Tao feng classics and new characters.
Classic characters.
Wulong goth- Demonic alien like Creatures.
Master Sage - Electrokinesis Martial arts mastery.
Vapor - Mysterious Female exorcist.
Jade dragon- Female Dragon monk.
Exile - brutal muscular Bulky Mutant .
Divine fist- Chinese martial arts.
Geist - female cyborg.
Iron monk- Cybernetic Robot fighter.
Fatalist- Ballistic Serial killer mercenary.
Fierce Tiger - Female warrior with Tiger Spirit.
Zhao yen- Guardians of the temple of Immortality.
New characters idea for Tao feng 2 .
Evil Tyrant Immortal Emperor .
Blue female royal storm assassins with Rabbits spirit..
Vampiress ravenous.
Alien Symbiote parasites like Creatures.
Warrior martial art with Zoadic spirit & elements power : Scorpion , Lizard , Centipede, Snake , Toad , Monkey , Elephant, bull , Shark , polar Bear , Horse , Crane , Crow.
Demon Smoke based on Flying homunculus sinbad.
Native American tracker Indians.
Female Special forces based on Alyson kiperman and Alison macinnis.
Hollywood actor fighter based on Ryan Reynolds.
Heavy Rock star based on David Bowie.
Heavy duty Solider African-American based on Terry Crews .
Police marine cops based on Jack Ryan.
Mad Nazi scientist based on Dr boycott & Dr. William Goodner from the plauge dogs.
Pharaoh sorcerer shapeshifter based on Jafar & Mumm ra.
Bounty hunter Gunslinger.
Witch with over plant power.
Male Wrestler based on Hulk Rival for exile .
Female wrestler based on She Hulk .
Cannibal wendigo native.
Anarchistic Terrorist Cyborg based on sigma ( megaman ).
Aerokinesis Swordsmanship.
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
Okay if You don't want to read all this here is a small version of it...Its a MMORPG that has Raiden Go Forward in time from the HourGlass and Kitana go to begiing of MK9 in Multipal Time lines. Raiden Builds time portals for all created player to be able to travel through time to different batlleground/Arenas whether its MK9, MKX, MK11 Arenas/ Maps or the new titles Arenas/Maps you will be able to go Different Game Titles Depending on what Level your character is.. If your level 10-19 And you enter the time portal to the Deadpool you will go to MK9 if yout level 20-29 and you go threw the Deadpool portal you will entered for MKX's Matchmaking for that map 30-39 thats right MK11.. The world will be a 3d MK and it will be the new titles Content Mortal Kombat Online (MKO). Liu Kang Merged 2 Time lines togeth cuz he had 2 option at the nd of MK11 one where he Ran the Hour Glass with Kitand the other With raiden By Merging them together and sending raiden forwards and Kitana back Raiden Created time portals and kitana procurred all the living People to bring there. Then Liu Kang Unmerged them and Created infinite Possibilities. There will be options to what Titles MatchMaking you want to choose once you level past 29 and hit level 30 but you will be able to play the new title at any level in the arena's on the physical map.
End game Content Explanation and new Game Modes.
