09/09/2014 11:26 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It sounds like that what you want is for everyone else to befit your wants and needs. That's not going to happen. If people want to spoil something, it's gonna get spoiled, whether you like it or not. Yes, it's annoying and disrespectful to others, but such is internet culture.

And that is why you are the one who needs to do your best to prevent things getting spoiled to you, and the only way to do so is to stay away. The internet is a source of information. If you don't want to be informed, don't be online. It's like going into a library and expecting there not to be any books.

It may be unfair and rude, but it's the truth.

There's ways to not spoil shit for people and then there's just being downright crude. No one needs to benefit my needs, but I at least expect some sort of decency from those who want to be spoiled not to show stuff in thread titles for those who don't want major stuff spoiled such as the story. I could care less if the roster is leaked, that's really not my problem, hell even the fatalities. At least people could be a little nice for those who still wabt to stay on the site even if there are leaks.

I perfectly understand what the internet is and what it does. The moment something is out it's quickly spread like a virus. However, people shouldn't be told to stay away because they don't want to see something. Why cave to only those who want to be spoiled's needs and not both? Seems unfair, but yet again, I'm talking to a person who wants this to basically happen. Who wants the game to be leaked so there's something to look forward on being hyped again. Sorry, I don't feel that every site needs to only cave to people like you and spoil everything. You don't see people spoiling major plots for movies, heck even really good tv shows, why is this different from them?
09/09/2014 11:50 AM (UTC)
I just want the game to be spoiled for me though. I don't endorse people spoiling things for those who don't want it to be spoiled. I'm just saying that those people should be proactive instead of blaming others for being spoiled.

You know the risk of being online. Decency is foreign to some people, especially on the internet. You will meet people who just don't give a shit and will spoil it no matter what, and you can't do anything to prevent it.

Again, yes, it is rude and unfair, but it's the sad truth.
09/09/2014 11:58 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

I perfectly understand what the internet is and what it does. The moment something is out it's quickly spread like a virus. However, people shouldn't be told to stay away because they don't want to see something. Why cave to only those who want to be spoiled's needs and not both?
Sorry, I don't feel that every site needs to only cave to people like you and spoil everything. You don't see people spoiling major plots for movies, heck even really good tv shows, why is this different from them?

I'm sorry but this doesn't make any sense. Movies and tv shows are a totally different thing from games. Especially a fighting game like MK in which the characters that make it in the game, matter the most to the fans.
People come to websites like this to be spoiled. They come here for news, reveals, leaks. I don't believe anyone who says they come here for a different reason. And it's hypocritical be like "I hate that everything was leaked in MK9" coz if you did, then you shouldn't have let yourself be spoiled by going into websites like this, or going on facebook, youtube, etc and watching them. You could have just stayed out of it and just buy the game when it ships. Everyone had a choice when stuff was being leaked. You could choose to get spoiled like everyone else, or you could wait. I chose to watch all the character leaks but not story mode. I don't care if everyone watched it. It didn't affect me. So why does it bother you so much?
09/09/2014 12:33 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Uhm, the final roster will have 24 characters max.

Got any official source to confirm this statement of yours?

logic thinking.

Slow Released Characters + 3 Styles for Each Character + at least 1 guest character = Bingo!

So that's a no then?
09/09/2014 01:51 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
I want to see a doctorate level thesis based around internet, entitlement, and it's impact on youth culture.

Yeah major entitlement going on these days.

Kano wasn't even revealed a month ago and people are still clamoring for another reveal. I know it has a lot to do with people wanting to know/see if their fav characters are in or not, but fuck give it some time. Plus we just got the release date and Goro announcement a few days ago.

Maybe its not the lack of information that's the problem. Maybe its people not being satisfied and whatever we get not being enough.
09/09/2014 02:18 PM (UTC)
Some people want to be spoiled, some want everything to be top secret. I can be impatient at times I admit, but really in all honesty, I am very satisfied with the way the Goro reveal was handled. We have this amazing monstrosity of a character that just came out of the shadows with no one really expecting him (except for those closely following Boon's twitter).

We get a render but no trailer, I'm fine with that. Leaves us guessing and discussing how he will play and what his styles will be, his x-ray, fatalities, how he'll be tied in the story if at all, etc.

More often than not, we get retweets of Reptile and Ermac.. pretty confident this means that they'll end up in the game since the game seems to cater to MK1 characters, and they were kinda both in MK1. Some of us are really anxious and just want official confirmation of Reptile and not just teases. I personally would be happy to just know that he's in there and not have a trailer for him.

