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Nephrite Wrote:
This so much!
I'm still waiting for my first ever online match!
Also, damn you Kitana, the pain in my left thumb from trying to connect your combos is terrible.
SubMan799 Wrote:
PSN is still fucking down!
PSN is still fucking down!
This so much!
I'm still waiting for my first ever online match!
Also, damn you Kitana, the pain in my left thumb from trying to connect your combos is terrible.
At least with this time we will be ultimate fighting masters.
About Me
"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot
....so the exclusive content for the 360 version of Mortal Kombat is having avatars in King of the Hill? I love the game but that's not how you do exclusive content.
Exclusive content to a console should be something everyone can use. But no, King of The Hill requires you to have online. The fuck thought this was a good idea?
Exclusive content to a console should be something everyone can use. But no, King of The Hill requires you to have online. The fuck thought this was a good idea?
ok seriously what the fuck is up with psn? does any1 know how much longer?

About Me
heppers89 Wrote:
I think the online play could have been so much better. I actually miss chess kombat from Deception, at least that pushed the boundaries a bit... Also, has anyone else noticed how bad the connection is, it lags so much and is generally speaking, really slow!
The online is horrible. I don't understand why either. Deception ran pretty decent, so I don't understand how this MK can't...Geez. The game overall is fun, but online is rather sh*tty...Eh, go figure...I think the online play could have been so much better. I actually miss chess kombat from Deception, at least that pushed the boundaries a bit... Also, has anyone else noticed how bad the connection is, it lags so much and is generally speaking, really slow!

Rant 1: PSN still down. Credit card info compromised. Dammit, Sony. I want to play online.
Rant 2: Shao Kahn making me his bitch in expert ladder. Sektor, Scorpion, Smoke, Mileena, Tag Ladder... never fail to get my ass handed to me. Why do I have to become a spammer to beat a spammer? For a bronze trophy. *sigh*
Rant 3: Xbox vs PS3. Get over it, people. It was old when it was called SNES vs Genesis.
Thank you.
Rant 2: Shao Kahn making me his bitch in expert ladder. Sektor, Scorpion, Smoke, Mileena, Tag Ladder... never fail to get my ass handed to me. Why do I have to become a spammer to beat a spammer? For a bronze trophy. *sigh*
Rant 3: Xbox vs PS3. Get over it, people. It was old when it was called SNES vs Genesis.
Thank you.

I have the U.S Version but it`s in german language why can`t I change the language :(
german sync sucks
german sync sucks

t_skwerl Wrote:
Rant 1: PSN still down. Credit card info compromised. Dammit, Sony. I want to play online.
Rant 2: Shao Kahn making me his bitch in expert ladder. Sektor, Scorpion, Smoke, Mileena, Tag Ladder... never fail to get my ass handed to me. Why do I have to become a spammer to beat a spammer? For a bronze trophy. *sigh*
Rant 3: Xbox vs PS3. Get over it, people. It was old when it was called SNES vs Genesis.
Thank you.
Rant 1: PSN still down. Credit card info compromised. Dammit, Sony. I want to play online.
Rant 2: Shao Kahn making me his bitch in expert ladder. Sektor, Scorpion, Smoke, Mileena, Tag Ladder... never fail to get my ass handed to me. Why do I have to become a spammer to beat a spammer? For a bronze trophy. *sigh*
Rant 3: Xbox vs PS3. Get over it, people. It was old when it was called SNES vs Genesis.
Thank you.
If you still dont know sony says PSN will be back on next week! ^_^
All this game needs is a run button XD

About Me
Kano is such a drag in this one. He's got the personality of a wet fart. I want some classy Austrailian one-liners like the 1st MK movie.
and that's class.
and that's class.
Online is a complete waste of time. COMPLETE. This is such an awesome fighting game, and the online is terrible. There's no reason to even try it anymore. I'm not playing online until a patch is made. I'm not losing a match because the game hiccuped when I hit a punch button. That's not how fighting games work. They need to know what button you press. All of them. Online is a complete waste of time.
- During the closing credits of Mortal Kombat, background music can play “Farewell” by ApocalypticA and show highlights of winning arcade/tag team ladder matches in similar fashion when video gamer lands final knockout hit against Shao Kahn, maybe just highlighting the great hits and combos landing during the course of one’s climb up the ladder either in arcade ladder or tag team mode.
- In tag team mode, it would be cool if the tag in partner enter the match with a simple front somersault or a front ground roll and also exited the matches with back somersaults unless executing a specialty move for partner in match. It’d be cool if they also after being knocked out would stayed laid out on the floor during the course of the match like in MK1. It’d look more realistic instead of being knocked out the screen.
- It’d be cool in the “Courtyard Arena” that the monks in the background would clap only after a won round like in MK1, instead of throughout the match and if the claps sound effects were louder.
- It’d be cool if in the “Choose Your Fighter” screen, that they presented the fighters with sinister looking facial pictures of them instead of the mini-sized pictures of the fighters. And in the Arcade/Tag Team ladders, once they cut to the “Vs.” screen, they execute a brief form in their martial arts style of fighting like Soul Calibur 3 does in the character select screen.