Mortal Kombat MMORPG I've been thinking on this for 15 years I could wright a book and I might. Please Be Nice I've put My Heart into this Thank You so much. It will be a Console MMO so its gotta be region locked servers like the rest then devided into tons of lobbies that host alot of players The Lobbies players are placed in is like a matchmaking system all depending on Rank, the lobbies are huge immersive worlds and factions with lots of different BattleGrounds and quests armore NPC's and enemies It will be peramatly a tournament based game like for whichever style MK you Liked. If you likeD mk9 for pvp battle ground you will be given specific stats for each battlground each battle ground will consist of a stage and level bracket there will be 10-19 will be all MK9 stages 20-29 will be MKX stages and 30 -40 will be MK11 stages and questing will be a 3d envirement till the next expansion and of corse it will have to take place at the end of this time line and MK will have to make it back to 3d for this to happen having end game batlleground and duel stage content be 3d. A Bracket for each game Title in this timline and end game content will be the new title release. But if this happens every new expansion can keep all the time lines from MK9 to the most recent Title release always being the end Game Content in one single game if a back up installation that played without a disk was always installed into your storage for infinite possibilities. Idk if you have played For Honor immagine a MK that played like that with extensive Kombos linked with bashes and kicks instead of a juggle for 3d pve questing content fighting against world NPC mobs and other world players.with a Kombo breaker for single player combat and a Revenge system for outnumbered kombat. And of course mostly all styles would involve a weapon. Blocking would take chip damage and parries would end a Kombo. The end game Content would Host A veriety of Different Game Modes in 1v1 & 2v2 DeathMatches and 4v4 Koth where 1 team would have to hold and defend a point on a city built into a mountain Defend against enemy players trying to break into the walls of shang Tsung's island in a breach type game where they use a siege Battering Ram to break threw Multipal Castle Barricaded doors, think MK11's Krypt as this 4v4 stage but opened up in some spaces for a better fighting area. Or something there can be something thought up for game modes like Capture The Flag lol. Maybe a 4v4 where both enemy teams are after a loot chest its a process of elimination each person gets 1 life and theres 3 rounds max and 3 chests max the Best 2 outta 3 rounds wins, winning team gets 2 Chest's losers maybe 1 they get gold and Krypt stuff common to Legendary drops all a matter of Drop percentage for what Lvl your characters are From these Chests. There could be a Looking For Group Queue right on the player hud or in Start Menu for End game MatchMaking (LFG).
Maine Story
Seeing how Liu Kang has a part in both time lines he is now Earth Realms Protector the fire God Liu Kang with Kitana at His Side The Keeper of Time and the other TimeLine Raiden Kontrols the Time Line with him Because Liu Kang Allows it with his new Found Immortality. In each 1 of those 2 timelines they created infinite possibilities for both Time lines by restarting time twice and doing the same thing twice up untill the beginning of MK9 he the paused one time line to proceede with the other. up untill the 1st appearance of Kronika then he let his new Found Immortality show he merged the 2 timelines where he Kontrolled the Hour Glass together and doubled everbody in Earthrealms powers in both time lines now 1.He sent Raiden and kitana Back in time switching them with their younger selves raiden and Kitana Now merge into that timeline as their younger selves from the timeline LiuKang Paused to meet with their older selves in MKX thats why raiden did Not Know who "He who Must Win" was not because he was turning evil but because he was not with kitana but somewhere he has never been.The further back he goes on the time Line the more powerful he will be because he will merge with himself when he meets himself not for the 2nd time but the 1st Raiden knows his objectives but he has never done this b4 and he knows he cant mess up he must commmunicate with liuKang telling him to not let him merge with his younger self an Kontinue creating infinite Mini hour Glasses in the future of the time line they are creating so all the canon fights in all the titles are a Hallmark in time to never be forgotten by every one to help create infinite Timline Possibilities for training purposes of all new found heros to enter threw the hourglass portals Thanks To Kitana's grand Quest. Now what Kitana knows all she has to do is survive Liu kang made the trade to let the Kung lao and himself be killed then Zombiefied to let everything happen the same way again in the time line kitana Merged into but he will pause time again and Create to see if Raidens MK9, MKX and MK11 Hour Glass Portals are Working He Theroughly checked them and They're Flawless so there is now a link for when Between the TimeLine when all Great Warriors are alive and the new time line where Raiden Created the perfect scenario to start this MMO Title. Liu Kang Now unmerges kitanas the 2 time lines creating another time line and merges kitanas time with raidens time which causes mass confusion but makes the original time line continue Forwards with a MK MMO worldInfinite