I have characters that I want to return but at the same time I wanna see some of the newer characters as well. These 4 that we've had since E3 have grown on us and we'd like to see some more just to see what the creative minds at NRS have come up with.

They are consistent at releasing character info once per month since E3, but they should ramp up the hype a little bit more, not asking for too much here really. I don't want to know a single thing about story until the game is released. Just character roster info and not even trailers, just confirmations.
09/09/2014 02:51 PM (UTC)
I really dont see the problemi. There is a spoiler highlight option in this forum, just make sure to use it.

About spoilers... There is no problem when characters and stages are revealed, the problem comes when the story Mode and hidden secrets are revealed.

Common sense, people. Let's prove that the internet is not totally void of it.
09/09/2014 03:00 PM (UTC)
I agree with casselman's point the major I really care about is the roster, but could you guys please take it easy! Hahaha... Hope that this forum we can share new info and thoughts about this brand new mkx, don't brawling each other
09/09/2014 03:04 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
I really dont see the problemi. There is a spoiler highlight option in this forum, just make sure to use it.

About spoilers... There is no problem when characters and stages are revealed, the problem comes when the story Mode and hidden secrets are revealed.

Common sense, people. Let's prove that the internet is not totally void of it.

That's pretty much where im at, I don't care about stuff that Boon and Netherrealm announce/reveal on their own, obviously that's meant to be seen I just don't want the whole story spoiled via leak along with the things that are supposed to be secrets.

I understand the risk I am taking being here though and I am cool with it, I just hope if there is an unintentional leak that people can make a thread about it without putting the spoiler right in the title, and maybe say *Spoilers* in the title instead, that way people who want spoilers, can be spoiled, and those who don't, can ignore it.

Probably not likely though lol
09/09/2014 03:11 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
I don't want to know a single thing about story until the game is released. Just character roster info and not even trailers, just confirmations.

This is what I was trying to get at. I don't mind if characters are revealed/confirmed at all. I just don't want anything about story mode to be exploited.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/09/2014 03:44 PM (UTC)
09/09/2014 03:55 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:

Pretty much this whole thread, lol.
09/09/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
Give us character reveals/trailers? Yes, for sure. That is nothing to be spoiled by. Revealing the whole story or parts of it (by hacking then posting), then I would say that would be spoiling. Also, if there are secrets, keep them a secret and don't leak them.
Not all characters will be revealed, well...at least I hope not. Those characters may be unlockable in Story Mode. They are the ones I wouldn't want to get leaked.
In conclusion, I'm just sitting back and waiting from this point forward.
09/09/2014 10:30 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
I don't get the mentality of people who are like "It's better that way. I don't wanna be spoiled". Well then don't be. Don't go online searching for websites with info/leaks/reveals/etc. If you wanna buy a game where you only know about 9 characters then hey. More power to you. Me, I don't wanna buy a game that I know practically nothing about.

I hope you don't seriously consider possibility that only 9 characters will be revealed before release, do you?
And I explained before - even if you don't search for the information, sooner or later you will be spoiled because of idiots who don't know how to use spoilers or because some random user will post info on the Twitter or social networks. You can stop visiting fansites, but can you close yourself from other sites as well? Besides, it's much more interesting to do not know what game has to offer.

projectzero00 Wrote:
I'm sorry but this doesn't make any sense. Movies and tv shows are a totally different thing from games. Especially a fighting game like MK in which the characters that make it in the game, matter the most to the fans.
People come to websites like this to be spoiled. They come here for news, reveals, leaks. I don't believe anyone who says they come here for a different reason. And it's hypocritical be like "I hate that everything was leaked in MK9" coz if you did, then you shouldn't have let yourself be spoiled by going into websites like this, or going on facebook, youtube, etc and watching them.

This is just ignorant...text.
Yeah, expecting people using spoiler tags is hypocrisy. Yeah, sure. grin

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Common sense, people.

Common sense doesn't work when it comes to people who think that they are entitled for something.
09/09/2014 10:59 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

This is just ignorant...text.
Yeah, expecting people using spoiler tags is hypocrisy. Yeah, sure. grin

Once again, doing what you know best. Putting words in people's mouths to start with the same old insults. Whenever did I talk about spoiler tags?confusedStop being irrelevant. I was talking about the people who are so annoyed by others wanting to get spoiled.
If there is 1% of fans who come into this website, notice a thread named "NEW CHARACTER REVEALED: SPOILERSSSS" and don't enter said thread, I am not aware of them.

