7 months to go
posted09/13/2014 04:03 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/18/2006 05:36 AM (UTC)
Since it is just 7 months away till the release of MKX, i am so curious why NRS is so slow in revealing the new info like the game modes, the character reveal,etc

I feel like it is a bit slower than when they release pre-launching info for MK 9...

I remember before the release of MK 9, usually we got at lease one new character revealed every month, but the number of characters that is being revealed for MKX so far is just 9 characters (including Goro), the total expected roster will be at least 28, so if we assume that NRS do like what they did in pre MK 9 release which reveal just one new character per month, it means we only got 16 Characters (9+7 (7 Months)), how bad was that?

I am so annoyed with what NRS is doing...
09/09/2014 02:39 AM (UTC)
All in good time my friend, all in good time.
09/09/2014 02:45 AM (UTC)
Do we really need to be spoiled? No, we don't. Give it time...
09/09/2014 02:57 AM (UTC)
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Do we really need to be spoiled? No, we don't. Give it time...

It's not about needing. It's about wanting.

And I want to be spoiled. ;)
09/09/2014 03:01 AM (UTC)
Yes, Spoil me, please!
09/09/2014 03:10 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Do we really need to be spoiled? No, we don't. Give it time...

It's not about needing. It's about wanting.

And I want to be spoiled. ;)

The more info (including characters) we get, the less interesting it'll be. We do want to be surprised right? Meaning, when the game is released, we do want to find out stuff on our own.

I just hope NRS doesn't reveal anything about story mode except for that it takes place after MK9's story and spans to 25 years.
09/09/2014 03:28 AM (UTC)
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
The more info (including characters) we get, the less interesting it'll be. We do want to be surprised right? Meaning, when the game is released, we do want to find out stuff on our own.

I just hope NRS doesn't reveal anything about story mode except for that it takes place after MK9's story and spans to 25 years.

Don't talk on my behalf. I don't find it less interesting the more info I get. On a contrary, really. I watched the whole MK9 Story Mode on youtube when it was leaked, and it just got me more excited about it. I still enjoy the Story Mode just as much now as I did back then. ^^
09/09/2014 03:44 AM (UTC)
I do not mind this pace they're taking whatsoever. I'm glad that they're taking their time because I'm sorry, I hated that everything got released to us last time via hack. There are certain games that I am in no rush to see everything get released and this is one of them.

I like that they're taking their time in releasing things, so that at least they can make whatever changes they need before showing. Sure, some showcases have shown minor mistakes, but if there was a bundle of crap thrown at us, we'd most likely miss it. (It's those who investigate every nook and cranny that would spot the mistakes)

So, I am not bothered by how quickly they're releasing info to us. I rather they stay at this pace than have the entire game leaked through a hack. It annoyed so many people, I don't want to see that happen again.
09/09/2014 03:47 AM (UTC)
Patience my MK brothers. NRS is doing a fantastic job with the slow trickle of info they're choosing to release. It makes us chomp at the bit for anything new and you know damn well most of you check on this site every single day. That's what they want (especially Boon), for us to be so excited and anxious that we can hardly stand it.

We know the release date fella's, don't be impatient little girls who have to have everything they want the moment they want it.wink
09/09/2014 03:52 AM (UTC)
I think people tend to forget that though info get leaked and put up on the internet for everyone to see, it is their own fault for allowing it to get spoiled to them.

If someone says something directly to them, then of course it can't be helped. And that there are people on here who disregard the spoiler policy of this site is plain disrespectful. However, there are ways to avoid getting spoiled, like NOT going to the MK sites and such.

So the MK9 Story Mode was put on youtube before the game was released... Well, then don't go and watch it if you don't want to get spoiled. It's no one else's fault if you do go and watch it.
09/09/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

If someone says something directly to them, then of course it can't be helped. And that there are people on here who disregard the spoiler policy of this site is plain disrespectful. However, there are ways to avoid getting spoiled, like NOT going to the MK sites and such.

So the MK9 Story Mode was put on youtube before the game was released... Well, then don't go and watch it if you don't want to get spoiled. It's no one else's fault if you do go and watch it.

Yeah I agree with that, but you know how it is, the second any new info comes out (even if it does have spoilers) somebody on here is going to make a thread about it with the spoiler directly in the title lol


While typing this they just played a game on @Midnight called " Raiden or Jaden" and the players are read a quote and they have to guess if its something Jaden smith said or if Raiden said it lol they had one raiden quote "I have foreseen events, like memories of my future." and they even showed the clip in the story mode...everybody started laughing furious
09/09/2014 05:27 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I think people tend to forget that though info get leaked and put up on the internet for everyone to see, it is their own fault for allowing it to get spoiled to them.