time line possibilities are now created and they are successfull and read to train all students liu kang summons Kitana and raiden back to the main Hour Glass to retire for a while. In the 2nd time line....Raiden will save Earth Realm Because in the Time Line Kitana is in with MK9 Raiden he is Still Elder God seeing how there are now 4 timelines but going forwards intime Raidens Going Backwards they are both growing stronger. Creating Infinite Possibilities Raiden Kitana and Liu Kang can Communicate threw all time lines Because the merger but raiden could already do this he was the Thunder God Liu Kang Tricked Raiden he told him he merged him with his younger self but didnt he sent Raiden to a different place then kitana he sent him further in time to timewalk backwards and see what happens in the future. Raiden did this and saw all Chaos Break out in earthrealm has been invaded with full out assault of outworld Earthrealm is also being torn assunder from infinite time lines they job now is to stop the invading forces of outworld and fix the time line by putting every one back to the correct time lines so it is Torn assunder and letting the Chaos realm Break threw time and space when Kitana Finishes her Quest of Duplicating what Happened in the original time line. those 2 starting timelines started it all but what kinda infinite stuff are they building? MK MMORPG. Btw if this happens It Will Only LOOK LIKE Raidens Going Backwards in time there still going forwards with there time line but not the One there Saving. But the one we are saving still needs a story from where Liu Kang Kitana and Raiden Merged and went forwards it is Known as the Chaos Realm its all out War between all Clans Factions Cuz outworld is invading from two directions and Earthrealms Finest Warriars from all the MK Roster are Now Staples in time for Martial Art Fighting Styles and They are all nowTeachers of Their Styles and accepting any and all new Hero's to Train and Help fight For their Clans Cause in the Battle Grounds Of Time to keep the infinite TimeLine Possibilities in their own Favor. In the TimeLine That these 3 are Creating. What do you think of the story? Be Honest...
Game Fundamental's
To earn Koins you would get gold for world currency but faction currency would be Komidogu. You would choose your faction and character type by what Story Character you wanted to be Like you can Kostimize what your Hero will look like with gear skins and weapon skin styles earned or baught from NPC's or from the player Auction Houses or traded Skins can be crafted for all different gear slots pants chest Shoulders gloves Tabard ill tell you more later in this read but they would not do anything in pvp you would get the preset of your character's story hero choice for what lvl bracket you choose to stay at with that character. Komidogus are earned through faction war/ territory war and pvp. Every battle ground won will give players a certain amount of Clan members from their faction to fight to control the world map durring that factionwar taking territory by territorry till that factions territories are gone but their main city and starting zones cannot be taken. The more you unluck of the othe factions map will make their areas yours and there will be preset destinations if you steal enemy territory that has special quests, merchants, profession trainers and loot you can physacally go there on the map to get special rare epic or legendary quests and loot every faction war depending on how far you move into enemy territory...but at the end of the Faction war there will always be a special prize for which faction wins you can also go to the battle ground pvp merchants and spend your factions honorable Komidogu Kurrency you earned in battle grounds or Arenas. Duels can take place anywhere accept in the restricted areas of the major city but duels dont earn anything just respect its practice...too enter a duel target a friendly player and challenge a duel... They can accept or decline if they accept a load screen brings both to a practice stage maybe a dojo a retro-cade setting for duel maps and fight. people can spectate you if you invite them to a KoTH and the person challenging gets to pick the game title mechanics and map the duel on ,then you know fight...duels are for fun... Kasual V.S. To enter a Battle ground go to the battle ground master/ShadowPriest in any major city he wil have Portal's to Different Stages, The Game title will depend on what lvl bracket your in. Arenas will take place on the physical map Arenas will be scattered all accross the map arenas will be team based 3d style games no matter what Rank you are so you can take place in Faction War in the end game content title if you dont want to grind all the cosmetics while at low rank with other players in your Rank Bracket... Each zone will be based on lvl of that character so you will most likly be with ppl your character level and Skill if world pvp takes place all world Combat is all the end game content title 3d mechanics so is arena.Arenas earn Komidogu to help trade for skills points with your trainer or cosmetics at the merchants or with other players. You wil earn skill points every time you level up your hero to add to different tree skills there are 3 different skill trees to add to each with its own special moves the 3 different trees are called Variations they will be different variations or non depending on the Battle ground title Bracket your character is in.