And seriously what's with the sass...Haven't you had enough? Seems like you got a beef here with everyone. Why try to start new ones with other people? You already look like a sad human being, that has no personal life outside a website where all he does is be a rude attention whore. No need to try that hard. I wasn't even talking to you. Stop addressing me you're weird.
09/09/2014 11:14 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Uhm, the final roster will have 24 characters max.

Ed Boon already confirmed that there will be the same number of characters as there was in MK9, if not, more. He said that in one of the later interviews., so I'm guessing 30.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

09/09/2014 11:34 PM (UTC)
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Uhm, the final roster will have 24 characters max.

Ed Boon already confirmed that there will be the same number of characters as there was in MK9, if not, more. He said that in one of the later interviews., so I'm guessing 30.

So your guessing 2 rows of 10? Or 2 rows of 12 with a bottom row of 6?

I really think we will get 3 rows of 12 for 36 total fighters including DLC but I'm greedy I hope it's more grin
09/09/2014 11:42 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
People come to websites like this to be spoiled.

Speak for yourself. I only come here for news and later discuss this game when it comes out. That's not being spoiled.

projectzero00 Wrote:
And it's hypocritical be like "I hate that everything was leaked in MK9" coz if you did, then you shouldn't have let yourself be spoiled by going into websites like this, or going on facebook, youtube, etc and watching them.

Except, I did a fairly good job not to have everything spoiled by avoiding certain threads. My problem are those who choose to ignore being decent enough to hide the main subject in a title of the thread. That is my problem and it should at least be understood. There's ways to show users leaked stuff while there's ways to piss people off. Even mods here were trying to get users to knock it off with spoiling things in the title. That is the only thing I could never stand during that moment. Like the whole Cyber Sub-Zero issue. Clearly, people didn't want to know, however, so many choose to ignore hiding the name in the title. I mean is it that hard to not show a crucial thing in the title?

And I said before, I don't care if the roster gets leaked, all the fatalities are out. My only concern is the story, I don't want that leaked and hoping it doesn't. And that what was during 2011 and I did a fairly good job keeping out of those threads and ignoring them when they started to pop up. But I should not be told I have to leave to ignore leaks. That's just plain stupid and selfish. People should at least be decent enough not to spoil stuff in the title. That is literally the only reason why I'm making a huge fuss about such a small problem that most likely won't repeat itself and I can't understand why some of you are having this much of a problem with users who don't want to be spoiled.

I get it, the hype isn't there for a bunch of you and a lot of you are hoping that somewhere along the line things get spilled out for you all to suddenly get happy again. But people who don't want this to happen shouldn't get lashed at from you guys because you're not happy. If you want the game leaked, fine, that's what you want. I, and other people on the same boat whoever they are, don't want to. If you guys get your wish, there should be at least some sort of decency where both people can still remain on this site without causing a shitstorm, despite it'll happen nonetheless... but I do expect those to have a little bit more of common sense not to spoil things for others just like that in the title of their threads.
09/10/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Stop being irrelevant. I was talking about the people who are so annoyed by others wanting to get spoiled.
If there is 1% of fans who come into this website, notice a thread named "NEW CHARACTER REVEALED: SPOILERSSSS" and don't enter said thread, I am not aware of them.

While I ignore the fact, that you've missed the point of my post (again), I'll ask you: what about social networks, Twitter? Refrain yourself from going there, because somebody will definitely spoil stuff or...you have better ideas?
Somehow, I think, it's not the case.
Not in your case.

Basically the whole thing looks like this:
1) Some people want to be spoiled;
2) Those people don't give a single fuck about everyone else, including developers, who, obviously, do not want to spoil their game;
3) Those people find ludicrous and ridiculuous reasons to back up they belief, that they should be spoiled and why people who don't want to be spoiled, can go fuck themselves, because their opinions are apparently somehow of a lower priority than that of those who like spoilers, because REASONS;
4) The whole thing looks like Double Standads in action and lack of respect, fueled by snobbish attitude and ignorance;
Hm...I think I haven't missed anything. smile

projectzero00 Wrote:
And seriously what's with the sass...Haven't you had enough? Seems like you got a beef here with everyone. Why try to start new ones with other people? You already look like a sad human being, that has no personal life outside a website where all he does is be a rude attention whore. No need to try that hard. I wasn't even talking to you. Stop addressing me you're weird.