- Maybe sometime further down the line in a future Mortal Kombat, there was a presented Adventure Mode. This could be a change up from the monotonous one-on-one/tag-team game play. It could be formatted like the third shooter video games like Halo or Dynasty Warriors. This can also offer another mode for fans to unlock hidden secrets, characters, arenas, fatalities...etc.
- It’d be cool if Scorpion didn't have a pair of authentic ninja katana swords on his back in his retro-ninja costume and looked like the Scorpion from MK1.
- It would be cool if there was a new twist to training mode or it could be a whole other mode like a practice mode to where there was a stage specifically designed for this mode such a dojo. In the dojo there would be a fighting mat with fighters in long sleeved gi and pants surrounding the mat. Or training room like in the movies “Matrix I” or “X-Men” inside the mansion. Here, a sensei, Sifu, Grandmaster like character could watch a sparring like session in a high chair with student like fighters with novice skills surrounding the fighting pad. And as you progressively get better, you fight more skilled fighters up to a novice level so it wouldn’t be too difficult. And a visual demonstration of this would be the student fighters you’d spar with would were different colored belts indicating their skill level until you’d get to a student wearing a white long sleeved gi with a black belt wrapped around their waist. As you’d advance you would receive “1st level dan” achievements or “2nd level dan” and so forth and so on. Also fatalities would be disabled or not allowed to be performed in this scene because of your learning. Finally you’d have to take on the Sensei, Sifu, or Grandmaster like character in a sparring session. It could be like your training for the tournament Mortal Kombat. It could also be a testing ground before you could actually unlock the normal format of the one-on-one/tag team mode of the game and this could apply for each character you choose. You’d be required to past this entry level mode of the game before unlocking Mortal Kombat with your chosen characters. This also could be just an additional mode when this mode has been past by all of the selectable characters in the game.
- Or you have another “Test Your Knowledge” Mode where video gamers would be quizzed on character's move sequencing. And then with the game can also test your knowledge of button combinations of your characters specialty moves, fatalities, novice level combos, X-Ray Moves, with you having to enter in specific button combinations across the screen to match the actual console button combinations. Prizes could be Koins or other unlocked materials, secret character, arenas or whatever.
- During the closing credits of Mortal Kombat, background music can play “Farewell” by ApocalypticA and show highlights of winning arcade/tag team ladder matches in similar fashion when video gamer lands final knockout hit against Shao Kahn, maybe just highlighting the great hits and combos landing during the course of one’s climb up the ladder either in arcade ladder or tag team mode.
- In tag team mode, it would be cool if the tag in partner enter the match with a simple front somersault or a front ground roll and also exited the matches with back somersaults unless executing a specialty move for partner in match. It’d be cool if they also after being knocked out would stayed laid out on the floor during the course of the match like in MK1. It’d look more realistic instead of being knocked out the screen.
- It’d be cool in the “Courtyard Arena” that the monks in the background would clap only after a won round like in MK1, instead of throughout the match and if the claps sound effects were louder.
- It’d be cool if in the “Choose Your Fighter” screen, that they presented the fighters with sinister looking facial pictures of them instead of the mini-sized pictures of the fighters. And in the Arcade/Tag Team ladders, once they cut to the “Vs.” screen, they execute a brief form in their martial arts style of fighting like Soul Calibur 3 does in the character select screen.
- Maybe sometime further down the line in a future Mortal Kombat, there was a presented Adventure Mode. This could be a change up from the monotonous one-on-one/tag-team game play. It could be formatted like the third shooter video games like Halo or Dynasty Warriors. This can also offer another mode for fans to unlock hidden secrets, characters, arenas, fatalities...etc.
- It’d be cool if Scorpion didn't have a pair of authentic ninja katana swords on his back in his retro-ninja costume and looked like the Scorpion from MK1.
- It would be cool if there was a new twist to training mode or it could be a whole other mode like a practice mode to where there was a stage specifically designed for this mode such a dojo. In the dojo there would be a fighting mat with fighters in long sleeved gi and pants surrounding the mat. Or training room like in the movies “Matrix I” or “X-Men” inside the mansion. Here, a sensei, Sifu, Grandmaster like character could watch a sparring like session in a high chair with student like fighters with novice skills surrounding the fighting pad. And as you progressively get better, you fight more skilled fighters up to a novice level so it wouldn’t be too difficult. And a visual demonstration of this would be the student fighters you’d spar with would were different colored belts indicating their skill level until you’d get to a student wearing a white long sleeved gi with a black belt wrapped around their waist. As you’d advance you would receive “1st level dan” achievements or “2nd level dan” and so forth and so on. Also fatalities would be disabled or not allowed to be performed in this scene because of your learning. Finally you’d have to take on the Sensei, Sifu, or Grandmaster like character in a sparring session. It could be like your training for the tournament Mortal Kombat. It could also be a testing ground before you could actually unlock the normal format of the one-on-one/tag team mode of the game and this could apply for each character you choose. You’d be required to past this entry level mode of the game before unlocking Mortal Kombat with your chosen characters. This also could be just an additional mode when this mode has been past by all of the selectable characters in the game.
