not here to start arguments and constantly get into fights so keep doing your thing. I aint gonna be part of it. Bai
09/11/2014 12:09 AM (UTC)
Kano wasn't leaked or spoiled. He was shown in an article in a gaming magazine. It was an official confirmation, it was just printed in the magazine first and was announced online later.
09/11/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
So according to you Kano's magazine leaks were spoilers BUT when NRS released a trailer with his variations that wasn't a spoiler....Yeah that makes sense -.-'

Yes, that make sense. Kano's leak in the German magazine was a spoiler. However, after he was officialy was revealed by NRS - it stopped being a spoiler and became normal reveal.
It's pretty much the same with the game story. If it leaks before release - it's a spoiler. After some time of the release of the game, after everybody have played it, it's not a spoiler anymore.

projectzero00 Wrote:
"omg you don't make senseeee! you are so stupid how can you handle yourself? rofl! like seriously how stupid can you be to say that?? geeeez".

If you see yourself like this...I can't help it.
Solly. sad

projectzero00 Wrote:
Let me do myself a favor and stop replying to your bs like dozens of other users here do. Unlike yourself I am not here to start arguments and constantly get into fights so keep doing your thing. I aint gonna be part of it. Bai

Dozens? LOL. I don't think anybody have authorized to speak on their behalf. But whatever.
I am not here to start arguments. I am here to talk and share my opinion, but sometimes I forced to be a gradener and weed out stupidity.
09/11/2014 12:32 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Kano's leak in the German magazine was a spoiler.

No, this time pz is right. As I said above, Kano's confirmation in the magazine was an official announcement. It wasn't a secret, the screenshots were gotten in a legit way and the article was written with the intention of confirming Kano being in MKX. The reason it was in a German magazine is because GamesCon is a German gaming convention.

The magazine was just printed before NRS announced it on the internet. It's not like the screenshots were accidentally leaked to JUST the German GamePro magazine, and then they made an article spoiling the whole thing. It was planned. Ed Boon even tweeted about it with a picture of the GamePro cover.

RT @Emrahcelik86: @noobde The latest edition of the German magazine reported about mortal kombat x pic.twitter.com/1QPPxjDbIo EB: Nice to see !

— Ed Boon (@noobde) 3. august 2014
09/11/2014 01:42 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
No, this time pz is right. As I said above, Kano's confirmation in the magazine was an official announcement. It wasn't a secret, the screenshots were gotten in a legit way and the article was written with the intention of confirming Kano being in MKX. The reason it was in a German magazine is because GamesCon is a German gaming convention.

I meant that everything looked like Kano should have been presented on the GamesCom itself, but because of the early release from the journal Kano's trailer was published on Monday, days prior to the convention. It resulted in GC being completely uneventful for the MK fans.
Maybe it was not a leak, like it was with MK9 voices and music, but it seems like after the news about Kano being in the game spread throughout the net, MK-Team decided not to keep him as secret until convention.
In short, not the best example, but not something that was planned from the look of it.
09/11/2014 01:46 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
No, this time pz is right. As I said above, Kano's confirmation in the magazine was an official announcement. It wasn't a secret, the screenshots were gotten in a legit way and the article was written with the intention of confirming Kano being in MKX. The reason it was in a German magazine is because GamesCon is a German gaming convention.

I meant that everything looked like Kano should have been presented on the GamesCom itself, but because of the early release from the journal Kano's trailer was published on Monday, days prior to the convention. It resulted in GC being completely uneventful for the MK fans.
Maybe it was not a leak, like it was with MK9 voices and music, but it seems like after the news about Kano being in the game spread throughout the net, MK-Team decided not to keep him as secret until convention.
In short, not the best example, but not something that was planned from the look of it.

That just makes the Kano announcement badly planned. But it doesn't make it a leak or a spoiler.
09/13/2014 01:22 AM (UTC)
So can't wait until NRS/WB releases a commercial on T.V for MKX. That will surely bring the....HYPE!
09/13/2014 09:39 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
So can't wait until NRS/WB releases a commercial on T.V for MKX. That will surely bring the....HYPE!

I don't watch TV, so it wouldn't hype me at all.
09/13/2014 11:43 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I meant that everything looked like Kano should have been presented on the GamesCom itself, but because of the early release from the journal Kano's trailer was published on Monday, days prior to the convention. It resulted in GC being completely uneventful for the MK fans.


Kano was leaked by the magazine, not revealed in an official capacity. Reveals are not whatever we can find on the web or blurry images from a magazine. If NRS isn't behind it, then it's a leak, plain and simple.
09/13/2014 04:03 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
I meant that everything looked like Kano should have been presented on the GamesCom itself, but because of the early release from the journal Kano's trailer was published on Monday, days prior to the convention. It resulted in GC being completely uneventful for the MK fans.


Kano was leaked by the magazine, not revealed in an official capacity. Reveals are not whatever we can find on the web or blurry images from a magazine. If NRS isn't behind it, then it's a leak, plain and simple.

Well, technically it wasn't a leak, since magazine was officially avalable online, not pirated, leaked or whatever. Considering NRS reaction, more likely that they have hastily changed plans to release Kano trailer earlier a bit.
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