You tend to forget that in the place like this, even if you very careful, eventually somebody somewhere will mention something spoilerific. It is especially actual for the fanforums. The only way to evade it, is to withdraw from internet entirelly, which is not a good option.

I don't mind spoilers, but I don't want new game to be spoiled in its entirety like it was with MK9. It was just awful especially for developers. I like what NRS is doing, however, one-two new character reveals would have been awesome.

09/09/2014 05:33 AM (UTC)
Well, that's what I was saying... or meant, at least. Avoiding places like this, any MK forum, would be a key factor.
About Me

09/09/2014 05:38 AM (UTC)
I want to see a doctorate level thesis based around internet, entitlement, and it's impact on youth culture.

I'm THIS close to breaking out old man "I remember when we didn't fucking have internet and you knew a new game was out when you saw it in the fucking store!" Oh wait, I guess I just did.
09/09/2014 05:43 AM (UTC)
No, people should not be told to leave this site or others because they don't want to get stuff ruined for them. I knew you were going to say that. I find it pretty much rude for anyone to sit here and say that those who don't want to get spoiled should leave while you guys have the time of your life? Of course, I'm expecting a lot from people when I say they should at least be a little decent towards those who don't want to be immediately spoiled. Though I just find that plain unfair and rude to say those who don't want to be spoiled should just leave. I can't have discussions anymore with people who understand stuff? I have to instead rely on Facebook groups who think Kira is a product of Sonya being raped by Kano as my source of discussion? Come on.
09/09/2014 06:56 AM (UTC)
It sounds like that what you want is for everyone else to befit your wants and needs. That's not going to happen. If people want to spoil something, it's gonna get spoiled, whether you like it or not. Yes, it's annoying and disrespectful to others, but such is internet culture.

And that is why you are the one who needs to do your best to prevent things getting spoiled to you, and the only way to do so is to stay away. The internet is a source of information. If you don't want to be informed, don't be online. It's like going into a library and expecting there not to be any books.

It may be unfair and rude, but it's the truth.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

09/09/2014 07:05 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
No, people should not be told to leave this site or others because they don't want to get stuff ruined for them. I knew you were going to say that. I find it pretty much rude for anyone to sit here and say that those who don't want to get spoiled should leave while you guys have the time of your life? Of course, I'm expecting a lot from people when I say they should at least be a little decent towards those who don't want to be immediately spoiled. Though I just find that plain unfair and rude to say those who don't want to be spoiled should just leave. I can't have discussions anymore with people who understand stuff? I have to instead rely on Facebook groups who think Kira is a product of Sonya being raped by Kano as my source of discussion? Come on.

This is perfectly correct and its not to much to assume of people, I think, but its highly unlikely on a place like MKO. On a more ordered forum, with more hands-on moderation possibly, but MKO? Unlikely. Personally, I don't trust people on this forum NOT to be jackasses so when I reach my limit for spoiler's, probably around Christmas, I'll just leave MKO. Otherwise every time I load the forum it's Russian Roulette as to a thread title/news piece that spoils me. The only way to stay spoiler free is total blackout. I'll even unlike MK, Max, Eventhubs, Shoryuken etc on FB
09/09/2014 07:18 AM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Personally, I don't trust people on this forum NOT to be jackasses

If this is your opinion about people on here... then why are you here?

I never understood this train of thought... I would never stay in a place I didn't like being at, unless I was forced, of course... but no one is forced to be at this forum.

So either you like being here, or you have some sort of need to surround yourself with said jackasses, just to have something to complain about, perhaps to make yourself feel better than others...

And if your reason is anything Mortal Kombat related, there are other places to get the MK info and talk to other people about MK... perhaps one of these "ordered forums" you talk about.

It is YOUR choice to be here. If you have any problem with the things or the people on here, whether you are afraid of spoilers or just don't like the people on here, you have the choice to NOT be here. By choosing to stay, you are also choosing to be amongst the spoilers and the people on here. And it all falls on YOU. Not everyone else. Just you.
09/09/2014 07:20 AM (UTC)
Uhm, the final roster will have 24 characters max.

That will be 22 normal characters.

+ Goro for some people which makes 23.

Then a freaking boring non-MK guest character which makes 24 characters.

THat's why the reveals are so slow + it gets pushed back to september 2016.

Have a nice life! But i'm puting all my money on the NEW characters that AREN"T descendants.
09/09/2014 07:28 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Uhm, the final roster will have 24 characters max.

Got any official source to confirm this statement of yours?
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

09/09/2014 07:30 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Personally, I don't trust people on this forum NOT to be jackasses

If this is your opinion about people on here... then why are you here?

I never understood this train of thought... I would never stay in a place I didn't like being at, unless I was forced, of course... but no one is forced to be at this forum.

