CISIS Wrote:

Nah its not man, while it is funny, I am quite a fan of israel, and blacks as I view them as just people....

My problem is the glorification of thugg life. uneducated, black gang banger culture the media loves to portray...seems every time a black guy or girl is in a game or movie, they are always portrayed like that...

Why can we not have a cool character who happens to have dark skin with out the ghetto stereo type? Why not make jax like stringer bell? Or jai white? Why does he have to be a jive talkin home boy?

He's not a "jive talkin' home boy". How many people in MK shit talk eachother, and why is Jax the only one to get shit on for it? His character is not even close to that. You might as well get mad that Johnny, Cassie, Stryker, etc talk shit.
03/21/2015 10:23 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Tanya is black? No. Tanya has never been "black." And even now she looks more hispanic or South American. Possibly middle eastern. She looks a lot like Maya from Killer Instinct or Elena from Street Fighter. Are those characters "black?"

Im not even going to mention the whole Edenian thing. Edenians are basically Aliens. Its like saying Predator looks Asian. O_o

Elena is from Kenya, which is in East Africa.

Elena is from Kenya? Really? Damn. I got Bopped.
03/21/2015 10:26 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Tanya is black? No. Tanya has never been "black." And even now she looks more hispanic or South American. Possibly middle eastern. She looks a lot like Maya from Killer Instinct or Elena from Street Fighter. Are those characters "black?"

Im not even going to mention the whole Edenian thing. Edenians are basically Aliens. Its like saying Predator looks Asian. O_o

Elena is from Kenya, which is in East Africa.

Elena is from Kenya? Really? Damn. I got Bopped.

Actually Elena has a dark skin. Well it was funny ...
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-sig by MINION

03/21/2015 11:41 AM (UTC)
Man there is no surer way to get people.angry on this board then to imply that one of the darker skinned characters might be black. Y'all show up, show out, and go off. It's ridiculous. Truly.

Someone said it earlier but I think it could be repeated. Not all black people are African. It's not meant to be synonymous with from Africa. It's why the term African American is falling into disuse among the black community. It excludes so many people. Also not everyone African is black.

Seriously some.of you act like Edenians being not quite human means that you can throw real world races out the window. Non of them are purple or blue. They looks like us which means they are either white, black, asian.

How often do we see Li Mei isn't Asian she's Outworld? Not never.

For the sake of discussion I code Jade as a darker skinned east Indian woman and Tanya as black. Although both of them seem to be the same complexion as Jacqui.

03/21/2015 11:57 AM (UTC)
This topic again? But anyway, you forgot Kai, he was in Armageddon.
03/21/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
Naomi campbell was how they made her look in MK6. Tanya's black.
03/21/2015 05:58 PM (UTC)
Anyone else remember Jade's icon from the UMK3 select screen? She was definitely black. It always bugged me that they basically took away her blackness in MK9. Now Boon is saying Jade's dead while even Stryker gets a cameo in MKX. Kind of bizarre.

Jade was always my favorie of the female ninjas as she had the most mystique. The way her character has been altered and then swept under the rug says something about the development team and their assumptions about their audience's tastes.

Now Tanya is back and she appears to have been whitened up as well. In fact, she looks bad compared to her previous designs. And yes I get it, shes Edenian, and not of African decent. So what? She like many others from alternate realms still have human based races.

For all the people saying that it's stupid to bring up race in Mortal Kombat, clearly it's a topic of relevance and worth discussing.
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
Anyone else remember Jade's icon from the UMK3 select screen? She was definitely black. It always bugged me that they basically took away her blackness in MK9.

I don't get why people say that, I never got that vibe when actually playing as her in the game.
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03/21/2015 07:37 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:

This. This SO MUCH!

I'm going to go ahead and say that the concept of "being black" requires an understanding of sociology and anthropology that a lot of the forum frankly lacks. It's an in-depth convoluted topic. I've tried approaching this topic (usually with Jade) in trying to educate but honestly, it's always ended up with me wasting my time.
EDIT: A lot of people other than me (some of which are now banned) weigh in about "being black" and "Jade's ethnicity" in this thread.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/21/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
I can totally see how this is going to play out-


"OH MY GOSH, EWWW, They R not blk! They R polish!"

"Screw you beech! Polish isn't a race, they're just dark skinned Asian chicks...RLLY dark skinned Asian chicks. Lyke extra crispy dark skinned Asian chicks!"

*Person with a brain* "Meh guys, I don't know, they're fictional characters from a universe that doesn't have the same social construct or genetic make up of race as we do. I mean I guess they can be whatever you like, but debating about this is silly!"

*Everyone without a brain* OMGZ FAWK U! Y U USE LOGIC?!!!

*Thread goes on for about 20 pages of nonsense and flame wars before it's closed.*

Well call me Sylvia Browne. That would be $700 for this free psychic reading.
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03/21/2015 07:52 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

03/21/2015 08:02 PM (UTC)
Everyone always seems to forget that Cyrax is black. Poor dude.

Anyway, this thread sucks, comes up as often as the lack of gay/tranny threads and always results in absolutely nothing. Please staaaaaaaaaaaahp
03/21/2015 09:41 PM (UTC)
Jacqui looks light in her model but the Edenians are kind of Arabic but this just raises a question as to why the royal ladies and the Argus brothers, demigods, are light while Jade and Tanya are dark. We know why Kintaro is part tiger, but could the two rivals be from another part of Edenia?
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

03/21/2015 11:42 PM (UTC)
3 my ass. We always had more if you know addition.

1. Cyrax
2. Jax
3. Jade
4. Jaqui
5. Noob
6. Onaga
7. Darrius
8. Tanya
03/21/2015 11:47 PM (UTC)
I really don't get Some people here.
First not enough women.
Now black people debate.
The whining and wheeping about to many special Forces characters.

Really people just be thankfull for what we get. We have an awesome roster. And most importantly a new mortal Kombat game.
03/21/2015 11:50 PM (UTC)
There's only 2 albinos, 1 green scaled/yellow shelled and 3 orientals. This is a fucking outrage, respect my equality.

Kotal is blueish black also so you are majority of the minorities, congrats.
03/22/2015 12:02 AM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
I really don't get Some people here.
First not enough women.
Now black people debate.
The whining and wheeping about to many special Forces characters.

Really people just be thankfull for what we get. We have an awesome roster. And most importantly a new mortal Kombat game.

We need more of every race in the game.

What I mean is, let's have a roster of like, 65+ or so. Let's get my boys Nightwolf, Cyax, Smoke, Stryker, Kabal, etc back up in here.
03/22/2015 01:39 AM (UTC)
MKA had more than that, it also had Cyrax and Kai as well.
MKA also had however many you created.
03/22/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
Yeah I don't see why people get so offended when we say the darker skinned characters are black, black does not automatically mean African American lol. Look at Darrius , he is from Orderrealm but he's still "black. "Just like how Shao Kahn is white, is he from Earth? No, but his skin is what is usually considered "white"

03/23/2015 08:36 PM (UTC)
3 is plenty more than some other games out there

look at the new super smash bros for instance. There are only 2 black fighters
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