- Or you have another “Test Your Knowledge” Mode where video gamers would be quizzed on character's move sequencing. And then with the game can also test your knowledge of button combinations of your characters specialty moves, fatalities, novice level combos, X-Ray Moves, with you having to enter in specific button combinations across the screen to match the actual console button combinations. Prizes could be Koins or other unlocked materials, secret character, arenas or whatever.
so sad ..1st I am using a ps3 and yes I have both systems..not a fan boy ..love games .. ps3 is free net with wifi .. end of story for online lol
so I haven't tried online but honestly I don't see how you could .. I was playing ea sports ( hate them) fight night champion online and I bearly get threw that without wanting to puke or die or kill some1 out of frustration with all the gimmick b/s.. spam jabs so on..
this is mortal kombat..as in special moves! ahh I cannot even imagine.. ok ready fight smoke ..teleport here teleport here teleport smoke bomb smoke bomb upppercuts .. x ray dead.. no way to even say cheap it is his moves ..it sucks and feels cheap but if you got the chance you may go 4 it maybe to get flawless acheviements or w/e ..
now quitters..wow how sad is your life if you are emberassed to lose a VIDEO GAME .. grow up lol but that is in all games even not video games .. board games online or in person .. people these days don't like to deal with losing at least in the USA ( yes I love my country but some ppl need to grow up we've been babied) .. no1 ever loses here anymore.. and yet the best way to learn is threw losing , struggling and fighting for that prize ( w/e you aim for) .. and it makes winning all the better when you've lost.. b/c you know the pain you avoided and the accomplishment you achieved ..
this game is great and when the price goes down Im buying it ( not paying that much for a game I already beat everything on and wont play online lol) but I don't know how u guys deal with playing online.
good luck to those who arent spammers, quiters ect.. me and my friends use to make leagues ..we'd all just play eachother in a league in madden online and had a commish ..ran it respectfully u lose , u lose ..u traded some1 no take backs or w/e lol .. we ended up having a website and tons of people joining.. we even made rules to make the game more realistic (since EA can't ) ..
maybe you all should get together and try that?
so I haven't tried online but honestly I don't see how you could .. I was playing ea sports ( hate them) fight night champion online and I bearly get threw that without wanting to puke or die or kill some1 out of frustration with all the gimmick b/s.. spam jabs so on..
this is mortal kombat..as in special moves! ahh I cannot even imagine.. ok ready fight smoke ..teleport here teleport here teleport smoke bomb smoke bomb upppercuts .. x ray dead.. no way to even say cheap it is his moves ..it sucks and feels cheap but if you got the chance you may go 4 it maybe to get flawless acheviements or w/e ..
now quitters..wow how sad is your life if you are emberassed to lose a VIDEO GAME .. grow up lol but that is in all games even not video games .. board games online or in person .. people these days don't like to deal with losing at least in the USA ( yes I love my country but some ppl need to grow up we've been babied) .. no1 ever loses here anymore.. and yet the best way to learn is threw losing , struggling and fighting for that prize ( w/e you aim for) .. and it makes winning all the better when you've lost.. b/c you know the pain you avoided and the accomplishment you achieved ..
this game is great and when the price goes down Im buying it ( not paying that much for a game I already beat everything on and wont play online lol) but I don't know how u guys deal with playing online.
good luck to those who arent spammers, quiters ect.. me and my friends use to make leagues ..we'd all just play eachother in a league in madden online and had a commish ..ran it respectfully u lose , u lose ..u traded some1 no take backs or w/e lol .. we ended up having a website and tons of people joining.. we even made rules to make the game more realistic (since EA can't ) ..
maybe you all should get together and try that?
i had one problem with this game and one problem only...in the story mode...shao kahn is WAY too....easy!
(not the word you were expecting, right?:P lol)
i was only stuck at him the first fight for like 2 hours(yes..i suck as liu kang, and am glad that i never have to play as him, ever again...in this game)
and the final battle i was also only stuck at for 2 hours...he was just barely challenging enough to where you had to semi-master your character throughout the course of the battle...
(not the word you were expecting, right?:P lol)
i was only stuck at him the first fight for like 2 hours(yes..i suck as liu kang, and am glad that i never have to play as him, ever again...in this game)
and the final battle i was also only stuck at for 2 hours...he was just barely challenging enough to where you had to semi-master your character throughout the course of the battle...

It's really minor but it's a real shame you can't "fatality steal" with Shang Tsung by turning into your opponent, beating them, then using their own fatality on them. That was always fun in the older MK games and it's kind of disappointing that he just morphs back as soon as the last round ends.
- During the closing credits of Mortal Kombat, background music can play “Farewell” by ApocalypticA and show highlights of winning arcade/tag team ladder matches in similar fashion when video gamer lands final knockout hit against Shao Kahn, maybe just highlighting the great hits and combos landing during the course of one’s climb up the ladder either in arcade ladder or tag team mode.
- In tag team mode, it would be cool if the tag in partner was tagged in the match and executed a simple front summersault or a front ground roll and also tagged out of the matches with back summersaults unless executing a specialty move for partner in match. It’d be cool if they also after being knocked out would stayed laid out on the floor during the course of the match like in MK1. It’d look more realistic instead of being knocked out the screen. And when round is over the partner would just pop up on feet and execute a back summersault out of the screen until tagged into the match again.