So either you like being here, or you have some sort of need to surround yourself with said jackasses, just to have something to complain about, perhaps to make yourself feel better than others...

And if your reason is anything Mortal Kombat related, there are other places to get the MK info and talk to other people about MK... perhaps one of these "ordered forums" you talk about.

It is YOUR choice to be here. If you have any problem with the things or the people on here, whether you are afraid of spoilers or just don't like the people on here, you have the choice to NOT be here. By choosing to stay, you are also choosing to be amongst the spoilers and the people on here. And it all falls on YOU. Not everyone else. Just you.

Cos its slightly better than TRMK, TotalMK is gone, Midway is gone, Kamidogu is all but gone and I am on TYM but TYM is more for competitive, nitty gritty discussion. MKO is essentially all there is left. Plus, I remember the glory days of MKO and I stick around to hope for their return.

Interesting it was you who jumped at that but how and ever Also, if you actually read my post, you'd see I advocated leaving the forum to avoid spoilers because its not others lookout to protect you from spoilers so you have to look after yourself. In short, I was agreeing with you. Jackass
09/09/2014 07:31 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Uhm, the final roster will have 24 characters max.

Got any official source to confirm this statement of yours?

logic thinking.

Slow Released Characters + 3 Styles for Each Character + at least 1 guest character = Bingo!
09/09/2014 07:52 AM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Personally, I don't trust people on this forum NOT to be jackasses

If this is your opinion about people on here... then why are you here?

I never understood this train of thought... I would never stay in a place I didn't like being at, unless I was forced, of course... but no one is forced to be at this forum.

So either you like being here, or you have some sort of need to surround yourself with said jackasses, just to have something to complain about, perhaps to make yourself feel better than others...

And if your reason is anything Mortal Kombat related, there are other places to get the MK info and talk to other people about MK... perhaps one of these "ordered forums" you talk about.

It is YOUR choice to be here. If you have any problem with the things or the people on here, whether you are afraid of spoilers or just don't like the people on here, you have the choice to NOT be here. By choosing to stay, you are also choosing to be amongst the spoilers and the people on here. And it all falls on YOU. Not everyone else. Just you.

Cos its slightly better than TRMK, TotalMK is gone, Midway is gone, Kamidogu is all but gone and I am on TYM but TYM is more for competitive, nitty gritty discussion. MKO is essentially all there is left. Plus, I remember the glory days of MKO and I stick around to hope for their return.

Interesting it was you who jumped at that but how and ever

Also, if you actually read my post, you'd see I advocated leaving the forum to avoid spoilers because its not others lookout to protect you from spoilers so you have to look after yourself.

In short, I was agreeing with you. Jackass

You are posting in a thread I am following, and you said some things that made me question your logic, and so I responded.

My point still stands. You are not forced to be here, it is your own choice. There are alternatives, though you might not deem them as good as MKO, but that's on you though. It's also untrue when you say MKO is all that's left.

There are direct sources of information, such as following Netherrealm Studios on Facebook, Twitter (along with Ed Boon), and they even got an official Mortal Kombat forum right here:


All the MK info you want and need can be found there. And then you don't have to deal with jackasses like me.

But by all means, stay here, call people names, be disgruntled about the people on here and feel like you are better than this... you're part of the community and you are just like the rest on here. I'd pretty much say you belong here. ^^
09/09/2014 08:29 AM (UTC)
I don't get the mentality of people who are like "It's better that way. I don't wanna be spoiled". Well then don't be. Don't go online searching for websites with info/leaks/reveals/etc. If you wanna buy a game where you only know about 9 characters then hey. More power to you. Me, I don't wanna buy a game that I know practically nothing about.

I prefer to get a proper reveal for all characters at some point before the release of the game, than just turn on my console and go straight to the character select screen and see them for the first time. Sheeva, Jade, Smoke, etc were all leaked right before the release of the game if memory serves my right and it was the most anti-climactic thing for me personally.

So I'd rather them releasing stuff more often for us who are thirsty for more info and those who don't wanna be spoiled can just stay away from websites like this. It makes sense really. People are here mostly to discuss what we know about the game or check for new reveals. I don't think many people are here for the deep psychoanalytical approach that the developers are making for the characters lol.

DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Uhm, the final roster will have 24 characters max.

Got any official source to confirm this statement of yours?

logic thinking.

Slow Released Characters + 3 Styles for Each Character + at least 1 guest character = Bingo!

This isn't something to go by. They were slow with the reveals in MK9 too. And they have said that the cast is gonna be as big, if not bigger than MK9, numerous times.
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
09/09/2014 10:13 AM (UTC)
I don't want any major plot to be spoiled. All I want to know is roster. Once we know, I'll be as quiet as a church mouse until release. Having played the game really helps, too. I'm very relaxed about this whole process, now.

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