MMO Stuff
There will also be bounty hunter system in the 3d world end game content title. Like you could break the law out in the world and get a Wanted Bounty a player could walk by the billboard in any city looking to make money Kuz you Made a player angry while wanted by NPC Faction Guards and he set a bounty or you just just broke a petty NPC law...you need to remember everyone on your faction is friendly till you get a bounty you can stay an outlaw or pay up or just die. In world Combat but only so many players can accept your wanted bounty at a time and it will have to grow over a certain amount of money b4 the World city guards decide to put a bounty out also player will have to pay outta pocket to have you hunted and will have to interest other players with the cash amount or they wont accept it. If you decide stay an out law you have to go to a nuetral NPC faction area and become pretty much one of the till you finish a questline to change to the faction you decide to join and hero type , your Rank Stays The same but if you plan to change faction or you need to change The hero you chose to fallow. You can have as many characters as your console storage can hold but all characters have a lvl and prestige that all adds up to your full profiles Rank.
More MMO Stuff
Player professions are a Ranking system the more your craft or gather the more you rank up but before you get your next buy and train your next recipe after crafting or gathering and ranking up your proffession for your Crafting or Gathering profession of choice you need to talk to your Profession Trainer in one of the major city's Trade District Area so you can buy the Recipe frim him. Professions are to make and trade different cosmetic Skins and wepon skins you can make different skinned looked for all things too cover your chatacters body pants, boots, belts, a chest piece, spaulders, bracers, gloves, helmet and cloak, necklace,2 ring slots also a Tabards from different tribes or factions clans ect...and consumables for pvp and and pve Survival based of which Story Hero you selected to choose.. There is alchemy for Consumable potions instant health in combat and Potion Buffs to buff your health or damage a little bit pve only, black smith is for crafting plate mail, chain mail maces axes daggers Bows swords and other MK Character Based weaponry. Gem Crafting for gems to make jewelry and to put in augment slots of certain gear weapons giving them a magical glow whether its a Visual Magic effect or to help in towers of time and test your luck with stat buffs.. Leather working for crafting leather armor and straps and certain Magical Stave Type weaponryCosmetic weapon Skins. Tailoring cloth items and Clothing for under your characters Visual armor. If you Maxed out your professions you could train by buying the recipe to craft legendary skins but youd have to train in all the skin recipes before going out from the standard trainers in the main cities to try to get find legendary profession trainers by unlocking them on the territory Factionwar map. But 1st things 1st Common to rare then epic recipes 1st from your trainers The gathering proffessions are for fueling your crafting professions with Materials like mining herbing skinning and stealing and killing NPC's For Different items like cloth and different kinds of metals gems animal skins and plants.
The Uber Fun Stuff
Then theres survival professions cooking fishing first aid Fire Making camping Mount Riding Skill's Mount Flying Skills and Kollecting all the diff storie's Krypt Kontents and rare collections mounts achievements Titles an in game gambling at like a pub or an Inn or near the flight Path in the In the Black Market Alley of a Major City. A trading Card Game like HearthStone ingame Minigame could be a huge money maker. If made real and sold as a Trading Card Game (TCG) and seperate videogame I'd buy it. Set all your Stats and Abilities and Use the AI Battle Simulator TBH I've Been having alot more fun with AI Battles then actually fighting online. If we had the option to Turn AI On/Off in online to test our AI's Skills against Real Players would be Freaking Legendary. Also Celebrity Commercial's about Special ingame Products... WB Movie and DC easter eggs and what not.