- It’d be cool in the “Courtyard Arena” that the monks in the background would clap only after a won round like in MK1, instead of throughout the match and if the claps sound effects were louder. It could sound like the clapping from the fight scene between Bruce Lee and O’Hara in the movie “Enter the Dragon” but just after each round.
- It’d be cool if in the “Choose Your Fighter” screen, that they presented the fighters with sinister looking facial pictures like in MK1 instead of the mini-sized pictures of the fighters. And in the Arcade/Tag Team ladders, once they cut to the “Vs.” screen, they execute a brief form in their martial arts style of fighting like Soul Calibur 3 does in the character select screen. It could be a motion captured animation of the characters. Obviously with a multitude of characters the screen would be easily filled with these facial pictures so they could rotate the group of “14” sinister looking facial pictures of the characters throughout the screen in a similar motion that a revolving door rotates the different doors, is the same way a fan could rotate/navigate the “Choose Your Fighter” screen. So for example, they could be formatted like five fighters on top row, two to the left, then a space for the “Mortal Kombat Dragon Logo” then two to the right, then five down on the bottom row making a total of 14 characters for each screen. Then there could be some arrows located on the bottom towards the center of the screen with the words, “Previous” or “Next” to navigate to the next screen of fighters to rotate/navigate to.
- Maybe sometime further down the line in a future Mortal Kombat, it’d be cool if the game presented an Adventure/Konquest Mode. This could be a change up from the monotonous one-on-one/tag-team game play. It could be formatted like the third shooter video games like Assassin’s Creed or Dynasty Warriors. This can also offer another mode for fans to unlock hidden secrets, characters, arenas, fatalities...etc.
- It’d be cooler if Scorpion had a pair of authentic ninja katana swords on his back in his retro-ninja costume.
- It would be cool if there was a new twist to training mode or it could be a whole other mode like a practice mode to where there was a stage specifically designed for this mode such a dojo. In the dojo there would be a fighting mat with fighters in long sleeved gi and pants surrounding the mat. Or a training room like in the movies “Matrix I” or “X-Men” inside the mansion. Here, a sensei, Sifu or Grandmaster like character could watch a sparring session in a high chair with student-like fighters with novice skills surrounding the fighting pad. And as you progressively get better, you fight more skilled fighters up to a novice level so it wouldn’t be too difficult (this mode would test of how well you can control your character before fighting in the real environment.). And a visual demonstration of this would be the student fighters you’d spar with would wear different colored belts indicating their skill level until you’d get to a student wearing a white long sleeved gi with a black belt wrapped around their waist. As you’d advance you would receive “1st level dan” achievements or “2nd level dan” achievements and so forth and so on. Also fatalities or specialty moves would be disabled or not allowed to be performed in this scene because of your learning. Finally you’d have to take on the Sensei, Sifu, or Grandmaster like character in a sparring session. It could be like your training for the tournament Mortal Kombat. It could also be a testing ground before you could actually unlock the normal format of the one-on-one/tag team mode of the game and this could apply for each character you choose. You’d be required to past this entry level mode of the game before unlocking Mortal Kombat with each of your chosen characters. That way you gain some familiarity with the character before using your character in Mortal Kombat and get use out of all the characters. This also could be just an additional mode when this mode has been past by all of the selectable characters in the game.
- Or you have another “Test Your Knowledge” Mode where video gamers would be quizzed on Mortal Kombat history and obscure characters and facts of the game. And then with the game can also test your knowledge of button combinations of your characters specialty moves, fatalities, novice level combos, X-Ray Moves, with you having to enter in specific button combinations across the screen to match the actual console button combinations. Prizes could be Koins or other unlocked materials, secret character, arenas or whatever.
- Another thing I am blown away from, is the background and stages from the game. Sometimes I’ll just look at the scenery instead of the game play because it looks so authentic. The lead artist/designers of the stages are some very imaginative and creative people. I wish I could see all the original stages from MK1 remained with the upgrade in computer animations. Also I’d like to see the “Original Pit” the “Warrior Shine” with the original cast of MK1 in statues. That would be cool, I would convulse violently where I stand if I saw all the stages from MK1. Also maybe the arena from “Bloodsport” or “The Quest” the movie. That would be great!!!
- As far as mechanics go, I’d like to see characters stay frozen in the exact posture they were in right before being hit with Sub-Zero’s standard freeze. It looks like the character jumps into a scared posture when being frozen, I don’t understand the reasoning behind that switch up.
- It would be cool if in the “Choose Your Fighter” screen, you could choose your character’s costume. So if you like more traditionalized costumes you could choose that attire, or if you like the street urban/rocker armor like costumes you could choose that. That way you give the video game fan options to choose what their character can look like.
- Another mechanic I wish that could be touched up some more would be the way that characters fall down. When being hit in the air, like an air-juggle combo, the characters turn into some rag dolls with their limbs flapping. If Mortal Kombat could emulate Tekken’s mechanics in their air juggles and fighting that would be cool!!!! Also I’ve noticed when a knockout hit is administered, the character just falls down like a statue. They look stiff. I think if they, again, mimic Tekken’s mechanics on knockout hits and the mechanics of how characters, “Shake out the cobwebs” , “Get back on their feet”, “Get up feeling overwhelmed” I think that would great!!!!
