Since 1969, the animated adventures of great dane Scooby-Doo, and his mystery-solving pals, have entertained generations around the world. The cartoon has evolved in more recent times, spawning live-action spin-offs, and crossovers with everything from WWE to Twin Peaks. Even at its most supernatural and subversive, the show has always remained pretty kid-friendly -- so it's only natural fans have flocked to petition for Scooby's beatnik buddy, Shaggy, to join the cast of Mortal Kombat 11!
Know Your Meme attributes "Ultra Instinct Shaggy" to a 2017 YouTube video that mashed up an uncharacteristic fight scene from direct to video feature Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur, with the soundtrack of Dragon Ball Super. The anime-fusion has attracted over 6 million hits and has gone on to find popularity in fan-art and Dragon Ball video game mods!
With all that in mind, it's a little less surprising that the unlikely request has attracted a staggering 190, 200 digital signatures to an online petition at the time of this writing! A big enough number to warrant an explanation for some of the more perplexed fans we've heard from, if not any genuine expectation of a result.
Given the graphic hyper-violence of Mortal Kombat, it seems highly unlikely this petition will go beyond a joke. However, Scooby and the gang do have a long history of meeting characters like Batman & Robin, crossing over frequently with DC Comics in the pages of Scooby-Doo Team-Up. NetherRealm hosted the sometimes kid-friendy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Injustice 2, and you never know if Shaggy might follow suit in a future sequel!
[Related Article: Review: Injustice versus Masters of the Universe #1]
Todd McFarlane says he thinks Spawn will be a downloadable guest in MK11. Join the discussion on the Mortal Kombat 11 forum to share your weirdest guest character hopes, and debate who should be considered the Scrappy-Doo of MK!