Idea of Knick Miles Foster all Credit Goes to Ed Boon and His team for Creating the game ive loved since i was Born in 1990 and actually Let Be my inspiration for alot of my health Goals like not smoking and staying in good shape and healthy mind. Thank You For all the fun over the years and Creating a safe and stearal gaming Invirement all these years. Much Love MK is my Go to After God Family and Fitness. Thank You.
What if there was a Character nickname: Dancing Ghost?
Who masters all the different dances from Street dances to Barn Dances to Ballroom dances to Folk dances around the world? Including Belly dancing. lol
What if he wants to know more of the Dances from other realms?
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
What if there was a Character nickname: Dancing Ghost?
Who masters all the different dances from Street dances to Barn Dances to Ballroom dances to Folk dances around the world? Including Belly dancing. lol
What if he wants to know more of the Dances from other realms?
Lol i guess he will have to find a portal.
What if there was a Character nickname: Dancing Ghost?
Who masters all the different dances from Street dances to Barn Dances to Ballroom dances to Folk dances around the world? Including Belly dancing. lol
What if he wants to know more of the Dances from other realms?
Lol, I guess he will have to find a portal.
How would think he'll find one?
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
What if there was a Character nickname: Dancing Ghost?
Who masters all the different dances from Street dances to Barn Dances to Ballroom dances to Folk dances around the world? Including Belly dancing. lol
What if he wants to know more of the Dances from other realms?
Lol, I guess he will have to find a portal.
How would think he'll find one?
Kill Sha Kahn and Befriend a Shadow Priest. Lol
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
What if there was a Character nickname: Dancing Ghost?
Who masters all the different dances from Street dances to Barn Dances to Ballroom dances to Folk dances around the world? Including Belly dancing. lol
What if he wants to know more of the Dances from other realms?
Lol, I guess he will have to find a portal.
How would think he'll find one?
Kill Shao Kahn and Befriend a Shadow Priest. Lol
What if there was a Character nickname: Dancing Ghost?
Who masters all the different dances from Street dances to Barn Dances to Ballroom dances to Folk dances around the world? Including Belly dancing. lol
What if he wants to know more of the Dances from other realms?
Lol, I guess he will have to find a portal.
How would think he'll find one?
Kill Sha Kahn and Befriend a Shadow Priest. Lol
I think Dancing Ghost's main villains are athletes cause they mock him and picked on him.
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
What if there was a Character nickname: Dancing Ghost?
Who masters all the different dances from Street dances to Barn Dances to Ballroom dances to Folk dances around the world? Including Belly dancing. lol
What if he wants to know more of the Dances from other realms?
Lol, I guess he will have to find a portal.
How would think he'll find one?
Kill Sha Kahn and Befriend a Shadow Priest. Lol
I think Dancing Ghost's main villains are athletes cause they mock him and picked on him.
Then he creates an alter ego cuz of all the bullying and that alter ego is him as a shadow priest he runs into the nearest phone booth like Clark Kent to make an Urgent phone call..... And then...Is that a bird a plane???? No its the bully victim from high schools Huge Portal he comes out the phone booth in his Shadow Robes and hover's through the portal in the sky too another universe to Learn some new Sweet Dance Moves rofl. To confuse his Athletic Enemies In Kombat. Then Stops Kronika and has all absolute power and dances on for eternity the end.
I like the last one version.
I`m too
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
THIS!! PLUS The Chinese Zodiak Every Endorsement Deal You Kan Think of Plus The Greatest Movie/Rap/Video Game Production to Ever Hit Record/Cinema's/PC/Arkade/Konsoles Koming Straight Outta The North Pole Through the STARS too Mount Westmore To Make Your Gaming Kommunity a Better Place...THE KOMBAT/INJUSTICE KABINET!! The mmorpg you have been waiting for. With External Kombat Rage System that Promotes 1vs4 Kombative Scenarios. Where all Hero's Movesets will do same damage output and all hero's have Balanced Health pool's But all Heroes have Unique moveset's and abilities.