- Also after the course of a fight, it’d be cool if the character could “Show Mercy” like in MK3 and not finish them off. Or if the opponent could do a standardize button combinations on the gaming console controller and get a little bit of a boast of energy and get a “Second Chance”. That could switch up the dynamic of the game as well.
- There could the instrumental for “Legacy” by Non Phixon that could serve as background music for one of the stages in Mortal Kombat.
- It’d be cool if Scorpion had his original MK1 stance, along with Sub-Zero, Johnny Cage, Kano, Sonya Blade and Raiden. I think that would be awesome!!! Especially Raiden, Sub-Zero and Scorpion. I thought those three characters had the best fighting stance in the game.
- It be cool if Tag Team mode had three and four tag in partners as well as the standard double team partners. I think it would be great!!! It’d give the game a different dynamic and also make things more challenging for the video gamers. It would also make for some fun online play.
- It’d be cool if Johnny Cage’s shadow kick left images of himself trailing behind like in the original MK1, really with all of his shadow moves, his shadow punch, shadow kick and other shadow based moves he might have or new ones given to him.
- Another idea for a mini-game can be the “Death Chambers” where through each chamber’s tests one’s ability to attack offensively against time limits, or within certain perimeters such as the exclusion of specialty moves, X-Ray moves and combos of that nature. This also could be set to the level of very hard for the opponents one would face and also reveal hidden characters in the game at the end of each chamber. I don’t know if this concept has already been incorporated with the “The Challenge Tower”.
“Fully realized additional characters are their primary interest, with the gamut of moves and features expected of any fighter to be included.” "They won't be copy and pasted from characters already in the game - they're going to have their own unique fighting styles, moves, fatalities and x-rays - all the good stuff..." - Hans Lo
- During the closing credits of Mortal Kombat, background music can play “Farewell” by ApocalypticA and show highlights of winning arcade/tag team ladder matches in similar fashion when video gamer lands final knockout hit against Shao Kahn, maybe just highlighting the great hits and combos landing during the course of one’s climb up the ladder either in arcade ladder or tag team mode.
- In tag team mode, it would be cool if the tag in partner was tagged in the match and executed a simple front summersault or a front ground roll and also tagged out of the matches with back summersaults unless executing a specialty move for partner in match. It’d be cool if they also after being knocked out would stayed laid out on the floor during the course of the match like in MK1. It’d look more realistic instead of being knocked out the screen. And when round is over the partner would just pop up on feet and execute a back summersault out of the screen until tagged into the match again.
- It’d be cool in the “Courtyard Arena” that the monks in the background would clap only after a won round like in MK1, instead of throughout the match and if the claps sound effects were louder. It could sound like the clapping from the fight scene between Bruce Lee and O’Hara in the movie “Enter the Dragon” but just after each round.
- It’d be cool if in the “Choose Your Fighter” screen, that they presented the fighters with sinister looking facial pictures like in MK1 instead of the mini-sized pictures of the fighters. And in the Arcade/Tag Team ladders, once they cut to the “Vs.” screen, they execute a brief form in their martial arts style of fighting like Soul Calibur 3 does in the character select screen. It could be a motion captured animation of the characters. Obviously with a multitude of characters the screen would be easily filled with these facial pictures so they could rotate the group of “14” sinister looking facial pictures of the characters throughout the screen in a similar motion that a revolving door rotates the different doors, is the same way a fan could rotate/navigate the “Choose Your Fighter” screen. So for example, they could be formatted like five fighters on top row, two to the left, then a space for the “Mortal Kombat Dragon Logo” then two to the right, then five down on the bottom row making a total of 14 characters for each screen. Then there could be some arrows located on the bottom towards the center of the screen with the words, “Previous” or “Next” to navigate to the next screen of fighters to rotate/navigate to.
- Maybe sometime further down the line in a future Mortal Kombat, it’d be cool if the game presented an Adventure/Konquest Mode. This could be a change up from the monotonous one-on-one/tag-team game play. It could be formatted like the third shooter video games like Assassin’s Creed or Dynasty Warriors. This can also offer another mode for fans to unlock hidden secrets, characters, arenas, fatalities...etc.
- It’d be cooler if Scorpion had a pair of authentic ninja katana swords on his back in his retro-ninja costume.
- It would be cool if there was a new twist to training mode or it could be a whole other mode like a practice mode to where there was a stage specifically designed for this mode such a dojo. In the dojo there would be a fighting mat with fighters in long sleeved gi and pants surrounding the mat. Or a training room like in the movies “Matrix I” or “X-Men” inside the mansion. Here, a sensei, Sifu or Grandmaster like character could watch a sparring session in a high chair with student-like fighters with novice skills surrounding the fighting pad. And as you progressively get better, you fight more skilled fighters up to a novice level so it wouldn’t be too difficult (this mode would test of how well you can control your character before fighting in the real environment.). And a visual demonstration of this would be the student fighters you’d spar with would wear different colored belts indicating their skill level until you’d get to a student wearing a white long sleeved gi with a black belt wrapped around their waist. As you’d advance you would receive “1st level dan” achievements or “2nd level dan” achievements and so forth and so on. Also fatalities or specialty moves would be disabled or not allowed to be performed in this scene because of your learning. Finally you’d have to take on the Sensei, Sifu, or Grandmaster like character in a sparring session. It could be like your training for the tournament Mortal Kombat. It could also be a testing ground before you could actually unlock the normal format of the one-on-one/tag team mode of the game and this could apply for each character you choose. You’d be required to past this entry level mode of the game before unlocking Mortal Kombat with each of your chosen characters. That way you gain some familiarity with the character before using your character in Mortal Kombat and get use out of all the characters. This also could be just an additional mode when this mode has been past by all of the selectable characters in the game.