Instead of countering my points you went into "personal attack mode", with school-level insults. What else is new? Nothing.
Such is a fate of everyone with weak opinions and weak minds.
"People come to websites like this to be spoiled. They come here for news, reveals, leaks"

Yeah, because this place isn't predominantly dedicated to discussion or anything...
09/10/2014 02:51 AM (UTC)
Watch the 7 months go by fast
About Me

I will rock you.

09/10/2014 03:51 AM (UTC)
Speaking of Goro when the game comes out and people don't have him which is frustrating and the upside to the whole thing is you will get Goro in the Komplete Edition of the game.grin
09/10/2014 03:53 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Speaking of Goro when the game comes out and people don't have him which is frustrating and the upside to the whole thing is you will get Goro in the Komplete edition of the game.grin

But if you already have the game, why get the Komplete Edition? That's just a waste of money.
09/10/2014 08:31 AM (UTC)
@ Icebaby.

You think everybody should like EVERYTHING they get on their plate for the game. Rain out? Deal with it, life is good! Sonya in? Deal with it Life is great!

But now you don't want to get spoiled?

I got a very good solution for u.

Get the hell out of this forum, you will get spoiled, and I will post every character and level/fatality that is revealed on the main page, just so that I know they get spoiled for you.


What a stupid opinion, how can you say that here? All characters that are revealed get their own topic (well make that 10 about every new character that is revealed) so what is your problem?
09/10/2014 08:49 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
People come to websites like this to be spoiled.

Speak for yourself. I only come here for news and later discuss this game when it comes out. That's not being spoiled.

But news=spoilers. When a game is about to be released, the news that come out about are always spoilers. The fact that Kano is in the game, the fact that Sonya and Johnny have a daughter, the fact that Sub Zero is human again (whatever that might mean) are all spoilers. You can't say you come here to discuss news about the game but at the same time you don't wanna be spoiled. At least in my opinion.

Icebaby Wrote:

projectzero00 Wrote:
And it's hypocritical be like "I hate that everything was leaked in MK9" coz if you did, then you shouldn't have let yourself be spoiled by going into websites like this, or going on facebook, youtube, etc and watching them.

Except, I did a fairly good job not to have everything spoiled by avoiding certain threads. My problem are those who choose to ignore being decent enough to hide the main subject in a title of the thread. That is my problem and it should at least be understood. There's ways to show users leaked stuff while there's ways to piss people off. Even mods here were trying to get users to knock it off with spoiling things in the title. That is the only thing I could never stand during that moment. Like the whole Cyber Sub-Zero issue. Clearly, people didn't want to know, however, so many choose to ignore hiding the name in the title. I mean is it that hard to not show a crucial thing in the title?

And I said before, I don't care if the roster gets leaked, all the fatalities are out. My only concern is the story, I don't want that leaked and hoping it doesn't. And that what was during 2011 and I did a fairly good job keeping out of those threads and ignoring them when they started to pop up. But I should not be told I have to leave to ignore leaks. That's just plain stupid and selfish. People should at least be decent enough not to spoil stuff in the title. That is literally the only reason why I'm making a huge fuss about such a small problem that most likely won't repeat itself and I can't understand why some of you are having this much of a problem with users who don't want to be spoiled.

I get it, the hype isn't there for a bunch of you and a lot of you are hoping that somewhere along the line things get spilled out for you all to suddenly get happy again. But people who don't want this to happen shouldn't get lashed at from you guys because you're not happy. If you want the game leaked, fine, that's what you want. I, and other people on the same boat whoever they are, don't want to. If you guys get your wish, there should be at least some sort of decency where both people can still remain on this site without causing a shitstorm, despite it'll happen nonetheless... but I do expect those to have a little bit more of common sense not to spoil things for others just like that in the title of their threads.

I really don't see where you are coming from because I also chose not to watch the leaks about story mode in 2011. You had to go into a thread and read people's replies to get yourself spoiled. Cyber-Sub Zero to me was like a character reveal. You did follow the rest of the reveals. As you said, you came here to discuss about news and you followed news like Kitana & Cyrax reveals. I don't see what's different about Cyber Sub-Zero and people putting it in the titles. Both are news about the game that you came here to discuss weren't they?
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