- Or you have another “Test Your Knowledge” Mode where video gamers would be quizzed on Mortal Kombat history and obscure characters and facts of the game. And then with the game can also test your knowledge of button combinations of your characters specialty moves, fatalities, novice level combos, X-Ray Moves, with you having to enter in specific button combinations across the screen to match the actual console button combinations. Prizes could be Koins or other unlocked materials, secret character, arenas or whatever.
- Another thing I am blown away from, is the background and stages from the game. Sometimes I’ll just look at the scenery instead of the game play because it looks so authentic. The lead artist/designers of the stages are some very imaginative and creative people. I wish I could see all the original stages from MK1 remained with the upgrade in computer animations. Also I’d like to see the “Original Pit” the “Warrior Shine” with the original cast of MK1 in statues. That would be cool, I would convulse violently where I stand if I saw all the stages from MK1. Also maybe the arena from “Bloodsport” or “The Quest” the movie. That would be great!!!
- As far as mechanics go, I’d like to see characters stay frozen in the exact posture they were in right before being hit with Sub-Zero’s standard freeze. It looks like the character jumps into a scared posture when being frozen, I don’t understand the reasoning behind that switch up.
- It would be cool if in the “Choose Your Fighter” screen, you could choose your character’s costume. So if you like more traditionalized costumes you could choose that attire, or if you like the street urban/rocker armor like costumes you could choose that. That way you give the video game fan options to choose what their character can look like.
- Another mechanic I wish that could be touched up some more would be the way that characters fall down. When being hit in the air, like an air-juggle combo, the characters turn into some rag dolls with their limbs flapping. If Mortal Kombat could emulate Tekken’s mechanics in their air juggles and fighting that would be cool!!!! Also I’ve noticed when a knockout hit is administered, the character just falls down like a statue. They look stiff. I think if they, again, mimic Tekken’s mechanics on knockout hits and the mechanics of how characters, “Shake out the cobwebs” , “Get back on their feet”, “Get up feeling overwhelmed” I think that would great!!!!
- Also after the course of a fight, it’d be cool if the character could “Show Mercy” like in MK3 and not finish them off. Or if the opponent could do a standardize button combinations on the gaming console controller and get a little bit of a boast of energy and get a “Second Chance”. That could switch up the dynamic of the game as well.
- There could the instrumental for “Legacy” by Non Phixon that could serve as background music for one of the stages in Mortal Kombat.
- It’d be cool if Scorpion had his original MK1 stance, along with Sub-Zero, Johnny Cage, Kano, Sonya Blade and Raiden. I think that would be awesome!!! Especially Raiden, Sub-Zero and Scorpion. I thought those three characters had the best fighting stance in the game.
- It be cool if Tag Team mode had three and four tag in partners as well as the standard double team partners. I think it would be great!!! It’d give the game a different dynamic and also make things more challenging for the video gamers. It would also make for some fun online play.
- It’d be cool if Johnny Cage’s shadow kick left images of himself trailing behind like in the original MK1, really with all of his shadow moves, his shadow punch, shadow kick and other shadow based moves he might have or new ones given to him.
- Another idea for a mini-game can be the “Death Chambers” where through each chamber’s tests one’s ability to attack offensively against time limits, or within certain perimeters such as the exclusion of specialty moves, X-Ray moves and combos of that nature. This also could be set to the level of very hard for the opponents one would face and also reveal hidden characters in the game at the end of each chamber. I don’t know if this concept has already been incorporated with the “The Challenge Tower”.
“Fully realized additional characters are their primary interest, with the gamut of moves and features expected of any fighter to be included.” "They won't be copy and pasted from characters already in the game - they're going to have their own unique fighting styles, moves, fatalities and x-rays - all the good stuff..." - Hans Lo

I've long held my tongue on this since he was revealed going along with the people who said "Maybe he'll be awesome to play as"
Nope. nopenopenopenopenope.
My opinion of Kratos remains unchanged He is a bland boring character.
His video was meh His gameplay sucks His only saving grace is his alternate and first fatality and his ending but while nice it doesn't change the fact that HIS GAMEPLAY SUCKS.
Oh god even killing him isn't as entertaining as killing the rest of the cast.
Just get out and stay out of my MK you annoying bland boring bastard.
Nope. nopenopenopenopenope.
My opinion of Kratos remains unchanged He is a bland boring character.
His video was meh His gameplay sucks His only saving grace is his alternate and first fatality and his ending but while nice it doesn't change the fact that HIS GAMEPLAY SUCKS.
Oh god even killing him isn't as entertaining as killing the rest of the cast.
Just get out and stay out of my MK you annoying bland boring bastard.
My complaint with this game is that Shao Kahn is simply unfair at times and it really ticks me off. After losing to him ten times + in story mode against Raiden, I came to the conclusion that this is not a boss that I'm fighting, more like a very cheap version of both Kintaro and Motaro back in the Genesis days.
I cannot find a way to outdo this character because of various reasons:
A.) If I jump he immediately performs his shoulder ram in air
B.) Fast recovery
C.) X-Rays take 75% of your health away
D.) Throws his trident move over FOUR times in a row
E.) His axe throw always comes right when I'm flying at him
F.) The guy can never perform anything but specials
G.) Performing regular attacks doesn't even do a single thing since he can still move and perform moves freely while you're punching the shit out of him
I just sat once letting him beat me without me touching him and it's amazing to see what he does. I don't think I saw him once throw a punch at me or a kick, it's all of his specials.
It's irritating because i know how to fight as Raiden well, but this is ridiculous that I constantly lose against Kahn because he spams his specials like its not a big deal, but if I try to spam my specials BOOM I get my ass handed to me.
And it's not just with Raiden that I had issues with, it's basically fighting against him with any other character. The only one that I did not have that big of an issue with was Sub-Zero because of course I mained him, but still, he wasn't that big of a deal with I was playing as Sub-Zero. Though with the others, this is just utter bullshit. They claimed that they wanted to make Kahn as scary as possible to where we have to fear him? It's more like they designed him to be incredibly cheap with no way to predict his moves.
The only time you can get a good hit is when he's taunting you, and yet he still counters back right after you punch him with that damn golden thing that pops up every time you attack him.
I kinda needed to rant about this because I am tired of having a good record up until facing this guy, where you have to lose to him so many times because you cannot read them.
I cannot find a way to outdo this character because of various reasons:
A.) If I jump he immediately performs his shoulder ram in air
B.) Fast recovery
C.) X-Rays take 75% of your health away
D.) Throws his trident move over FOUR times in a row
E.) His axe throw always comes right when I'm flying at him
F.) The guy can never perform anything but specials
G.) Performing regular attacks doesn't even do a single thing since he can still move and perform moves freely while you're punching the shit out of him
I just sat once letting him beat me without me touching him and it's amazing to see what he does. I don't think I saw him once throw a punch at me or a kick, it's all of his specials.
It's irritating because i know how to fight as Raiden well, but this is ridiculous that I constantly lose against Kahn because he spams his specials like its not a big deal, but if I try to spam my specials BOOM I get my ass handed to me.
And it's not just with Raiden that I had issues with, it's basically fighting against him with any other character. The only one that I did not have that big of an issue with was Sub-Zero because of course I mained him, but still, he wasn't that big of a deal with I was playing as Sub-Zero. Though with the others, this is just utter bullshit. They claimed that they wanted to make Kahn as scary as possible to where we have to fear him? It's more like they designed him to be incredibly cheap with no way to predict his moves.
The only time you can get a good hit is when he's taunting you, and yet he still counters back right after you punch him with that damn golden thing that pops up every time you attack him.
I kinda needed to rant about this because I am tired of having a good record up until facing this guy, where you have to lose to him so many times because you cannot read them.
Icebaby Wrote:
My complaint with this game is that Shao Kahn is simply unfair at times and it really ticks me off. After losing to him ten times + in story mode against Raiden, I came to the conclusion that this is not a boss that I'm fighting, more like a very cheap version of both Kintaro and Motaro back in the Genesis days.
I cannot find a way to outdo this character because of various reasons:
A.) If I jump he immediately performs his shoulder ram in air
B.) Fast recovery
C.) X-Rays take 75% of your health away
D.) Throws his trident move over FOUR times in a row
E.) His axe throw always comes right when I'm flying at him
F.) The guy can never perform anything but specials
G.) Performing regular attacks doesn't even do a single thing since he can still move and perform moves freely while you're punching the shit out of him
I just sat once letting him beat me without me touching him and it's amazing to see what he does. I don't think I saw him once throw a punch at me or a kick, it's all of his specials.
It's irritating because i know how to fight as Raiden well, but this is ridiculous that I constantly lose against Kahn because he spams his specials like its not a big deal, but if I try to spam my specials BOOM I get my ass handed to me.
And it's not just with Raiden that I had issues with, it's basically fighting against him with any other character. The only one that I did not have that big of an issue with was Sub-Zero because of course I mained him, but still, he wasn't that big of a deal with I was playing as Sub-Zero. Though with the others, this is just utter bullshit. They claimed that they wanted to make Kahn as scary as possible to where we have to fear him? It's more like they designed him to be incredibly cheap with no way to predict his moves.
The only time you can get a good hit is when he's taunting you, and yet he still counters back right after you punch him with that damn golden thing that pops up every time you attack him.
I kinda needed to rant about this because I am tired of having a good record up until facing this guy, where you have to lose to him so many times because you cannot read them.
My complaint with this game is that Shao Kahn is simply unfair at times and it really ticks me off. After losing to him ten times + in story mode against Raiden, I came to the conclusion that this is not a boss that I'm fighting, more like a very cheap version of both Kintaro and Motaro back in the Genesis days.
I cannot find a way to outdo this character because of various reasons:
A.) If I jump he immediately performs his shoulder ram in air
B.) Fast recovery
C.) X-Rays take 75% of your health away
D.) Throws his trident move over FOUR times in a row
E.) His axe throw always comes right when I'm flying at him
F.) The guy can never perform anything but specials
G.) Performing regular attacks doesn't even do a single thing since he can still move and perform moves freely while you're punching the shit out of him
I just sat once letting him beat me without me touching him and it's amazing to see what he does. I don't think I saw him once throw a punch at me or a kick, it's all of his specials.
It's irritating because i know how to fight as Raiden well, but this is ridiculous that I constantly lose against Kahn because he spams his specials like its not a big deal, but if I try to spam my specials BOOM I get my ass handed to me.
And it's not just with Raiden that I had issues with, it's basically fighting against him with any other character. The only one that I did not have that big of an issue with was Sub-Zero because of course I mained him, but still, he wasn't that big of a deal with I was playing as Sub-Zero. Though with the others, this is just utter bullshit. They claimed that they wanted to make Kahn as scary as possible to where we have to fear him? It's more like they designed him to be incredibly cheap with no way to predict his moves.
The only time you can get a good hit is when he's taunting you, and yet he still counters back right after you punch him with that damn golden thing that pops up every time you attack him.
I kinda needed to rant about this because I am tired of having a good record up until facing this guy, where you have to lose to him so many times because you cannot read them.
wow...the last battle isn't that difficult..i mean if you go to youtube you can watch people flawless victory him(though unfortunately there method is to be a cheap newb). I personally beat him in the final battle in straight up hand to hand combat. No gimmicks, no cheap tactics...just plain and simple facing shao kanh in mortal kombat. And much to your dismay, his moves are extremly predictable and slow..the only thing he has that isnt slow is his shoulder charge/bum rush esque thing. but even that's predictable.
long story short:knowledge is power. pay attention to small details in his specials and the timing of when he uses them and you will be able to beat shao kanh in a legitimate way.(no,....teleport+uppercut everytime he tries attacking is NOT defeating him in a legitimate way) oh and for the record, when i beat him he didnt taunt at all...not a single time. so count yourself lucky when he taunts for you.
Now to keep this on the topic of "irrelevant ranting": I want skarlet out already! lol

I just want to say one thing. The power meter needs to be reworked.
1. The power meter shouldn't fill up just because a person does a special moves repeatedly.
2. The person who is the aggressor or the person(corrected) who gets the most hits should have the power meter filled up faster than someone who is getting beaten.
3. Better yet, remove the meter for the next MK game. There should be only be used for tag specials, enhanced special moves, and breakers.
X-rays look cool, but hope in the next MK game they are left out. If X-rays are in the next MK game, I HOPE the whole concept is reworked. They are too powerful in swinging the match in someone else's favor.
In general, I HOPE x-rays never return in future.
1. The power meter shouldn't fill up just because a person does a special moves repeatedly.
2. The person who is the aggressor or the person(corrected) who gets the most hits should have the power meter filled up faster than someone who is getting beaten.
3. Better yet, remove the meter for the next MK game. There should be only be used for tag specials, enhanced special moves, and breakers.
X-rays look cool, but hope in the next MK game they are left out. If X-rays are in the next MK game, I HOPE the whole concept is reworked. They are too powerful in swinging the match in someone else's favor.
In general, I HOPE x-rays never return in future.
FROST4584 Wrote:
I just want to say one thing. The power meter needs to be reworked.
1. The power meter shouldn't fill up just because a person does a special moves repeatedly.
2. The person who is the aggressor or the power who gets the most hits should have the power meter filled up faster than someone who is getting beaten.
3. Better yet, remove the meter for the next MK game. There should be only be used for tag specials, enhanced special moves, and breakers.
X-rays look cool, but hope in the next MK game they are left out. If X-rays are in the next MK game, I HOPE the whole concept is reworked. They are too powerful in swinging the match in someone else's favor.
In general, I HOPE x-rays never return in future.
I just want to say one thing. The power meter needs to be reworked.
1. The power meter shouldn't fill up just because a person does a special moves repeatedly.
2. The person who is the aggressor or the power who gets the most hits should have the power meter filled up faster than someone who is getting beaten.
3. Better yet, remove the meter for the next MK game. There should be only be used for tag specials, enhanced special moves, and breakers.
X-rays look cool, but hope in the next MK game they are left out. If X-rays are in the next MK game, I HOPE the whole concept is reworked. They are too powerful in swinging the match in someone else's favor.
In general, I HOPE x-rays never return in future.
in relation to the 2nd way it should be reworked....that would be counterproductive to what it's trying to accomplish. As far as I can tell, based on how it fills, it's quite clear that they intended for the x-ray at the end to essentially be a last ditch effort for the player whom is currently losing:given that whenever the meter fills it's always either for both people, or for the defender/damaged character only.
It is essentially to give them one final hope of turning the tables if they can set up for their x ray to land. but that's just simply a theory based upon the way in which the meter fills

Not directed at anyone, but people who do suck or turtle with special moves half way across the screen, shouldn't get rewarded with a power meter build up. That sort of beats the point of fighting, to see who is the best at fighting in a 1 vs 1 match. There should have been at least a option to turn off X-rays in player matches such as King of the Hill modes.
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